Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 7C; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 7C; K 3
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 7C". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Specific find spot:DA cour
Expedition code:882; DA cour; M 500.2’
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:hypercorrect

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavibhaṅga
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:543 (4x)


Manuscript:Karmavibhaṅga β
Preceding fragment:PK AS 7B
Following fragment:PK AS 7D
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.2 × 44.8 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


(continues from PK AS 7B)

lf30 3
a1kne sa o no lmi : so lmeṃ śau lśā yeṃ ta ka nta kca tsa lpe ntra 9 ma ksu n[o] yā mo rma kce wsa tne o no lmi : nrai ynta ne cme ntra ywā rtsa o mte ś(·) [l]ś(·) [y](·)[ṃ] : tsa lpe ntre nau s̝a¯ ¯k la kle nta meṃ nre
a2yṣṣa na : mā so lme la kle kli na s̝s̝a nme wa rpa tsi 10 ṣe mi ksa wno lmi yo lai nyā mo rya ma ntra : krau pe nta rne s̝pa ma kte yā mo¯ ¯r krau pa lle : ce yce w(·)ā [mo] rsa ṣñi ke kpa rskaṃ ykā ṣñe ntra
a3ya ma ske ntro nmiṃ [kw](·) pe ññe ntra ā ○ ñmne ka 10-1 mā no de śi tpe stya ma ske ntra mā ra no : ta rka naṃ ā rtte mā ra ri ntsi cä mpe nne : cme ntra nre yne ce ycpī yā mo rntse o ko sa : ywā
a4rtsa śau lśā yeṃ (–) m(·)ṃ n(·)ai meṃ lai to ○ ntra 10 2 ma ksu no yā mo¯ ¯r ma kce wsa tne o no lmi : cme ntra nrai ynta ne i sta ke ntwe lai to ntra : ta ne ṣe mi ksa o no lmi yā m[o] ryā mo¯ ¯s̝ :
a5nrai yne cme l[y]e sa ka (–) p[au] s̝pa tā ka nme 10 3 ce yce wyā mo rsa pa rskaṃ o nmiṃ ya ma ntra : kwi pe ññe ntrapa ykāṃ s̝aṃ ññe ntra mrau ska ntra : ra tkwa re s̝pa ceṃ¯ ¯ts nano nano o nmiṃ tā kaṃ kwri :
a6mā no yā mo rce¯ ¯u a (– –) mpe[ṃ] nau ta ssi 10 4 ma [k](·)e (·)ā (–) (·)nau[¯] [¯s̝] a jā ta śa tru ñlā nte : ko wsa ra pā tra pe lai kne ṣṣe lā ntwro cce : e mpe le ra no yā mu ṣe yne yā mo rsu : o nmi nno
b1po staṃ ya ma ṣa te mrau (– –) [10] 5 we ña pū dñä kt[e] (·)[p](·) (·)r(·) (– –) [s̝]a [ka] ntwa sa : bra hma sva rwe ksa we ñe nta nne po sa śpā lmeṃ : wa lo rṣā keṃ tsa ta ṅwa ññe ñca po śai ṣṣe : śai ṣṣe ta ṅwa ntsi¯ ¯śä
b2ślo kne ṣe rpsa ce a rthä (–) [6] e mpe lo na ra yā mwa tā kaṃ yā mo rnta : ā ñmn(·) ka lñe sa nu ttsā na pe¯ ¯st klau tko ntra : pā kri yā mo rsa wlā wa lñe sa tu meṃ s̝pa : eṃ ṣke tse wi tskai ra ssa lñe
b3tu ntse we skau : [10] [7] s[e](·) t(·) yä kne ○ sa yā mo ryā mu ke ttā kaṃ : cme ta rra nrai yne ra me rno pe sta tsa lpe tra : tu sā ksa ai kne s̝a ñyo lai na yā mo rnta : nā ktsyai śau my[e] pi pu tka lñe
b4tu meṃ yā mtsi 10 8 i ntsu no yā ○ mo ryā mu mā no ka krau pau : ce wra no we ñau ṣe me pa lsko pa klyau ṣso : ta ne ksa wno lme ke ktse ntsa yo lo yā maṃ : re ki pa lsko sa yā mta ryā mo ryo
b5lai nä 10 9 sū ce [wy]ā mo rsa prā skaṃ mā ka kwi pe ntra : o nmiṃ ya ma stra ykāṃ ṣa ntra pe¯ ¯st ta rka naṃ : se yā mo ryā mu mā ka kkrau pau ma ske tra : kto wra¯ ¯mt śa kt· lye mā po staṃ ai śai yā mu : 20 [k](·) (·)e
b6no sū yā mo rka krau pau mā no yā mu ma [k](·)e yä kne sa ka rsa na lle tū we ñau : ta ne kuse wo l[m]e ma mā nta ṣce w[p]a lsko sa : re ki kca we s̝s̝aṃ yo lo yā mtsi ñe we tra 20-1 mā no ya ma s̝aṃ m(·) tu

