CEToM | THT 85

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THT 85

Known as:THT 85; B 85; Bleistiftnummer 2329
Cite this page as:Melanie Malzahn. "THT 85". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-tht85&outputformat=print (accessed 13 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Melanie Malzahn


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Expedition code:T III Š 80.31
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:late

Text contents

Title of the work:Araṇemijātaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43435 (2x), 55 (1x), 43435 (1x)


Manuscript:Araṇemi α
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:6


Images from idp.bl.uk by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project, the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, and the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Orientabteilung.


a1ṣṣu sa ka mpā lau rcce sā¯ ¯u ysā ra sa • we ksa sr(·) ka ñce kwo yta rne ta ṅsa snai ka rsto 3 || tu meṃ u tta re [m](·)(·) (·)[ṣ]k(·) wcu kai sa mā ta¯ ¯r lā ntso e ṅku
a2we s̝a nne ścä ṣa rya a mma kki po ññā ppai mā ñi śce mpaṃ¯ ¯ts ra kṣa tse ntsai s̝s̝aṃ || ta ne a ra ṇe mi ñlā nte – (–) nne e ṅka ltsa po ke ktse ñmeṃ la
a3kle¯ ¯ñä sye l[m]e – (– – –) ○ ylā re ka klau tk[au] [ta] rra ske ma ne re ki sa u tta reṃ m(·)(·) (·)[ṣ]·eṃ (– –) la re kka śā mna cai¯ ¯mp ske nte mā [ya]
a4kṣī mā twe prā s[k]· (– – – –) ○ ṇi we skeṃ (– – – –) ccu wa lo ṣa ñpra ti nmeṃ [kl]au (– – – –) || tu meṃ wa lo ṣe me ṣa rsa u (–)
a5reṃ mñcu ṣkeṃ [e] (– – – – –) (·)[o] rṣ·e [w]· re ṅku a ra ñc[ä] st(·) (–) ske [ma] ne mñcu ṣkeṃ ā y[o] (– – – – – –) – – – || ta ru ṇa di (– – – –)
a6ma kte ai· (·)au – – – – – – – – – – r(·)e a mā skai ri lye • mā ṣke ś(·)ā sau ṣa ñla ///
lf10 9
b1te ṣa rmtsa (– – – – – – – – – –) (·)[ta] rsa lyka śke tā kso¯ ¯ym śai [ṣ]ṣ(·) ntse mi thy[a] (– – – – – – –) [lo] mñcu ṣkeṃ brā hma ṇeṃ [ts](·) (– – –)
b2wa ma ne l[a] (– – – – – – – –) (·)[r](·) hma ṇi u tta reṃ mñ(·)(·) ṣkeṃ [a] nta pi po kai ne sa y[ä](·) t(·) (– – – – – – –) – ke rcī yeṃ nmeṃ [pa] rna (– –)
b3ta ne u tta re (– – – –) ○ lkā ske ma ne (– –) (·)(·)·naṃ tra ntā cce ka ntwā śke sa (– – – – –) ma ne we s̝s̝aṃ sa swa a ppa [kk](·) (–)
b4pi psā mpa rñ[i][¯] [¯][śä] (– –) [kṣ](·) ○ tse nmeṃ lo k[e] ykā ktv(·) śā ma ne ne¯ ¯stä ña ke ṅke c[ai] ñ(·) śpa (–) (·)[u] waṃ || te ke klyau rmeṃ a ra ṇe mi ñlā
b5nte pi tmai wā te ne k(·) tsa klā ya • ta ne o ro ttsa kwa sa lñe ṣṣa we śe ñña klyau ṣā te || ta ne ña ke brā [h](·)(·) ṇi u tta reṃ mañcu ṣkeṃ ści ro na re kau na
b6sa ska rrā ma ne we skeṃ ne pa ṣpa¯ ¯s̝ ka rpī ye¯ ¯ts soṃ śka we sa¯ ¯ñ ña ke ṣa rne ne ke ka mu ne¯ ¯st mā ṣpā tra (–) lle ne¯ ¯st || tu meṃ brā hma ṇi to tti


