Work in progress

A 261

Known as:A 261; THT 894
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner; Bernhard Koller. "A 261". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 13 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner; Bernhard Koller
Date of online publication:2016-09-19


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Specific find spot:Stadthöhle
Expedition code:T III Š 99.7
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka
Passage:Act 2
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43434 (4x); 4343 (4x); 543 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8


a2/// s̝la nts̝a¯ ¯ltmasa mkā su wra so¯ ¯m ṣñi wa – – lk·· ra ///
a3/// ma s·ā [k]·· tsaṃ pu tti śpa [rṣiṃ] sne lyu tā rkra¯ ¯nt – rka mpa¯ ¯l ///
a4/// kā lmā lmā – tra ta myo ymā – – – – : 1 ṣo kyo – – ka lpā laṃ ///
a5/// k[u] spa tnu [k]· – – ra¯ ¯s̝ : kā s[wa] – lā pā ṣṣu ne o [ma] – na ckā ///
a6/// [m]y[o] – ·t· [pa] rka ptā – – ṣyā pk[ā] sw· ·ṣ· ññu¯ ¯nt ma rka mpa laṃ wa s̝[ta] s̝laṃ tsa [m]· ///
a7/// || [pa] ñcmaṃ || tri po ra· y[o] ṣi ra śca (–) – l[p]māṃ lk· – strai dhā tu¯ ¯k : pu ///
a8/// ·ā mnu ne yä¯ ¯s̝ pka¯ ¯nt wa [sa]ṃ – s[ś]kaṃ t· ki – yme ā la¯ ¯k 1 ///
b1/// ā [ñcā] lyi a ṣ· – – – tra kna· ra [ṅ]ka¯ ¯s̝ ā ṣā ni kka ///
b2/// lk· – [u] pā dhyā ypā dha ri sca ṣwra¯ ¯m – ·i ñña – tne ta mṣu rma¯ ¯s̝ ///
b3/// ā [ṣā] [n]i k[m]e tra¯ ¯k – – yä [ṣ]kā [ka] t[ku] ā yma śla kka¯ ¯ts pa ltsa ṅkā s̝ta preṃ śkaṃ ///
b4/// [ra] ny· [ptā] ñka tka ·i – – tse ka kmu ra – ā mpi ka nweṃ tka nā – (–) ja va ///
b5/// [sa]ṃ [kh]e ṣi – – – – yä ntu ka ttko [tu] – – kkā swo ne [ṣ]i – – ·su nta cka ///
b6/// ·ka [ṣ]ṣ· [t]rakama ntcaṃ klyo mwa ñi te na [p]e· || klyo ·e ///
b7/// we ṣtu tma¯ ¯k ṣñi tma¯ ¯k ā lu kā swo ne – ṣ·· ne ///


1aa1 /// a2n1 /// (waṣtä)ṣ läntṣältmäṣ säm kāsu wrasom ṣñi wa(rtsyac) (pä)lk(o)rä(ṣ) (träṅkäṣ) /// a3n2 (:)
1b/// (klyosäṃsa)mäs ; (w)āk(ma)tsäṃ ; puttiśparṣiṃ ; sne lyutār ; krant (mä)rkampal
1d/// a4n3 /// (ā)kāl ; lmā(saṃn)trä ; tämyo ymā(r) ; – – – – : 1
2bṣokyo (māski) ; kälpālaṃ ; /// a5 /// ; kus pat nu ; k(aklyuṣu)räṣ :
2ckāswa(-pa)lā ; pā{ṣ→p}ṣune ; omä(ske)nac ; kā(tkune) ;
a6/// (tä)myo (näṣ) t(ā)pärk{†ä} ptā(ñkät) (kä)ṣyāp kāsw (āk)ṣ(i)ññunt märkampalaṃ waṣtäṣ läṃtsam (mänt) (ne) ///
a7/// ॥ pañcmaṃ
1atri porä(n)yo ; ṣiraś ca(ṣ) ; (sä)lpmāṃ lk(āmä)s ; traidhātuk :
1bpu(k) /// 13σ
1ca8 14σ /// (:)
1d(ṣ)āmnuneyäṣ ; pkänt wasäṃ ; (ku)s śkaṃ t(ā)ki(ṣ) ; yme ālak 1
b1/// āñcālyi aṣ(ānikāṃ) (me)trakna(c) (t)räṅkäṣ āṣānik kä(ṣṣi) ///
b2n4 /// (kä)lk(oräṣ) upādhyāy pādharis caṣ wram (ākṣ)iñña(m) (mäṃ)t ne täm ṣurmaṣ ///
b3n5n6 /// āṣānik metrak (lame)yäṣ kākätku āymaśl-äkk ats pältsäṅkāṣ täpreṃ śkaṃ ///
b4/// (tsa)räny(o) ptāñkät kä(ṣṣ)i(nac) (kā)tse kakmurä(ṣ) āmpi kanweṃ tkanā (to) (rā)java(rtt-yokäṃ) ///
1a(a)saṃkheṣi(nās) ; (ṣtare)yäntu ; kättko tu (:)
1b(pu)k kāswoneṣi ; (kropas)suntac ; kä(lko) (ñkät)
b6n7n8 /// (ptāñkät)käṣṣ(i) träṅkäṣ mänt caṃ klyom wañi te nape(ṃ){saṃ}klyo(m) (m)e(trak) ///
b7/// weṣ tu tm-äk ṣñi tm-äk ālu kāswone (käṃ)ṣ(lu)ne(yac) ///


