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IOL Toch 5

Known as:IOL Toch 5; H 149.26/30; H 149.X.26 and H 149.X.30; A.26/30
Cite this page as:Michaël Peyrot. "IOL Toch 5". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Michaël Peyrot


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:British Library (London)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Confession


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.6 × 15.2+21.6 cm
Number of lines:6


Images from by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project and the British Library.


a1ntri ṣṣe sa mu ddä¯ ¯r mā so yä ssi cä myā wa ne sa¯ ¯ñä nā ki : ṣa¯ ¯ñä yā mo rṣṣ[ai] ytā ri sa wai ptā rmai yta¯ ¯rñä c[ai] ṣña ṣṣi ñ[i]¯ ¯śä ma rsā re : ṣe sk· (– –)
a2lyu ta skau po yo lai nä¯ ¯ts smā ntsa ñi¯ ¯śä kwī pe tā ko¯ ¯yä 10 sa swa po yśi ñmā la ṣka po tra ṅko nta ta rkau cai tri kṣaiṃ wno lme¯ ¯ts : ci śya¯ ¯k ra ksau a (–)
a3ne we ñmo ptā ka¯ ¯ñä o no lmeṃ[¯] [¯]· – rko¯ ¯ñä tra ṅko : nā ki lkā skau klau tko ma¯ ¯r yo lai ñe meṃ te sa ma¯ ¯nt po cme la ne : a wi śa ṣṣai ke ntsa ka
a4s̝[pa] śā śwa¯ ¯t o ko wa rpo yma¯ ¯r c[e]·¯ ¯ts pa kā na : 10-1 o nmi ṣṣa na pwā ra sa tsa kse ma ne ma rma nma tro ṅktse stā mra : sa lp[i] ñci ttsa wo
a5lo kma¯ ¯r nu ska ske ma¯ ¯r ma rma nma i ṅkauṃ ka stwe¯ ¯r : tā ka s̝pa śā mñai ke ktse ñtsa nrai ṣṣi [s]l· mi pa nnoṃ ñi¯ ¯śä eṃ ṣkyā wi śne : e mpe lo na kle śa nma
a6[mai] no pa l[s]·o so yi pa sta sa ñā ttā ko¯ ¯yä 10 2 ka r[u] ṇī ka ñmā la ṣ·a ·au [k]o¯ ¯·ä kwā [ma]¯ ¯r·ä a kā lk[s]a pk·a lñe mpe ṣe : ci sa pa rna ma n·a k·a
b1– st· [y]· mts· ka lpā sk· tā pr· śy· yn[e] : ā¯ ¯ś pa pyā ku kle śa nma¯ ¯ts a· [ts]·[¯] [¯][k] [ṣ]· ñā[¯] [¯][ñ]m r· r· nu ñ[i]¯ ¯śä e mpe l[e] ka ru ṇa ṣṣe tr·¯ ¯ṅk pru tk·¯ ¯r
b2tu ne tau kau¯ ¯cä sai¯ ¯m pā ce¯ ¯r lā ma¯ ¯ñä pro sko 10 3 mā ṣṣe nta kca cme la ne ñe mra klyau ssi ka lpā wa twā rs̝a po sta ññe kre nta ka ṣṣi ntsa me ṅki tse
b3[y]o lai ñe sa mā ṣṣe nta a ṣkā rśmā wa : kwī pe o nmi ṣṣeṃ pwā ra sa tsa ksau śmo ññai śau l[a] ṣṣai mā¯ ¯s̝ pru tka s̝a¯ ¯ñä : ci ṣṣe sai ma¯ ¯ś klo yo ma¯ ¯r nau
b4yto¯ ¯ñä yā mo¯ ¯r kā nto yta¯ ¯rñä kṣ·· t· tā ko yñä 10 4 ci ne yā mu śri gu pti yo lo yā mo¯ ¯r nau tā ne ci ṣṣe¯ ¯k sai mtsa : wa lo mā ga (–)
b5yo laiṃ wā ṣmo¯ ¯ts ṣe ṣa rtu kau sa pā ta¯ ¯r kre¯ ¯nt ta¯ ¯ñä pai yne ne spa lkā te nā ki pa lyka yo lo meṃ ka lpā sta rñe : tu me nā ksa ñi śra no la kla –
b6ntse ñi¯ ¯śä we skau de śi¯ ¯t tā ko yñä 10 5 snai ypa rwe cce saṃ sā rne ta ryā yä kne ka rtse ṣṣe yā mo¯ ¯r tā ko yñä : a lye¯ ¯k ye y·· a –


