Work in progress

PK NS 32

Known as:PK NS 32; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 32; Amb
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK NS 32". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 08 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:M.500.4-5
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Ambara-Jātaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:554443 (4x); 444 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):6.7 × 32 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.2 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// bh(·) ṅk(·)¯ ¯r a tyu cca [gā] mī : pa ra mā rth(·) da rśī su [p]ū(·) ñ(·) kte a ni ru ddhe śle¯ ¯k : dhṛ ti rā ṣṭre k[au] ṇḍi nye śka mai yya ka ṣṣī śai ṣṣe ntse 2 c[e]ṃ n[au] ṣa ññ(·) p(·) yśi nta(·)¯ ¯ts
a2/// (·)ī rsa pra kre no pa rlyā¯ ¯ṅk śpā lmeṃ : srū ka lñe ṣṣe śle¯ ¯k ñä kcye s̝pa mā rlā¯ ¯nt yū ko¯ ¯ym snai lyī pa¯ ¯r pe lai kne ṣṣe lau ka ññe ṣpi rtta cce ṣpa rtta ṣṣi¯ ¯m cā kka
a3(– – – – – – – – – – –) ○ ktaṃ ñe pe rne¯ ¯śä a kā¯ ¯lk ri to rmeṃ brā hma ṇe ntse jaṃ bu dvī¯ ¯p ā yo¯ ¯r wa sa || ta ne se brā hma ṇe jaṃ bu dvī¯ ¯p ā yo¯ ¯r ka lpo rmeṃ ka tkau ñai sa ī te ka [k]l(·)
a4/// ○ nta sa ke rccī ye nmeṃ la¯ ¯cä || o mno ña ke po jaṃ bu dvī pne a mba ri lā nte po ntaṃ¯ ¯ts ai ṣṣe ñca ññe ka rtse ṣṣe ñe mka lywe klyau ṣā te kuce po a nti ṣpū¯ ¯r po
a5/// ra wa sa || tu meṃ brā hma ṇi ā lyau ce mpa plā¯ ¯cä a kṣ(·) re • mā te to¯ ¯t a mā skai ste kuse pa rnā ñña na wä nta rwa ā yo¯ ¯r aiṃ • te a mā skai ste kuse ṣa¯ ¯ñä ke ktse ñä
a6/// cwī lā nte po ai ṣṣe ñca ññe pra tiṃ l(·)ā¯ ¯m wai p[t]ā rw[ai] p[t]ā¯ ¯[r] [po] ke ñä ṣṣa na pa ke nta ya s(·)e mta rne meṃ || te we we ño rmeṃ ro ce brā hma ṇe ṣa¯ ¯ñä ypo yntse sa l(·)ai
b1/// da ntā kne || m[ā] k(·) o n(·) lm[e](·)¯ ¯ts (·)l(·) [c](·) klyau s(·) ntra t(·) ñ(·) [ś]y(·) m[u] (–) mr(·) y(·) mu t(·) a mp(·)(·) w(·) y· ·(·)r(·)(·) kä(·) (–) śa nm(·) w(·) ntr(·) n(·) o¯ ¯t cai ai śa ly[i] ś[au] la ṣṣe ce¯ ¯u cā lne wr[o] cc(·) (·)us(·)
b2/// tñ[e] toṃ a mpa rwa po ri lñe ṣṣeṃ ña ke la kau cwī lā nte : pai ne toṃ ā tpi ā yo rñä skau ne kwri tu ri ntra o¯ ¯t kā rsau ne au spa pra tiṃ pwai ṣṣe ñcai || o mno ña ke sū ro
b3/// ○ ri lā nte ya po yne śe¯ ¯m || tu meṃ brā hma ṇe k[e] rccī ye[ṃ] ne yai po rmeṃ lyā kā ne wa lo i sta¯ ¯k śle tsā rwo wra ntsai tsa ṅkā ne ṣa rsa e ṅsa te ne a sā
b4(– – – – – – – – –) ○ kaṃ • kuce wä nta re sa ka ṣī ke ka mu tā ka || brā hma ṇe we s̝s̝aṃ || ma da na bhā ra tne || ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ kre¯ ¯nt ñe mka lywe wro ccu wlo ta¯ ¯ñä : a kā lka ṣṣe rma
b5/// (·)[k](·) ne¯ ¯st nū wa lñe : ā yo rnta ṣṣe swe se ke ntsa swā sa ṣṣa sta : 1 pa rnā ñña na wä nta rwa kuse ai s̝s̝aṃ ā yo¯ ¯r (–) mā tu mā ka ā kte ke ste te maṃ¯ ¯t pkā rsa [:] (–)
b6(– – – – – – – – – – – – – –) ā kte ke sū cwī yā mo¯ ¯r so lme mske ta¯ ¯r 2 || tu meṃ wa lo wa wā ka¯ ¯s̝ e re sa śle smī lñe pi lko sa brā hma ṇeṃ ru pne lkā ske ma ne mā ce kwa rñai pa rs[k]au


