Work in progress

THT 99

Known as:THT 99; B 99; Bleistiftnummer 2324
Cite this page as:Melanie Malzahn. "THT 99". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 19 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Melanie Malzahn
Date of online publication:2015-12-16


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Expedition code:T III Š 78.7
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Subhāṣitagaveṣin-Jātaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:4343 (4x); 45 (4x)


Manuscript:Araṇemi α
Following fragment:THT 100
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:6



a1/// [ṣ](·) wa lo o lya po tse la kle ssu e re pa¯ ¯st spa rkā ne || tu meṃ wa lo eṃ ṣke to¯ ¯t śo ka gā rne yo psa kra ke cce wa ssi au
a2/// [k]e plā ce ta pa ttri¯ ¯śä ñä kci ye śai ṣṣe ne ka rsa na lya || tu meṃ ylai ña kte śā mñe śai ṣṣe ne su bhā ṣi ta ga we ṣiṃ lā¯ ¯nt ai śai
a3/// [ṇa] pra bheṃ ○ ña kte śwe s̝s̝aṃ mai ma ñ[cu] [p]ā lka co¯ ¯mp po trai śai ṣṣe¯ ¯ts sai mne sa lye su bhā ṣi ta ga ve ṣiṃ la¯ ¯nt pe lai kne
a4/// ○ pa¯ ¯st lya ma || vi bhu ṣa ṇa pra bhe we s̝s̝aṃ ña kteṃ¯ ¯ts sa swa kuse pi ksa a yi ne pe lai kne klyau ṣtsi || ylai
a5/// (·)[ī] ta ma rne : krui pa lsko kā rsau ne ṣe me ślo¯ ¯k klyau ṣtsi a yu ne || ta ne ylai ña kte ya kṣaṃ ñe we¯ ¯s̝ me mī
a6/// [ta] ga we ṣi¯ ¯ñ la nte e ne pre stmo śle ya rke lā (– –) s̝s̝aṃ o ro ccu wa lo kuce ṣa rmtsa ce meṃ ntsi m(·) (·)e
b1/// [r](·)¯ ¯mt lkā tra : tu meṃ wa lo a ñca li ṣa rne yā mu (– –) (·)[c](·) w(·) s̝s̝a(·) pa klyau¯ ¯s̝ mai ma ñcu || tu meṃ we(·) [s̝](·)
b2/// [ṣ]ṣ[o] rka mñe wī ka ṣṣe ñca snai lyī pa¯ ¯r : po kre ntau na¯ ¯ts yke po staṃ ṣa rmau ñe ntau ta tā ku : pū dñä kta ññe pe lai
b3/// ○ ce¯ ¯u sa ñi¯ ¯ś ñke me ṅ[k]i tse te sa pkā rsa¯ ¯ñ ya ktā¯ ¯ñm ñi : 1 || yā kṣe we s̝s̝aṃ kuse tuṃ tse pi to krui ksa
b4/// (·)(·)y(·) ṣtsi || ○ ta ne wa lo pa rma ṅka(·) [ce] pi lko sa wa wā ka¯ ¯s̝ e re sa ya kṣaṃ lkā ske ma ne we s̝s̝apa klyau¯ ¯s̝ snai mi
b5/// m[e]ṃ we s̝s̝aṃ || pa ṇḍu rā ṅka ññe ne || mā su nta ksa ka lpā stra wä ntre : e ṣke ṣa¯ ¯ñ śau¯ ¯l te pkā rsa klyo mai : pe lai kne(·) tse ṣa rmtsa preṃ
b6/// mo¯ ¯ymä mā rī ñī ma¯ ¯r || yā kṣe we s̝s̝aṃ kuce a kā lksa to tteṃ pe lai kne klyau ṣtsi ā ñma nta¯ ¯r || wa lo we s̝s̝aṃ snai yo lya po pa

