Work in progress

A 313

Known as:A 313; THT 947
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling; Adrian Musitz (collaborator). "A 313". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Gerd Carling; Adrian Musitz (collaborator)


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Specific find spot:Stadthöhle
Expedition code:T III Š 69.18
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Sonnenaufgangswunder
Text genre:Literary
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:444 (4x); 5555 (1x), 444343 (1x), 55 (1x), 4443 (1x)


Manuscript:A 312-331
Preceding fragment:A 320
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8


Images from by courtesy of the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS).


(continues from A 320)

a1ta¯ ¯m sa ñce kā ka tku ṣ· s̝apa ttā ñka¯ ¯t ka ṣṣi ma r··[¯] [¯r] śo /// /// nwā tse – – – – – – – – – – –
a2t] ka ṣṣi pu tti śpa rṣ·· l· – lu ··i ssi mā cä mpä s̝ta msa ñce [tā] [m]pra ṣta· puka [p]pu – – – – – – – ·n· n[ā]· kra – yu kpra ṣta· wra – – – – – – – – – – –
a3ktā mpra ṣṭaṃ ca¯ ¯m su ryo dga mprā tī [h]ā ri yo wra sa¯ ¯ñä pu¯ ¯k wlye pe sā kre [l]·· k·¯ ¯r || tma¯ ¯s̝ ptā ñka tka ṣṣi ca¯ ¯m pra ti [h]i – – – – – – – – –
a4krā sa rki śla pa ltsa kko ki lo tka¯ ¯r ñä kta śśi pa ttā ñä kte ska pśi ñña na¯ ¯k śmo ññe yā mtsā¯ ¯nt ca¯ ¯m plya ske na ṣkā ka tku kā ru – – – – – – – –
a5na woṃ tsāṃ kla noṃ ntsāṃ ci ñcä ryāṃ bra hma swa rwa śe nyo ā na nd· kā¯ ¯k we ñā nna¯ ¯cä cä mpa lte na sa¯ ¯m ā na¯ ¯nd śtwa rā kpa ñpi pu klā kaṃ sa lu – – –
a6rṣṣāṃ wle¯ ¯s wle ssi : tma ṣṣā na¯ ¯nd sā sn· tku o ki wso ko ne kā cke y[o] – – – – ka¯ ¯s lā lā ṣkā¯ ¯s a śä nyo smi māṃ a kma lyo ñä kta ś·i – – –
a7kte¯ ¯s a kmla¯ ¯cä lkā mā· tra ṅka¯ ¯s̝ || [c]ā cä kki naṃ || ṣo kyo a ryu śtwa rā kpa ñpi pu klā – – – – – [a] ryu śtwa rā kpa ñpi pu klā pā ca¯ ¯r : śtwa rśo naṃ twaṃ pa – – – –
a8ku sne wra sa¯ ¯ñä : kupre ne tā ki¯ ¯ñcä [ṣo]¯ ¯m kṣa ṇa tñi [pu¯] [¯k] tsa l[p]a ṣlye : 1 ca – – – – – – – tsa lpā ṣi tā¯ ¯r : ṣo¯ ¯m k[ṣ]aṃ mā nu ce smi ta rkā¯ – – – –
b1na¯ ¯s̝t : o te ta preṃ pu tti śpa rṣi ṣā ñtso pa tsi : 2 ku ssa¯ ¯m tā k·¯ ¯s̝ mnu (– – – – – – – –) – ku sne m[ā] kā lpu tti śpa rna¯ ¯cä ska¯ ¯m [r]· n[i] (– –) – – –
b2khe saṃ ña re yäṃ twaṃ sa lpi s̝s̝a ka¯ ¯ts : ma rro ntaṃ nu pu tti śpa r[n]a ṣlo tki pwra s· – – – – – – – – ni¯ ¯k ā naṃ¯ ¯nd ṣñi ā yme spu tti śpa rna ṣlo tklu – – –
b3¯cä klo ra¯ ¯s̝ pro smāṃ no ki pa¯ ¯ñä cmo lwā ṣi na swra ssä¯ ¯s̝ tswo o – – – – – ¯ñcä tso pa tsaṃ o nmi nyo pa pa lyku ā ka rnu¯ ¯nt a śä – – –
b4¯cä lkā māṃ traka¯ ¯s̝ || ā nä ndā rśnaṃ || kupre ne na¯ ¯s̝ ne ṣā ka rsā lṣe mpra ca rta nne śpā lmeṃ ntaṃ pu tti śpa raṃ paṃ : trya saṃ khe saṃ ku sne kṣa ṇa¯ – – –
b5ṣo¯ ¯m kṣa ṇā trya saṃ khe ska¯ ¯nt ka lpa sna¯ ¯s̝ wle s̝a lṣe¯ ¯m : sa lpmāṃ ka pśi ñño a vi śa na kka¯ ¯ts : pu tti śpa rṣiṃ ā kā la ṣ[ca]¯ ¯m mā o – – – –
b6lṣe¯ ¯m : 1 pu¯ ¯k saṃ sā rṣi na swra sa śśi mo saṃ ṣo mā¯ ¯p ṣo mā ppā¯ ¯k ko – saṃ khe syo : a vi śṣi nāṃ ka pśi ñño kka¯ ¯ts [kl]o – – – – – – – – –
b7tka lṣe¯ ¯m ṣñā kā la¯ ¯s̝ : ṣo kyo [nu] [kā] [su] ṣo [ky]o nu tso ṣa¯ ¯ts : pu tti śpa raṃ yśe k·¯ ¯·ä – – – p· tti śpa rnä ṣma rlo tka¯ ¯cä : 2 || t·· – – – – – – – – – –
b8tri kā ñwra sa¯ ¯ñä ca[¯] [¯m] a ñu mā ski we yeṃ ñä kta śśi pa [tt]· /// /// m· w[e] ñlu – – –


