A 288
Known as: | A 288; THT 921 |
Cite this page as: | Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner; Bernhard Koller. "A 288". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-a288 (accessed 11 Sep. 2024). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner; Bernhard Koller |
Date of online publication: | 2016-09-23 |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Shorchuk |
Specific find spot: | Stadthöhle |
Expedition code: | T III Š 69.25 |
Collection: | Berlin Turfan Collection |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TA |
Script: | classical |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka |
Passage: | Act 1 |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Drama |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Meter: | 554443 (4x); 543 (4x) |
Object | |
Manuscript: | M-β |
Preceding fragment: | A 289 |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 8 |
Images from titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de
by courtesy of the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS).
(continues from A 289)
a1 | klā k· sa /// /// tra kṣi nāṃ o pṣlyā plā cwe ñe¯ ¯ñcä kā vvi ntu yā me¯ ¯ñcä /// |
a2 | [¯]ñä • klyo ma[¯] [¯nt] /// /// [k]ly· ma¯ ¯nt me tra kaṃ o ña ntyo tri ñe mi ntwaṃ ka lyme yā spā rtwe /// |
a3 | ¯p me tra kyā p[w]· /// /// ps· lā ntu ne ṣi a bhi ṣe¯ ¯k a rta ntra • ku spa tnu ta nā sa rki tu ·i /// |
a4 | swe ñe¯ ¯ñcä klyo – – – – – – [k]ṣ· nā· plā¯ ¯cä me tra – – yä rka¯ ¯nt ā rta ntra pā la ntra a nu mo di tyā me¯ ¯ñcä pukā kṣa kka tsce /// |
a5 | tpi ko ri¯ ¯s s̝a kka¯ ¯nt – – – – (–) ne ka tke¯ ¯ñcä kā tka – – – ā rki śo ṣṣaṃ pa ttā ñka¯ ¯t : śma ntra ce mwra sa¯ ¯ñä tā mpra ṣṭa śśä l·· /// |
a6 | kyo na peṃ saṃ : ṣo me «me» tra ky· – klyo se¯ ¯ñcä ma rka mpa¯ ¯l tsa lpe¯ ¯ñcä klo pa – – yo mne¯ ¯ñcä pu tti śpa rna¯ ¯cä vyā ka ri¯ ¯t : ta myo me tra kyā pkā /// |
a7 | ls[k]a su ntā¯ ¯p ska¯ ¯m ske na¯ ¯l : 1 || sā tā gi ri tra ṅka¯ ¯s̝ kā su we ñā – – – ¯r ta myo ta ṣme tra kyā pwa sa m[p]ā tṣiṃ o pṣlya cpo ñcäṃ ā rki /// |
a8 | – – ·e t· ṅka¯ ¯s̝ ce ṣṣo me ñä kta¯ ¯ñä e pre ra¯ ¯s̝ kā ka rpu ra¯ ¯s̝ da k·i – – – ¯cä yi¯ ¯ñcä ṣo me nu pā ṣā na kṣu la¯ ¯cä yi¯ ¯ñcä || sā tā /// |
lf | 6 |
b1 | – – – [s̝]· ṇḍi¯ ¯k ta lke • lo a rmāṃ lkā ta¯ ¯r kuya lte • ce¯ ¯s̝ y[ā] vśi – – – – ·n·¯ ¯·ñä ca ra ki pa ri vrā ja k· • nmu ks̝a kpi wä knā w· /// |
b2 | lu ne yā kā tkmāṃ nāṃ tsu¯ ¯s̝ ṣñi ṣñi ka lyme yaṃ lo yi¯ ¯ñcä || hai ma va – – – [¯s̝] tā pa kṣa kka¯ ¯ts klyo mme tra¯ ¯k śu ddha vā ṣi na sñä kta /// |
b3 | ptā ñkta cwa s̝ta s̝la nta ssi – kṣi nā pa thä ṣma dhya de śa¯ ¯cä śmä¯ ¯s̝ || pu rṇa – – ṅka ṣce ṣpe nu ñä kci ñi lā¯ ¯ñśä wa sā ksa rki lo ka kmu¯ ¯s̝ || /// |
b4 | ¯l pā ṣā na kṣu laṃ – – – – kyā pmo saṃ ā rwa ry· – – tka mta mpyā ma¯ ¯s ta preṃ klyo mme tra¯ ¯k śma s̝ta preṃ pa rmā wa¯ ¯s [p]·ā /// |
b5 | mtsā¯ ¯cä || hai ma – – – – – we ñā¯ ¯s̝t ṣu pi – – – rpo¯ ¯ñśä || pra ve śa kkā¯ ¯r || || sā snu tā pa¯ ¯rk plā¯ ¯cä da kṣi ṇā /// |
b6 | rsnā lyi • tma /// /// wo pu nmo sāṃ ka pśi ñño bā dha ri bra hmaṃ • me tra kyā ptsa rā /// |
b7 | mse ku cne /// /// ·i ku ro sāṃ ka pśi ñño pe nu tā pa¯ ¯rk o ṅkra ci wā kma tsaṃ /// |
b8 | ṣā ṇḍi[¯] [¯k] /// /// [s̝ta] ṣla ntu ṣne¯ ¯ñcä brā mnā¯ ¯ñä ca ra ki na gni pa ri vr· /// |
(continues from A 289)
lf | 6 |
a1 | klāk(ā) sä(rki) /// /// (me)trakṣināṃ opṣlyā plāc weñeñc kāvvintu yāmeñc /// |
a2 | ñ • klyomänt /// /// kly(o)mänt metrakäṃ oñantyo tri ñemintwaṃ kälymeyā spārtwe(ñc) /// |
a3 | p meträkyāp w· /// /// (meträkyā)p s(e)-lāntuneṣi abhiṣek artanträ • kus pat nu tanā särki tu(ṣ)i(t-ñäkci) /// |
a4 | s weñeñc klyo – – – (abhiṣe)kṣ(i)nā(ṃ) plāc meträ(kyāp) yärkant ārtanträ pālanträ anumodit yāmeñc pukā-k ṣakk ats ce(m) /// |
1a | (śäk) (ṣpä)a5t pi koris ; ṣäk känt (tmāṃ) (pe) ; (taṃ)ne kätkeñc ; kātka(ṣ) (metrak) ; ārkiśoṣṣaṃ ; pättāñkät : |
