CEToM | A 314

Work in progress

A 314

Known as:A 314; THT 948
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling. "A 314". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-a314&outputformat=print (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Gerd Carling


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Specific find spot:Stadthöhle
Expedition code:T III Š 80.07
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Sonnenaufgangswunder
Text genre:Literary
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43434 (4x)


Manuscript:A 312-331
Preceding fragment:A 315 and 316
Following fragment:A 320
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8


Images from titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de by courtesy of the Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS).


(continues from A 315 and 316)

a1/// kupā raṃ ma ska ntra • ñä kta śśi pa ttā ññä kte s·· [k]· [ts]e¯ ¯k a kmlaṃ lkā māṃ p·¯ ¯k klo pä· w· – – ñu ka – – – – – tne ///
a2/// ·ña re ṣi ñi wra sa – – kta śśi pa ttā ñkä¯ ¯t pa lkā¯ ¯nt ta mne[¯] [¯k] pu[¯] [¯k] ·lye¯ ¯k ñä kta¯ ¯ñ ña re ṣi ñi ṣñi ṣñi na slaṃ tkaṃ ta ///
a3/// tse¯ ¯k ñä kta śśi pa ttā ñka¯ ¯t pa lka¯ ¯nt ma¯ ¯nt pa tnu a na pa¯ ¯r lmo ā na¯ ¯nd pta ñka¯ ¯t ka ṣṣiṃ lyā¯ ¯kta mne ///
a4/// [dh]ā tuṃ nwä¯ ¯s̝ lwā pre tā¯ ¯ñä na – – pu¯ ¯k a na pa¯ ¯r lmo ṣṣo ki ptā ñka¯ ¯t ka ṣṣiṃ pa lkā¯ ¯nt || na ndi gho ṣnaṃ || ///
a5/// [ña] re ytwäṃ o – [ṣa]¯ ¯t ña – – – – – mā pe nu ka¯ ¯lk śtwa rka lyme mā pe nu ce¯ ¯m a ci ye¯ ¯ñcä ca msaṃ ṅkrā maṃ : ṣñi ke ///
a6/// ki pu¯ ¯k pa lkā¯ ¯nt ptā ñka – [ka] [ṣ]ṣ· : mr· sa rro ki ṣñi ṣñi klo¯ ¯p wso ke nā ntsu¯ ¯s̝ śla ñcā lyi sne ptsä¯ ¯k lyā k· ///
a7/// raṃ pā ciṃ tsa rto [ṣ]e ṣci ñcä¯ ¯r : vā jjä rro ki cwa ṅke yaṃ wsā [ṣ]i pā reṃ me nā kyo lyā¯ ¯k wä¯ ¯rts e sneṃ : i ndra ni lṣi wtsi o ki tseṃ ///
a8/// u rṇaṃ pa rwā nyo ye t·· – ¯l s· rpa¯ ¯rts ci ñcä r[k]ā ·ä lte ṣñi ke ka ksu : 2 wsā yo kāṃ ka ṣswā ñce nyo ·o rp· yä rśā rsa mkā ·e ///
b1/// ·m· – ·pu knu c· my·· ml· – – – – – – – – – ·y· [n]ā ksa¯ ¯s tri wä ltseṃ ā rki śo ṣi pu ksā ka – ·r·· ś· [l]l[o] k· : sne [ś]· ///
b2/// tskā¯ ¯nt pu¯ ¯k ksā cka ksā¯ ¯nt : 3 || tma¯ ¯s̝ ptā ñka¯ ¯t ka ṣṣyā¯ ¯p o ka¯ ¯t tmāṃ kly· ka śśā sa¯ ¯s̝ lyu tā rme ma ṣci ñcraṃ wā kmtsaṃ [l]· ///
b3/// nā¯ ¯ñä lcä rswā ñce nā śśi [ā] [k]ā o ka¯ ¯t tmāṃ ka rtkā lyi pā ka rtā ka¯ ¯r ka rtkā lsaṃ su me rle ka¯ ¯cä vai ḍu rṣi ñi ā sā ///
b4/// ñ·ä¯ ¯nt pa l·ā yo o plā[¯] [¯ñä] – – – – o plā śi ke sā rsaṃ ta ryā kwe pi la kṣa ṇä syo ye [tu]¯ ¯s̝ o ktu¯ ¯k ci ñcraṃ ///
b5/// yo wo rpu¯ ¯s̝ o ka¯ ¯t tmā· – – – ññä kta ñpā ka rtā ka¯ ¯r : ce smi pe nu pu¯ ¯k o ka¯ ¯t [tmāṃ] ā ṣā ni kā ś·i ///
b6/// o ka¯ ¯t tmāṃ swā ñce nāṃ ñpā ka rtā ka¯ ¯r swā ñc· nā śśi ā kā śkaṃ ta mne ka wkaṃ nyo ka rtkā lyi ā sā ñi o plā ///
b7/// ¯r : ce mpe nu ta ·e – wkaṃ nyo swā ñce nā sta rka r[ce] [s]mi pe nu swa ñce nā śśi ā kā o kā¯ ¯k la kṣa ṇä syo ye tu[¯] [¯s̝] ///
b8/// [¯ñä] pā ka rtā ka¯ ¯r [e]¯ ¯s lyu krā sa rki sne ā¯ ¯k lo ka dhā tu twä ña r[e] ·w· pre tā saṃ – – sna peṃ ·ṃ ·o – – ·o ma ///

