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THT 30

Known as:THT 30; B 30
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner. "THT 30". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-tht30 (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Expedition code:T III Š 68.28
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānālaṅkāra
Passage:Book 12 (Mārgavarga), part 2, strophes 22-33.
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Manuscript:Udānālaṅkāra B
Preceding fragment:THT 29
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8


(continues from THT 29)

a1kle nta 20-1 te klyau ṣā re ma kā ykne tu ypa rwe pa lsko kau nāṃ ne : mā ne sala kle nta meṃ tsa lpā lñe po ykne seṃ ṣke tse : cai to¯ ¯t wro cci rṣā ki mā lkle nta nau tṣa reṃ ṣke tse : mā wa tnai
a2sā¯ ¯u tne ne saṃ ytā rye ksa la kle nau tṣṣe ñca : 20 2 ce¯ ¯ts ce¯ ¯u si lñe pa lsko ntse la kle s̝paka ssi po yśi : toṃ ślo ka nma we rtsyai ne ā kṣa ce¯ ¯ts pa lsko tsā rwä ssi¯ ¯ś • eṃ ṣke
a3tse ā ra tsi śco yā ta tsi¯ ¯ś a sta rñe¯ ¯ś ṣe ko : s[e] rke cme lñe sru ka lñe ntseṃ ṣke tse nau ta lñe yā mtsi 20 3 snai ke¯ ¯ś cme la ka rsa tsi śco s̝pa tne ytā rye sā śpā lmeṃ : śai
a4ṣṣe [ka] r·au cai sa a pā ka rtse yā mu sa klyo mña : ga ṅkne ke kmu ma kte yai ku nā ki ṣe [sa] re s̝s̝aṃ wa¯ ¯r • sa mu dra mpa tai kne sa ytā rye sā o kta tsā kṣu sa 20 4
a5– – – o nu wa ññe yä nmā tsi¯ ¯ś ce wa ce ślo¯ ¯k : ñä kte¯ ¯ts ña kte ā kṣo mte tsā rwä ssi¯ ¯ś ceṃ wno lmeṃ : te ra¯ ¯mt śā rsa me ne saṃ ytā rye tne saṃ ṣā rmeṃ
a6– – – – – t[s]e la kle nta meṃ tsa lpa tsi¯ ¯ś o kta tsa klyo mña 20 5 po kle śa nma nä kṣe ñca po cme l[a¯] [¯ts] ā ke yā mṣe ñca : te ki ktsai tsñe sru ka lñe cme lñe s̝pa ka rstau ca ra
