Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 17A; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 17A
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault (editor translation); Theresa Illés (translation); Michaël Peyrot (translation). "PK AS 17A". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 10 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault (editor translation); Theresa Illés (translation); Michaël Peyrot (translation)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:M 497.1
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43434 (4x); 4343 (4x)


Manuscript:Supriyanāṭaka PK AS 17
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):12.2 × 49.3 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2 cm


lf100 10 8
a1– ·[y]· – n· – – – [r]nts· ·ts· ·t· m[a] [lñ]· sr· – – – – – – sā tse ṅk· – – kṣa ṇ· [nm]· r· sru ke ta¯ ¯r yaṃ nke tsi [ś]ra : ṣlyi ye [ca] ke sa rwā re ś[au]¯ ¯l ñwe tsa ññ[e] ka
a2tta ṅkaṃ po o no lmeṃ¯ ¯ts 3 tso pta¯ ¯r wa rs(·)e [rw]· – – pa ra mā ntaṃ¯ ¯ts yke po staṃ tsa tsai kau sa : kuse śau¯ ¯l kuse wa¯ ¯t ke ktse ñe po tu nta ksa ·[ā] ne saṃ lkā
a3lñe yä rmka : yā mo rṣṣe ○ [p]i [s]· ltre tse me m[i] sku sa ke ktse ñe we¯ ¯s tse re ntsi 4 || tu meṃ su pri ye ca kra vā rtti wa lo ṣleṃ tse kre
a4ntau na yu mā ne ta tā ka ○ ··[e] [kā] rsa sa [pi] lko śe śśa mu we s̝s̝aṃ || [p]u tro pa tne || a ñma ññe ma¯ ¯r [sa] ·[w]· – – [pū] r[v]a ve dī dvī pne ce¯ ¯u ya
a5tsi ā rwe¯ ¯r ptā ka sye¯ ¯s snai e ne rke pa lsko sa : kr[e]· tyā mo rne ai śau mye [ma] nta [tā] ko¯ ¯yä e ne rke : a lā la [cc]· – lsko [s]· – – ·p· nta krau po yta¯ ¯r 1
a6|| tu meṃ su pri ye ca kra vā rt·i – lo te ka ā rs·o rmeṃ weṃ ·i – – [re] ye we kā rsa i pre rne plye wsa [k]au¯ – yā m[u] ṣ[u]¯ ¯kt [nau] mī ye nta kauṃ [pi]
b1·k· ṣṣ[ai] k·· ym· – m[a] – c· – – ·[t]· [w]· lo ra || t· – ña k· – – – – ·[v]· pn· [ma] sk· ñca ñ· kt· [p]ū rv· tta r[e] ñ[e]¯ ¯m y· – [ś]·· [k]· [p]l[o] ri [y]· sa s[u] ppr· y·
b2kra vā rttiṃ lā¯ ¯nt wra ntsai śe¯ ¯m ka kā cco¯ ¯s̝ pa plā nta¯ ¯s̝ pa lsko sa we s̝s̝aṃ || na ndi ne || swa ro ne rsna cä ñcro na [ta] – [y]o ksa [ai] [rpa] – – e śa ne ṣṣi kmu
b3ta ntaṃ¯ ¯ts me ñe ra mno ta ○ [t]· k[au] [:] lkā lla ñ[ñ]e sa ta ññe rsna spa ntā lñe we¯ ¯s yai nmo ṣo : pe te plā n·[o] ka tkau ñ[ai] ·m· ṣn· rī n· [p]ū rvo tta¯ ¯r 1
b4tā twe rī ne ṣme ma ne pi ○ kwa la [sa] wī tma ne : śa¯ ¯[k] ·ā mo rṣṣai ytā ri ne sta ma¯ ¯stä wno lmeṃ ce pr[e] ke [:] [ñ]· [kc]y[e] śā mñ[eṃ] śai ṣṣ[e]ṃ tso r[e]
b5wä¯ ¯t ye nme e mpa rkre nrai lwā sa śle pre te – – – ¯t la kle eṃ ṣke tstse : 2 || tu meṃ su ppri ye ca kra vā rtti wa lo o [k]tm· ne śtwā ra ltse lā nta tsa
b6wa wā rpau p· r[v]o tta rī¯ ¯ś yne ma [ne] [k]au¯ – – – – – nau mi ye – – ¯m [ys]ā ṣṣe cā kka¯ ¯r a kā śne y[n]e ma ne o ro cce wre ne wä rnā ma ne ṣe