2ba1n1 /// ; (pra)bh(a)ṅk(a)r atyuccagāmī :
2cparamārth(a)darśī su ; pū(d)ñ(ä)kte aniruddhe śle-k :
2ddhṛtirāṣṭre kauṇḍinye ; śka-maiyya käṣṣī śaiṣṣentse 2
3aceṃ nauṣaññ(eṃ) p(o)yśinta(ṃ)ts ; a2n1n2 (po) (lakṣānänta) (ñäś) (källoym)
3b(yänmoym) (lamalñe) (waś)īrsa ; prakreno parlyāṅk śpālmeṃ :
3csrūkalñeṣṣe śle-k ñäkcye ṣpä ; mār lānt yūkoym snai lyīpär
3dpelaikneṣṣe laukaññ= ; eṣpirttacce ṣparttaṣṣim cākkäa3(r)n2
*(te-mant) (ambare) (walo) (pañä)ktäṃñe perneś akālk ritormeṃ brāhmaṇentse jaṃbudvīp āyor wasatane se brāhmaṇe jaṃbudvīp āyor kälpormeṃ katkauñaisa īte kakl(au)¬
a4(tkau) (se) (walo) (krenta) (enäṣṣälñe)ntasa kerccīyenmeṃ lacom no ñake po jaṃbudvīpne ambari lānte pontaṃts aiṣṣeñcaññe kärtseṣṣe ñem-kälywe klyauṣāte kuce po antiṣpūr po
a5(yapoy) (po) (säsūwa) (tkacera) (jyotīrasi) (āyo)r{†ä} wasatumeṃ brāhmaṇi ālyaucempa plāc akṣ(ā)re te tot amāskai ste kuse pärnāññana wäntarwa āyor aiṃte amāskai ste kuse ṣañ kektseñä¬
a6(ṣṣana) (pakenta) (snai) (treṅkalñe) (āyor) (aille) cwī lānte po aiṣṣeñcaññe pratiṃ l(k)ām waiptār waiptār po ke{ktse}ñäṣṣana pakenta yas(k)emtär-nemeṃte weweñormeṃ roce brāhmaṇe ṣañ ypoyntse sal(y)ai
b1n3 (lyutstsate) (tumeṃ) (ṣañ-añmämpa) (weṣṣäṃ) (॥) (bahu)dantākne
1amāk(a) on(o)lme(ṃ)ts ; (p)l(ā)c(i) klyaus(e)nträ ; t(e) ñ(i)ś y(ā)mu (ta)m r(a) y(ā)mu ; t(oṃ) amp(ar)w= (ā)y(or) (t)r(eṅ)kä(ṃ)
1bśanm(eṃ) w(ä)ntr(e)n(e) ; ot cai aiśalyi ; śaulaṣṣe ceu cālne wrocc(e) ; (k)us(e) b2n3n4 (epretñe) (tatākaṣ)
1c(tu) (ṣarmtsa) (rano) ; (prakreṃ) (epre)tñe ; toṃ amparwa po rilñeṣṣeṃ ; ñake lakau cwī lānte :
1dpaine toṃ ātpi ; āyor ñäskau-ne ; kwri tu rinträ ot kārsau-ne ; auspa pratiṃ pw aiṣṣeñcai
*om no ñake ro¬
b3(ce)n4 (brāhmaṇe) (entseṣṣe) (amba)ri lānte yapoyne śemtumeṃ brāhmaṇe kerccīyeṃne yaipormeṃ lyākā-ne walo ista-k śle tsārwo wrantsai tsäṅkā-ne ṣarsa eṅsate-ne asā¬
b4(nne)n5 (lyāmate-ne) (yṣuwarsa) (pre)kṣäṃkuce wäntaresa käṣī kekamu tākabrāhmaṇe weṣṣäṃmadanabhāratne
1akeklyauṣormeṃ ; krent ñem-kälywe ; wroccu wlo tañ :
1bakālkäṣṣe ; rmab5(mñesa)n5 (po) ; (aiṣṣeñcaññeś)
1c(po) (kälyminne) ; – (twe) (tär)k(au) ; nest nūwalñe :
1dāyorntaṣṣe ; swese kentsa ; swāsäṣṣasta : 1
2apärnāññana ; wäntarwa kuse ; aiṣṣäṃ āyor
2b tu māka ; ākteke ste ; te-maṃt pkārsa :
2c(ke)b6(ktseñṣana)n5 ; (pakenta) (kuse) ; (aiṣṣäṃ) (āyor) (:)
2d(tu) ākteke ; cwī yāmor ; solme msketär 2 ॥
*tumeṃ walo wawākaṣ eresa śle smīlñe pilkosa brāhmaṇeṃ rupne lkāskemane ce-k warñai pärskau


