Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 4B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 4B; PK NS 120; S 8
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 4B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:M 500.3; DA cour (NS 120)
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānastotra
Passage:1a-6b [longer version?] = Introduction
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.4 × 38.3 cm
Number of lines:5
Interline spacing:1.4 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


lf60 1
a1|| vi lu mpa ga ti ne || ga ṅga vā lu /// ·ta(·)¯ ¯ts śau la nma sa la ro na ka ryo¯ ¯s̝ śp[ā] lme(·) [:] p[e] lai ykne ṣṣe nau mye kre¯ ¯nt kl(·) ś(·)(·) [m](·) [ṣṣ](·) (–) ka nma wī – – ñc· : [a] ///
a2ñja ntsa ke ke no¯ ¯s̝ u dāṃ śpā lmeṃ [pai] /// wro cca kā lksa : a knā tsa ññe o rka mñe pi¯ ¯śä cme la ṣṣeṃ¯ ¯ts nä śī ta¯ ¯r ce yā mo rsa : 1 ā kti ke sa [n]e – l[e]ṃ ///
a3ta ka nta wro tstsa na ke klyau ṣo ○ [r]m· : ṣe me ṣṣe me [ś]l[o] ksa kuce yä ltse nma sa ka rsta tsi wsā sta ā staṃ : ye tse tsa ṅtsi ke ktse ñmeṃ ysā ra [ṣi] s(·)i ///
a4we mā kulā¯ ¯cä wa rka¯ ¯l : sa swa [ā] /// [l]ñ(·) sa klo ka staṃ nmeṃ o ktma ne ple tka¯ ¯rcä ysā ra 2 pe lai kne ntse pe rne sa a tyai ra mno ri ñī ma¯ ¯r ā śce [ś]ai ///
a5mpa lkai tte tā ko¯ ¯ympa śau¯ ¯[l] /// [k](·) [s](·) ñ[ä]¯ ¯n mā ta cci ma¯ ¯r pā ntai ka llo¯ ¯ym i me ṣṣe tsi rau wñe ṣṣe sa hā ye mā ñi¯ ¯śä ā rī : po y(·)i ///
b1kā lksa ye yma ñi¯ ¯ś ytā ri [s]n· /// ṣṣ· [3] ṣa¯ ¯ñä la kl[e] nta wa rpa tsi wa śī¯ ¯r kl[au] tko¯ ¯yñä a ra ñce tsmo yta¯ ¯rñä ne [t]e : mla m[o] tā ko¯ ¯yñ[ä] a r(·)(·) [c](·) ///
b2kle¯ ¯śä snä tku ra¯ ¯mt ṣe kka ru ntsa [:] /// ṣṣ(·)¯ ¯ts pa kā na a pi śne ka kwri cmī ma¯ ¯r ka lpa nma sa : tsmo yta¯ ¯rñä ne te pa lsko ṣṣe a ṅklau tka(·) [te] ///
b3po yśi ññe meṃ 4 sā tke ka ○ llo¯ ¯ymä o nwa ññe pe lai kne ṣe au śi ma¯ ¯r pi¯ ¯śä cme la ṣṣeṃ : ṣlya ṣṣe pa lsko tā ko yñi wā ki [nta] ksa mā ///
b4so¯ ¯yä sa na nne : pe lai kne sa – /// pa lsko wī na mā ka llo¯ ¯yñä kṣa na yä rmne : po yśi ññe ṣṣai e kṣa lymeṃ mā tri ś[ī] ma¯ ¯r ka llo¯ ¯y[m](·) s̝pa o [s](·) (·)e(·) ///
b55 ṣe me pi ślo ka ntse o ko /// ñī ña ke rū pi klau tko¯ ¯yä : ce s̝pa ñi ññe ya rpo sa snai pe le meṃ po klau t[k]o – pi¯ ¯śä (·)[m]e la ṣṣi – [ka] [nt]o[¯] [¯]kt k(·)e ///