1b | śmanträ cem wrasañ ; tām praṣṭaśśäl·· ; /// 8σ ; (krant) (pältsä)a6kyo ; napeṃsaṃ : |
1c | ṣome meträky(āp) ; klyoseñc märkampal ; tsälpeñc klopä(nt,wäṣ) yomneñc ; puttiśparnac ; vyākarit : |
1d | tämyo meträkyāp ; kā(swoneyäntu) /// 8σ ; (pä)a7lskasuntāp ; skam skenal : 1 ॥ |
1a | (nmuk) (ṣäk) (pi) (wäknā) ; (kus) (ne) (wa)ṣtäṣ ; lantuṣ neñc |
1b | brāmnāñ caraki ; nagni pari;vr(ājaki) |
(continues from A 289)
a1 | ... at the occasion of Maitreya's feast ... they will make a speech, they will compose poems [kāvya]. ... |
a2 | ... noble ... beginning with the noble Maitreya they will behave correctly, according to the three jewels. |
a3 | ... of Maitreya ... they praise the consecration of Maitreya as successor [lit. son-king]. And, following that, which Tuṣita-(gods) ... |
a4 | The noble (people) will say praises to the Maitreya as a consecration speech, they will approve they will praise, they will express approbation. Completely, certainly, ... |
a4+ | (When 17.6 million years) pass and (he) (= Maitreya) arises as Buddha in the world, [then] the beings will come (together) with this time. ... |
a5+ | (they will behave) with good thinking for the humans. |
a6 | Some will hear Maitreya’s law, be redeemed from sorrow [and] reach the prophecy of Buddhahood. |
a6+ | Therefore, effort should be made constantly by a conscious person (in order to pay homage to the virtues) of Maitreya. |
a7 | || Sātāgiri says: "Well spoken, o brother! Therefore, here, for the feast of the ordination of Maitreya, (all sorts of gods) of the whole world (have gathered)." |
a8 | Pūrṇaka says: "Some of these gods, having descended from heaven, go to Dakṣiṇāpatha, some go to the Pāṣānaka mountain." || Sātāgiri (says:) |
b1 | (Now) the sarvapāṣaṇḍika-sacrifice of Bādhari the brahmin appears as completely finished. Here is why: |
b1+ | These ... brahmins, carakas, mendicants, ninety six kinds (of ones having left from home,) delighted by the giving of alms, go away, each to their own country. || |
b2 | Haimavati (says:) |
b2+ | Now, surely, the noble Maitreya (instructed) by the Śuddhāvāsa-gods, (after having left the brāhmin Bādhari,) in order to leave from home for the Buddha he will come from Dakṣiṇāpatha to Madhyadeśa. || |
b3 | Pūrṇake says: "These divine kings also have come from afar following us. || (Sātagiri says:) |
b3+ | "Let us go, as the king Vaiśravana has ordered us to (go) readily to the Pāṣānaka mountain for the sake of the (noble) Maitreya. |
b4 | Let us do that! The so noble Maitreya will come. |
b4+ | Let us truly do just so much through our wish of seeing Buddha the teacher. |
b5 | Haimavati (says:) ("Well) spoken. Let us go away!" All left. || The interlude has come to an end || |
b5+ | Now this dialog should be understood (as taking place in) Dakṣiṇāpatha (in the house of Bādhari the brahmin.) |
b6 | Thereupon, they come: [Bādhari,] surrounded (by his five hundred brahmin youths, with the noble Maitreya in the lead). With a bent body, Bādhari the brahmin, after having (touched) the hand of Maitreya, (he says:) |
b6+ | O noble Maitreya, I am full of joy), o son, by the fact that (together with a glorious being) ... (being one hundred and twenty years old,) even with a worn body now, with a wish to obtain the excellent immortality, the realm of Brahmā, I have performed the saravāṣāṇḍika sacrifice. |
b8 | Behold, son! || In the tune Etu: || These ninety six who have left from home, Brahmins, Carakas, Nagnas [and] Parivrājakas |
a1+ | they will recite [lit. say] Maitreya’s ordination speech, they will compose [lit. make] kāvyas … noble … they will turn (?) noble Maitreya from the beginning in the direction of the three jewels … of Maitreya … they praise [his] royal ordination; or who accordingly [lit. thereupon] … they will say … with … speech and reverence they will praise and honour Maitreya; they will certainly express [lit. do] their approval all together. (Peyrot 2013b: 627) |
