Work in progress

M 500.1

Known as:M 500.1; S 8
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "M 500.1". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānastotra
Passage:39a-45a [shorter version] = 39-40 + conclusion
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:5


a1/// ne mce ksa a kā¯ ¯lk kñī ta rñä : ai śa mñe ṣṣe śau lśai lñe tā ko¯ ¯yñä ā stre (– – – – –) mo rsa : (– –) sa k[w](·) wi kṣe ñca pu tka lyñe
a2/// ñā tse snai mā nta lñe ṣe ktā ko¯ ¯y[m]ä ce yā mo rsa : 30 9 ci ntā ma ṇi wa m(·) rra swā sa ṣṣe ñcai nau mye nta a rtha nma ṣṣ(·) : [śpā]
a3/// ce pai yka lñe sa : klyo mñai ytā ri o kta tsai ya mi¯ ¯m pā kri rī¯ ¯ś ynū cai ne rvā ṇä ṣṣai : po la kle ntaṃ¯ ¯ts kse lñe ṣṣe sa kka ll(·)
a4/// ga ṅga vā lu¯ ¯k po yśi ntaṃ¯ ¯ts śau la nma sa la ro na ka ryo¯ ¯s̝ śpā lmeṃ : pe lai kne ṣṣe nau mye kre¯ ¯nt kle śa nma ṣṣeṃ te ka nma
a5/// dāṃ śpā lmeṃ pai kā mai wro cca kā lksa : a knā tsa ñe o rka mñe pi¯ ¯śä cme la ṣṣeṃ¯ ¯ts nä śī ta¯ ¯r ce yā mo rsa 40-1 ā kt(·) k(·) sa [ne] s(·) l[eṃ]
b1/// ṣṣe me ślo ksa kuce yä ltse nma sa ka rsta tsi wsā sta ā staṃ : ye tse tsa ṅtsi ke kts(·) ñmeṃ ysā ra [ṣi] ss(·) mr(·) (– – –) [k]ul(·) [c](·) – –
b2/// ktma ne ple tka¯ ¯rcä ysā ra 40 2 rṣā keṃ¯ ¯ts lā nte kre ñce pi tsa ṅkā¯ ¯ñä [pa] [lsko] klā wä ṣṣi lā lyi wro tsai : kuśi ñpe le re ki sa ///
b3/// mpa mñe ne sau ñä¯ ¯ś ce [no] kā mmai pra krau ñe śau¯ ¯l ke ktse ñmeṃ : ce ka [ṣp]a kā¯ ¯lk (–) wä skau po yśi tā ko¯ ¯ymä ne mñce ksa ce yā
b4/// ra mno ri ñī ma¯ ¯r ā śce – – : e mpa lkai tte tā ko¯ ¯ymä s̝pa śau¯ ¯[l] i(·) r(·) (–) ke ktse ñä¯ ¯n mā ta cci ma¯ ¯r : pā ntai ka llo¯ ¯ymä i
b5/// ri : po yśi ññe ṣṣe a kā lksa ya¯ ¯m ñi¯ ¯ś ytā ri snai mau ki (– –) (·)[e] ṣṣai (– – – –) kle nta wa rpa tsi wa śī¯ ¯r kl[au] tko¯ ¯yñä a ra