(continues from A 320)

a1täm sañce kākätku ṣ(e)ṣ-äṃ pättāñkät käṣṣi mär(tā)r śo(laṃ) /// /// nwātse – – – – – – – – (kupre) (pa)-
a2-t käṣṣi puttiśparṣ(āṃ) (w)l(es) lu(tk)issi cämpäṣ täm sañce tām praṣta(ṃ) pukä{p→ṣ} pu – – – – – – (mä)n(e) {n→t}ā(m) krä(ta)yuk praṣta(ṃ) wra(sañ) – – – – – – – (tämne)-
a3--k tām praṣṭaṃ cam suryodgam prātīhāriyo wrasañ puk wlyepe sākre l(ot)k(a)rtmäṣ ptāñkät käṣṣi cam pratihi(t) – – – – – – – (lyu)-
a4-krā särki śla pältsäkk oki lotkar ñäktaśśi pättāñäktes kapśiññan-äk śmoññe yāmtsānt cam plyaskenäṣ kākätku kāru(ṇyo) (tmäṣ) (ptāñkät) (käṣṣi)
a5nawoṃtsāṃ klanoṃntsāṃ ciñcäryāṃ brahmaswar waśenyo ānand(āṃ) kāk weñānn{an}ac cämpäl te nasam ānand śtwarāk päñ pi puklākaṃ salu (puttiśpa)-
a6-rṣṣāṃ wles wlessi : tmäṣṣ ānand sāsn(o)tku oki wsokone kāckeyo(oppal) (yo)kas lālāṣkās aśänyo smimāṃ akmalyo ñäktaś(ś)i (pättāñä)-
a7-n1n2ktes akmlac lkāmā(ṃ) träṅkäṣcācäkkinaṃ
1bṣokyo aryu ; śtwarāk päñ pi ; puklā (nātäk) (:)
1a(ṣokyo) aryu ; śtwarāk päñ pi ; puklā pācar :
1cśtwar śonäṃtwaṃ ; pa(prutkuṣ) (puk) ; a8n3 kus ne wrasañ :
1dkupre ne tākiñc ; ṣom kṣaṇa{ṃ} tñi ; puk tsälpäṣlye : 1
2aca – – – ; – – – – ; tsälpāṣitār :
2bṣom kṣaṃ nu ; cesmi tärkā(l) ; (tsälpālune) b1 naṣt :
2cote täpreṃ ; puttiśparṣi ; ṣāñ tsopatsi : 2
3akus säm tāk(i)ṣ ; mnu (lutäsmāṃ) ; (enak) (wrasom) (:)
3bkus ne =kāl ; puttiśparnac ; skam r(i){n→t}i(trä) (:)
3c(asaṃ)b2khesaṃ ; ñareyäṃtwaṃ ; sälpiṣṣäk ats :
3dmarr ontaṃ nu ; puttiśparnäṣ ; lotki{p→ṣ} wras(om) (:) (3) (॥)
(tmäṣ) (āṣā)nik ānaṃnd ṣñi āymes puttiśparnäṣ lotklu(ne) (opyā)-
b3-c kloräṣ prosmāṃn oki päñ cmolwāṣinäs wrassäṣ tswo o(ki) (ṣñi) (āri)ñc tsopatsäṃ onminyo papälyku ākärnunt aśä(nyo) (ptāñkta)-
b4-n4n5c lkāmāṃ träṅkäṣānändārśnaṃ
1akupre ne näṣ neṣā ; kärsāl ṣem pracar ; tanne śpālmeṃn taṃ ; puttiśparäṃ paṃ :
1btry asaṃkhesaṃ ; kus ne kṣaṇa(ñ) ; (ṣom) b5 ṣom kṣaṇā ; try asaṃkhes ; känt kalpas näṣ ; wleṣäl ṣem :
1csälpmāṃ kapśiñño ; aviśan-äkk ats :
1dputtiśparṣiṃ ; ākāläṣ cam ; o(ntaṃ) ; (lotka)b6l ṣem : 1
2apuk saṃsārṣinäs ; wrasaśśi mosaṃ ; ṣomāp ṣomāp pāk ; ko(ris) (a)saṃkhesyo :
2baviśṣināṃ ; kapśiñño-kk ats ; klo(pant) (kupre) (ne) ; (kärsāl) (ṣem) ; (mā) (lo)b7n6tkal ṣem ; ṣñ= ākāläṣ :
2cṣokyo nu kāsu ; ṣokyo nu tso{ṣ→p}ats :
2dputtiśparäṃ ; yśe k(raṃś) (wrasañ) ; p(u)ttiśparnäṣ ; mar lotkac : 2 ॥
t(mäṣ) – – – – – – – (āpṣā)-
b8-n6trikāñ wrasañ cam añumāski weyeṃ ñäktaśśi pätt· /// /// weñlu – – –