(continues on PK AS 7D)


(continues from PK AS 7B)

9c(nraiyne) (tetemoṣ) ; (caiy) (tai)a1knesa ; onolmi :
9dsolmeṃ śaul śāyeṃ ; taka ntä kca ; tsälpenträ 9
10amäksu no yāmor ; mäkcewsa tne ; onolmi :
10bnraiyntane cmenträ ywār;tsa omte ś(au)l ; ś(ā)y(e)ṃ :
10ctsälpentr{e→ä} nauṣä-k ; läklentameṃ ; nrea2yṣṣanan1 :
10d solme läkle ; klinaṣṣän-me ; warpatsi 10
11aṣemi ksa wnolmi ; yolain yāmor ; yamanträ :
11bkraupentär-ne ṣpä ; mäkte yāmor ; kraupalle :
11ccey cew (y)āmorsa ; ṣñikek parskaṃ ; ykā{ṃ}ṣñenträ (:)
11da3 yamaskentr onmiṃ ; kw(i)peññenträ ; āñmne ka 10-1
12a no deśit pest ; yamaskenträ ; rano :
12btärkänaṃ ārtte ; ra rintsi ; cämpen-ne :
12ccmenträ nreyne cey ; cpī yāmorntse ; okosa :
12dywāa4rtsa śaul śāyeṃ ; (tu)m(e)ṃ n(r)aimeṃ ; laitonträ 10-2
13amäksu no yāmor ; mäkcewsa tne ; onolmi :
13bcmenträ nraiyntane ; ista-k entwe ; laitonträ :
13ctane ṣemi ksa ; onolmi yā;mor yāmoṣ :
13da5n2 nraiyne cmelyesa ; ka(krau)pau ṣpä ; tākan-me 10-3
14acey cew yāmorsa ; parskaṃ onmiṃ ; yamanträ :
14bkwipeññenträ ṣpä ; ykāṃṣäṃññenträ ; mrauskanträ :
14crätkware ṣpä ceṃts ; näno-näno onmiṃ ; tākaṃ kwri :
14da6n3 no yāmor ceu ; a(kek) (ca)mpeṃ ; nautässi 10-4
15amäk(t)e (y)ā(mor) nauṣ ; ajātaśat;ruñ lānte :
15bkowsa ra pāträ ; pelaikneṣṣe ; lānt wrocce :
15cempele rano ; yāmu ṣey-ne ; yāmor su :
15donmin no b1 postäṃ ; yamaṣate ; mrau(skāte) 10-5
16aweña pūdñäkte(śc) ; p(āk)r(i) (yāmo)ṣ{†ä} ; kantwasa :
16bbrahmasvar weksa ; weñentänne po;sa śpālmeṃ :
16cwalo rṣākeṃtsä ; täṅwaññeñca ; po śaiṣṣe :
16dśaiṣṣe täṅwantsiś ; b2 ślokne ṣerpsa ; ce arthä (10-)6
17aempelona ra ; yāmwa tākaṃ ; yāmornta :
17bāñm n(ā)kälñesa ; nuttsāna pest ; klautkonträ :
17cpākri yāmorsa ; wlāwalñesa ; tumeṃ ṣpä :
17deṃṣketse witskai ; rassalñe b3n4 tun;tse weskau : 10-7
18ase(ṃ) t(u)-yäknesa ; yāmor yāmu ; ket tākaṃ :
18bcmetär ra nraiyne ; ramer no pestä ; tsälpeträ :
18ctusāksa aikne ; ṣäñ yolaina ; yāmornta :
18dnāktsy aiśaumyepi ; putkalñe b4n5 tu;meṃ yāmtsi 10-8
19aintsu no yāmor ; yāmu no ; kakraupau :
19bcew rano weñau ; ṣeme-pälsko ; päklyauṣso :
19ctane ksa wnolme ; kektsentsa yo;lo yāmäṃ :
19dreki palskosa ; yāmtär yāmor ; yob5lainän5 10-9
20a cew yāmorsa ; prāskaṃ māka ; kwipenträ :
20bonmiṃ yamasträ ; ykāṃṣanträ pest ; tärkänaṃ :
20cse yāmor yāmu ; kakkraupau ; mäsketrä :
20dktow ramt śäkt(ā)lye ; postäṃ ai;śai yāmu : 20
21ak(us)e b6 no yāmor ; kakraupau ; no yāmu
21bmäk(t)e yäknesa ; kärsanalle ; weñau :
21ctane kuse w{n}olme ; mamāntäṣ cew ; palskosa :
21dreki kca weṣṣäṃ ; yolo yāmtsi ; ñeweträ 20-1
22a no yamaṣäṃ ; m(ā) tu (yāmtsi) ; (pyutkaṣṣäṃ)