39a11σ /// ; nemceksa ; akālk kñītär-ñ{†ä} :
39baiśamñeṣṣe ; śaul śailñe ; tākoy-ñ āstre ; (täryā-ykne) ; (ce) (yā)morsa :
39c(lakle) sakw(ä) ; wikṣeñca ; putkalyñea2(ne) ; – – – ; – – – –
39d(wiśim) (kleśan);(ma) ñātse ; snai māntalñe ; ṣek tākoym ; ce yāmorsa : 30-9
40acintāmaṇi ; wam(e)r ra ; swāsäṣṣeñcai ; naumyenta ; arthanmaṣṣ(eṃ) :
40bśpāa3(lmeṃ)n2 (posa) ; (wakīce) ; (brāhmaṇavārg) ; (śpālmeṃ) ce ; paiykalñesa :
40cklyomñai ytāri ; oktatsai ; yamim pākri ; rīś ynūcai ; nervāṇäṣṣai :
40dpo läklentaṃts ; kselñeṣṣe ; sak käll(o)a4(yeṃ) ; (piś) (cmelṣi) ; (ñiññ=) (akālksa) (40)
41agaṅgavāluk ; poyśintaṃts ; śaulanmasa ; larona ; käryoṣ śpālmeṃ :
41bpelaikneṣṣe ; naumye krent ; kleśanmaṣṣeṃ ; tekanma ; a5(wikäṣṣeñcai) (:)
41c(arth) (vyañjantsa) ; (kekenoṣ) ; (u)dāṃ śpālmeṃ ; paikāmai ; wrocc= akālksa :
41daknātsañe ; orkamñe ; piś cmelaṣṣeṃts ; näśītär ; ce yāmorsa 40-1
42aākt(i)k(e)sa ; nes(a)leṃ ; b1(pitakänta) ; (wrotstsana) ; (keklyauṣormeṃ)
42b(ṣeme) ṣṣeme ; śloksa kuce ; yältsenmasa ; karstatsi ; wsāsta āstäṃ :
42cyetse tsaṅtsi ; kekts(e)ñmeṃ ; ysāra ṣiss(i) ; mr(estīwe) ; (mā) kul(ā)-c (warkṣäl) (:)
42db2n3n4 (säswa) (āñm) (plyäñ);(calñesa) ; (klokastäṃmeṃ) ; (o)k tmane ; pletkar-c ysāra 40-2
43arṣākeṃts lānte ; kreñcepi ; tsäṅkā-ñ palsko ; klāwäṣṣi ; lālyi wrotsai :
43bkuśiñ-pele re;kisa /// ; b311σ ///
43c(snai) (cä)mpamñe ; nesau ñäś ; ce no kāmmai ; prakrauñe ; śaul kektseñmeṃ :
43dce ka ṣp akālk ; (klā)wäskau ; poyśi tākoym ; nemñceksa ; ce b4(morsa)n5 (40-3)
44a(pelaiknentse) ; (pernesa) ; (atyai) ram no ; riñīmar ; āś ce (śailñe) :
44bempalkaitte ; tākoym ṣpä ; śaul i(nd)r(inta) ; kektseñän ; taccimar :
44cpāntai källoym ; ib5(meṣṣe) ; (tsirauññeṣṣe) ; (sahāye) ; (mā) (ñiś) (ā)ri :
44dpoyśiññeṣṣe ; akālksa ; yam ñiś ytāri ; snai mauki ; (pelaikn)eṣṣai (40-4)
45a(ṣañ) (lä)klenta ; warpatsi ; waśīr klautkoy-ñ ; ara (ñce) ;