1agaṅgavālu(k) ; (poyśin)ta(ṃ)ts ; śaulanmasa ; larona ; käryoṣ śpālme(ṃ) :
1bpelaiykneṣṣe ; naumye krent ; kl(e)ś(an)m(a)ṣṣ(eṃ) ; (te)kanma ; wī(käṣṣe)ñc(ai) :
1ca(rth) (vya)a2n2ñjantsa ; kekenoṣ ; udāṃ śpālmeṃ ; pai(kāmai) ; wrocc= akālksa :
1daknātsaññe ; orkamñe ; piś cmelaṣṣeṃts ; näśītär ; ce yāmorsa : 1
2aāktikesa ; ne(sa)leṃ ; (pi)a3n3takänta ; wrotstsana ; keklyauṣorm(eṃ) :
2bṣeme ṣṣeme ; śloksa kuce ; yältsenmasa ; karstatsi ; wsāsta āstaṃ :
2cyetse tsaṅtsi ; kektseñmeṃ ; ysāra ṣis(s)i ; (mrestī)a4we ; kulā-c warkṣäl :
2dsäswa ā(ñm) (plyäñ);(ca)lñ(e)sa ; klokastäṃnmeṃ ; ok tmane ; pletkar-c ysāra 2
3apelaiknentse ; pernesa ; atyai ram no ; riñīmar ; āś ce śai(lñe)
3b(e)a5n4mpalkaitte ; tākoym ṣpä ; śaul (indrinta) ; (ke)k(t)s(e)ñän ; taccimar
3cpāntai källoym ; imeṣṣe ; tsirauwñeṣṣe ; sahāye ; ñiś ārī :
3dpoy(ś)i(ññeṣṣe) ; (a)b1n5n6n7kālksa ; yeym{†ä} ñiś ytāri ; sn(ai) (mauki) ; (pelaikne)ṣṣ(ai) 3
4aṣañ läklenta ; warpatsi ; waśīr klautkoy-ñ ; arañce ; tsmoytär-ñ nete :
4bmlamo tākoy-ñ ; ar(añ)c(e) ; (wnolmeṃts) (la)b2n8kleś ; snätku ramt ; ṣek karuntsa :
4c(piś) (cmela)ṣṣ(eṃ)ts ; pakāna ; apiśne ka kwri ; cmīmar ; kalpanmasa :
4dtsmoytär-ñ nete ; pälskoṣṣe ; aṅklautka(t)te ; – – – ; b3n9 poyśiññemeṃ 4
5asātke källoym ; onwaññe ; pelaikneṣe ; auśimar ; piś cmelaṣṣeṃ :
5bṣlyaṣṣe palsko ; tākoy ñi ; wāki nta ksa ; (klautkoy) ; b4n9 soy sananne :
5cpelaiknesa ; (yolone) ; palsko wīna ; källoy-ñ ; kṣana yärmne :
5dpoyśiññeṣṣai ; ekṣalymeṃ ; triśīmar ; källoym() ṣpä ; os(tm)e(ṃ) (lalñe) b55
6aṣemepi ; ślokantse ; oko – – ; ñī ñake ; rūpi klautkoy :
6bce ṣpä ñiññe ; yarposa ; snai pelemeṃ ; po klautko(-ñ) ; piś (c)melaṣṣi (:)
6ckant-okt k(l)e(śan,ma) – – ;


a1+In [the tune] Vilumpagati: I have written with a great wish the excellent Udānavarga provided with meaning [and] [literary] form, which chases away the diseases of the passions, the good jewel of the Law, the excellent one, that has been bought by the dear lives of the omniscents as numerous as the grains of sand of the Ganges. May the darkness of ignorance of [the beings] of the five births disappear through this deed! 1. Having heard the great bas(kets) [i.e., the canonical writings] that
a3(ex)ist through wonder, since for each single śloka you [the Buddha] have given by thousands [your] heads to be cut off, [and] to flay your skin from the body,
a4your energy did not wane to make flow [your] blood, [and your] marrow. O lord, by (sell)ing y(ourself) blood overflowed out from eighty thousand pores. 2. For the sake of the Law may I abandon [as lightly] as grass my head [and] this living!
a5May I become unconcerned [and] may I not care about life, (senses), [and] (bo)dies! May I obtain the support of awareness! May the companion of firmness not leave me! With the wish for omniscience
b1I myself went the way (of the) Law with(out stopping). 3. May my heart turn into a diamond in order to endure my own sufferings, may my strenght increase! May my heart become overwhelmed (?), [and]
b2permeated with constant compassion facing the (su)ffering (of the beings)! If for the sake of the beings of the five births I were even be reborn in the Avīci [hell], may my spiritual strength increase! (May I remain?) without turning back
b3from the omniscience! 4. May I obtain the medicine [and] may I grant the ambrosia of the Law to the [beings] of the five births! May my spirit be firm, may it not (make) any difference [to have]
b4a son among enemies. With the Law may my spirit not obtain pleasure (in evil) even for the measure of an instant! May I not miss the feast of the omniscience and may I obtain the departure from the house! 5
b5The fruit of even a single stanza ... may become concrete for me now! And through this merit of mine may all the beings of the five births turn away from Lawlessness! (May) the 108 pa(ssions be eliminated!)