a7/// [ta] llā ñco wro cci ra rṣā ki : a ṅkaiṃ ytā ra sa mo [k]ṣcai ñä ske nta¯ ¯r tu – m[ā] klpā skeṃ 20 6 ñi no ytā rye ā kṣu sa o kta tsa cme la nau tṣe ñca : ṣu¯ ¯kt
a8/// yä nmā s̝s̝a m : ma kte wra nta cke nta meṃ kā rpaṃ kwri gā [ṅkn]e – ·t· ṅka : po pe rne nta ma ske nta¯ ¯r po ya neṃ sa mu dta rścai wo¯ ¯l 20 7 ma¯ ¯nt bra hma
b1/// [:] n· rvā ·[ä¯] [¯ś] po ai wo lyci ma ske nta rlna [sk]· – – m· : pu dñä kte ntse ke ktseṃ ne lkā ṣyeṃ cai ye tweṃ la kṣā nta : ke ṣe ai ksna¯ ¯r
b2/// ·t· ysā ṣṣe 20 8 śle we re po kle śa nma yai k[o¯] [¯s̝] yu ko¯ ¯s̝ śtwe rm· [raṃ] : ṣa¯ ¯ñä ka rtse kuce yā mṣa te tu wno lmi ke klyau ṣo¯ ¯s̝ ṣe yeṃ : kuce kne sa ke tra
b3/// [t]· śa kk· ññe rṣā ke : ce¯ ¯u sklo¯ ¯k pkā te śai ṣṣe ntse ka rsta tsi ce ślo ka kṣā me 20 9 [kus]e pe lai kne ṣṣe kre¯ ¯nt ce¯ ¯u ye rkwa ntai e ṅklyau s̝a cce nau¯ ¯s̝ • ṣpyā rta po o no
b4– – – – [ñ]ñ· ñca ke tra sa ntāṃ ne : ce¯ ¯u tu yä kne sa ña kteṃ śā mna ne śpā lmeṃ o no lmeṃ : ṣe¯ ¯k wi nā ṣṣi cme lṣe ce¯ ¯u sa mu dta¯ ¯r to tte yku we ṣo 30 pe
b5l· kn· [ṣ]· ye rkwa ntai spā rtṣlñe sa tsyā lpā te wno lmeṃ : ṣa¯ ¯ñä ślā lye ṅka¯ ¯ts ka rtse – spe lkke ssu ṣe¯ ¯k sū wi nā ṣle : pe lai kne ṣṣe ye rkwa ntai kuse we sta¯ ¯r
b6da rśa na mā¯ ¯rk ñe¯ ¯m • śa¯ ¯k pi¯ ¯ś kṣa na nme pi ṅte pī śā ntsi dha rma cā kka¯ ¯r ñe¯ ¯m 30-1 kau ce tte klu tta ṅke nta¯ ¯r toṃ pwe nta cā kre nte spā rtaṃ : kuse tte tā kaṃ kau¯ ¯cä toṃ klu tta ṅke nta¯ ¯r kau cmeṃ
b7nano¯ ¯k e tte¯ ¯ś pe lai kne ṣṣe pi śpā lmeṃ ca kka rntse ṣe ye rte rye ksna¯ ¯r • śtwā ra pwe nta mā rgā ṅga nta ṣe mra¯ ¯mt ywā rśka ne 30 2 pe lai kne ṣṣe ye rkwa ntai tai kne sa e ṣpi rta cce nau¯ ¯s̝ • pu dñä
b8kte e ṅklyau s̝a cce ṣpa rtta s̝s̝aṃ mā lle¯ ¯k tu ca mpaṃ : tu ypa rwe ña kti śā mna tsa lpā re pi śtoṃ cme la meṃ : tai kne sa ke tra ka rtse¯ ¯ś pa spā rtau po yśi nā ṣle 30 3 a lye¯ ¯k pre ke