lf– – …1
10b (i)a1n1ntriṣṣe ; samuddär ; soyässi ; cämyāwa ; nesa-ñ nāki :
10cṣañ yāmorṣṣai ; ytārisa ; waiptār maiytar-ñ ; cai ṣñaṣṣi ; ñiś märsāre :
10dṣesk(e) (yolo) ; a2n2n3 lyutaskau ; po yolainäts ; smāntsa ñiś ; kwīpe tākoy 10
11asaswa poyśi ; =ñmālaṣka ; po träṅkonta ; tärkaucai ; trikṣaiṃ wnolmets :
11bciś yak raksau ; a(lyi)a3ne ; weñmo ptākañ ; onolmeṃ(ts) ; (tä)rko-ñ traṅko :
11cnāki lkāskau ; klautkomar ; yolaiñemeṃ ; tesa mant ; po cmelane :
11dawiśäṣṣai ; kentsa ka a4 ṣpä ; śāśwat oko ; warpoymar ; ce(ṃ)ts pakāna : 10-1
12aonmiṣṣana ; pwārasa ; tsäksemane ; marmanma ; troṅktse stām ra :
12bsälpi-ñ cittsa ; woa5lokmar ; nuskaskemar ; marmanma ; iṅkauṃ kästwer :
12c ka ṣpä śāmñai ; kektseñtsa ; nraiṣṣi sl(e)mi ; pannoṃ ñiś ; eṃṣky āwiśne :
12dempelona ; kleśanma ; a6 mai no pals(k)o ; soyi pästä ; sañāt tākoy 10-2
13akaruṇīka ; =ñmālaṣ(k)a ; (t)auko(-c) kwāmar(-c) ; akālksa ; pk(w)alñemp= eṣe :
13bcisa parna ; man(t)a k(c)a ; b1 (wa)st(e) y(ā)mts(i) ; kälpāsk(au) ; pr(e)śy(ai)yne :
13cāś papyāku ; kleśanmats ; a(t)ts(ai)k ṣ(a)ñ āñm ; r(e)r(i)nu ; ñiś empele
13dkaruṇaṣṣe ; tr(o)ṅk prutk(a)r ; b2 tune taukau-c ; saim pācer ; lāma-ñ prosko 10-3
14a ṣṣe nta kca ; cmelane ; ñem ra klyaussi ; kälpāwa ; twār ṣä postaññe
14bkrentä käṣṣintsa ; meṅkitse ; b3n4 yolaiñesa ; ṣṣe nta ; aṣkār śmāwa :
14ckwīpe-onmiṣṣeṃ ; pwārasa ; tsaksau śmoññai ; śaulaṣṣai ; prutkaṣä-ñ :
14dciṣṣe saimäś ; kloyomar ; naub4n4yto-ñ yāmor ; kāntoytär-ñ ; kṣ(ān)t(i) tākoy-ñä 10-4
15acine yāmu ; śrigupti ; yolo yāmor ; nautā-ne ; ciṣṣek saimtsa :
15bwalo māga;(tṣe) b5 yolaiṃ ; wāṣmots ṣeṣar;tu kausa ; pātär krent
15ctañ paiynene ; spalkāte ; nāki palyka ; yolomeṃ ; kalp= āstarñe :
15dtu menāksa ; ñiś rano ; lakl= a(ñma)b6ntse ; ñiś weskau ; deśit tākoy-ñä 10-5
16asnai yparwecce ; saṃsārne ; täryā-yäkne ; kärtseṣṣe ; yāmor tākoy-ñä :
16balyek yey(mä) ; a 13σ