(continues on PK AS 7D)


(continues from PK AS 7B)

a1(Being reborn in hell, these) [= PK AS 7B b7] beings live in that manner [9c] their whole life, then somehow they are redeemed. [9d] But what [is] the deed through which the beings here, [10a] [when] they are reborn in hell, live there half of their life? [10b] They are redeemed earlier to be sure from the hellish sufferings, [10c] [and] it is not necessary for them to endure the whole suffering.
a2[10d] [If] some beings do a bad deed [11a] and they accumulate it — how [is] the deed to be accumulated? — [11b] they are for sure afraid of this deed, they are disgusted, [11c]
a3they show remorse [and] feel shame inside themselves. [11d] But they do not entirely make a confession, they do not even [12a] behave indifferently, they cannot even get rid of it [= the deed]. [12b] [When] they are reborn in hell, because of the fruit of that deed, [12c] they live half of their life [there],
a4thereupon they fall out of hell. [12d] But what [is] the deed the beings here [13a] [when] they are reborn in hells fall out immediately after? [14b] [There are] some beings who have done a deed, [13c] and by being reborn in hell it will be further accumulated by them. These ones are afraid because of this deed
a5[13d] [and when] they feel remorse, [14a] they are also ashamed, are disgusted, feel revulsion; [14b] and even when their remorse become everyday more stinging, [14c] they will not be able to definitely destroy that deed. [14d]
a6Like in former times the d(eed) of king Ajātaśatru: [15a] He for sure killed [his] father, the great righteous king, [15b] [and] although such a horrible deed had been done by him, [15c]
a6+nevertheless he felt remorse afterwards
b1[and] felt revulsion. [15d] He spoke to the Buddha lord in a language [lit. tongue] making clear [his] cr(ime). [16a] With Brahmasvara voice [the Buddha] the best of all among the speakers [i.e., teachers], [16b] the king of the sages, the one who loves the whole world, [16c] in order to show love to the world, he revealed this lesson in a stanza:
b2[16d] “Even [if] horrible deeds have been done, [17a] by self reproach they become entirely annihilated, [17b] [and] by making [them] public [and] by restrain. And because of that [17c] I tell the pulling-out of it until the root.”
b3[17d] By whom a deed of this kind may have been done, [18a] even [if] he is reborn in hell, quickly he will be redeemed completely. [18b] Therefore it [is] the duty of the wise one to reproach his own bad deeds, [18c] [and] to dissociate [oneself] from that.
b4[18d] But what [is] the deed done but not accumulated? [19a] This also I will tell. Listen (pl.) attentively [lit. with unified mind]! [19b] [If] some being here does evil with the body, [19c] [understood that] with word [and] mind he does do a bad deed on his behalf,
b5[19d] [if] he is afraid because of this deed [and] much ashamed, [20a] [if] he feels remorse, feels disgusted, [and] gets rid of it, [20b] this deed remains as done but not accumulated, [20c] like a seed that is sown, [but] not cared for afterwards. [20d]
b5+But what [is] the deed accumulated but not done? [21a]
b6In which manner it is to be understood, I will tell it: [21b] the being here who, with such malicious mind, [21c] says some word [and] roars to do evil, but he does not do it [and] (he takes) no (measure to do) it [22a] [cf. PK AS 7D a1] [21d]