(continues on A 320)


(continues from A 315 and 316)

a1/// kupāraṃ mäskanträñäktaśśi pättāññäktes (nu) k(ā)tsek akmlaṃ lkāmāṃ p(u)k klopä(nt)w(äṣ) (ā)ñu kä(lpānt) (:) (mäṃ)t ne (ñäktañ) (mtsāṣ)
a2(ṣu) (orto) (kātsek) ñareṣiñi wrasa(ñ) (ñä)ktaśśi pättāñkät pälkānt tämne-k puk (ā)lyek ñäktañ ñareṣiñi ṣñi ṣñi naslaṃ tkaṃ{t→s}ä(ṣ) (mtsāṣ)
a3(ṣu) (orto) (kā)tsek ñäktaśśi pättāñkät pälkant mänt pat nu anapär lmo ānand ptañkät käṣṣiṃ lyāktämne ///
a4/// (puk) (ālykes) (loka)dhātuṃnwäṣ lwā pretāñ na(peñi) puk anapär lmoṣṣ oki ptāñkät käṣṣiṃ pälkāntnandighoṣnaṃ
1a/// a5 /// ; (puk) ñareytwäṃ ; o(ki) {ṣ→p}at ; ña(reṣiñi) (:)
1b penu kälk ; śtwar kälyme ; penu cem ; aci yeñc ; cam saṃṅkrāmaṃ :
1cṣñike(k) /// a6 /// ; (kātse) (o)ki ; puk pälkānt ; ptāñkä(t) käṣṣ(iṃ) :
1dmr(a)sarr oki ; ṣñi ṣñi klop ; wsoke nāntsuṣ ; śl= {a→ā}ñcālyi ; sne ptsäk lyāk(ar) (:) (1)
1a/// a7 /// ; (śālyiṃ) (tsa)raṃ ; pāciṃ tsar ; to ṣeṣ ciñcär :
2bvājjärr oki ; cwaṅkeyaṃ ; wsāṣi pāreṃ ; menākyo ; lyāk wärts esneṃ :
2cindranilṣi ; wtsi oki ; tseṃ(-yok) (śāku) ; /// a8
2d/// urṇ{†aṃ} pärwānyo ; yet(w) (akma)l ; s·rpärts ciñcär ; kā(w)älte ; ṣñike= kaksu : 2
3awsā yokāṃ kaṣ ; swāñcenyo ; (w)orp(u) yärśār ; sam kā(ts)e ; (pukis) (lkātsi) (ṣeṣ)
b1/// ·m··puk nu c(a)my (ak)ml· – – – – – – – – – ·y·nāk säs tri wältseṃ ārkiśoṣi puk sākä·r··ś· ll ok(i) :
3dsne ś· /// 12σ b2 /// tskānt ; puk ksāc kaksānt : 3 ॥
tmäṣ ptāñkät käṣṣyāp okät tmāṃ kly(o)käśśāsäṣ lyutār memaṣ ciñcraṃ wākmtsaṃ l(ukśanunt)
b3(okät-tmāṃ) (swāñce)nāñ lcär swāñcenāśśi ākā okät tmāṃ kärtkālyi pākär tākar kärtkālsaṃ sumer lekac vaiḍurṣiñi āsā(ñi) (pākär) (tākar)
b4(āsānsaṃ) (pä)ñ (k)änt päl(tw)āyo oplāñ (pākär) (tākar) oplāśi kesārsaṃ taryāk-we-pi lakṣaṇäsyo yetuṣ oktuk ciñcraṃ (yetwesyo) (wāmpuṣ)
b5(āṣānikāśśi) (wartsi)yo worpuṣ okät tmā(ṃ) (ñäktaśśi) (pättā)ññäktañ pākär tākar : cesmi penu puk okät tmāṃ āṣānikāś(ś)i (okät) (tmāṃ)
b6(klyokäśśāsäs) okät tmāṃ swāñcenāṃñ pākär tākar swāñc(e)nāśśi ākā śkaṃ tämnek{†ä} wkäṃnyo kärtkālyi āsāñi oplā(ñ) (oplāśi) (kesārsaṃ)
b7(pättāññäktañ) (pākär) (tāka)r : cem penu tä(mn)e(-k) wkäṃnyo swāñcenās tarkar cesmi penu swañcenāśśi ākā okāk lakṣaṇäsyo yetuṣ (oktuk) (ciñcraṃ) (yetwesyo)
b8(wāmpuṣ) (pättāññäkta)ñ pākär tākar es lyukrā särki sne āk lokadhātu{ṃ}tw{ä→aṃ} ñare (l)w(ā) pretāsaṃ (ñäkta)s napeṃ(sa)ṃ ·o – – ·omä ///

