Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 17D; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 17D; PK 17.4
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 17D". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 19 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:M 497.4
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:4343 (4x)


Manuscript:Supriyanāṭaka PK AS 17
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):12 × 48.8 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2.2 cm


a1cw(·) s̝pa pe rne rñ(·) s(·) ·[p]· [c]· pe ñī ya cci pa lkā r· (–) tu meṃ – – – – – (–) (·)y(·) c(·) św(·) sk(·) || k[o] ś· [k]ñ· [n]· || [t]· – [y]· p· [c]· [śr]· – – – – – – – –
a2po ye t(·)eṃ tsa yai to¯ ¯s̝ cai sa l[p]eṃ ra mno p(·) ñyai sa : ylai ñä kti ñ[ī] ke [r](·) [ci] r[a] [ai] skeṃ trai ke lkā lñe sa : ma kte sa swe pre kai śta¯ ¯r la lyai pre śyai a [ñ]m· nts[e]
a31 || tu ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ su ○ pri y[e] ca kra vā rti wa lo y[ai] n[m]u – lsko a mā cä nta¯ ¯śä lye we ta¯ ¯r (–) (·)[t]s(·)(·) [s](·) r[r]ī wī ka skeṃ ya kte pā te n[e]
a4rī ttä skeṃ tu meṃ ñī¯ ¯ś ○ la n[nu] tu meṃ we (– –) – [t]i – [ri]· n(·) || sa rye yso mo krau pa ta¯ ¯r ā tstse kre ntaṃ (–) mn(·) sa : ya l[ts]e (–) [t]rī ñī [sa] s[w]
a5ā rwe¯ ¯r sta maṃ ñī¯ ¯śä wraṃ tsaiṃ : – ·[ā] – – – [ktau] no pla ka ske sye¯ ¯s la nta[ṃ]¯ ¯ts ñke : trai ke wro tstse a ma rṣe wi kā ta rm· snai lyī pa¯ ¯r yä stā¯ ¯[r]
a6– – s[n]ai wa ce ñä [kcy]e [e] – – – – – – – [r]a ke te nau my(·) (–) e ta ṅka tte l(·)ā ṣ[ṣ]e ñca : [s]e yä kne sa śpā lmeṃ ste o sta ṣme ñca nau m·[e]
b1– [c]c· – kl· tk· – – – – – – – – [r]· : 2 [ṣ](·)¯ ¯k su s[t](·) [m](·) ñī¯ ¯ś (·)r(·)(·) s(·)(·) [ā](·) [w](·)¯ ¯r e ṅku n(·) my(·) [nt](·) (–) kus[e] l· ñc[ä] [ś]· nmeṃ yp[au] [n]· m· sa ññi[¯] (–)
b2po cai klu tka ṣlyi : ta se ma ne y· – – – [t]o ro mñe pā c(·)¯ ¯r wlo : pkā tka ṣṣa¯ ¯t ceṃ¯ ¯ts pa lsko nta wä rpau caṃ tso ai lñe sa jaṃ bu dvī pṣi lā
b3ñcä ṅke mā ka śa nmeṃ ○ ñi¯ ¯śä lkā [t] (– –) (·)e ·au[¯] – (–) n[ma]ṃ ñi¯ ¯śä la kaṃ cwi lu we¯ ¯r ṣma lle ste : se wa tka ṣlñe ñśa me[ṃ] – (·)[s]a pe lai kne
b4sa wä rpna lle : po yśiṃ ○ ñe ṣṣ[eṃ] l(·)(·) [t](·) s[p]o ca kra vā rti – se ya kne 4 pā ce¯ ¯r wa lo sa ññau ke ai śa mñe sa ke ke nu (–) ś[ai] tsye
b5pa stye ś(·) ṣṣe mpa yä kne s[u] s̝pa snai wa ce : a ṣa nī keṃ ś(·)a ne – ks· [sāṃ] cwya ma rṣṣe tse ṅke ta¯ ¯r ñi yā ma lye wä nta re pā ce¯ ¯r wa lo tū
b6maṃ 5 || ta ne [ñ]a [k]e su ppri ye ca kra vā rt[t]i wa lo (·)[e] [ka] [ā] r[s](·)o rmeṃ w[e] n[t](·)i ba hu da n(·)eṃ lā n[ta]¯ ¯śä [tu] [me]ṃ ba hu da [nt]e [w]a lo [t]· r[n]e – – –