(continues from A 320)

a1Doubt had risen [in] him concerning that. The Buddha, the master, [is] alive briefly ...
a1+Or cannot the master fulfill the service of Buddha?
a2The doubt concerning this totally ... (like) in the Kṛtayuga-time the beings ...
a2+just so through the marvel of sunrise all beings had grown gentle and glad then.
a3Therefore the Buddha, the master, the wonder (?) ...
a3+Accordingly, (the rays) [furnished] with [a] mind as it were, turned
a4[and] once again took up their position in the body of the Buddha, god of gods.
a4+Rising from [his] meditation, (then out of) pity (the Buddha, the master), with a sounding, ringing, lovely Brahmasvara-voice he called upon Ānanda
a5and said to him:
a5+Am I able, oh Ānanda, in 45 years’ time, to fulfill the entire service of a Buddha?
a6+Thereupon Ānanda, imbued, as it were, with joy [and] longing, looking with [his] (lotus)coloured, gentle eyes, smiling, at the face of the god of gods, the Buddha, says:
a7|| In the C.-tune: || Very long [are] 45 years (oh lord,) (very) long [are] 45 years, [my] father.
a7+If (all) the beings that [are] trapped in the four continents had all to be redeemed by you in one [single] moment, you would redeem ...
a8+You will not for a single moment give up their redemption.
b1Oh for the great ability of the Buddha rank. 2. What sort of an excited (evil being) it would have to be, which does not at all times have the wish for the Buddha rank.
b1+For asaṃkhyeyas [of years] for sure it would have to burn in hells.
b2Never, either, should a being turn away from the Buddha rank. (3.)
b2+(Thereupon) the worthy Ānanda, remembering his own turn(ing) away from the Buddha rank, virtually feeling embarrassed in front of the beings of the 5 births, [his] heart compressing, as it were, pained by great remorse, with tears in his eyes looking at (the Buddha), speaks:
b4|| In the Ā.-tune: || If I had known before, brother, that the Buddha rank is so excellent, and that for each moment, for as many moments as there are in three asaṃkhyeyas, I would have had to work three asaṃkhyeyas and one hundred kalpas in the Avīci [hell] with glowing body, then I would never have turned from my wish for the Buddha rank.
b61. (If I), for the sake of all beings of the Saṃsāra, as a share for each one of them (had known) suffering for 10 million of asaṃkhyeyas only with [my] Avīci-body, I would (not) have turned from my wish.
b7For very good, very great [is] the Buddha rank. Oh [ye] good (beings), do not turn [away] from the Buddha rank! 2.
b7+Thereupon ... the beings, belonging to boroughs, [having seen] this wonderful and amazing (event) of the Buddha Lord of Lords ...