(continues on PK AS 7D)


a1+But what is the deed through which the beings here, if they are [re]born in hell, then live only half of their lives there, are freed earlier from the sorrows of hell, and do not have to endure all the sorrow. (cf 10) (Peyrot 2013b: 313)
a2If some beings do a bad deed and they accumulate it—how is a deed to be accumulated? (cf 10) (Peyrot 2013b: 686)
a2[Wenn] einige Wesen böse Tat tun, [so] häufen sie [sie] auch. (Schmidt 1974: 444)
a2+Sie fürchten sich zwar vor d[ies]em Karman, empfinden Abscheu, zeigen Reue [und] schämen sich im Innern [wtl. im Selbst], nicht aber legen sie Beichte ab, noch auch verhalten sie sich gleichgültig, noch auch können sie es [scil. das Karman] aufgeben. (Schmidt 1974: 163, 338-9, 412)
a3+If they are born in hell because of the fruit of [their] deed, they live half of their life [there and] then fall out of hell. (cf 11) (Peyrot 2013b: 686)
a4But what is the deed by which the beings here, if they are born in the hells, fall out directly then? (cf 209, 210) (Peyrot 2013b: 686)
a4+There are some beings here who have done a deed [and] by being born in hell it will be further accumulated by them—if they are afraid because of this deed, repent it, and they are ashamed, feel disgust [and] aversion, and it is stinging them [and] they have repentence all the time, [then] they will not be able to finally destroy that deed in themselves. (cf 209–210) (Peyrot 2013b: 715)
a5Sie schämen sich auch, empfinden Abscheu und Überdruss. (Schmidt 1974: 86)
a5Sie fürchten sich vor d[ies]em Karman [und] werden Reue zeigen, sie schämen sich auch, empfinden Abscheu [und] werden sich abwenden. (Schmidt 1974: 160-1, 163)
b2Wenn auch schreckliche Taten getan worden sind, [so] werden sie durch Selbsttadel hinfällig [bzw. wenden sich durch Selbsttadel [als] hinfällige ab], durch Offenbarmachung [d.i. durch Beichte] und dadurch, dass man sich davor beherrscht. (Schmidt 1974: 118)
b2+Even if horrible deeds are done, by self-reproach they become nugatory (?), [and] by making [them] public and by [self-]control; and because of this I tell [about] tearing it out, the root inclusive. (Peyrot 2013b: 346)
b3By whom such a deed is done, even if he is [re]born in hell he is redeemed soon. (cf 210–211) (Peyrot 2013b: 347)
b4This too I will tell, listen with one mind! (cf 13) (Peyrot 2013b: 657, 685fn. 167)
b4+If a being here does a bad deed with the body, [but] he does (not) do a bad deed with word and mind, [and then] he is afraid because of this deed [and] much ashamed, he repents it, feels disgust [and] gets rid of it, then this deed is done but not accumulated, like a seed that is sown but not paid attention to afterwards. (cf 13) (Peyrot 2013b: 685)
b4+[Wenn] hier ein Wesen mit dem Körper Böses tut, [aber] mit Wort [und] Gedanken nicht(?) böse Tat tut, [so] fürchtet es sich infolge jener Tat [und] schämt sich sehr, bereut,/Er fürchtet sich vor d[ies]em Karman, schämt sich sehr, zeigt Reue, empfindet Abscheu [und] lässt [von ihr/ihm] ab. Diese Tat ist getan, [aber] nicht gehäuft, wie ein Samenkorn, das ausgestreut, [aber] nachher nicht gepflegt [wurde]. (Schmidt 1974: 160, 339, 445)
b6I will tell in what way this is to be understood. (cf 13) (Peyrot 2013b: 657)
b6Wo hier ein Wesen in solchem übelgesinnten Geiste ein Wort sagt [und] Böses zu tun androht(?) [wtl. brüllt], ... (Schmidt 1974: 98)