a1+... [I] will leave from (home to the Buddha-god, the teacher.)
a2+Thereupon, this good being, having looked upon his own entourage, (says:) ...
a3... (we see the great signs of the Buddha-god, full of splendor pertaining to Buddhahood), we (hear) the excellent unmatched good law pertaining to Buddhahood.
a3+... (there is no rule to hinder him who desires virtue;) (Life and body) are unable to hold the (good) wish.
a4Therefore, (we should make a choice) quickly. The one who (has come together with the time pertaining to Buddhahood), which is extremely difficult to obtain, and who, having heard (the four truths, which are difficult to hear, and who has understood that) the proper observance complies with the good rule (but that status of householder leads) to evil, (and who, nevertheless, adopts the status of householder, that one will confuse the mind of the good ones).
a5+Therefore, I will now leave from home, in accordance with the Law so well proclaimed by the Buddha-god, the teacher.
a7(How) is your wish, act in that way! ... ||In the tune Pañcama: || We see this tripartite world burning all around with three fires. (We will follow the path to the Nirvāṇa, extinguishing) all (three fires) ...
a8... apart from monkhood what would be another way for us? ...
a8+... (Thereupon, Paiṅgika, the brahmin youth, with his body bowed) and making the añjali-gesture says to the venerable Maitreya:
b1"O venerable teacher" ...
b2... having gone (in the guise of a householder). I am going to report this matter to Bādhari the master, so that, for this reason, (the doctrine of the Buddha will spread in the Dakṣināpatha country.)
b3...(Thereupon) the venerable Maitreya arose from his seat and thinks to himself: "So be it!"
b4+... with both hands (in añjali), having approached the Buddha-god, the teacher, he placed both knees on the ground, (paying homage with his blue-haired head) of rājavarta color.
b5... You have overcome the efforts of Asaṃkhyeyas, you have gone, o god, towards the accumulation of all virtues, (towards the jewel of Buddhahood, which is difficult to obtain.) [You have] become a father [for me].
b6... The Buddha-god, the teacher, says: "O noble one, what is the pleasure among mortals?"
b6+The venerable Maitreya (says:)
b7+... "(Which) will be the guise that you adopt in order to realize something good for yourself as well as others?"


a4Life and body will not impede the good wish. (cf 125) (Peyrot 2013b: 629)
b2I am going to report this matter to Bādhari the teacher. (127) (Peyrot 2013b: 621)



*Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009.
*Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS).
*Fragment of a manuscript which includes A 251 - A 294 (cf. Geng et al. 2004a: 64-65). Recto and verso are to be reversed compared to the edition of Sieg and Siegling (Sieg and Siegling 1921: 135-136). Lines a1 and b8 are lost.
*At the beginning the bodhisattva Maitreya is speaking.

Parallel texts

*YQ II.12; YQ II.13; MaitrHami 2, 13-15

Philological commentary

*This fragment contains part of the second act of the Maitreyasamitināṭaka; a parallel text can be found in YQ II.12 a5 (= a(< b)2 here) through YQ II.13 a6 (= b(< a)7 here). It corresponds roughly to MaitrHami II, 13b2-15 (missing). Line a4 here correlates with YQ II.12 a7 and MaitrHami II, 13b (end). See also Pinault 1999: 195-6.
*The transcription has been updated with readings and restorations from Geng et al. 2004.
n1corresponds to YQ II.12: a5.
n2corresponds to YQ II.12: a6.
n3corresponds to YQ II.12: a7-a8.
n6corresponds to YQ II.13: a1.
n8The correction nape(ṃ)«saṃ» is based on the corresponding form in YQ II.13 a4.

Linguistic commentary

n4The ordinary spelling of pādharis is .
n5YQ II.12 b8 has āñmaśläkk instead of āymaśläkk .
n7YQ II.13 a4 has mäñ caṃ instead of caṃ.


Online access

IDP: THT 894; TITUS: THT 894


Sieg and Siegling 1921: 135-136; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 135, p. 136


Carling 2000: a4 (353); Knoll 1996: b3 (133), b6 (141); Kölver 1965: a6 (110); Peyrot 2013a: b1 (246); Peyrot 2013b: a4 (629), b2 (621); Sieg and Siegling 1983: b3 (251); Thomas 1958a: b3 (165); Thomas 2003: a4 a5 (325)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Carling et al. 2009

Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Geng et al. 2004

Geng, Shimin, Jens Peter Laut, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 2004. “Neue Ergebnisse der Maitrisimit-Forschung.” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 154: 347–69.

Geng et al. 2004a

Geng, Shimin, Jens Peter Laut, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 2004a. “Neue Ergebnisse der Maitrisimit-Forschung (II): Struktur und Inhalt des 26. Kapitels.” Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 19: 29–94 + III.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Knoll 1996

Knoll, Gabriele. 1996. “Die Verwendungsweisen der Adjektive im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Kölver 1965

Kölver, Bernhard. 1965. “Der Gebrauch der sekundären Kasus im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Peyrot 2013a

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013a. “Review of: The Tocharian Verbal System.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 213–59.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Pinault 1999

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1999. “Restitution du Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka en tokharien A: Bilan provisoire et recherches complémentaires sur l’acte XXVI.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 8: 189–240.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Thomas 1958a

Thomas, Werner. 1958a. “Zum Ausdruck der Komparation beim tocharischen Adjektiv.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 75: 129–69.

Thomas 2003

Thomas, Werner. 2003. “Bemerkungen zu den ‘Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka’.” Indogermanische Forschungen 108: 305–29.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”