A 253
Known as: | A 253; THT 886 |
Cite this page as: | Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner; Bernhard Koller; Adrian Musitz (collaborator). "A 253". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-a253 (accessed 08 Nov. 2024). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner; Bernhard Koller; Adrian Musitz (collaborator) |
Date of online publication: | 2016-09-21 |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Shorchuk |
Specific find spot: | Stadthöhle |
Expedition code: | T III Š 79.01 |
Collection: | Berlin Turfan Collection |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TA |
Script: | late |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka |
Passage: | end of act 11 +colophone, beginning of act 12 |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Drama |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Meter: | 4343 (4x); 554443 (4x) |
Object | |
Manuscript: | M-β |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 8 |
Images from titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de
by courtesy of the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS).
a1 | – – – kā [k]ka· l· /// /// tsāṃ tkaṃ me ssi • ca ṣi knā nmu ne yi sme mpa rtsi – – – |
a2 | – – – tsu ntaṃ || ku sne ca ṣi knā nmu ne ku cpa tkra ntnaṃ ṣo tre ·ntu – ku s·· – – – – – – – – ·m·¯ ¯ts lkā lu ne : ā rki śo ṣṣaṃ pu kwra sa¯ ¯ñä kupre ne tā ki¯ ¯ñcä bra |
a3 | – kta¯ ¯ñä : pu kce mmā ṣāṃ mrā cśpā lyo nma ssi ca ṣi śa lpe na¯ ¯cä 1 || ta mka klyu ṣu ra ṣśa [ṅ]kh· ca kkra va rtti wä¯ ¯l s̝pa tñe mi ntwa śśä lpu kśkaṃ ja mbu dvi pṣi na slā [ñc]sa |
a4 | – – ā ṣā ni kāṃ me tra kaṃ ka ṣṣiṃ eṃ tsa s̝ta rtma ṣṣa ci koṃ koṃ ā ṣā ni kāṃ me tra kaṃ lkā tsi ku mnä ṣca mi ma rka mpa lpu¯ ¯k ā ñma s̝ka ryā ṣklyo |
a5 | – – [t]mā sa rki śkaṃ spā rtwlu ne ya ta rta mṣu rma¯ ¯s̝ śla ype yi spu kkā swo ne ntwā śśi tsmā lu ne ma ska traṃ || lcä rpo¯ ¯ñśä || mai tre ya sa mi ti nā |
a6 | – – – da rśaṃ ño mā śä kṣa pi¯ ¯nt ni pā ttā¯ ¯r || || tma¯ ¯s̝ ā lyä kyāṃ pra ṣtaṃ me tra¯ ¯k bo dhi sa ttu ñä kci wä lta praṃ wi mā nä ṣṣo ki tso ptsāṃ wa rtsya śśä lñe mi |
a7 | – – – ṣtwä ṣkā ka rpu ra ṣñe mi ntu yo ye tu ñcä¯ ¯s kla ṅka syo po ñcäṃ ā rki śo ṣi pa rno re yo yta smāṃ no ki wsā ṣiṃ ṣo ntyo koṃ pa rkā ñcāṃ yo kmā ke tu ma ti ri |
a8 | – – – – || ta mpa lko ra¯ ¯s̝ rī pā ṣe śo dha ne ya ka¯ ¯s̝ u pa śo dha ne na ctra ṅka s̝pa lkā rpra ca rme tra kyā ppa rno re ṣi wā ka mca¯ ¯s̝ || a pra ti tu lye naṃ || |
b1 | – – – – – wo rpu pu kyä rśā rsu ma nāṃ śä¯ ¯l ā sā nā lmo ro hi ṇiṃ śä lma ñño ki : ci ndā ma ṇi ṣiṃ wtsi la pā spa rcws̝aṃ ye twe yntwā śśi ye twe ṣñi ke[¯] [¯k] – |
b2 | – – – – twe syo : ā jā na yyu ka¯ ¯ñä wsā ṣi naṃ ku ka¯ ¯l yla ṅka nno ki lyā¯ ¯k ā ke ñcäṃ pru tko ki sa¯ ¯s wsā ṣī ṣo¯ ¯nt : ye tu ñcä sku kla¯ ¯s yuka sso ṅka lmā syo |
b3 | – – – – pwa rtsyo pa lke tstri ska ṣra pe swi ñcpyā ppyā¯ ¯ñä : 1 ṣṭā ṅksaṃ tre śā lsaṃ tpa rpā tsa ṅkā saṃ ye tu¯ ¯nt kule wā¯ ¯ñä kla wa ntro kyā¯ ¯ñcä tka na ṣnu sli¯ ¯ñcä o rto |
b4 | – – – – cpyā ppyā swa ra sypa ntra ā ñcā lyī ka rye ñcṣo maṃ pa ṣti ñcṣo maṃ ṣi a tswa sa cpa lkī tā¯ ¯r : puki smo saṃ nā ta¯ ¯k pā ka rnāṃ tsu |
