
Cite this page as:"yneśne". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_B_yneśne (accessed 05 Dec. 2024).
Meaning:“manifestly, obviously, face to face [< * into the eyes]”
Word class:uninflected
Word subclass:adverb
Lexeme variants:yneśne; ineśne

Lexeme family



1IOL Toch 187 a4stamo(y) 100-40-2 ॥ sākṣāt yneśne • niyatavargīy(ā)ṃ /// a5
2PK NS 36 and 20 b1 ; (lakau) (k)wr(i) (y)n(eś)n(e) (tär)k(au) (eṅkäl) – – k·t{†ä}
3PK NS 48 and 258 b5onolmi maitreyeṃtsa warñai pañäkte yneśne lkātsi källoṃ plākt(s)i(ś)c īmesa
4THT 199 b3bhagavatā vāṅnāmasvabhāvabuddhavacane • tiṣṭhante yneśne pañäktes reki ñe b4
5THT 231 a1twe ; nervāṃne ; yneśne ram no ; klyauṣit


1THT 127 a6amiśkepällātär-ne ; ineśne ; āläṃ nāki ;