a1[10b] [10c]
a1I have not been able to satiate [this] ocean of the sense[s]; [that] is my fault. On the path of [my] own deed[s] [my] relatives have gone separated from me, they have forgotten me.
a1+Alone I expel (evil).
a210[d] [11a]
a2May there be shame on me for the attempt of [any] evil [deed]. O lord, o omniscient, o compassionate one! O [you] who let go all offences of the erring beings!
a2+Towards you again I stretch the palms [of my hands].
a3[11b] [11c]
a3Be a spokesman for me before the beings! May they let go my offence! I see my fault. I turn away from evil because of this in all births.
a3+And may I permamently enjoy the fruit for their sake even on the Avīci earth.
a4[While my] vessels are burnt by the fires of remorse, I dwell like an empty tree [12a] with glowing spirit,
a5[12b] [12c]
a5[and] I press my vessels day and night. Would the flames of hell drag me with this human body into the Avīci hell?
a5+But may my mind be satiated with terrible passions;
a612[d] [13a]
a6may it be completely under control! O compassionate one, o pitying one, I shelter with you, I call on you with a wish and with confidence.
a6+Apart from you, I don't find anybody to seek refuge in in this time.
b1[13b] [13c]
b1Smashed on the head by passions, I [have] certainly given up this terrible self. Fill up the hollow of compassion!
b2Therein I will hide, in your protection, father, so that my fear will rest! Not even once in the births have I got to hear [this] name, and therefore afterwards, [14a] lacking a good teacher, I have not once stood back because of evil.
b3[14b] [14c]
b3With the fires of shame and repentence I burn the base of life and it does not block me [anymore]. I fall onto your protection.
b3+May my deed disappear!
b414[d] [15a]
b4May it be wiped out! May there be forgiveness for me! Who has taken excellent protection in you, his bad deed disappeared through your protection.
b4+The king of Magadha, incited by evil friends, killed his good father.
b5[15b] [15c]
b5At your feet he made effort, recognised (lit. thought) [his] fault [and] [keeping away] from evil he obtained purity.
b5+Comparable to that I tell my own sorrow too –
b615[d] [16a] To another I (?) went ...
b6may there be forgiveness for me! May there be a deed of threefold virtue for me in the saṃsāra without beginning.


a3Ich kehre um von der Schlechtigkeit hierdurch in allen Geburten. (Schmidt 1974: 273)
a4+Während die Adern von den Feuern der Reue verbrannt werden, weile ich wie ein ausgehöhlter Baum mit glühendem Geist [und] drücke [meine] Adern bei Tag [und] Nacht. (Schmidt 1974: 276, 323-4)
a5+Would the flames of hell drag me with this human body into the Avīci hell? But may my mind be satiated with terrible passions;457 may it be completely under control! (Peyrot 2013b: 359)
a6O Barmherziger, Mitleidiger! Ich schreie [und] rufe dich in dem Wunsch voll von Vertrauen. (Schmidt 1974: 95-6)
b1Fill up the hollow of compassion! Therein I will hide, in your protection, father, so that my fear will rest! (cf 322–323, 328) (Peyrot 2013b: 324)
b3Mit den Feuern von Reue [und] Scham verbrenne ich die Lebensgrundlage, und nicht umschließt sie(?) mich mehr. (Schmidt 1974: 133)
b3+Möge das Karman mir schwinden [und] von mir abgerieben werden! (Schmidt 1974: 207)
b4+Von schlechten Freunden aufgestachelt, tötete der König (von) Magadha [seinen] guten Vater. Zu deinen Füßen bemühte er sich, sah den Fehler ein [und] erlangte vom Bösen Reinigung. (Schmidt 1974: 176)



on line number: one stroke can be seen; it could also be ‘2’ or ‘3’
According to Broomhead 1962: 185 "[t]he manuscript consists of two parts ... A.30 is the left portion and ... A.26 forms the right part ... [w]ritten in medium ductus, it is very clearly preserved."