a5 | (When 17.6 million years) pass and (he) (= Maitreya) arises as Buddha on the earth, [then] the beings will come (together) with this time. (cf 476) (Peyrot 2013b: 637) |
a5 | (Wenn 176 Millionen Jahre) vergangen sind [wtl. vergehen], wird er [scil. Maitreya] sich in der Welt als Buddha erheben, [und] die Wesen werden mit dieser Zeit (zusammen)kommen. (Schmidt 1974: 476) |
a6 | Some will hear Maitreya’s law, be redeemed from sorrow [and] reach the prophecy of the Buddha rank. (Peyrot 2013b: 227) |
b3 | In order to leave his home for the Buddha he will come from Dakṣiṇāpatha to Madhyadeśa. (cf 23) (Peyrot 2013b: 626) |
b4 | The so noble Maitreya will come. (23) (Peyrot 2013b: 628) |
Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009. | |
Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS). | |
Fragment of a manuscript which includes A 251 - A 294 (cf. Geng et al. 2004a: 64-65). | |
#ERROR#ref starts to match this fragment at b1. |
Parallel texts
MaitrHami 1, 6-8; #ERROR#ref |
Philological commentary
This fragment contains part of the first act of the Maitreyasamitināṭaka; the verso side correlates to #ERROR#ref: a1-b4. An Uy. parallel is MaitrHami 1, 6a15 - 7b5. See also Pinault 1999: 193-194. |
Online access
Sieg and Siegling 1921: 151; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 151
Carling 2000: a6 (403), a8 (128, 129), b2 (107), b2 b3 (252, 260), b3 (341); Hackstein 1995: b6 (69); Knoll 1996: a7 (141); Kölver 1965: a6 (91), a8 (134), b2 (81, 99); Meunier 2013: a4 (158); Peyrot 2013a: b6 (246); Peyrot 2013b: a1 a2 a3 a4 (627), a5 (637), a6 (227), b3 (626), b4 (628); Schmidt 1974: a5 (475 n.1), a5 (476); Thomas 1957: a7 (200), b3 (279), b4 (188), b5 (200, 210, 214), b8 (249); Thomas 1960a: b2 (201); Thomas 1972: a4 (455); Thomas 1981: b4 b5 (490); Thomas 1990: b1 (16)
Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Geng, Shimin, Jens Peter Laut, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 2004a. “Neue Ergebnisse der Maitrisimit-Forschung (II): Struktur und Inhalt des 26. Kapitels.” Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 19: 29–94 + III. http://hdl.handle.net/11094/16566.
Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.
Knoll, Gabriele. 1996. “Die Verwendungsweisen der Adjektive im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Kölver, Bernhard. 1965. “Der Gebrauch der sekundären Kasus im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013a. “Review of: The Tocharian Verbal System.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 213–59.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1999. “Restitution du Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka en tokharien A: Bilan provisoire et recherches complémentaires sur l’acte XXVI.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 8: 189–240.
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.
Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Thomas, Werner. 1960a. “Zur Verwendung des tocharischen Verbalsubstantivs auf -r im Perlativ.” In Indogermanica. Festschrift für Wolfgang Krause zum 65. Geburtstage am 18. September 1960, 194–203.
Thomas, Werner. 1972. “Zweigliedrige Wortverbindungen im Tocharischen.” Orbis 21: 429–70.
Thomas, Werner. 1981. “Indogermanisches in der Syntax des Tocharischen: Zum Ausdruck eines Gebotes und Verbotes.” In Festschrift der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 481–97.
Thomas, Werner. 1990. Tocharische Maitreya-Parallelen aus Hami. Vol. 1. SbWGF, XXVII. Stuttgart: Steiner.
Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/tocharic/thtframe.htm.