a4Unmittelbar darauf kehrten (die Strahlen), gleichsam mit Geist [versehen], um [und] nahmen wieder in dem Körper des Göttergottes Buddha Platz. (Schmidt 1974: 429-30)
a4+Aus der Kontemplation sich erhebend, rief (alsdann aus) Mitleid (der Buddha, der Meister), mit schallender, tönender, lieblicher Brahmasvara-Stimme den Ānanda [und] sprach zu ihm: (Schmidt 1974: 380)
b1Was muss das für ein gedanken(loses, böses) Wesen sein, das nicht ständig den Wunsch nach der Buddhaschaft hegte! (Schmidt 1974: 150)
b3... sich gleichsam schämend vor den Wesen der fünf Geburtsklassen ... (Schmidt 1974: 161, fn. 2)
b4+If I had known before, brother, that the Buddha rank is so excellent, and that for each moment, for as many moments as there are in three asaṃkhyeyas, I would have had to work three asaṃkhyeyas and one hundred kalpas in the Avīci [hell] with glowing body, then I would never have returned from my wish for the Buddha rank. (cf 33) (Peyrot 2013b: 273)



Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009.
Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS).
This text probably immediately follows A 320.

Philological commentary

The translation is largely based on Sieg 1952: 32-34, and Carling et al. 2009.
n2This tune has 4x12 syllables, rhythm = 4/4/4.
n5This tune has 20/22/10/15 syllables, rhythm 5/5/5/5 + 8/7/7 + 5/5 + 8/7.

Linguistic commentary

n1śonäṃtwaṃ from *śoṃ 'continent, cf. TB Pl. Nom. Obl. śconaṃ 'id.' (Couvreur 1954b: 260).
n3Couvreur 1954b: 260 suggests to link ṣom k[ṣ]aṃ to the following mā nu cesmi tärkā(l tsälpālune) naṣt and to translate “you, also, will not fail for one moment to redeem them”.
n4Couvreur 1954b: 261 has paṃ 'lover' = 'beloved'?
n6Couvreur 1954b: 260 supplements the first word of b8 as (āpṣā)trikāñ, suggesting to translate as 'ājīvika' or 'craftsman'.


Online access

IDP: THT 947, THT 947; TITUS: THT 947


Sieg and Siegling 1921: 169-170; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 169, p. 170


Carling 2000: a4 (222), a5 (310), a7 a8 (293), a8 (292), b2 (312), b4 (312), b4 b5 (293, 312); Hackstein 1995: b3 (112); Knoll 1996: a1 (32), a3 (17, 21, 75), a7 (34), b4 (34), b5 (63), b7 (8, 34), b8 (45, 113); Kölver 1965: a3 (26), a8 (122), b2 (140), b3 (21, 148), b4 (122), b6 (18, 25); TEB II: a1 (30), b1 (30); Peyrot 2013b: b4 b5 (273), b4 b5 b6 (273); Schmidt 1974: a4 (429f), a4 (429-30), a4 a5 (380), b1 (150), b3 (161 n.2), b3 (161, fn. 2); Sieg 1952: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (32-34); Thomas 1952: a5 (36), a8 (41), b4 b5 (44), b6 b7 (44); Thomas 1954: a5 a6 (741); Thomas 1957: a1 (300); Thomas 1958: b2 (291), b7 (305); Thomas 1958a: a7 (161), b7 (160); Thomas 1968: a6 (214), b3 (213); Thomas 1970a: a7 a8 (460), b4 b5 (467); Thomas 1972: a5 (469); Thomas 1975: b2 (321), b7 (311); Thomas 1976a: b1 (76); Thomas 1981: b2 (495), b7 (495); Thomas 1995: a1 (62); Thomas 1997: a3 (92), a3 (96), a7 a8 (92), a8 (96)


Carling 2000

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Carling et al. 2009

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Knoll 1996

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Kölver 1965

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Peyrot 2013b

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Schmidt 1974

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Sieg 1952

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Sieg and Siegling 1921

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Sieg and Siegling 1921

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