(continues on A 320)


(continues from A 315 and 316)

a1(Below the earth as far (?)) in the deep are (the inhabitants of the Avīci-hell (?).) (They too,) looking at the face of the god of gods, the Buddha, up close, (they obtained) an end of all sufferings.
a1+Just like (the gods from below upwards) [and] the inhabitants of hell saw the god of gods, the Buddha, very close, just so all the other gods [and] inhabitants of hell, each from the earths accorded to them, (from below upwards) [and] (very close) they saw the god of gods, the Buddha.
a3+Or also, just like Ānanda, sitting in front [of them] saw the Buddha, the master, just so from (all other) systems (of the world) the animals, hungry ghosts [and] humans, all saw the Buddha, the master, as if sitting in front [of them].
a4|| In the N.-tune: ||
a4+... or like in (all) hells (the inhabitants of hell).
a5He did not go into the four directions [and] they did not even go close to this monastery.
a5+And yet ... they all saw the Buddha, the master as if (close to them).
a6Being happy they forgot as it were, each and every one, their sorrow; with hands put together without blinking they saw ...
a6+... having laid the right hand onto the (left) hand, he was sweet
a7as the thunderbolt in [his] lap, like the [surface of the] golden throne [of Indra], flat [and] broad-shouldered,
a7+like a sunshade of sapphire (was (?)) the blue-(coloured head-hair)
a8... the face adorned with ūrṇā [and] brows, the facial expression (?) lovely [and] beautiful [and] yet extinguished. 2. Evenly surrounded by a golden ray a fathom [wide] (he was to be seen) closely (by everyone)
a8+... all, however ... this 3.000 worlds all ... like ... without ...
b1+they [i.e., the rays (or flames?)] pulled out (?)
b2[and] made everything extinguish nearby [because of their brightness]. 3.
b2+Thereupon, from the 80,000 pores of the Buddha, the teacher, lovely beyond measure, excellent [and] shining 80,000 rays went out;
b3at the end of the rays 80,000 pools became visible, on the ponds sumeru-like seats of beryl (became visible;)
b4(on the seats) lotuses with 500 leaves (became visible),
b4+[and] on the filaments of the lotuses, decorated with the 32 marks [and] (adorned with) the 80 lovely (decorations), surrounded with (a retinue of arhats) 80 000 Buddha-gods became visible.
b5+Also (from the 80 000 pores) of all 80 000 arhats 80 000 rays became visible,
b6+and at the end of these rays in exactly the same way ponds, seats, lotuses ([and], on the filaments of the lotuses, Buddhas became visible).
b7They, too, in exactly the same way, released rays,
b7+and at the end of these rays etc., too, decorated with the marks ([and] adorned with the 80 lovely decorations, (Buddha-gods) became visible.
b8Accordingly (?), in the endless system of worlds, among [inhabitants of] hell, animals [and] hungry ghosts, among (gods) [and] humans ...