(continues from THT 29)

21d12σ (la)a1klentan1n2 20-1
22ate klyauṣāre ; makāykne ; tu yparwe ; palsko kaunāṃne :
22b nesäṃ läk;lentameṃ ; tsälpālñe ; po-yknes= eṃṣketse :
22ccai tot wrocci ; rṣāki ; lklenta ; nautṣar= eṃṣketse :
22d wat nai a2 u ; tne nesäṃ ; ytārye ksa ; lakle nautṣṣeñca : 20-2
23acets ceu silñe ; pälskontse ; lakle ṣpä ; wīkässi poyśi :
23btoṃ ślokanma ; wertsyaine ; ākṣa cets ; palsko tsārwässiś
23ceṃṣkea3tsen3 ; āratsiśco ; yātatsiś ; astarñeś ṣeko :
23dserke cmelñe ; srukalñents= ; eṃṣketse ; nautalñe yāmtsi 20-3
24asnai keś cmela kar;satsiśco ; ṣpä tne ; ytārye śpālmeṃ :
24bśaia4ṣṣen4 kär(s)aucaisa a;pākärtse ; yāmusa klyomña :
24cgaṅkne kekmu mäkte yaiku ; nāki ṣesa reṣṣäṃ war
24dsamudrämpa ; taiknesa ; ytārye ; oktats= ākṣusa 20-4
25aa5 – – – ; onuwaññe ; yänmātsiś ; ce wace ślok :
25bñäktets ñakte ; ākṣ= omte ; tsārwässiś ; ceṃ wnolmeṃ :
25cte ramt śārsa;me nesäṃ ; ytārye tne ; saṃṣārmeṃ a6 – – (:)
25d– – tse läk;lentameṃ ; tsälpatsiś ; oktatsa klyomña 20-5
26apo kleśanma ; näkṣeñca ; po cmelats ; āke yāmṣeñca :
26bteki ktsaitsñe ; srukalñe ; cmelñe ṣpä ; kärstauca ra a7
26c /// ; tallāñco ; wrocci ra rṣāki :
26daṅkaiṃ ytāra;sa mokṣ cai ; ñäskentär ; tu klpāskeṃ 20-6
27añi no ytārye ; ākṣusa ; oktatsa ; cmela nautṣeñca :
27bṣukt a8 11σ /// yänmāṣṣäm :
27cmäkte wranta ; ckentameṃ ; kārpaṃ kwri ; gāṅkne (ait)t(a)ṅka :
27dpo pernenta ; mäskentär ; po yaneṃ ; samudtärśc aiwol 20-7
28amant brahmab1(lo,käś) 10σ /// :
28bn(e)rvā(n)äś po ; aiwolyci ; mäskentar ; lnask(eṃ) (osta)m(eṃ) :
28cpudñäktentse ; kektseṃne ; lkāṣyeṃ cai ; yetweṃ lakṣānta :
28dkeṣe aiksnar ; wä… b2 /// ·t· ysāṣṣe 20-8
29aśle were po ; kleśanma ; yaikoṣ ; yukoṣ śtwer räṃ :
29bṣañ kartse kuce ; yāmṣate ; tu wnolmi ; keklyauṣoṣ ṣeyeṃ :
29ckuceknesa ket ; ra b3 /// ; śakk(e)ññe rṣāke :
29dceu sklok pkāte ; śaiṣṣentse ; karstatsi ; ce ślok akṣā-me 20-9
30akuse pelaikneṣ;ṣe krent ceu ; yerkwantai ; eṅklyauṣäcce nauṣ
30bṣpyārta po ono ; b4 – – – – ññ· ñca ; ket ra santāṃne :
30cceu tu yäkne;sa ñakteṃ ; śāmnane ; śpālmeṃ onolmeṃ :
30dṣek wināṣṣi ; cmelṣe ceu ; samudtär ; totte ykuweṣo 30
31apeb5l(ai)kn(eṣ)ṣ(e) ; yerkwantai ; spārtṣlñesa ; tsyālpāte wnolmeṃ :
31bṣañ śl= ālyeṅkäts ; kartse – ; spelkkessu ; ṣek wināṣle :
31cpelaikneṣṣe ; yerkwantai ; kuse westär ; b6 darśanamārk ñem
31dśak piś kṣananm= ; epiṅte ; pīś āntsi ; dharmacākkär ñem 30-1
32akauc ette klut;taṅkentär ; toṃ pwenta ; cākr ente spārtaṃ :
32bkus= ette tākaṃ ; kauc toṃ klut;taṅkentär ; kaucmeṃ b7 näno-k etteś «:»
32cpelaikneṣṣe;pi śpālmeṃ ; cakkarntse ; ṣe yerter yeksnar
32dśtwāra pwenta ; mārgāṅganta ; ṣem ramt ywārśkane 30-2
33apelaikneṣṣe ; yerkwantai ; taiknesa ; eṣpirtacce nauṣ
33bpudñäb8kten5 eṅ;klyauṣäcce ; ṣparttaṣṣaṃ ; mā= llek tu campäṃ :
33ctu yparwe ñak;ti śāmna ; tsälpāre ; piś toṃ cmelameṃ :
33dtaiknesa ket ; ra kartseś ; paspārtau ; poyśi «wi»nāṣle 30-3
34aalyek preke ; 11σ


(continues from THT 29)