3ca1n1n2 ṣṣusa ; kampāl aurcce u ; ysārasa
3dweksa sr(a)kañce ; kwoytär-ne taṅsa ; snai kärsto 3 ॥
*tumeṃ uttare m(ñcu)ṣk(e) wcukaisa mātär lāntso eṅku
a2weṣän-neścä ṣarya ammakki poññ āppai ñiś cempaṃts rakṣatsents aiṣṣäṃtane araṇemiñ lānte (mñcuṣke)nne eṅkältsa po kektseñmeṃ lä¬
a3kleñn3 syelme – – (pletksa) ylāre kaklautkau tärraskemane rekisa uttareṃ m(ñcu)ṣ(k)eṃ(śc) (weṣṣäṃ) larekka śāmna caimp skente ya¬
a4kṣī twe prāsk(at) (॥) (brāhma)ṇi weskeṃ (mapi) (oro)ccu walo ṣañ pratinmeṃ klau(tkalle) (nest)tumeṃ walo ṣeme ṣarsa u(tta)¬
a5reṃn4n5 mñcuṣkeṃ e(ṅku) (wace) (ṣarsa) (āy)orṣ(ṣ)e w(a)r eṅku arañcä st(aukkä)skemane mñcuṣkeṃ āyo(rmeṃ) (brāhmaṇeṃśc) (weṣṣäṃ)taruṇadi(vākarne) (॥)
1amäkte ai(sk)au ; (uttareṃ) ; (ñäkte-yokäṃ) ; (säsuwe)r(śk)e{ṃ} ; amāskai rilye
1b keś (t)āsau ; ṣañ la(kle) ; /// 12σ
1c11σ b1n8 ; te ṣarmtsa ; – – – – –
1d– – – (ṣṣe) ; (śas)tärsa ; lykaśke tāksoym ; śaiṣṣ(e)ntse ; mithya(dṛṣṭi) (po) (1) (॥)
*(tumeṃ) (wa)lo mñcuṣkeṃ brāhmaṇeṃts (āyormeṃ) (mi)¬
b2wamanen9 la(klene) (ṣamäṃ) (॥) (tumeṃ) (b)r(ā)hmaṇi uttareṃ mñ(cu)ṣkeṃ antapi pokainesa yä(rt)t(amane) – – – – – – kercīyeṃnmeṃ parna (lateṃ)
b3tane uttare (enersäṅk) lkāskemane – – ···naṃ träntācce käntwāśkesa – – – (pälwā)mane weṣṣäṃ saswa appakk(a) (ma)¬
b4pin10 psāmpar ñiś (ceṃ) (rā)kṣ(a)tsenmeṃ loke ykā-k tv(e) śāmane nest ñake ṅke cai ñ(i)ś pä(st) (ś)uwaṃte keklyau{ṣo}rmeṃ araṇemiñ lā¬
b5nte pit maiwāte-ne k(eṃ)tsa klāyatane orottsa kwasalñeṣṣa weśeñña klyauṣātetane ñake brāh(ma)ṇi uttareṃ mäñcuṣkeṃ ścirona rekauna¬
b6san11 skärrāmane weskeṃ-ne paṣ paṣ kärpīye{ṃ}ts soṃśka wesäñ ñake ṣarnene kekamu nest pāträ (lkā)lle nesttumeṃ brāhmaṇi tott


a1The broad cloak (stain)ed (?) with blood she called incessantly with a hoarse voice full of love.
a1+Thereupon prince Uttara while grasping [his] mother, the queen, by the chin speaks to her:
a2“My dear mother! Do tell [my] dear father, he must not give me to those Rākṣasas!”
a2+Thereupon for love to the (prince) the king Araṇemi (broke) into a sweat all over his body due to the pain.
a3... having turned decrepit with soothing (?) word[s] (to the) prince Uttara (he speaks):
a3+“Darling! Humans those are, not Yakṣas!
a4Do not be afraid!” The Brahmins speak: “(You will not, oh gre)at king, revert from your own resolution?”
a4+Thereupon the king, after grasping with one hand the prince Uttara [and] (with the other hand) the water (of gift), with a heavy [lit. swollen] heart surrenders the prince (and speaks to the Brahmins:)
a5|| (In) [the tune] taruṇadi(vākar ||)
a6“How can I give away (Uttara), [my] (god)like little son, who is hard [for me] to give away. I do not pay attention to own sorr(ow) ...
b1... For this reason ... with (the kni)fe of ... I want to smash (?) into little pieces the false(hood) of the world (at large.)”
b1+(Then after) the (ki)ng has (sur)rendered the prince to the Brahmins he sits (sh)aking (with) pa(in).
b2(Thereupon) drag(ging) the prince Uttara [away] by both arms .... the (Bra)hmins (went) out of the palace.
b3There, looking around helplessly ... Uttara speaks hoarsely (?) with his little tongue .... lamenting:
b3+“[My] father, lord, do take me away from (these Rākṣasas)!
b4You are alive still; but now these will (de)vour me.
b4+When he had heard this, king Araṇemi fainted [lit. his gall quivered]
b5[and] fell to the ground. Thereupon a great voice of lament was heard.
b5+Thereupon now the Brahmins, threatening the prince Uttara with harsh words, speak to him:
b6“Go, go, son of a commoner! You have fallen into our hands and your father [you] will not (see [ever again])!” Meanwhile (walking step by step) the Brahmins thereupon ...


a1Mit heiserer(?) Stimme rief sie ihn voll Liebe ununterbrochen. (Schmidt 1974: 95)
a2+Dear mummy, tell dad that he mustn't give me to those rākṣasas! (Peyrot 2013b: 305)
a6How can I give [away] Uttara, my dear son of divine appearance who is difficult to let go? I do not pay attention to my own sorrow … (cf 240) (Peyrot 2013b: 431)
b3+O Herr, Väterchen! Nimm mich doch von (diesen Rākṣasas) weg! (Schmidt 1974: 409)
b4You are still alive, now that these eat me up. (cf 101; 315) (Peyrot 2013b: 374)
b4+Dem König Araṇemi bebte seine Galle. (Schmidt 1974: 209, fn. 2)
b4+Als er dies gehört hatte, wurde König Araṇemi ohnmächtig [wtl. bebte dem König Araṇemi seine Galle], [und] fiel zu Boden. (Schmidt 1974: 122)
b5Da wurde eine große Klagestimme gehört. (Schmidt 1974: 81, 217)
b6You have come into our hands and you can/will not see your father [anymore]. (Peyrot 2013b: 341)


Parallel texts

*PK NS 355, THT 86, PK NS 699 (?)