(continues on THT 100)


a1/// (subhāṣitagave)ṣ(i) walo olyapotse läklessu ere päst sparkā-netumeṃ walo eṃṣke tot śokagārne yopsa krakecce wassi au-
a2-n1(su) (॥) (sā) (no) (ña)ke plāce tapattriś ñäkciye śaiṣṣene kärsanalyatumeṃ ylai-ñakte śāmñe śaiṣṣene subhāṣitagaweṣiṃ lānt aiśai
a3(yāmormeṃ) (vibhuṣa)ṇaprabheṃ ñakteś weṣṣäṃ maimañcu pālka comp po trai śaiṣṣets saim nesalye subhāṣitagaveṣiṃ lant pelaikne
a4/// päst lyamavibhuṣaṇaprabhe weṣṣäṃ ñakteṃts saswa kuse pi ksa ayi-ne pelaikne klyauṣtsiylai-
a5-n4(ñakte) (weṣṣäṃ) /// (r)ītamar-ne : krui palsko kārsau-ne ṣeme ślok klyauṣtsi ayu-netane ylai-ñakte yakṣaṃñe weṣ memī-
a6-(sku) /// (subhāṣi)tagaweṣiñ lante enepre stm{o→au} śle yarke lā(ntäśc) (we)ṣṣäṃ oroccu walo kuce ṣarmtsa ce meṃntsi ·e
b1/// r(a)mt lkāträ : tumeṃ walo añcali ṣarne yāmu (yākṣeṃś)c() w(e)ṣṣä(ṃ) päklyauṣ maimañcutumeṃ we(ṣ)ṣ(äṃ)
1a(aknātsaññe)ṣṣ= ; orkamñe ; wīkäṣṣeñca ; snai lyīpär :
1bpo krentaunats ; yke-postäṃ ; ṣarm auñent{au→o} ; tatāk{u→au} :
1cpūdñäktäññe ; pelaib3(kne) ///
1dceusa ñiś ñke ; meṅkitse ; tesa pkārsa-ñ ; yakt-āñm ñi : 1 ॥
yākṣe weṣṣäṃ kuse tuṃtse pito krui ksa
b4/// (kl)y(au)ṣtsitane walo pärmaṅkä(c)ce pilkosa wawākaṣ eresa yakṣaṃ lkāskemane weṣṣäṃ päklyauṣ snai mi…
b5/// (tu)meṃ weṣṣäṃpaṇḍurāṅkäññene
1a su nta ksa ; kälpāsträ wäntre :
1be{ṃ}ṣke ṣañ śaul ; te pkārsa klyomai :
1cpelaikne(ṃ)tse ; ṣarmtsa preṃb6n10n11(tse) (ñiś)
(ce) (śaulne) (sta)moym rīñīmaryākṣe weṣṣäṃ kuce akālksa totteṃ pelaikne klyauṣtsi āñmantarwalo weṣṣäṃ snaiy olyapo pa-
-(ñäkteññe) (perne)

(continues on THT 100)


a1... King (Subhāṣitagave)ṣin [became] very sorrowful, the color disappeared from his [face].
a1+Then he even entered into the lamentation room (having) put on a dirty garment.
a2Now (then this) [following] dialogue has to be understood [to take place] in the divine world of the Trāyastriṃśa gods:
a2+Threupon lord Indra (after having taken) notice of king Subhāṣitagaveṣin in the world of men says to god (Vibhū)ṣaṇaprabha:
a3"O excellent one, look at that king Subhāṣitagaveṣin [who] ought to be a refuge for all three worlds!
a3+(In order to hear) the Law he sits away ..."
a4Vibhūṣaṇaprabha says: "O lord of the gods, will anybody give him the Law to hear?"
a4+Lord Indra (says):
a5"I will seek ... If I know his mind [to be righteous], I will give him one strophe to hear."
a5+Then lord Indra (having) taken on the appearance of a Yakṣa,
a6... having placed himself in front of king (Subhāṣi)tagaveṣin says with deference (to) the king:
a6+"O great king, for what reason (has) this sorrow (befallen you) ...
b1... as if ... is visible." Thereupon the king, having folded the palms of his hands, says to the (Yakṣa): "Listen, o excellent one!"
b1+Thereupon he says:
b2(In the tune ...:) ... Destroying the darkness of ignorance without a trace is the cause [and] beginning of all virtues step by step. The Law of the Buddha...
b3... I [am] deprived of it now. Because of this understand my feeble state!" The Yakṣa says:
b3+"What [would be] the price if someone (gave you the Law) to hear?"
b4Then the king having flourished with a hopeful gaze [and] looking over the figure of the Yakṣa says:
b4+"Listen without (disturbance ?)!
b5... Thereupon (the king) says: In the [tune] Paṇḍurāṅkäññe: "Nothing indeed is obtained [more dearly] than one's own life. Know this, o noble one!
b5+For the sake of the Law I would instantly renounce (this life of mine)
b6[and] not adhere [to it]." The Yakṣa says: "For what reason do you desire to hear the Law so extremely?" The king says: "Incomparable [is] (the dignity of Buddhahood) ...