a1... for sure my wish may be fulfilled, may I have a pure way of living [lit. living of life] consisting of wisdom by (this three-fold de)ed! Avoiding (suffering) [and] happiness (in) the sharing ...
a2... (May I avoid the) danger (of the passions), [and] may I always become without anger through this deed! Which [= the Brāhmaṇavarga] makes rain jewels of meanings like the cintāmaṇi gem,
a3through this excellent writing (of the excellent Brāhmaṇavarga, superior to everything), may I make manifest the noble eightfold path that goes to the city of Nirvāṇa! May [the beings] (of the five births) reach the happiness consisting in the extinction of all sufferings
a4+(through the wish coming from me)! 40. I have written with a great wish the excellent (U)dānavarga (provided with meaning [and] [literary] form, which chases away) the diseases of the passions, the good jewel of the Law, the excellent one, that has been bought by the dear lives of the omniscents as numerous as the grains of sand of the Ganges. May the darkness of ignorance of [the beings] of the five births disappear through this deed! 41. (Having heard the great baskets [i.e., the canonical writings]) that exist through wonder,
b1since for (each) single śloka you [the Buddha] have given by thousands [your] heads to be cut off, [and] to flay your skin from the body, your (energy) did (not) wane to make flow [your] blood, [and your] m(arrow).
b2(O lord, by selling yourself) blood overflowed out from (e)ighty thousand pores. 42. My spirit arose in order to proclaim the great striving of the good king of Riṣis. Through a speech in Kuchean manner, ...
b3I myself am (without capac)ity, nevertheless I have taken away this firmness from life [and] body, and I (pro)claim precisley this wish: May I become an omniscient for sure (through) this deed! 43.
b4(For the sake of the Law) may I abandon [as lightly] as (grass) my head [and] this (living)! May I become unconcerned [and] may I not care about life, (sen)ses, [and] (bo)dies! May I obtain the support of aware(ness)!
b5May (the companion of firmness not lea)ve (me)! With the wish for omniscience I will myself go the way of the (Law) without stop. (44.) May my heart turn into a diamond in order to endure (my own suff)erings!


a4+Das mit den lieben Leben der dem Sand in der Gaṅgā gleichenden Alleswissenden erkaufte vorzügliche Gesetzesjuwel, das gute, die Kleśa-Krankheiten vertreibende, den herrlichen Udāna[varga], habe ich (sinn- [und] buchstabengetreu [wtl. mit dem Sinn [und] dem Buchstaben an seiner Stelle]) geschrieben in dem großen Wunsche: Möge die Finsternis der Unwissenheit den fünfgeburtenwesen durch diese Tat vergehen! (Schmidt 1974: 452)
a5Möge die Finsternis der Unwissenheit den Fünfgeburtenwesen durch diese Tat vergehen! (Schmidt 1974: 128-9)
b2Es erhob sich in mir der Gedanke, die große Anstrengung des guten Königs der Ṛṣis zu verkünden. (Schmidt 1974: 75-6)
b3Und nur diesen Wunsch verkünde ich: "Möchte ich ganz bestimmt ein Allerkenner werden (durch) diese Tat!" (Schmidt 1974: 249)
b4Und möchte ich unbekümmert sein [und] auf Leben, Sinne [und] Körper nicht Rücksicht nehmen. (Schmidt 1974: 323)


Parallel texts


Philological commentary

*Lévi 1933: 64 only edited lines a4-a5 of the recto side. Part of the text can be restored with the help of PK AS 5D = S 7 a 5-b 2. It belongs to the short version of the Udānastotra where the text proper ends with stanza no. 40.
n2The text is partly restored with the help of PK AS 5D b 2, although there we have the finite preterite form paiykāmai of the verb pikā- instead of an abstract. Accordingly, the pāda 40b had no finite verb, which stands in the following pāda.
n3The missing eleven syllables of pāda 43a probably contained a sentence referring to the composition of the praise of the Udānavarga as being first told by the Buddha in contrast to the actual praise in the Kuchean language.
n4Lévi had the reading klāwäṣṣi, but such an optative/imperfect forms does not make sense in this passage; the correct form, the infinitive klāwässi has actually been read by Lévi in his first draft. Note that in the glossary on p. 123 Lévi also analyzes the form correctly an infinitive (while still giving the wrong reading with ṣṣi).
n5Lévi has the wrong form kektseñi in the edited text, but the correct form kektseñän in note 6.


*The original has been lost since at least the 1980ies, and since it did not make it into the numbering of the series PK AS even in the 1950ies, it is likely that it was already lost by that time. However, Lévi still used it for his 1933 book.
*According to the description of Lévi preserved in his first draft of the 1933 book, the leaf lacks the left part including the string hole.

Linguistic commentary

n1Note the preservation of word-final -ä of sakwä, which is metrically warranted.


Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.