a1"... Prabhaṅkara, Atyuccagamin, Paramārthadarśin, [and] this Buddhalord Aniruddha in [their] company, [and] Dhṛtirāṣṭra [and] Kauṇḍinya, possessor[s] of six powers, teacher[s] of the world. 2.
a1+Of the previous all-knowing [Buddhas], (may I obtain all distinctive marks [= lakṣaṇa-];)
a2(may I achieve) the excellent (position) of meditation, [which is] more solid than a diamond; may I also completely vanquish Māra, the divine king of death;
a2+may I turn the wheel of the Law [that] has not been turned for a long time." (3)
a3After having sought (in this fashion) the wish for the dignity of Buddhahood, (the king Ambara) gave [the land of] Jambudvīpa as a gift to a Brahmin.
a3+Then this Brahmin, after having obtained the Jambudvīpa as gift, bec(ame) full of joy.
a4(The king) left the palace with (good instructions).
a4+Now there in the whole Jambudvīpa the renown of the king Ambara was heard of, [namely] the goodness based on the giving of everything, because he gave as a gift [his] whole harem, [his] whole (country, all [his] sons [and] daughters to Jyotīrasa).
a5Thereupon the Brahmins had [this] talk with each other: "It is not that difficult if one gives as gift external objects.
a5+It is [more] difficult if one (is to give as gift parts) of [his] own body.
a6Let us see the decision of this king [concerning] the giving of everything: we will ask from him all [his] body parts bit by bit.
a6+After having said that, the Brahmin Roca (left) the border[s] of [his] own country.
b1(Thereupon he says to himself:) (║) In [the tune] (Bahu)dantaka ║ From many [human] beings one hears statements [such as]: "I, I will do this, [and] I will also do that", [but] they keep (att)ach(ed) [concerning] the gift of [their own] limbs.
b1+[When] they will come to this thing, these ones will be recognized in this great renouncement of life ([as ones] who have remained resolute).
b2(For this reason) now I will see the (fixed) resolution of this king to abandon all [his] limbs. I will ask both his two feet as gift of him. If he will abanbon that, then I will recognize for sure his resolution [to be] a giver of everything.
b2+Then this Brahmin Roca, (full of envy,) came into the land of king Ambara.
b3Thereupon, after the Brahmin had entered the palace, the king instantly saw him [and] with delight rose against him, seized [his] hand,
b3+(let him sit) on the throne,
b4([and] with respect) he ask(s): "For what reason has the teacher come here?" The Brahmin says: ║ In [the tune] Madanabhārata ║ "Having heard of your good renown, o great king, because of [your] inclination towards the wish (of all-giving) you ... have emitted a [lion's] roar (in all directions);
b5you have let rain a rain of gifts onto the earth. 1. If someone gives external objects as gift, this is not so marvellous. Know this:
b5+(If someone gives parts of [his] own) body (as gift, that) is marvellous,
b6[and] this action of him is perfect. 2. Thereupon the king with a florishing complexion [and] with a smiling gaze looking the Brahmin into the face not being afraid at all