Philological commentary

Although virāma is in many cases correctly written in this manuscript, it is lacking in a number of cases where it is required by the metre: ṣpä a4, a5 read ṣp; pästä a6 read päst; ṣä b2 read ; krentä b2 read krent; tākoy-ñä b4, b6 read tākoy-ñ. Also kwīpe-onmiṣṣeṃ b3 has to be read as kwīp=-onmiṣṣeṃ.
In several cases metrical sandhi is already written in the manuscript: poyśi =ñmālaṣka a2 for poyśi añmālaṣka; karuṇīka =ñmālaṣ(k)a (because of the metre it cannot be karuṇīk= añmālaṣ(k)a, pace Broomhead 1962: 185, Pinault 2008: 322) a6 for karuṇīka añmālaṣ(k)a; pk(w)alñemp= eṣe a6 for pk(w)alñempa eṣe, kalp= āstarñe b5 for kalpa astarñe; lakl= a(ñma)ntse b5-6 for lakle a(ñma)ntse. The narrative part of strophe 15 contains two metrical irregularities: walo māga(tṣe) yolaiṃ b4-5 with 5+2 syllables instead 4+3 (the restoration to māga(tṣe) seems nevertheless correct); and likewise wāṣmots ṣeṣartu kausa with 5+2 syllables instead 4+3.
[a1] (i)ntriṣṣe samuddär ¦ mā soyässi cämyāwa ¦ nesañ nāki : [10b] ṣañ yāmorṣṣai ytārisa ¦ waiptār maiytar-ñ cai ṣñaṣṣi ¦ ñiś märsāre : [10c] ṣesk(e yolo) [a2] lyutaskau ¦ po yolainäts smāntsa ñiś ¦ kwīpe tākoy 10 saswa poyśi =ñmālaṣka ¦ po träṅkonta tärkaucai ¦ trikṣaiṃ wnolmets : [11a] ciś yak raksau a(lyi) [a3] ne ¦ weñmo ptākañ onolmeṃ(ts ¦ tä)rko-ñ traṅko : [11b] nāki lkāskau klautkomar ¦ yolaiñemeṃ tesa mant ¦ po cmelane : [11c] awiśäṣṣai kentsa ka [a4] ṣpä ¦ śāśwat oko warpoymar ¦ ce(ṃ)ts pakāna : 11 onmiṣṣana pwārasa ¦ tsäksemane marmanma ¦ troṅktse stām ra : [12a] sälpi-ñ cittsa wo [a5] lokmar ¦ nuskaskemar marmanma ¦ iṅkauṃ kästwer : [12b] tā ka ṣpä śāmñai kektseñtsa ¦ nraiṣṣi sl(e)mi pannoṃ ñiś ¦ eṃṣky āwiśne : [12c] empelona kleśanma [a6] ¦ mai no pals(k)o soyi pästä ¦ sañāt tākoy 12 karuṇīk= añmālaṣ(k)a ¦ (t)auko-(c) kwāmar-(c) akālksa ¦ pk(w)alñemp= eṣe : [13a] cisa parna man(t)a k(c)a [b1] ¦ (wa)st(e) y(ā)mts(i) kälpāsk(au) ¦ tā pr(e)śy(ai)yne : [13b] āś papyāku kleśanmats ¦ a(t)ts(ai)k ṣ(a)ñ āñm r(e)r(i)nu ¦ ñiś empele [13c] karuṇaṣṣe tr(o)ṅk prutk(a)r [b2] ¦ tune taukau-c saim pācer ¦ lāma-ñ prosko 13 mā ṣṣe nta kca cmelane ¦ ñem ra klyaussi kälpāwa ¦ twār ṣä postaññe [14a] krentä käṣṣintsa meṅkitse [b3] ¦ yolaiñesa mā ṣṣe nta ¦ aṣkār śmāwa : [14b] kwīpe-onmiṣṣeṃ pwārasa ¦ tsaksau śmoññai śaulaṣṣai ¦ mā ṣ prutkaṣä-ñ : [14c] ciṣṣe saimäś kloyomar ¦ nau [b4] yto-ñ yāmor kāntoytär-ñ ¦ kṣ(ān)t(i) tākoy-ñä 14 cine yāmu śrigupti ¦ yolo yāmor nautā-ne ¦ ciṣṣek saimtsa : [15a] walo māga(tṣe) [b5] yolaiṃ ¦ wāṣmots ṣeṣartu kausa ¦ pātär krent [15b] tañ paiynene spalkāte ¦ nāki palyka yolomeṃ ¦ kalp= āstarñe : [15c] tu menāksa ñiś rano ¦ lakl= a(ñma) [b6] ntse ñiś weskau ¦ deśit tākoy-ñä 15 snai yparwecce saṃsārne ¦ täryā-yäkne kärtseṣṣe ¦ yāmor tākoy-ñä : [16a] alyek yey(mä) a –
n1yāmorṣṣai: a little piece of paper covers the place where the vowel sign of rṣṣai should be, but slight traces of both ai-strokes are still discernible.
n2=ñmālaṣka: ṣka is added under the line; the addition is marked with a cross above.
n3smāntsa: the translation of smāṃ follows Ogihara 2011a, who proposes 'test' as the basic meaning. However, his discussion of this passage (Ogihara 2011a: 55) is not completely satisfactory: he translates 'try', which does not fit well. Further, it is peculiar that the word is preceded by po yolainäts (pace Ogihara l.c., not po yolainats): obviously, the attempt of any single evil deed will already be a shame. Further, his translations of the prs. lyutaskau as 'I shall drive away', and of the opt. tākoy as 'will be' are in my view not correct.
n4nauyto-ñ: for nautoy-ñ.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008CL
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: IOL Toch 5