a1sufferings. This they heard, [and] manifold thereupon they divided [their] thinking: There is no deliverance from the sufferings in any permanent path. These so great sages have not made the sufferings disappear permanently.
a1+Here there is not this path yet that makes the suffering disappear.
a2[In order] to drive out from these this depression of the mind and the suffering, the Omniscient proclaimed the strophes in the assembly, to comfort their mind:
a2+To permanently cease and continually be capable of purity, to make disappear the cycle of birth and death [23d] and to recognize the countless births this path as the best one was revealed by the one who knows the world, the noble.
a4Just like the water having come into the Gaṅgā flows together flawlessly with the ocean, in this way [also] this eightfold path which has been proclaimed (flows)
a5... to reach immortality, this strophe as the second the God of Gods proclaimed there, to comfort these beings. This also he made them know:
a5+There is here [only] one way out of the Saṃsāra (towards the permanent) deliverance (of the world) from the sufferings, [namely] the eightfold, noble, [25d] destroying all kleśas, making all births end, like cutting off desease, old-age, death and birth.
a7The miserable (beings have missed the path), even great sages. On a wrong path they are desiring deliverance, therefore they do not achieve [it]. But the eightfold path proclaimed by me [is] destroying the births.
a7+The seven (factors of enlightenment) ... it reaches.
a8Like the waters from the rivers, when they descend directed towards the Gaṅgā, all become glorious, all go towards the sea, [27d]
a8+[just] so (towards the) Brahma(world)...
b1... all are turned towards the Nirvāṇa [and] go (from the house). On the body of the Buddha they see the jewel[signs] and characteristics (of excellence), [and] (on the body) fathom wide rays covered his golden skin which, together with odour, drove off all kleśas and defeated the four Māras.
b2, [28d],
b2[His] own good, which he had done, of it the beings had heard.
b2+In what way, however, (for everyone he did good things, the) sage of the Śākyas,
b3the world’s doubt [about this] he intended to cut off, [and] he proclaimed this strophe to them: He who turned the good wheel of the law, thus far unheard, all beings he loves, for everyone in [his] cycle of births, such a being like this, most excellent among gods and men, one shall at all times venerate as the one having passed across the sea of birth.
b4+By the turning of the wheel of the law he freed the beings;
b5he, the one always striving for [his] own [salvation and], equally, the salvation of the others, is to be venerated.
b5+[The turning] of the wheel of the law, which is called the Darśanamārga ["the path of vision”] by name.
b6Within fifteen moments the five elements turn, – hence the name Dharmacakra [“wheel of the law”] – , [31d] above and below. The spokes that are below when the wheel turns, they turn upwards
b6+and again from above downwards.
b7Of the splendid wheel of the law the one felloe around, the four spokes as well as [the axle] in the centre [are], as it were, the Mārgāṅgas [“the sections of the path”]. In this way the Buddha the wheel of the law, the thus far unturned and unheard of he turns
b8and no one else can do this. Thereupon gods and men were freed from the five [kinds of] births. The one having acted in this way towards the salvation of everyone, the Omniscient must be venerated. At another time


a1Dieses hörten sie, [und] vielfach spalteten sie darauf ihr Denken. (Schmidt 1974: 335-6)
a1+Or isn't there any way here that makes sorrow disappear? (Peyrot 2013b: 354)
a7Die unglücklichen (Wesen haben den Weg verfehlt), auch große Weise. Auf falschem Wege suchen sie die Erlösung, deshalb erlangen sie [sie] nicht. (Schmidt 1974: 154)
a8+[Just as] the waters from the rivers, if they descend towards the Ganges, all become glorious and all go towards the ocean, so to the Brahma world … all are turned towards the nirvāṇa and leave the house. (cf : ii, 50) (Peyrot 2013b: 681)
b4+Durch das Drehen des Gesetzesrades erlöste er [scil. der Buddha] die Wesen. (Schmidt 1974: 508)
b5... durch das Drehen des Gesetzesrades ... (Schmidt 1974: 224, fn. 10)
b5+"Gesetzesrad" [ist das], was darśanamārga [Weg der Erkenntnis] mit Namen genannt wird. (Schmidt 1974: 224)
b6+Up and down turn those spokes when the wheel turns: those which are down turn upwards, [and] from above again downwards. (cf : ii, 51) (Peyrot 2013b: 704)
b6+Innerhalb von fünfzehn Augenblicken drehen sich die fünf Skandhas, - [daher] der Name Dharmacakra [Rad des Gesetzes] - oben [und] unten um. Die Speichen, welche, wenn das Rad sich dreht, [gerade] unten sind, die drehen sich nach oben um [und] von oben wiederum nach unten. (Schmidt 1974: 272-3)


Parallel texts

Uv 12.14-12.16

Philological commentary

This leaf immediately follows THT 29 and contains strophes 22-33 of the second part of the Mārgavarga (XII) in a 4x15-syllable-metre (rhythm = 7/8 and 8/7). Contains translation of Uv 12.14-12.16.
n1According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 65 fn. 2 the reading kaunāṃne should be corrected to kautāṃtein the transcription.
n2Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 65 fn1.
n4According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 65 fn. 4 the reading sa should be corrected to in the transcription.
n5According to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 66 fn. 9 nāṣle is a scribal error for wināṣle.