a4Da aber wurde jetzt im ganzen Jambudvīpa des Königs Ambara Ruhm, der in der Güte, allen zu geben, besteht, gehört [vernahm man ...]. (Schmidt 1974: 218)
a5It is not that amazing, if someone gives external things as gift. (cf 239 and passim) (Peyrot 2013b: 705)
a6Lasst uns von ihm je einzeln (alle) seine Körperteile erbitten. (Schmidt 1974: 149)
a6+Dies gesprochen habend, (verließ) der Brahmane Roca sein Land. (Schmidt 1974: 299-300)
b1Vieler Lebewesen Reden werden gehört: Dies werde [will] ich machen, auch jenes werde [will] ich machen. (Schmidt 1974: 218)
b2(Also for that reason), I will now see the (firm) decision of this king to give up all his limbs. I request both his feet as a gift. If he gives that up, then I will truly know his decision, as a giver of all. (cf 239 and passim) (Peyrot 2013b: 670)
b2Ich werde von ihm [seine] beiden Füße als Gabe erbitten. Wenn er das hingibt, dann werde ich fürwahr seinen Entschluss, alles zu geben, erkennen. (Schmidt 1974: 152)
b3Der König erhob sich sogleich voller Freude [wtl. mit Freude] ihm entgegen [und] nahm ihn bei der Hand. (Schmidt 1974: 84)
b3+Als darauf der Brahmane in den Palast eingetreten war, erblickte ihn der König, erhob sich ihm entgegen, nahm ihn bei der Hand [und] (ließ ihn sich auf den) Sitz (setzen). (Schmidt 1974: 395-6)



*An almost complete leaf, consisting of two pieces.

Philological commentary

n1The meter has 4 x 15 syllables (7/8 or 8/7).
n2The colon boundary seems to fall inside the vowel sandhi: laukaññe+eṣpirttacce.
n3The meter has 4 x 25 syllabes (5/5/8/7).
n4The plural form rilñeṣṣeṃ is strange; if it is not simply a mistake, the number may have been referring to two missing complements in the lacuna such as (prakrauñe epre)tñe.
n5The meter has 4 x 12 syllabes (4/4/4).



Lévi 1912; Thomas 1965; Pinault 2012


Couvreur 1955: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (112); Lévi 1912: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6; Meunier 2013: a6 (149); Peyrot 2013b: a5 (705), b2 (670); Pinault 2012: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6; Schmidt 1974: a4 (218), a6 (149), a6 b1 (299-300), b1 (218), b2 (152), b3 (84), b3 b4 (395-6)


Couvreur 1955

Couvreur, Walter. 1955. “Nieuwe Koetsjische fragmenten van de Bibliothèque Nationale te Parijs.” In Handelingen van het Eenentwintigste Vlaams Filologencongres, 110–16.

Lévi 1912

Lévi, Sylvain. 1912. “Une légende du Karuṇā-Puṇḍarīka en langue tokharienne.” In Festschrift Vilhelm Thomsen zur Vollendung des siebzigsten Lebensjahres am 25. Januar 1912, dargebracht von Freunden und Schülern, 155–65. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 2012

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2012. “La parfaite générosité du roi Ambara (PK NS 32).” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13: 221–43.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Thomas 1965

Thomas, Werner. 1965. “Das Fragment M 500, 4/5 der Sammlung Pelliot.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 79: 192–202.