a1 | /// – a [ṅ]k· m· [ṣ]ka nu sā ri ṇī ñe¯ ¯m kuse ye nti – – wre nta ne ke ktse nne po yne ñca – lna – (·)ä(·) ma skeṃ – kna· [au] loṃ ka rsnaṃ s̝pa • mi waṃ na /// |
a2 | /// – skeṃ kau¯ ¯c ta la skeṃ klye pe ntra : ṣa rne pai ne s̝pa ā lpnā ne ṅtsi a kā śra mta • (–) meṃ (·)se ṅke ntra [wo] [lo] ke ntra no w[o] tkeṃ • pa lwaṃ [ntra] la kle ñtra ṅkaṃ [i] /// |
a3 | /// ○ ñmi lkā nma au loṃ • tro ṅka nma po pa¯ ¯st spa rkau wi ntri nta • kro ścaṃ ta t[ā] [k]· – rsaṃ [ta] llā ñcä snai pe ñyai • sru ka lla ññe ntse ra [s]· [r]· (–) m[o]¯ ¯[s̝] e r[k]a tte : 30 3 no [tsa] /// |
a4 | /// ○ ra ka ra ñcmeṃ mā po ā rseṃ [sā] (–) tsi • pa¯ ¯st sa ssā mpa ṣcai ka ma rttā ñ[ñ]e – – – ¯ts • e śne me le nt[s]a klau tsne ka ntwa k[e] [k]ts(·) nts(·) • 30 4 [s̝a] ṅkwa nma ra /// |
a5 | /// [ra] skre mai yyā c[c](·) pi e ṅweṃ tse • pa pyā ko ṣtā koṃ i ndri nta ne ma ntyä kne • la – – – [sn](·) ke¯ ¯śä sru ke ma ne ktsai ceṃ¯ ¯ts 30 5 pa lsko sa la kle¯ ¯ñ tra ṅkaṃ [ka] s̝pa ñe (·)[e] /// |
a6 | /// • ñi ññe ñ(·)a ññe ṣṣe śe rkwne sa nnwe ṣta [ll]ā ñcä • me ntsi k·a – ·e – – ·i śkaṃ ñya ts[e] sso ñcä 30 6 mā k[c]a yai ko¯ ¯s̝ a knā tsaṃ [ñ]· (·)e [ṣa] rmtsa • y[ā] /// |
b1 | /// staṃ ñ(·) kṣ(·) c·[ṃ]¯ ¯ts a lye krū pa mpa • o mk(·) tse ṅ[k]e tra k· – – – – ts· 30 7 ṣe s̝a rpu tā ka sru ka lle sa ktsai tse (·)e [p](·) nt(·) tstse ya /// |
b2 | /// [c]ci ywā rśka [pi] kula ññi • ce la kle nta ṣṣ[e] we rke meṃ mā tsa lpo¯ ¯s̝ 30 8 (– –) [ṣ](·) (·)a ma tne || || ta ka ra no a nai wa tse sru [k]a lyñe ṣṣe [ī] [me] o n(·) /// |
b3 | /// ○ tse l(·) re ma sk[e] [ta] rñi [sru] [ka] lyñe ṣ[ṣe] ī me • yo lo a ñma ntse [k](·) (– – – –) lsko sa yā mtsi pa knā ma¯ ¯r sru ka l(·) (·)e ṣ(·) ī me [ko] sr[ā] [ñ](·) a /// |
b4 | /// ○ kuce kca o no lmi ke ktse ñre ki pa lsko sa ya ma skeṃ yo lo • wa [ṣ]·[o] – – – sru ka lyñe ṣṣe i me ceṃ¯ ¯ts pa l[sk]o /// ru • [y]ā mo(·) me(·) yo [lo] /// |
b5 | /// ce ra no wä ntre sa lā re ma ske ta rñi sru ka lyñe ṣṣī me 2 bo dhi sa twe ntse ka(·) rau pau [w]a s(·)[ai] [k]e śä yā mo r[nta] k(·)e nta • ko s[au] (·)sru ka lyñ(·) ṣṣe ī me /// |
b6 | /// (·)(·)[au](·) (·)ā te o ly[p]o tse sū tā ka pu dñä [k]te (– –) no wa ntre sa lā re ma ske ta rñ[i] [s]ru ka(·) (·)[ñe](·) [ṣī] me 3 [kuc](·) [kca] (–) sā rne o n[o] lmi wä rpa /// |
a1 | [30d] ... The winds that are called anusāriṇī [31a] ... in the dirts, going in the body ... [31b] they go out, they enter, they (pier)ce and cut off the blood vessels. [31c] The ... tremble(s) ... [31d] |
a2 | they ..., they lift up [and] they take away. [32a] They [= the winds] brush both hands and both feet as if to seize the sky. [32b] Thereupon they arise, but they abide [and] they will separate. [32c] They complain out of sorrow, they lament d(ay and night). [32d] |
a2+ | ... the blood vessels. [33a] |
a3 | All the hollows have been completely dissolved [and] (all) the senses. [33b] Having become cold, ... they [are] miserable [and] without splendor. [33c] By bitter death they have been treated badly. [33d] ... |
a4 | ... they do not stop to take away everything from the heart. [34b] These ones of the ... having been completely deprived of [their] control, [34c] over the eyes, nostrils, over the ears, tongue [and] body. [34d] |
a4+ | The throat also (?) ... |
a5 | ... of a violent [and] powerful man. [35b] They would be smashed in their senses in that way. [35c] (But) the su(fferings) are countless for the old people that are dying. [35d] With their mind because of suffering they lament indeed and cr(y out). [36a] ... |
a6 | ... |
a6 | ... The cord [and] the guise belonging to me [and] related to [my] ego are miserable. [36c] (In) sorrow [and] (dis)content they [are] depressed [and] full of distress. [36d] They have not driven away the ignorance in any way for that reason. [37a] |