b5 | – s̝ta ma rwa spra ṅka¯ ¯s̝t pu rpā rpyā pi wi nā se ñcäṃ ṣo maṃ kra¯ ¯nt : ṣo maṃ pa llā ntra pu kkā swo ne yntu cwaṃ kro pa ntpaṃ pu kkra ntwra maṃ cwä s̝a |
b6 | – ka rma ska ntra : 2 ṣo maṃ pa llā ntra bo dhi sa tvā pśäṃ tu wä ṣpā kra¯ ¯nt pñi yā mte paṃ ku sne wsā ci caṃ kā pñe : wi nā sa ma śśi to sa mkra ntpñi ntu wi nā sa mśi |
b7 | – – [nt]kā pñe ca nä ktu ṅkwa ska lpī mtra : tra ṅkmāṃ wi nā smāṃ pyā p·ā s·ā – ·āṃ l· – – – ¯ñä swa rṇa su ttri a kma lpa śśäṃ lu kse ñcä¯ ¯m : ṣo¯ ¯nt me ṣwra sa |
b8 | – – pā ye t[w]e syo – ṣ·· ·e ·e – ¯ä hā rsa /// /// ne tra ṅka s̝a ts̝a kśkaṃ a ñu mā ski na sa¯ ¯m ta nne s· – – – |
a1 | n1 – – (o)kāk kä·l· /// /// (poṃ)tsāṃ tkaṃ messi • caṣi knānmuneyis mem pärtsi – – – |
a2 | n2 – – (॥) tsuntaṃ ॥ |
1a | kus ne caṣi ; knānmune ; kuc pat krant n-äṃ ; ṣotre(y)ntu (:) |
1b | kus (ne) (caṣi) ; (arämpāt) ; (sne) (lyutār) (wāk)m(a)ts ; lkālune : |
1c | ārkiśoṣṣaṃ ; puk wrasañ ; kupre ne tākiñc ; braa3(m)n3 (ñä)ktañ : |
1d | puk cem mā =ṣāṃ ; mrāc śpālyo ; nmässi caṣi ; śalpenac 1 ॥ |
* | täm kaklyuṣuräṣ śaṅkh(e) cakkravartti wäl ṣpät ñemintwaśśäl puk śkaṃ jambudvipṣinäs lāñcsa¬ |
a4 | (śśäl) āṣānikāṃ metrakaṃ käṣṣiṃ eṃtsäṣtär tmäṣṣ aci koṃ koṃ āṣānikāṃ metrakäṃ lkātsi kumnäṣ cami märkampal puk āñmaṣ käryāṣ klyo¬ |
a5 | (snäṣ) tmā särki śkaṃ spārtwlune yatär täm ṣurmaṣ śla ypeyis puk kāswonentwāśśi tsmālune mäskatr-äṃ ॥ lcär poñś ॥ maitreyasamiti nā¬ |
a6 | (ṭkaṃ) (guru)darśaṃ ñomā śäkṣapint nipātt ār ॥ ॥ tmäṣ ālyäkyāṃ praṣtaṃ metrak bodhisattu ñäkci wäl täpräṃ wimānäṣṣ oki tsoptsāṃ wartsyaśśäl ñemi¬ |
a7 | (ṣinās) (wa)ṣtwäṣ kākärpuräṣ ñemintuyo yetuñcäs klaṅkasyo poñcäṃ ārkiśoṣi parnoreyo ytäsmāṃn oki wsāṣiṃ ṣontyo koṃ-pärkāñcāṃ yokmā ketumati ri¬ |
a8 | (yäṣ) (läc) ॥ täm pälkoräṣ rī-pāṣe śodhane yakäṣ upaśodhanenac träṅkäṣ pälkār pracar meträkyāp parnoreṣi wākäm caṣ ॥ apratitulyenaṃ ॥ |
b1 |
* | (upaśodha)ne träṅkäṣ{†ä} tṣ-äk śkaṃ añumāski nasam tanne s· ·– – – |
a1 | ... even as ... |
a1+ | (as nobody can) measure the (wh)ole earth, (it is impossible ?) to take the measure of his wisdom. |
a2 | (||) In the tune Tsunt: || Which is his wisdom, considering that he has the good marks, which is his beauty, it is an excellent sight without match. |
a2+ | Even if all beings in the world were Brahmā gods, all these will not be worthy of bowing with head and top to his foot soles. |
a3+ | Having heard that, the cakravartin-king Śaṅkha with his seven jewels and with all the kings of Jambudvīpa takes the venerable Maitreya as teacher. |
a4 | From then on he comes to see the venerable Maitreya every day; |
a4+ | he listens to his Law with all heart and soul. |
a5 | And he behaves according to it. Therefore, there is an increase of all virtues for him along with the kingdom. || All have left. || |
a5+ | In the Maitreyasamiti-nāṭaka, the eleventh act with the name (Guru)darśana ["Appearance of the Teacher"] has come to an end. || |
a6+ | || Thereupon, at another time, the bodhisattva Maitreya, having descended from his jewel palace together with a large entourage, like the divine king [descends] from his sky palace, with vehicles adorned with jewels, adorning, as it were, the whole world with his splendor, he leaves the city of Ketumatī on the golden road, through the eastern gate. |
