Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 13E; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 13E
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 13E". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Ikṣvāku-jātaka, genealogy of the Śākya family
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:554443 (4x); 43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):22 × 42 cm
Number of lines:9
Interline spacing:2.4 cm


a1/// – (– –) [k](·) [y]k(·)¯ ¯k pā tri yṣū wa rka ñe ne a lye¯ ¯k śai ṣṣe ne ma sa || – ///
a2ā ñmä mpa : kuce ñi¯ ¯ś śtwe¯ ¯r sasū wa ypo ymeṃ lyau twa snai tra ṅko : ña ke tā [k] ///
a3[ce] w[ä] nta re ypa rwe a mā [cä] nta mpa sa ma pā tne lmo rmeṃ śtwe¯ ¯r mo ko nasasū wa¯ ¯ś ka [pi] la v[ā] ///
a4kne || (–) [p]ā [va] [ti] tā¯ ¯u rī meṃ pe rnau ○ ntsai i kṣvā kuṃ ñe [wa] lo wro tse vi rū ḍha ///
a5kh[eṃ] wa rñai sasu wa¯ ¯ś te sta ma s̝s̝aṃ ○ śle yä rke : rṣā ki nau ṣaṃ ñi e ro¯ ¯s̝ dhya na [n] ///
a6ñi śn[e] kle śa(·) [m](·)[ṃ] tsa le s(·)(·) [ta] t· ○ kau snai tra ṅko ceṃ lyau twa ypo ymeṃ klyau seṃ ne ///
a7/// sa ksa mā t(·) ·p· ne mā s[ā]¯ ¯u ts· k(·)aṃ snai tra ṅko : kre ntaṃ¯ ¯ts wra ntsai tse ka rtse kuse yā msaṃ mā two lo lle ///
a8ka rtsau ñe (– –) ·e – [n]e ka [l](·) (– –) – ywā¯ ¯rcä e ṅka lñe mā tri kaṃ : su tu ai śa mñe kre ntaṃ¯ ¯ts pa pā ///
a9/// ñ(·) (–) [ka] rso¯ ¯r ste tā¯ ¯u di pā va ti rī ne ṣe se rke sa i kṣ(·)ā kuṃ ñi ka nte [ṣ]ṣe ///
b1/// [sai] (– – –) po (– – –) śai ṣ[ṣ]eṃ – – [ri] [p]· rn[e] rñ[e] sa oṃ ṣa [p]a [ta] tā k[au] s[ai] keṃ ñä kte ntse ma [h]ū ///
b2ñai ka pi la vā stu rī ne ka (– –) [l]y(·) • tu meṃ kau[¯] [¯cä] yne ma ne śa kkeṃ ña na ypau naṃ[¯] [¯ts] [me] cu ru ka n[i] ///
b3vā stu r(·)(·) (·)[s](·) ka ly[m]iṃ ña (–) – [y]p[au] na ne ñä kcī ya na riṃ mpa ta se ma ne ta ryā ka wī o [ro]· [s]tsna – ///
b4ne ka(·) (·)[e] nma [ne] [we] tā¯ ¯u r[e] tk(·) so lme k(·) (·)[i] o¯ ¯m sta ma ṣyeṃ lā¯ ¯nt [ka] lymi¯ – ///
b5śśeṃ kṣa trye[ṃ] o mte mo koṃ sta mṣyeṃ • || ○ tu meṃ cai ra no s̝pa ka lymi ññi lā¯ ¯ñcä wä [nta] ///
b6pi – ·(·)ra [n]o s̝pa ka nte o¯ ¯kt a ○ llo ṅna ka lymiṃ ña na ri[ṃ] tsai k[ā] [nt](·) i s[p]e ///
b7– rm[e]ṃ riṃ ne ytā te : cä ñca rñe sa snai me nā¯ ¯k su da rśaṃ mpa e ne śle mai yya ksa ṣyeṃ : vi rū ḍha ki ///
b8ma rṣsa jaṃ bu dvi pṣeṃ la ntaṃ¯ ¯ts po kre mpa¯ ¯r wa rka¯ ¯l : 1 || tu meṃ ka pi la vā ///
b9ā (·)i (–) n[d]iṃ ma ñc[u] ṣke ntse ṣa rmtsa ceṃ śtwe¯ ¯r ma ñc(·) ṣka nta ṣa¯ ¯ñä pa ta rye ///