Linguistic commentary

*In general, the language is of the standard type; however, we find many archaic spellings as well as colloquialisms and even hypercorrect forms, but inconsistently so. Accordingly, this manuscript seems to have been copied from an archaic one by an inattentive scribe. Real archaisms are: läkle (a2), tärkänaṃ (a3, b5), pest (a3, b2, b3, b5), ykāṃṣäṃññenträ (a5), and preservation of final several times in colon- and pāda-final position; false archaisms are: ntä (a1 for nta), weñentänne (b1 for weñentanne); colloquialisms are: nreyṣṣana (a1), nreyne (a3), cmelyesa (a5). On the other hand, tsälpentre instead of tsälpenträ (a1) and mamāntäṣ instead of mamāntaṣ (b6) may simply be mistakes.

Parallel texts

*Mahākarmavibhaṅga § 29 (Lévi 1932: 49, 122), § 23 (Lévi 1932: 47-48, 121)

Philological commentary

*The meter is 4 x 12 (5/7).
n1ykāṃṣñenträ is a verse form with simplification of the geminate of the suffix and further syncope of medial ä.
n2Sieg 1938: 11 proposed to correct the subjunctive mrauskantär into a present mrausknantär, but the context does allow a subjunctive reading because it belongs to a long protasis where there are other subjunctive forms. In any case, even a present form mrausknantär would not show a correct spelling. The spelling here is rather due to confusion with the archaic original (see below).
n3After ceu an ‹a› is very clearly visible before the lacuna, so that reading and restoration by Sieg 1938: 11 are excluded.
n4It remains totally uncertain whether the lacuna contained an anusvāra. Both demonstratives se and seṃ seem equally possible.
n5The correction by Sieg 1938: 13, adding a negation at the end of the pāda 19d, is not supported by the manuscript or by the Sanskrit parallel. He may have been led to this assumption in order to make a difference against the following case about a deed not accomplished physically but in mind and in speech. Here, however, we do not have such an opposition, although the Tocharian redactor anticipated the following case somehow by mentioning mind and speech here as well. But note the subtle difference in construction between a substantive with active verbal form (= body) and adjectival phase with middle verbal form (= word and mind), i.e., making a difference between external and internal point of view. Actually, the notion of a deed done unintentionally follows in the next fragment PK AS 7D a5 [26ab].


*PK AS 7B immediately precedes this leaf, PK AS 7D follows it.



Lévi 1933: 86-87, 100-101; Sieg 1938: 10-14; Pinault 2007: 209-212


Meunier 2013: a3 (159, 177), a5 a6 (177), b1 b2 (173), b3 b4 (172), b4 b5 (180), b5 (178), b6 (179); Peyrot 2013b: a1 a2 (313), a2 (686), a2 a3 (686), a3 a4 (686), a4 (686), a4 a5 a6 (715), b2 b3 (346), b3 (347), b4 (657, 685), b4 (657, 685fn. 167), b4 b5 (685), b6 (657); Schmidt 1974: a2 (444), a2 a3 (163, 338-9, 412), a5 (86), a5 (160-1, 163), b2 (118), b4 b5 (160, 339, 445), b6 (98)


Lévi 1932

Lévi, Sylvain. 1932. Mahākarmavibhaṅga (La grande classification des actes) et Karmavibhaṅgopadeśa (Discussion sur le Mahā Karmavibhaṅga). Paris: Leroux.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 2007

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2007. “Concordance des manuscrits tokhariens du fonds Pelliot.” In Instrumenta Tocharica, edited by Melanie Malzahn, 163–219. Heidelberg: Winter.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg 1938

Sieg, Emil. 1938. “Die Kutschischen Karmavibhaṅga-Texte der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 65: 1–54.