a8 | || Having seen that, the city guardian, the Yakṣa Śodhana, says to Upaśodhana: "Look, brother, at this splendid excellence of Maitreya. || In the tune Apratitulya: || |
b1 | Surrounded by rays of light spanning a fathom all around, sitting on the throne with Sumanā, like the moon together with [the constellation] Rohiṇī, he is turning a cintāmaṇi-parasol over his head, truly surpassing the ornament of ornaments with his own ornaments. |
b2 | Horses of noble breed drive his golden chariot as if floating straight. The golden street is filled up, as it were, by adorned chariots, horses and elephants, illuminated by the entourages of the bodhisattva. |
b3 | Music sounds, it's raining flowers. In the palaces, in the three-halled houses, high on the windows, adorned women fall down, as it were, |
b3+ | and jump up from the ground [again]. |
b4 | They p(repare) flowers and perfumes. They make the añjali-gesture. Some are laughing, some are calling: "May you look at us only once! |
b5 | Oh lord, you have appeared for the sake of everyone. Do not reject us! Accept the flower!" Some revere him, the good ones. Some praise [him]: "All the virtues are indeed accumulated in you. |
b5+ | It is from you that all the good things become manifest." |
b6 | Some praise the wife of the bodhisattva: "You have truly realized good merit, which has given you this lover. These good merits of yours, we revere. |
b6+ | We revere this good lover. |
b7 | May we obtain that love!" The women are seen speaking, revering, letting it rain flowers, threads of gold illuminate their face and their breast. |
b7+ | The street is trembling under the crowd of people. |
b8 | The adorned houses of the city of Ketumatī are trembling like necklaces. Upaśodhana says: "Now I am also amazed. Thus ... |
a2+ | Even if all beings in the world were Brahmā gods, all these are worthy to bow with the crown of their head at his feet. (Peyrot 2013b: 271) |
a3+ | Als er das gehört hatte, nimmt sich der Cakravartin-König Śaṅkha mit den sieben Kleinodien und (mit) allen Königen von Jambudvīpa den würdigen Maitreya zum Lehrer. (Schmidt 1974: 395) |
a4+ | Von da an kommt er [scil. der Cakravarti-König Śaṅkha] Tag für Tag, den würdigen Maitreya zu sehen, (er) hört von ihm das Gesetz aus ganzer Seele [und] mit [gutem] Willen und richtet dementsprechend seinen Wandel ein. (Schmidt 1974: 343) |
a8+ | Sieh, Bruder, diese Besonderheit [seines] Glanzes! (Schmidt 1974: 190) |
b1 | Der Cintāmaṇi-Sonnenschirm dreht sich über seinem Kopfe. (Schmidt 1974: 282) |
b2 | Edle Rosse ziehen seinen [scil. Maitreyas] goldenen Wagen, der gleichsam zu schweben scheint. (Schmidt 1974: 384-5) |
b3 | In den Palästen und Triśālas [Häuser mit drei Hallen], hoch [oben] in den Fenstern, fallen die geschmückten Frauen gleichsam nach unten. (Schmidt 1974: 104) |
b5 | Alle Tugenden haben sich [sind] in dir vollständig versammelt. (Schmidt 1974: 77, 305) |
b5+ | Einige preisen [ihn mit den Worten]: "Alle Tugenden sind in dir vollständig versammelt, alle guten Dinge sind gerade bei dir [wtl. von dir her] offenbar". Einige preisen die Gattin des Bodhisattva [mit den Worten]: "Du hast fürwahr {?eifrig} gutes verdienstvolles Werk getan, das dir d[oes]en Geliebten gegeben hat." (Schmidt 1974: 170-1, 435) |