Broomhead 1962: 185-187; TEB II: 63-64; Peyrot 2007: №5


Adams 2013: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6; Broomhead 1962: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (186-187); Carling 2000: a1 (93), a3 a4 (51), a3 a4 (79), a5 (344), a6 (337), a6 b1 (289), b3 (241); Hackstein 1995: a1 a2 (243), a2 a3 (117), a4 (90), a4 a5 (181), b3 (90); Krause 1952: a4 a5 (46), a6 (64), b1 (32), b5 (182); TEB II: b4 (64); Meunier 2013: a6 b1 (144), b3 (145), b3 b4 (152); Ogihara 2011a: a1 a2 (55); Peyrot 2013b: a4 a5 (359), a5 a6 (359), b1 (324); Pinault 2008: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (327-328); Schmidt 1974: a3 (273), a4 a5 (276, 323f), a4 a5 (276, 323-4), a6 (95f), a6 (95-6), b3 (133), b3 b4 (207), b4 b5 (176); Thomas 1954: b2 (716); Thomas 1968: a4 (204); Thomas 1969c: a5 (201); Thomas 1970: b3 (278), b4 b5 (278); Thomas 1972: a6 (456); Thomas 1983: b1 (8)


Adams 2013

Adams, Douglas Q. 2013. “More thoughts on Tocharian B prosody.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 3–30.

Broomhead 1962

Broomhead, J.W. 1962. “A textual edition of the British Hoernle, Stein and Weber Kuchean manuscripts. With transliteration, translation, grammatical commentary and vocabulary. I = Edition.” PhD, Cambridge: Trinity College.

Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Hackstein 1995

Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Ogihara 2011a

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2011a. “龟兹语 smāṃ 考释.” 西域文史 – Literature & History of the Western Regions 6: 49–60.

Peyrot 2007

Peyrot, Michaël. 2007. “An edition of the Tocharian fragments IOL Toch 1 – IOL Toch 822 in the India Office Library.” International Dunhuang Project. 2007.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 2008

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2008. Chrestomathie tokharienne. Textes et Grammaire. Leuven/Paris: Peeters.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.


Thomas, Werner, and Wolfgang Krause. 1964. Tocharisches Elementarbuch, Band II. Texte und Glossar. Heidelberg: Winter.

Thomas 1954

Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1968

Thomas, Werner. 1968. “Zur Verwendung von toch. A oki/B ramt und A mäṃtne/B mäkte in Vergleichen.” Orbis 17: 198–231.

Thomas 1969c

Thomas, Werner. 1969c. “Zu den Ausdrücken für Tag und Nacht im Tocharischen.” Central Asiatic Journal 13: 199–206.

Thomas 1970

Thomas, Werner. 1970. “Zu einer stilistischen Besonderheit im Tocharischen.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 84: 254–80.

Thomas 1972

Thomas, Werner. 1972. “Zweigliedrige Wortverbindungen im Tocharischen.” Orbis 21: 429–70.

Thomas 1983

Thomas, Werner. 1983. Der tocharische Obliquus im Sinne eines Akkusativs der Richtung. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 6. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.