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Map of find spots

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Map symbols:   TA texts,   TB texts,   TA TB texts,   text language undefined unknown,   no texts

Number of text fragments per findspot and language

FindspotTATBGand.Khot.Old TurkicSkt.[undefined]Total% of all
Bezeklik10000090100.09 %
Dandan Öylik010000010.01 %
Duldur-akur019000022102001.87 %
Dunhuang070005070.07 %
Endere060000060.06 %
Ishek01600000160.15 %
Khitay-bazar010000010.01 %
Kizil0238000252432.27 %
Kizil Kargha02800001290.27 %
Kizil Ming-öy071220017117236.76 %
Kizil Sayram01300000130.12 %
Kocho4921590003836546.12 %
Kucha03200031330.31 %
Kucha Ming-öy080000080.07 %
Kumtura0128000011291.21 %
Mazarbagh090000090.08 %
Miran010000010.01 %
Murtuk152190053112352.20 %
Qigexing43000000430.40 %
Sengim14167900042628818.24 %
Shaldirang0124000041281.20 %
Shorchuk523493000352210359.68 %
Simsim060000060.06 %
Subashi668000416900.84 %
Tajik020001240.04 %
Tonguzbash010000010.01 %
Toyuk050001050.05 %
Tumshuk010000010.01 %
Turfan foothills010000010.01 %
Yarkhoto220001040.04 %
[unknown]29129800116726135212.65 %
[undefined]4884125111135196482145.10 %


  • The map and table are based on all datasets contained in CEToM, but not all datasets are visible to the public.
  • Due to some text fragments containing multiple languages, the sum of the fragments listed above exceeds the total number of fragments accordingly.