The original manuscript is missing, but was the leaf immediately following THT 29. Almost complete with only the left bottom corner missing.

Linguistic commentary

n3astarñeś for astaräññeśc.


Online access



Sieg and Siegling 1949: I, 50-51; Sieg and Siegling 1983: 65-66 notes 196-198


Barnes 2013: b4 (41); Carling 2000: a4 (251, 346), a5 (345, 352), a7 (94), b1 (221, 249), b4 (228, 229), b6 (325); Hackstein 1995: a2 (297), a4 (332), b2 (98); Krause 1952: a2 a3 a4 (33), a3 (41), a4 (34), a4 (44), a5 (61), a6 a7 (44), a8 (52), b2 (35), b2 (53), b4 (34), b5 (41); TEB II: b1 (56), b5 b6 (56); Malzahn 2012b: a3 (159); Meunier 2013: a3 a4 (129-130), a3 a4 (141), a6 (167); Peyrot 2013b: a1 a2 (354), a8 b1 (681), b6 b7 (704); Schmidt 1974: a1 (335f), a1 (335-6), a7 (154), b4 b5 (508), b5 (224, fn. 10), b5 b6 (224), b6 b7 (272f), b6 b7 (272-3); Sieg and Siegling 1949: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (II, 49-51); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a2 a3 (196), b2 (197), b4 (197), b5 b6 (198), b8 (198); Thomas 1952: a1 (56), a3 (59), a6 (60); Thomas 1954: a2 (721), a2ff (751), a5 (752), a5 a6 (712), a5 a6 (754), b2 b3 (720); Thomas 1957: a1 (195), a2 (165, 168), a2 a3 a4 (284), a5 (168, 169), b2 (228, 298), b3 b4 (226); Thomas 1958: b3 (291); Thomas 1958a: b3 b4 (146); Thomas 1966a: a3 a4 (169); Thomas 1967: b8 (265); Thomas 1967a: b5 b6 (74), b6 (73); Thomas 1967c: a2 (171), a2ff (177), a6 (168); Thomas 1968: a4 a5 (214), a5 (203); Thomas 1969: b1 b2 (267); Thomas 1970: a5 (277), b2 (265); Thomas 1972: a6 (469), b6 (452), b6 b7 (452); Thomas 1976: b4 (224); Thomas 1976a: a6 (79); Thomas 1979b: a1 a2 (62), a3 a4 (36), a5 (29); Thomas 1979d: b2 (151), b5 (156); Thomas 1983: a8 (45), a8 (45), b4 (13); Thomas 1986: b6 b7 (141); Thomas 1989: b3 b4 (31); Thomas 1990: b2 (34); Thomas 1997: a8 (104), a8 (93), b1 (97)


Barnes 2013

Barnes, Timothy G. 2013. “The etymology and derivation of TB saswe ‘lord’ and ñakte (: A ñkät) ‘god’.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 31–54.

Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Hackstein 1995

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“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Malzahn 2012b

Malzahn, Melanie. 2012b. “Position matters: The placement of clitics in metrical texts of Tocharian B.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13: 153–62.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg and Siegling 1949

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1949. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 1. Die Udānālaṅkāra-Fragmente. Text, Übersetzung und Glossar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


Thomas, Werner, and Wolfgang Krause. 1964. Tocharisches Elementarbuch, Band II. Texte und Glossar. Heidelberg: Winter.

Thomas 1952

Thomas, Werner. 1952. Die tocharischen Verbaladjektive auf -l. Deutsche Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Thomas 1954

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Thomas 1957

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Thomas 1958

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Thomas 1958a

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Thomas 1966a

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Thomas 1967

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Thomas 1967a

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Thomas 1967c

Thomas, Werner. 1967c. “Zu wortverbindendem toch. A śkaṃ/ B ṣpä.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 81: 161–80.

Thomas 1968

Thomas, Werner. 1968. “Zur Verwendung von toch. A oki/B ramt und A mäṃtne/B mäkte in Vergleichen.” Orbis 17: 198–231.

Thomas 1969

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Thomas 1970

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Thomas 1972

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Thomas 1976

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Thomas 1976a

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Thomas 1979b

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Thomas 1979d

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Thomas 1983

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Thomas 1986

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