(continues on THT 100)


Linguistic commentary

The texts has some misspellings of vowels. In contrast, the spelling of the compounds ylai-ñakte (a2, a5) and yakt-āñm (b3) and the ñakteṃts (a4) rather seem to indicate accent shift to the first syllable.

Philological commentary

Restoration according to Sieg/Siegling in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 34, fn. 4.
n1Some form of the root yām- followed at the beginning of a3 from the phrase "to take notice of". Sieg/Siegling suggested to restore yāmormeṃ.
n2Thomas in Sieg and Siegling 1983: 251 suggests to restore to (klyauṣalñentse pelkiṃ lantuññe) "er hat, (um) das Gesetz (zu hören) [wörtl. "(um des Hörens) des Gesetzes (willen)"], (die Königswürde) hinangesetzt". I doubt, however, that päst lämā- can have this meaning; it rather refers to the king having taken refuge in the chamber of lamentation.
n3According to Sieg/Siegling in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 35, fn. 5, approx. nine akṣaras are missing at the beginning of the line.
n4According to Sieg/Siegling in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 35, fn. 6, approx. eleven akṣaras are missing at the beginning of the line.
n5According to Sieg/Siegling in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 35, fn. 11, approx. twelve akṣaras are missing at the beginning of the line.
n6According to Sieg/Siegling in in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 35, fn. n12, approx. 10-11 akṣaras are missing at the beginning of the line, which included the name of a tune of 4x14 syllables. Restoration to (aknātsaññe)ṣṣ=orkamñe likewise according to Sieg/Siegling. Couvreur 1954c: 105 further seems to propose restoration of pudñäktäññe perne vel sim. ("(De boeddhawaardigkeit) verdrijft sporloos de duisternis der (onwetendheit)", but pāda 1a is already complete by the restoration of (aknātsaññe)ṣṣ=. Thomas in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 250 takes pelaikne as subject.
n7The spelling auñentau tatāku for auñento tatākau is rather due to miscopying than to hypercorrection.
n8Couvreur 1954c: 105 translates yakt-āñm with "moedeloosheid" ("despondency"), Thomas in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 250 with "Minderwertigkeit" ("inferiority").
n9A possible restoration at the end might be snai mi(yäṣṣälñe) "without harm, disturbance".
n10Restoration according to Sieg/Siegling in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 35, fn. 19.
n11Restoration according to Thomas in Sieg and Siegling 1953: 251, Couvreur 1954c: 105 likewise translates "boeddhawaardigheid".

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Tamai 2011C5
Tamai 2011C14


Online access



Sieg and Siegling 1953: 34-35


Carling 2000: a6 (357), b5 (323); Couvreur 1954c: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (105); Hackstein 1995: b4 (128f); Peyrot 2013b: a4 (307, 362), a5 (669); Schmidt 1974: b5 (215f), b6 (145); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a3 (251), a3 a4 (251), a4 (250), b4 (251), b5 (251), b6 (251); Thomas 1952: a3 (27); Thomas 1954: a1 (762), a4 (730), a5 (730), b6 (719); Thomas 1957: a3 a4 (182); Thomas 1958a: a1 (166); Thomas 1967b: a3 (22); Thomas 1979b: b3 (56), b4 (7)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Couvreur 1954c

Couvreur, Walter. 1954c. “Koetsjische literaire fragmenten uit de Berlijnse verzameling (naar aanleiding van Sieg & Siegling’s Tocharische Sprachreste).” Handelingen VIII der Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis, 97–117.

Hackstein 1995

Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg and Siegling 1953

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1953. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633. Edited by Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.

Thomas 1952

Thomas, Werner. 1952. Die tocharischen Verbaladjektive auf -l. Deutsche Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Thomas 1954

Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1958a

Thomas, Werner. 1958a. “Zum Ausdruck der Komparation beim tocharischen Adjektiv.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 75: 129–69.

Thomas 1967b

Thomas, Werner. 1967b. “Besteht ein formaler Unterschied zwischen N. und Obl. Sg. m. bei den wtoch. Verbaladjektiven?” Die Sprache 13: 20–30.

Thomas 1979b

Thomas, Werner. 1979b. Formale Besonderheiten in metrischen Texten des Tocharischen: Zur Verteilung von B tane/tne “hier” und B ñake/ñke “jetzt”. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 15. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”