b1 | ... (fin)ally tuber(culosis) (is suffered?) by these ones with another shape. [37c] There indeed arises ... [37d] Old age has been explained through being bound to die. [38a] ... provided with (sup)port ... |
b2 | ... those of middle age. [38c] [They are] not freed from this hunt of sufferings. [38d] In [the tune] niṣkramant: Even though the idea of death [is] certainly repulsive for the beings, [1a] (on the whole) the idea of death is (ve)ry dear to me. |
b3 | [If] I intend to do evil to myself with respect to b(ody, word, [and] mi)nd, [1c] as long as the idea of death [is] suit(able to myself, therefore [it] is dear to me). [1d] |
b4 | Whichever evil the beings do with body, speech [or] mind, [2a] [while thinking:] “The idea of death (is not my) friend”, their mind [is] (completely) exercised. [2b] |
b4+ | Having done evil, (they are reborn in the three inferior existences. [2c]) |
b5 | Because of this fact also the idea of death is dear to me. [2d] By the bodhisattva good deeds without number have been accumulated, [3a] as long as the idea of death (would not touch him, so long did he not feel repulsion [for the world]. [3b] |
b6 | But as soon as it touched him,) this one strongly (felt) repulsion [for the world], [and] he became a Buddha. [3c] Because of (this) fact also the idea of death is dear to me. [3d] Whatever the beings enjoy in the (saṃ)sāra (as happiness of many kinds, [4a]) |
* | The fragments PK AS 7K, PK NS 50, and PK NS 265 belong to one single leaf. The meter in the first part is 4 x 12 (5/7), in the second part from line b3 onwards 4 x 17 (5/7/5 or 6/6/5). |
n1 | Due to the Sanskrit name, the meter in colon 31a has a 4/4/4 division. |
n2 | skeṃ is probably the end of a 3.pl.act. present form. The complex ālpnāneṅtsi can be separated as ālpnān eṅtsi or as ālpnān= eṅtsi. In the latter case the verb will be followed by a suffixed pronoun so that one should restore to ālpnāṃ-n= eṅtsi. However, a suffixed pronoun does not seem to be required by the syntax and its reference would not be clear ("his feet"?). The only advantage would be to somehow account for the second 〈ā〉, which is unexpected even in a metrically shortened form. The correct prose form is alpanaṃ, which can be shortened to ālpnaṃ in verse. |
n3 | Before auloṃ the segmentation remains uncertian, but since ñmi is not a likely end of a word and since lkān ma also does not lead anywhere, one can set up milkānma as a plural form of a stem milkā- that may belong to the root mälkā- "to put together, to combine". |
n4 | According to the punctuation, pāda 33b is two syllables too short. In addition, spärkauw cannot be syntactiacally correct, so that one may assume a scribal error. |
n5 | The form rsäṃ is unclear, but it has to be the second syllable of a word beginning the second colon, since one can read tallāñcä as tallāñc by admitting the omission of virāma. |
n6 | rak is probably the end of a form from Sanskrit in -aka-. |
n7 | ts is certainly the end of a gen.pl., which, however, cannot be the complement of kamarttāññe, because the latter usually governs a perlative (precisely as in the following pāda). So maybe this is a partitive genitive. |
n9 | One has to read yaikoṣä in the first colon of 37a in order to have a correct pāda, even though a virama is written. |
n10 | cci is the end of a two-syllabic nom.pl. adjective in -tstse; wrocci would be a possibility in the sense of "adult". |
n11 | The text in this new chapter can be completed by the parallel PK AS 7N a5-b7. |
n12 | The division in pāda a1 is 4/8/5. |
n13 | The parallel PK NS 7N often has a slightly different wording and different cola scansion. |
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.