3ba1n1 16σ·y· – – – rnts· ·ts· ·t· malñ(e) sr· – – (:)
3c – – – ; tseṅk(etär) ; kṣaṇ(a)nm(a) r(a) ; sruketär ; yaṃ nketsiś ra :
3dṣlyiye cakes= ; arwāre ; śaul ñwetsäññe ; a2ttaṅkäṃn2n3 ; po onolmeṃts 3
4xtsoptär wars·erw· – – ; paramāntaṃts ; yke-postäṃ ; tsatsaikausa :
4xkuse śaul kuse wat ; kektseñe ; po tu nta ksa ; (m)ā nesäṃ ; lkāa3lñe yärm ka :
4dyāmorṣṣepi ; s·ltre{ṃ}tse ; memiskusa ; kektseñe ; wes tserentsi 4
*tumeṃ supriye cakravārtti walo ṣleṃtse kre¬
a4ntaunan4 yumāne tatāka(r) (w)ekārsasa pilko śeśśamu weṣṣäṃputropatne
1aañmaññemar ; sä(s)w(eṃmpa) ; pūrvavedīd;vīpne ceu {:}
1byaa5tsin4 ārwer ; ptākas yes ; snai enerke ; palskosa :
1ckre(ṃ)t yāmorne ; aiśaumye ; manta tākoy ; enerke :
1dalāläcc(e) ; (pa)lskos(a) ; (su) (yär)p(o)nta ; kraupoytär 1
a6n5tumeṃ supriye cakravārt(t)i (wa)lo te ka ārs(k)ormeṃ weṃ(ts)i – – reye wekārsa iprerne plyewsa kau(c) yāmu ṣukt naumīyenta kauṃ-pi¬
b1(r)k(o)ṣṣain6 k(al)ym(ine) ma(sa) c(akravārt)t(i) w(a)lo rat(ane) ñak(e) (pūrvavedīd)v(ī)pn(e) mäsk(e)ñca ñ(a)kt(e) pūrv(o)ttare ñem ś(ar)k(a) ploriy(ai)sa suppr(i)y(eṃ) (ca)¬
b2kravārttiṃn7 lānt wrantsai śem kakāccoṣ paplāntaṣ palskosa weṣṣäṃnandine
1aswaron= ersna ; cäñcrona ; tä(ṅkwa)-yoksa ; airpä(cce) (:)
1beśaneṣṣi ; kmub3täntaṃts ; meñe ram no ; tat(ā)kau :
1clkālläññesa ; taññ ersna ; späntālñe wes ; yainmoṣo :
1dpete plān(t)o ; katkauñai ; (l)m(o)ṣn(e) rīn(e) ; pūrvottar 1
2ab4 twe rīne ; ṣmemane ; pikwalasa ; tmane :
2bśak(-y)āmorṣṣai ; ytārine ; stamäst wnolmeṃ ; ce preke :
2cñ(ä)kcye{ṃ} śāmñeṃ ; śaiṣṣeṃtso ; reb5wät yenme ; emparkre
2dnrai lwāsa śle ; prete(nne) ; (nekä)t lakle ; eṃṣketstse : 2
*tumeṃ suppriye cakravārtti walo ok tm(a)ne śtwārältse lāntä{ṃ}tsa
b6n8n9 wawārpau p(ū)rvotta= rīś ynemane kau(c) (yāmu) (ṣukt) naumiye(nta) (sa)m ysāṣṣe cākkär akāśne ynemane orocce wrene wärnāmane ṣe


