Work in progress

PK NS 48 and 258

Known as:PK NS 48 and 258; PK NS 258
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator). "PK NS 48 and 258". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:D.Aq. 13 (NS 48) + 882 (NS 258)
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Daily veneration of the Buddhas
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.1 × 31.2 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


lf20 6
a1tne c(·) (–) m· p· ñ· kte ntse kre ntau na ne ko¯ ¯s i me pa lsko ka na s̝aṃ nne to te pi ya¯ ¯cä ka llā s̝s̝a llo na [ta] (– – – – – – –)
a2lyñe sa pā la lyñe sa wa rñai ya rke yā mo rmeṃ te a kā¯ ¯lk ñä ṣṣa lle kuce klau tke sa twe a ṣa nī ka sa wā sa[ṃ] (–) [y]· (–) ñ[e] nt[a] (– –)
a3ā ke sa śe¯ ¯m • a dhi mā ○ tra po kre ntau na sa ṣa ña¯ ¯ñmä yā ta tai toṃ ñi ña na kre nta yā mo rnta sa po [o] ·[o] lmi pi tu kyä· [n]·
a4sa po yo lai ñe nta ntsā ○ ke sa śa nmi yeṃ toṃ kre ntau na ya nmau yo lai ñe ṣa na [s̝a] r[m]a (–) [nau] (– – –) po kre ntau na ṣa
a5na s̝s̝a rma na wa rka ltsa na tsä ṅko nme po yo lai ññe nta nä kṣe ñca po kre ntau na ai ṣṣe ñca [p]e ·[ai] (– – –) m[i] y· wa lke sta mo¯ ¯yä
a6pe lai kne ntse wa lke sta ma lñe ṣa na s̝a rma na ne po śai ṣe spā rto¯ ¯yä ñi ra no po cme [la] [n]e [ka] (– – –) ñ[ñ]e pe lai kne ṣai ytā ri
b1meṃ pka nte ya lñe mā tā ko¯ ¯yä ai śa mñe a ñmā la ṣkñe ntse wa wā yau e ṣke pa ñä kta ñe pe rne [ka] (– –) ta ṅktsi • kre ntau na snai o
b2no lme mā ri ñi ma¯ ¯r po yśi ña na kre ntau naṃ¯ ¯ts śmo ñña tā ko¯ ¯ymä te sa wa rñai kre ntau na ne [ā] – – – – ṣa llo na : pta meṃ la ntsī
b3ścī me sta ma ṣle po cme la ○ ne mā pi nta s̝pa kre nta nmeṃ tsre lñe tā ko¯ ¯yñä kre ntaṃ o no (–) (·)sa· (– – –) [s̝]pa po cme la ne so
b4mo tka ññe a ra ñcne pre ñca ○ tā ko¯ ¯ym kre nta ntse nä ṣlñe ne ke ktse ñre ki pa lsko sa po pre śyaṃ [ne] s[p]· (–) [yma]· : ka ṣiṃ lkā tsi
b5yne ma ne te pa lsko ne ya ma s̝a lle po pi o no lmi mai tre yeṃ tsa wa rñai pa ñä kte yne śne lkā tsi ka ll[oṃ] p[l]ā kt·i· cī me sa –
b6ṣle ·o c(·)e l· [ne] ai śa mñe a ñmā lā ṣle ṣṣe ka ṣṣī ne sa pa rna k(·)a wä nta re mā ya mi¯ ¯m tu meṃ ta ryā yä kne (– – – – – – – –)