b3Möchte ich den Gesetzesnektar (zu trinken) erlangen [und ihn] den Fünfgeburtenwesen wachsen lassen! (Schmidt 1974: 458)


Parallel texts

M 500.1, PK AS 5D

Philological commentary

Lévi 1933: 64f. took as basis for his edition of S 8 a manuscript with the expedition number M 500.1, which is now lost. But a first draft of the transcription of 1933 is preserved, and it allows the completion of some passages. We here basically edit M 500.3, which was edited by Lévi as a supplement of S 8, but without the fragment PK NS 120. Thomas 1966a: 178-181 under "S 8" actually edited only the supplement without giving the actual press mark and without the joint either. To be sure, the lost ms. M 500.1 is not a complete parallel but a slighty different version and has one additional stanza. According to the numbering, M 500.1 contained the end of the Udānastotra (consisting of 31 stanzas) and the conclusion. On the other hand, M 500.3+PK NS 120 belongs to a second recension, which uses almost the same stanzas of the conclusion for the introduction. For this reason, M 500.1 starts numbering the stanzas of the conclusion with "41", while this one that is M 500.3 starts with "1". The additional stanza of M 500.1 is no. 43, which would be between "2" and "3" in the M 500.3+PK NS 120 recension. For the restoration of the whole Udānastotra, see Pinault 1990a. See also the note in Bernhard 1968: 271 about the existance of two Tocharian Udānastotra recensions.
The introduction in this fragment differs from the one attested in PK AS 5A. Accordingly, this may be the long introduction in 15 stanzas.
n1The restoration (poyśin)ta(ṃ)ts is warranted by the parallel version M 500.1 a 4.
n2paikāmai is complete in the parallel M 500.1 a 5. The restoration of ne(sa)l(le)ṃ is based on the comparison with Lévi's reading for M 500.1 a 5.
n3The restoration (mrestī)we is warranted due to the attestation of mr in M 500.1 b 1.
n4The expected formulation would be keś ... taccimar 'may I (not) take into account'; it does not seem possible to restore it inside the lacuna because keś would stand in the middle of a series of objects. The restoration indrinta is further warranted by the parallel M 500.1 b4.
n5yeymä is written without virāma, but it counts for one syllable according to the meter. Instead of the imperfect yeym, the parallel M 500.1 b 5 has the present yam. The existance of the two versions may be the reason for the blunder of the scribe. The original text ought to have had the present with future value. Probably it has been accomodated to the optative context by using the final sequence -ym. Actually, the standard imperfect form is yaim.
n6The restoration mauki is certain due to M 500.1 b 5. Further, Lévi edited mauki – – ·ai ·ai·ṣṣe. Since this is one syllable too many, it is likely that Lévi read ai ·ai· in the lost manuscript and edited ṣṣ(·) from this one. Accordingly, one has to restore pelaikneṣṣai.
n7We read mlamo instead of mlamau because the latter does not seem to be a correct PPt of any root (cf. Malzahn 2010: 758f.). On the other hand, mlamo could be a correct agent noun in -mo of any root mäl-. With respect to the context, a meanig like 'overwhelmed' would make sense, and would make the form a derivative of in the sense of "being overpowered by emotion".
n8One may restore ñiś stamoym "may I remain".
n9The sense here must be sought in an allusion to Buddhist legends such as the Araṇemi- or the Viśvantara-Jātaka, where a Bodhisattva gives away his own son to enemies in order to accomplish his vow to Buddhahood.


Completed to the left by PK NS 120 (see Pinault 2007: 184), which gives a complete leaf. There is a perfect joint between the fragments in lines 3 after the string hole.



Lévi 1933: 64-65; Thomas 1966a: 178-181


Peyrot 2013b: b3 (726); Schmidt 1974: b3 (458)


Bernhard 1968

Bernhard, Franz. 1968. Udānavarga. Band II, Indices, Konkordanzen, Synoptische Tabellen. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden 10. Wiesbaden: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Malzahn 2010

Malzahn, Melanie. 2010. The Tocharian verbal system. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 1990a

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1990a. “Compléments à l’Udānālaṅkāra et à l’Udānastotra en koutchéen.” In Documents et archives provenant de l’Asie Centrale. Actes du Colloque Franco-Japonais, Kyoto, 4–8 octobre 1988, edited by Akira Haneda, 51–69. Kyoto: Association Franco-Japonaise des Études Orientales.

Pinault 2007

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2007. “Concordance des manuscrits tokhariens du fonds Pelliot.” In Instrumenta Tocharica, edited by Melanie Malzahn, 163–219. Heidelberg: Winter.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Thomas 1966a

Thomas, Werner. 1966a. “Tocharische Udānastotras der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 80: 163–81.