(continues on A 320)



Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS).
Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009.
This text immediately follows A 315 and 316 and is followed by A 320.

Philological commentary

The translation is largely based on Sieg, Übers. II: 30-31, and Carling, DThTA.
n1This tune has 4x18 syllables, rhythm 7/7/4.

Linguistic commentary

n2es lyukrā särki 'accordingly(?)': alternatively, Couvreur 1954b: 260 tentatively suggests 'at first, initially, first of all' (lit. 'in a row of shoulders'), cf. TB tot yke-postäṃ.



Online access

IDP: THT 948; TITUS: THT 948


Sieg and Siegling 1921: 170-171; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 170, p. 171


Carling 2000: a5 (4, 104, 110), a7 (207), b3 (178, 179), b8 (229), b8 (403); Sieg 1952: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (30); Thomas 1952: a2 (27); Thomas 1957: a1 a2 a3 (80), a3 a4 (80), a5 (20), a6 (19, 20), a7 (18, 58, 59), a8 (59), b3 (19), b4 b5 (19); Thomas 1958a: b2 b3 (164); Thomas 1968: a3 a4 (221), a6 (213); Thomas 1983: a5 (13), a5 (9), a7 (33); Thomas 1997: a2 (72), a3 a4 (101), a3 a4 (92), a4 (91), a6 (107), a6 (92), b5 b6 (103)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Carling et al. 2009

Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Couvreur 1954b

Couvreur, Walter. 1954b. “Review of: Übersetzungen aus dem Tocharischen II, aus dem Nachlass hg. v. Werner Thomas.” Orientalische Literaturzeitung 5/6: 259–61.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.

Sieg 1952

Sieg, Emil. 1952. Übersetzungen aus dem Tocharischen II, aus dem Nachlass hg. v. Werner Thomas. Abhandl. d. Deutschen Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Kl. f. Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst 1. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Thomas 1952

Thomas, Werner. 1952. Die tocharischen Verbaladjektive auf -l. Deutsche Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1958a

Thomas, Werner. 1958a. “Zum Ausdruck der Komparation beim tocharischen Adjektiv.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 75: 129–69.

Thomas 1968

Thomas, Werner. 1968. “Zur Verwendung von toch. A oki/B ramt und A mäṃtne/B mäkte in Vergleichen.” Orbis 17: 198–231.

Thomas 1983

Thomas, Werner. 1983. Der tocharische Obliquus im Sinne eines Akkusativs der Richtung. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 6. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.

Thomas 1997

Thomas, Werner. 1997. Interpretationsprobleme im Tocharischen. Unflektiertes A puk, B po “ganz, all, jeder”. Vol. 3. SbWGF, XXXV. Stuttgart: Steiner.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/tocharic/thtframe.htm.

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