Xxa1n1n2 cw(i) ṣpä pernerñ(e)s(a) ·p· ; peñīyacci pälkār(e) (:)
*tumeṃ (po) (amācänta) (āl)y(au)c(e)ś w(e)sk(eṃ)koś· ·kñ·n(e) ·॥
1a śr· – ; – – – – – – – (:)
1ba2n2 po yet(w)eṃtsa ; yaitoṣ cai ; salpeṃ ram no ; p(e)ñyaisa :
1cylaiñäkti ñī ; ker(c)ci ra ; aiskeṃ traike ; lkālñesa :
1dmäkte saswe ; prek= aiśtär ; lalyai preśyai ; añm(a)ntse a3 1 ॥
*tu keklyauṣormeṃ supriye cakravārti walo yainmu (pa)lsko amācäntaś lyewetär (wer)ts(yai) s(ā)rrī wīkäskeṃ yakte pātene
a4n3n4 rīttäskeṃ tumeṃ ñīś lannu tumeṃ we(ṣṣäṃ) (॥) tiri·n(e)
1asarye ysomo ; kraupatär ; ātstse krentäṃ ; (śā)mn(a)sa :
1byaltse (kṣā)trī;ñī säsw{eṃ} ; a5n4n4 ārwer stamaṃ ; ñīś wraṃtsaiṃ :
1c(śäkt)ā(lye) (se) ; (po) ktau no ; plakäskes yes ; lantaṃts ñke :
1dtraike wrotstse ; amarṣe ; wikātär-m(e) ; snai lyīpär {1}
2ayästār a6n4n4 – – ; snai wace ; ñäkcye e(kñi) ; (tākaṃ-me) (:)
2b(ārwe)r{†ä} kete ; naumy(enta) ; etaṅkätte ; l(k)āṣṣeñca :
2cse yäknesa ; śpālmeṃ ste ; osta-ṣmeñca ; naum(y)eb1(ssu)n4n4 (:)
2dcc·kl· ; tk· – – ; – – – – ; – – : 2
3aṣ(e)k su st(ā)m(aṃ) ; ñīś (w)r(at)s(ai) ; ā(r)w(e)r eṅku ; n(au)my(e)nt(a) (:)
3bkuse l(ā)ñc{†ä} ś(a)nmeṃ ; ypaun(a)m(eṃ) ; saññi (ṣp) b2n4n4n5 po cai ; klutkäṣlyi :
3ctasemane ; – – ; – toromñe ; pāc(e)r wlo :
3dpkātkäṣṣat ceṃts ; pälskonta ; wärpaucaṃtso ; ailñesa
4ajaṃbudvīpṣi ; b3ñcän5n5n6 ṅke ; māka śanmeṃ ; ñiś lkāt(si) (:)
4b(kus)e (k)au(c) (śa)nmäṃ ; ñiś lakaṃ ; cwi {śpā}lu wer ; ṣmalle ste :
4cse watkäṣlñe ; ñśameṃ (ceṃt)s{†ä} ; pelaikneb4san6n6n7 ; wärpnalle :
4dpoyśiṃñeṣṣeṃ ; l(an)t(aṃ)s po ; cakravārti(nta) ; se yakne 4
5apācer walo ; saññauke ; aiśamñesa ; kekenu (:)
5bśaitsy eb5pastyen7n7 ; ś(ai)ṣṣempa ; yäknesu ṣpä ; snai wace :
5caṣanīkeṃś{†ä} ; ne(mce)ks(a) ; sāṃ cwy amarṣṣe ; tseṅketär
5dñi yāmṣälye ; wäntare ; pācer walo ; b6n7n7 yāmäṃ 5 ॥
*tane ñake suppriye cakravārtti walo (t)e ka ārs(k)ormeṃ went(s)i bahudan(t)eṃ lāntäś tumeṃ bahudante walo t(a)rne – – –