a1– – – – yk(ā-)k pātri yṣūwarkañene alyek śaiṣṣene masa ॥ – ///
Xx a2n1n2n3 āñmämpa :
Xxkuce ñiś śtwer säsūwa ypoymeṃ ; lyautwa snai träṅko :
ñake tāk(au) ///
a3ce wäntare yparwe amācäntampa samapātne lmormeṃ śtwer mokonäṃ säsūwaś kapilavā(stune) /// (bahudantā)-
1a(di)pāvati u ; rīmeṃ pernauntsai ; ikṣvākuṃñe walo wrotse ; virūḍha(ke) – – –
1b/// ; ; (ulkāmu)a5kheṃ warñai säsuwaś ; te stamäṣṣäṃ śle-yärke :
1crṣāki nauṣaṃñi ; eroṣ dhyanan(ma) ; /// ; a6
1dñiśne kleśa(n)m(a)ṃts{†ä} ; les(to) tat(ā)kau ; snai träṅko ceṃ lyautwa ypoymeṃ ; klyauseṃ-ne ///
2a ; ; a7n4 – – sa ksa t(ap)p(aṃ-)ne ; u ts(ā)k(n)aṃ snai träṅko :
2bkrentaṃts wräntsaitse ; kartse kuse yāmsäṃ ; tw= ololle /// ;
2c ; a8kärtsauñe – – ; ·ene kal· – – – ; ywārc eṅkälñe trikṣäṃ :
2dsu tu aiśamñe ; krentaṃts papā(ṣṣu) ; /// ;
a9– – – – – – ñ(e)kärsor ste u dipāvati rīne ṣe serkesa ikṣ(v)ākuṃñi känteṣṣe ///
b1– – sai – – – po – – – śaiṣṣeṃ(nts) (po) ri p(e)rnerñesa oṃṣap{†ä} tatākausai keṃ-ñäktentse mahū(r) ///
b2…ñai kapilavāstu rīne kä(rsana)ly(a)tumeṃ kauc ynemane śakkeṃñana ypaunaṃts mecurukani /// (kapila)-
b3-n6vāstu r(int)s(e) kälymiṃña(na) (mā) ypaunane ñäkcīyana riṃmpa tasemane täryāka oro(t)stsna (ri…) ///
b4…ne ka(nt)enmane wetāu retk(e) solme k(eṣ)i om stamäṣyeṃ lānt kälymi(ñ) ///
b5…śśeṃ kṣatryeṃ omte mokoṃ stamṣyeṃ • ॥ tumeṃ cai rano ṣpä kälymiññi lāñc wänta(re) ///
b6…pi·· rano ṣpä känte okt alloṅna kälymiṃñana riṃ tsaikānt(e) ispe(k) ///
1a ; b7rmeṃ ; riṃne ytāte :
1bcäñcarñesa snai menāk ; sudarśaṃmpa eneśle ; maiyy= aksaṣyeṃ :
1cvirūḍhaki (lānte) – ; ;
1d– – – – (a)b8marṣsa ; jaṃbudvipṣeṃ lantaṃts po ; krempar warkṣäl : 1 ॥
tumeṃ kapilavā(stu) /// (rājy)-
b9-ā(bh)i(na)ndiṃ mäñcuṣkentse ṣarmtsa ceṃ śtwer mäñc(u)ṣkanta ṣañ patarye (śakkeṃ) ///