Philological commentary

*Continues THT 84, continued on THT 86. The translation follows Schmidt 2001: 313-5.
*The mother’s lament. King Araṇemi surrenders his son to the Brahmins, who lead him away in spite of his wailing and resistance. Lines a2-b4 overlap with PK NS 355. At line b4 the parallel text THT 86 commences. This latter text shows some minor deviations from our text here.
*In contrast to Sieg/Siegling—who identify the meter as 20|22|10|15—, Schmidt 2001: 314 fn. 70 rather proposes 19|19|10|19 (7/7/5 and 5/5). This seems to be correct, since it fits the restoration that can be achieved now by a new reading of the parallel fragment PK NS 355 b 1.
n2Most recently, Schmidt 2001: 313 with fn. 66 favors the restoration of a PPt of Pt IV lalaupäṣṣusa from the root "to besmirch", but this, of course, remains uncertain, the more so since there is yet no other attestation of a kausativum from this root (although such a kausativum would be perfectly regular).
n3Thomas in Sieg and Siegling 1983: 239 proposes to restore pletksa su no ("sinngemäß") at the beginning; the preterite of the verb plätk- "to flow, develop" makes indeed sense, but the damaged akṣara cannot belong to a sign with e-vowel.
n5The Paris parallel PK NS 355 a 3 seems to offer a sligtly different text. See the discussion there.
n7For the restoration see the parallel PK NS 355 a 4.
n8Schmidt 2001: 314 fn. 74 is right in refuting Sieg/Siegling's proposal to restore to (ṣañ ṣar)sa due to the "handschriftliche Befund", but he gives no alternative restoration. The remains of the preceeding akṣara speak in favor of (·)[ta]rsa, and this is now actually supported by the parallel PK NS 355 b1, where [ṣṣ](·) [ś](·) (– –) [lyk](·)[śk](·) can be read; this can be restored to ṣṣe śas)tärsa ; lykaśke.
n9Due to new attestations from the root yärttā- “to drag”, the restoration yä(rt)t(amane) is the most likely, see Malzahn 2010: 800.
n10The parallel PK NS 355 b 4 has the obl.pl.masc. cenän from the demonstrative pronoun seṃ, which makes more sense with respect to its deixis as recognitional pronoun.
n11The direct speach of the Brahmins differs in THT 86 a 4. At the end Sieg/Siegling restore i(ke-postäṃ ynemane).

Linguistic commentary

n1Note the monophthong -o in snai-kärsto for snai-kärstau; the same monophthongized form is attested in THT 88 b 1, which belongs to the same manuscript, and there it is also at the end of a sentence.
n4Maybe in arañcä the virama stroke is simply missing by error; since the passage is not metrical, preservation of -ä is unlikely.
n6For the interpretation and translation of tāsau, see Peyrot 2010: 358.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Tamai 2011C5
Tamai 2011C14


Online access



Sieg and Siegling 1953: 22-23


Carling 2000: a1 a2 (198), b2 (208); Couvreur 1954c: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (101-102); Hackstein 1995: a1 a2 (270); Krause 1952: a1 (190), a3 a4 (62), a4 (27), b1 (138), b6 (52); Meunier 2013: a6 (146); Peyrot 2013b: a2 (305), a2 also PK NS 355 a1 (305), a6 (302, 431), a6 (431), b3 b4 (363), b4 (374), b6 (341); Schmidt 1974: a1 (95), b3 (409), b3 b4 (409), b4 b5 (122, 209), b4 b5 (209, fn. 2), b4 b5 (122), b5 (81, 217); Schmidt 2001: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (313-315); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a1 (239), a6 (239); Thomas 1952: a4 (40), b6 (40); Thomas 1957: a1 (62), b4 b5 (91), b6 (250); Thomas 1958: a2 (295), a2 (302), a4 (302); Thomas 1965: b4 b5 (199); Thomas 1967b: a6 (23); Thomas 1969: b5 (257); Thomas 1979b: b4 (41), b4 b5 (8), b5 b6 (43), b5 b6 (7); Thomas 1979d: b4 b5 (161); Thomas 1981: b6 (490); Thomas 1983: a6 (20), b6 (31); Thomas 1993: a1f=PK NS 355a1 (161), a3f=PK NS 355a2 (161), a4 a5 (184)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Couvreur 1954c

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“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Malzahn 2010

Malzahn, Melanie. 2010. The Tocharian verbal system. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Peyrot 2010

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Peyrot 2013b

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Schmidt 1974

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Schmidt 2001

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Sieg and Siegling 1953

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