a1And through the shining of this one, the splendid ... shone." Then (all the ministers) say to each other: in [the tune] K.: "... [1a]
a2Decorated with all the ornaments, these ones gleam, as it were, through their splendor. The Indra gods provide confusion through their [mere] appereance like swords [do].
a2+The lord may know for himself at which moment it is time to leave."
a3Having heard that, the cakravartin king Supriya, having reached [his] (de)cision, sends [this] towards the ministers: They may leave the assembly [and] the council,
a3+and set about for base ploughing!
a4“After that I will leave." Then he says: in [the tune] T. : “[If] the seed is accumulated [lit. gathered] completely [and] in abundance by the good people, then a thousand (Kṣa)triya lords may [even] stand ready against me. [1b]
a5(This) se(ed) has been sown entirely, so show yourselves to the kings now! [1c] The great confusion of discontentment will disappear from you without residue. 1
a5+Every time the double ... without second, the divine poss(esion will belong to you) [2a]
a6Of whom one [is allowed] to see readily [his] jewels without restriction, [2b] this householder of sorts who (possesses) the jewels is superior. [2c]
b1... 2. This one will always stand against me, holding the jewels ready. [3a]
b1+Whichever kings come from [foreign] countries, all these are made turn into enemies. [3b]
b2A father, a king provided with reward [is] comparable to (a jewel?). [3c] Make the spirits of these alms receivers joyful by the gift! 3.
b2+The kings of Jambudvīpa, however, will come in great numbers to see me. [4a]
b3(If) one will come upwards [to me and] will see me, [even] (extr)eme hostility of his will lie [down].
b3+This command of mine is to be received as law by (them). [4c]
b4This is the way of all cakravartin kings of omniscience. 4. 4. My father, the king provided with wisdom [is] conciliable (?), [a5] being able to live with the world, invested with the [correct] way [= dharmika-] and without equal. [5b]
b5(If) his angry enemy rises openly against the venerable ones, my father, the king will do the thing which could be done by me.”
b6[5d] Here now the cakravartin king Supriya no sooner after having stopped saying this to the king Bahudanta, the king Bahudanta ... on the head


a2The lord may know for himself at which moment it is time to leave. (cf 128) (Peyrot 2013b: 717)
a3+They may leave the company and the assembly, and get ready for insignificant farm work; I will leave. (Peyrot 2013b: 658)
a4+If the seed is accumulated [lit. gathered] completely [and] as a whole by the good people, then a thousand Kṣatriya lords will stand ready towards me. (128 and p.c.) (Peyrot 2013b: 671)
a5... but show yourselves to the kings now, so that your big trouble of miscontent disappears completely! (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.) (Peyrot 2013b: 711)
a5Die große Verwirrung des Unwillens wird euch restlos schwinden. (Schmidt 1974: 113)
b1+He will always stand against me, holding the jewels ready; the kings that come from [their] countries all have to be turned into enemies. (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.) (Peyrot 2013b: 667)
b2Erfreut durch die Gabe die Gedanken dieser Genießer! (Schmidt 1974: 506)
b3+The kings of Jambudvīpa will come with many to see me; if he comes (from afar?63) and sees me, his lu64 hate is to rest. This command of mine is to be received as law, [since] the cakravartin-ship of all the omniscient kings is this way. (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.) (Peyrot 2013b: 667)
b4+Father king, wise (?) and provided with wisdom, [is] fit to live with the world in a way without equal; for the venerable ... his (= the king’s) miscontent does not arise. The thing I have to do father king will do. (Georges-Jean Pinault, p.c.) (Peyrot 2013b: 297)


Philological commentary

n1Although this is not certain, the beginning seems to belong to a metrical passage. But after tumeṃ we have a prose sentence as introduction of the next stanza.
n2The metre has 4x14 [7/7] syllables. The tune name is otherwise unattested and cannot be restored.
n3The metre has 4x14 [7/7] syllables. The tune name is otherwise unattested and cannot be restored.
n4Pāda 4b has an unusual colon break.
n5If the reading is warranted, it seems impossible to restore a comitative form of any disyllabic word, which is expected after tasemane 'comparable with', because the accent does not move in the comitative. Therefore, since the reading is uncertain, one may consider to read ye; one possible restoration would be yetwempa.
n6The second colon of 4b lacks one syllable. The context imposes to segment wer 'hatred'. The preceding word maybe a substantive/adjective ending in -lu. One candidate would be the expected match of TA 'hostile, enemy', i.e. yaslu, though this is unattested in TB otherwise. But it would imply that the scribe did not simply forget an akṣara. A better candidate therefore is śpālu 'superior' in the sense 'extreme'.
n7saññauke can be an adjective or a substantive coordinated with the following word; it may be loan based on Skt. saṃjñā- 'harmony, understanding, agreement' through Middle Indic.



Pinault 1994: 127-129


Peyrot 2013b: a2 (717), a3 a4 (658), a4 a5 (671), a5 (711), b1 b2 (667), b3 b4 (667), b4 b5 b6 (297); Pinault 1994: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (127-129); Schmidt 1974: a5 (113), b2 (506)


Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 1994

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1994. “Formes verbales nouvelles dans les manuscrits inédit du fonds Pelliot Koutchéen.” In Tocharisch. Akten der Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, September 1990, edited by Bernfried Schlerath, 4:105–205. TIES Suppl. Reykjavík: Málvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.