b7+ | Die Straße bebt unter der Menge der Wesen. (Schmidt 1974: 122) |
Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS). | |
Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009. | |
Fragment of a manuscript which includes A 251 - A 294 (cf. Geng et al. 2004a: 64-5). |
Parallel texts
MaitrSiŋgim, Taf. 38 |
Philological commentary
This fragment contains the end of the eleventh and the beginning of the twelfth act of the Maitreyasamitināṭaka; the colophon of act XI is to be found in lines a5-6, the twelfth act begins in line a6. An Uy. parallel is MaitrSiŋgim, Taf. 38 (Tekin 1980: 111-3), where Taf. 38 r. 26f = line a1 here, and Taf. 38 v. 22-29 contains the colophon (= lines a5-6 here) . See also Pinault 1999: 199-201. | |
n1 | There are roughly 25 akṣaras missing (cf. Sieg and Siegling 1921: 128). Inside the lacuna one can make out the lower part of two ligatures, the second one containing <k>. |
Linguistic commentary
n2 | The oblique form (as opposed to the nominative ) is unexpected, especially since the containing relative clause is coordinated with another relative clause containing . However, the reading is certain. |
n3 | The segmentation cem mā =ṣāṃ makes better sense in this context. This was misunderstood by the Uyghur translator, who did not recognize the negation and read cemm āṣāṃ. (cf. Pinault 2015e: 92-93). The Turkic form used as the equivalent of āṣāṃ, i.e. tägim (38 v 9), is a hapax. The expected form is tägimlig. |
Online access
Sieg and Siegling 1921: 128-129; TEB II; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 128, p. 129
Adams 2012a: b7 (26); Carling 2000: a2 a3 (85), a4 (297), a6 a7 (288), a7 (27, 97, 99, 166), b1 (169, 195), b3 (152, 168); Hackstein 1995: a3 (68), a5 (137), b3 (101f), b7 (125); Knoll 1996: a2 (58), a3 (43, 46, 124), b2 (34[f]), b3 (47, 142), b8 (18, 45); Kölver 1965: a2 (115), a3 (84), a5 (68), a7 (23, 43), b3 (116); TEB II: b4 (36); Meunier 2013: b5 b6 (137); Müller and Sieg 1916: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (404f); Peyrot 2013b: a2 a3 (271); Pinault 1997d: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6; Schmidt 1974: a3 a4 (395), a4 a5 (343), a8 (190), a8 b1 (190), b1 (281f), b1 (282), b2 (384f), b2 (384-5), b3 (104), b3 b4 (104), b5 (77, 305), b5 b6 (170f), b5 b6 (170-1, 435), b6 (435), b7 (122), b7 b8 (122); Thomas 1952: a2 a3 (43); Thomas 1954: a4 (714); Thomas 1957: a5 (214), a5 a6 (209), b1 (257), b2 (263), b4 b5 (247), b5 (216), b6 (188, 223); Thomas 1958: b5 (295); Thomas 1965: a3 a4 (199); Thomas 1966a: b5 (171); Thomas 1967: a3 a4 (264), a4 a5 (264); Thomas 1967a: a5 a6 (63); Thomas 1967c: a3 a4 (174); Thomas 1968: a6 a7 (207), a7 (213), b1 (207), b2 (201); Thomas 1969: a2 a3 (237), a4 (240), b1 (241), b3 b4 (256); Thomas 1969c: a4 (205); Thomas 1970: b2 b3 (269), b5 (272); Thomas 1970a: a2 a3 (462); Thomas 1972: b2 (459), b3 (452), b4 (458); Thomas 1974b: b5 (118); Thomas 1979d: a5 (161); Thomas 1981: b4 (492); Thomas 1988: b1 (250); Thomas 1991: b1 b2 (10); Thomas 1997: a4 (137), a7 (73), b1 (113)
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