a1(pārami)tne c(ämpa)m(oṃ) p(a)ñ(ä)ktentse krentaunane kos ime palsko kanaṣäṃn-ne tot epiyac källāṣṣällona ta(karṣkana) (pälskonta) (enäṣṣä)-
a2-lyñesa pālalyñesa warñai yarke yāmormeṃ te akālk ñäṣṣalle kuce klautkesa twe aṣanīka sawāsaṃ (po) y(olai)ñenta(nts)
a3ākesa śemadhimāträ po krentaunasa ṣañ añm yātatai toṃ ñiñana krenta yāmorntasa po o(n)olmi pi tu-k yä(k)n(e)-
a4-sa po yolaiñentants ākesa śänmiyeṃ toṃ krentauna yanmau yolaiñeṣana ṣärma(na) nau(täskau) po krentaunaṣa-
a5-na ṣṣärmana warkṣältsana tsäṅkon-me po yolaiññenta näkṣeñca po krentauna aiṣṣeñca pe(l)ai(kneṣe) (nau)miy(e) walke stamoy
a6pelaiknentse walke stamalñeṣana ṣärmanane po śaiṣe spārtoy ñi rano po cmelane ka (takarṣkä)ññe-pelaikneṣai ytāri-
b1-meṃ pkante yalñe tākoy aiśamñe añmālaṣkñentse wawāyau eṣke pañäktäñe perne kä(llālñe) täṅktsikrentauna snai o-
b2-nolme riñimar poyśiñana krentaunaṃts śmoñña tākoym tesa warñai krentaunane ā(kālkänta) (ñä)ṣallona : ptameṃ lantsī-
b3-śc īme stamäṣle po cmelane pi nta ṣpä krentanmeṃ tsrelñe tākoy-ñ krentäṃ ono(lmeṃt)s{†ä}() (larauñe) ṣpä po cmelane so-
b4-motkäññe arañcne preñca tākoym krentants enäṣlñene kektseñ reki palskosa po preśyaṃne sp(ārtto)ym{†ä}() : käṣiṃ lkātsi
b5ynemane te palskone yamaṣälle po pi onolmi maitreyeṃtsa warñai pañäkte yneśne lkātsi källoṃ plākt(s)i(ś)c īmesa (ñä)-
b6-ṣle (p)o c(m)el(a)ne aiśamñe añmālāṣleṣṣe käṣṣīnesa parna k(c)a wäntare yamim tumeṃ täryā yäkne(sa) – – – – – – –


a1+As much as one generates memory [and] thinking in the virtues of the Buddha-lord, able in the perfection (of ...) in as much your (pure thoughts) have to be recalled thanks to the teaching.
a2After having paid homage starting with praise etc., one should desire the following wish:
a2+Through the manner by which you, o venerable one, you have come to the end of (all) evils, [including] the false bad impressions [of the past] savāsanā you ornated yourself beyond any measure with all the virtues, may all the beings through these good deeds of mine precisely in this way go to the end of all evils.
a4I will reach these virtues. I will make disappear the causes of evil.
a4+All the causes of virtues may they arise vigorously for them.
a5May the jewel of the Law which destroys all evils [and] which gives all virtues remain stable for a long time.
a6May the whole world evolve according to the causes of the stability of the Law for a long time.
a6+For me also in all the births, for sure, from the path of the purity and the Law, may hindrance not occur, guided by the wisdom [and] the compassion until the obtaining of the dignity of Buddha-lord inclusively.
b1+May I not give up the virtues without a living being.
b2May I become a foundation of the virtues of the omniscient. The wishes for the virtues, starting from this one, are to be wished.
b2+In order to leave from the grave (?) [lit. stūpa] the memory should be applied in all births.
b3And may the separation from the good ones never happen for me.
b3+And in all births may I be the one bearing constantly the (love) for the good living beings.
b4May I evolve according to the teaching of the good ones with body, speech [and] mind in all times.
b5While going to see the teacher this should be done in the mind: May all the living beings obtain to see in person [lit. in the eyes] the Buddha-lord beginning with Maitreya.
b5+It should be (desired) with memory in order to be agreed upon.
b6May I never make anything apart from both teachers (that are) wisdom [and] compassion. Thereupon in threefold way ...



The main fragment PK NS 48 is completed by the smaller fragment PK NS 258 on the right, which gives an almost complete leaf with both margins. There is an effective join on lines b5; there is no visible join at the recto. The string hole which is totally preserved interrupts line 3 and 4. The fragment shows traces of ruling.