a1... still during [his] father's prosperity, he went into another world. ...
a2... (thought to) himself: "That I have driven [my] four guiltless sons from the country, now (I will) be ...
a3... after having sat in the assembly with his ministers about this matter [as motivation], (the king wants to go) to [his] four elder sons (in the city) Kapilavastu. ...
a4... In [the tune] (bahudantāk?) || From this glorious city of Dipāvati the great king Ikṣvāku Virūḍhaka (departed) ...
a5... he places it with deference in front of [his] sons beginning with (Ulkāmu)kha. The former Ṛṣis, having evoked the medita(tion)s ...
a6... inside me a lair of sufferings has arisen [since] I have driven them guiltlessly out of the country. They shall hear that ...
a7... if no one eats [her] ..., she will not bite without guilt. This one who is doing good as compensation to the good ones, is not to be restrained ...
a8... the good deed ... (s)he does not fail amidst the clinging [to existence]. This is the knowledge obse(rved) by the good ones.
a9... this is definitely known. In this city of Dipāvati through a single [blood] line the Ikṣvākuids (by) a hundred-fold (generation?) ...
b1... the diadem of the earth god [= Kapilavastu], being superior in splendor to every city of the worlds.
b2... (this speech) should be (under)stood (as taking place) in the (glor)ious city of Kapilavastu. Then going upwards the ... of the countries belonging to Śākyas ...
b3... being under the domain of the city of Kapilavastu 32 cities (not) comparable with the divine cities in the countries ...
b4... a fighting army in hundreds completely destroyed ... in ...; there (every) region(al) city installed a king ...
b5... they installed the ... Kṣatriyas as elders there. Thereupon also these vassal kings ... the matter ...
b6... they also built another 108 vassal cities. Besides (also): ...
b7... after having ... was decorated in the cities. They proclaimed a might without equal in delight like the one of [the city] Sudarśanā. Of king Virūḍhaka ...
b8.... out of impatience they impeded the power of all Jaṃbudvīpa kings. 1. Thereupon ... (the city) Kapilavastu ...
b9... because of the prince Rājyābhinandi these four princes (by) their own paternal Śākya (king) ...


a2Dass ich [meine] vier Söhne schuldlos aus dem Lande vertrieben habe. (Schmidt 1974: 298)


Philological commentary

To the same Jātaka belong PK AS 13D and THT 589; for the Tibetan parallel, see Roerich 1988: 9-10. King Ikṣvāku Virūḍhaka, after having expelled his four elder sons in order to have his youngest becoming crown pince, feels remorse and wants to visit them in the city Kapilavstu founded in the meantime by the four princes.
n1One may restore a form of pälskā- 'to think' in the usual phrase with the comitative of 'self'.
n2The metre seems to have 12-syllable pādas (7/5). At the end of the line, tāk(·) most likely belongs to a Subj./Opt. of tākā- 'to be'.
n3-kne no doubt belongs to a tune name. Since it seems to have 4x25 syllables (5/5/8/7), it may be bahudantāk.
n4We seem to have a metaphor for remorse with feminine reference (perhaps a serpent), but the details are unclear. -sa maybe belongs to a perlative form such as (entse)sa 'out of greed'.
n5The word separation mecurukani is not certain; however, there is a toponym mecurudi- attested in Buddhist literature, according to Monier-Williams 1899: s.v.
n6Since orotstsna is preceeded by the numeral täryāka wī '32', it has to be a mistake for the feminine plural orotstsana (maybe for orotstsnana). The following substantive ought to be a plural form of riye 'city'.
n7-ne ought to be a locative form.
n8-śśeṃ belongs to an oblique plural masculine being an attribute to kṣatryeṃ. Instead of mokoṃ, Bernhard 1958: 257, fn. 11 quotes a form ykoṃ-koṃ, which is certainly based on a wrong reading by Couvreur.
n9pi – [c](ai): perhaps pinta. ca is not certain, because the lower part is somewhat more pointy; rather [kä]?
n10ispek can be followed by ṣpä or cai and introduces a tune's name and stanza. The following metrical passage has a metre of 4x18 [7/7/4].




Schmidt 1974: a2 (298)


Bernhard 1958

Bernhard, Franz. 1958. “Die Nominalkomposition im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Monier-Williams 1899

Monier-Williams, Monier. 1899. A Sanskrit-English dictionary. Etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages. new edition, greatly enlarged and improved, London: Clarendon Press (several reprints).

Roerich 1988

Roerich, George N. 1988. The Blue Annals, Parts I and II. Reprint Delhi et al.: Motilal Banarsidass.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.