a1... it rises, like the instants, dies, and goes to [its] perishing, so to speak. [3c]
a1+More readily than a mountain river, life [and] the present pass for all beings.
a2[3d] The wretched (?) [body?] formed bit by bit of atoms is pierced. [4a or b] What [is] life? Or what [is] the body?
a2+All that is nothing but the dimension of the visible. [4b or c]
a3The body [is] disguised by the craftsman (?) of the deed to deceive us.” [4d]
a3+Then, the cakravartin king Supriya, having fixed his gaze on Wekārsa, says about the ripening of the virtues of the mountain
a4|| in [the tune] Putropat ||: “I wish to go together with the lord to this Pūrvavedīdvīpa.
a5You, be ready, with a mind without hesitation. In doing good [lit. a good deed] the wise should never hesitate: with an indefatigable mind (this one) should accumulate merits.” [1d]
a6Then the cakravartin king Supriya, having hardly finished saying this, ... Wekārsa floated in the sky.
a6+Having lifted up the seven jewels he (went) in the direction of the rising sun, like a cakravartin king.
b1+Here now, the god who stayed in Pūrvavedīdvīpa, Pūrvottara by name, ... came with lute [and] ploriya [instrument] towards the cakravartin king Supriya.
b2With a glad and pleased mind he says || in [the tune] Nandi ||: "The sweet [and] pleasant appearance [of yours] through [your] lovely [and] unalterable face has become like the moon of the white lotuses of the eyes.
b3Through contemplation of your appearance we [have] obtained confidence. Give happiness [and] joy to the resident[s] in the town Pūrvottara. [1d]
b4Staying twenty thousand years in this town, you will at that time put the beings on the path of the ten deeds;
b4+you will open wide the door to the worlds of gods and humans;
b5you will completely destroy sorrow among the hell-[beings], the animals and the pretas. [2d]
b5+Thereupon the cakravartin king Supriya, surrounded by 84,000 kings, going to the town Pūrvottara, (lifted) up (the seven) jewels.
b6(That) wheel of gold (there) going in the sky, turning in a great dust ...


b4+Staying twenty thousand years in this town, you will at that time put the beings on the path of the ten deeds; you will open wide the door to the worlds of gods and humans; you will completely destroy sorrow among the hell-[beings], the animals and the pretas. (cf ) (Peyrot 2013b: 300)


Philological commentary

*Though this should be the leaf directly following PK AS 17H, it is difficult to understand why it starts with the third strophe of a poem in a different metre than the strophe just before the end of AS 17H. It is more likely that the leaf numbers are incorrect. The metre here has a [7/7/4] division. The following strophes have the metre 4x14 [7/7].
n1cakes= arwāre: because of the perl. cakes= (= cakesa), we should translate 'more readily than' v.s. rather than Pinault's "Aussi prompte[ment] qu' " (Pinault 1984b: 172).
n2The segmentation warserw· – – is uncertain. If one separates warsa, this can be the perlative of war 'water' belonging to a simile. Cf. possibly warsa 'pitied' THT 22 a1 and TA wras- 'suffer'.
n3One line of the strophe is missing, at least when one admits that a stanza has four pādas as usual. Since of the three lines that are preserved the last two seem to form a coherent whole, 4a or 4b will be missing.
n4yatsi: although this word starts pāda 1b, it belongs syntactically most probably to pāda 1a.
n5The reading is uncertain, and a form ending in -reye is otherwise unknown.
n6m(asa): perhaps to be restored thus. In any case, this sentence needs a finite verb, as it can hardly be a postponed subclause to the preceding sentence with plyewsa.
n7airpä –: the only possible restoration seems to be a form of airpätte. With poetry allows placing the attribute after the head noun, one may assume that this privative belongs to yoksa. It would refer to the unchangingly bright color of Supriya.
n8kau(c yāmu): After kauc we expect a form of the verb yām- as in a 6. Since the number seven ought to stand before naumyenta, it seems that there is place only for yāmu, the PPt being used as predicate. The finite preterite yamaṣṣa would be too long.
n9 – m: The most likely restoration seems to be the distant demonstrative (sa)m.



Pinault 1984b: 167ff


Peyrot 2013b: b4 b5 (300); Pinault 1984b: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (167ff)


Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 1984b

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1984b. “Fragment d’un drame bouddhique en koutchéen.” Bulletin d’Études Indiennes 2: 163–91.