Known as: | PK NS 29; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 29; PK AS 16.9.3 = PK AS 16.9C , PK AS 16.4.2 = PK AS 16.4B |
Cite this page as: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK NS 29". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 15 Feb. 2025). |
Edition |
Editor: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator) |
Date of online publication: | 2015-05-26 |
Provenience |
Main find spot: | Duldur-akur |
Expedition code: | 944; 1279 |
Collection: | Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris) |
Language and Script |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Script: | classical |
Text contents |
Title of the work: | Supriyanāṭaka |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Drama |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Meter: | 43434 (4x); 4343 (4x); 543 (4x) |
Object |
Material: |
on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Size (h × w): | 11+12.4+12.3 × 11+28.5+13.4 cm |
Number of lines: | 6 |
Interline spacing: | between 2.1 and 2.3 cm |
lf | [100] [60] 6 |
a1 | (– – – –) – ra [k](·) ma rtti ke¯ ¯ts wa kī [tse] mā ynā ñma ññe [ś]u ke tse su kro so ta¯ ¯r (– –) sa tne kca (– – – – –) [mā] ·[e] [k]e mta¯ ¯r kuc[e] |
a2 | śwa tno wä ntre ka la¯ ¯r· [:] – [ñ](·)ī ta¯ ¯r ye¯ ¯s klyo mo¯ ¯ñä [we] saṃ śma lñe sa swe nä¯ ¯śä śa rsa ṣṣi ce¯ ¯r• o nwa ññe t(·) (– – –) skl[o] ka [nma] ṣṣe tsa rśa lñe |
a3 | wa ksa ṣṣi me : cwī [p]ai ○ yne ṣṣai ski yai ne śa ye ñca¯ ¯ñä we¯ ¯s śau¯ ¯l wa rñai snai ta r·au na 2 || ta ne n(·) (–) [l]y(·)[¯] [¯]k ka – l[ñ](·) [ne] |
a4 | y[o] ni ṣṣeṃ la ntaṃ¯ – ○ we lñe ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ bra hma da tteṃ lā nta¯ ¯ś we skeṃ || kwa [m]a ne || ta[¯] [¯ñä] se (–) [ttre] [ta] ṅwa ñ[ñ]u – – s̝s̝a |
a5 | lle po ykne sa [:] – – ṣṣ· pi n[au] my[e] tse twe kwa pā ce¯ ¯r na na sau : tña kwa ṣā rtai sa sweṃ mpa re ki we (–) m[ā] [w](·) sa[¯] [¯]ñä : te ta [ṅw]a ño¯ ¯s̝ cai [tā] |
a6 | – sa (– – –) [c]eṃ¯ ¯ts ś[m]a lñe 1 || te ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ bra h[m]a [d]a(·) (·)e [w]a lo [a] rwā re ke rcī yeṃ ne [y](·) (–) p[l]a kt(·) ka ñai¯ ¯ś we s̝s̝aṃ || kaṃ (– – –) |
b1 | – – – – ·[w](·) ·ñ(·) [s](·) (·)[ā] – [m](·) sta c· kw· ñ· [:] pś· [r]s· sa (–) [n](·)(·) (– – – –) [l]ñ[e] a [r]w(·) r(·) – ·k· ·s· – – k(·) m·¯ ¯r [m](·) ·y(·)¯ ¯k [e] [rsn](·) (– – –) |
b2 | i ndri e k· ṣṣ(·) – sw· tse pā [k]· klu tka s̝s̝a¯ ¯ñä : 1 || tu meṃ pla ktū ka ñña ke rci yeṃ ne yo psa lā¯ ¯nt [l]· lya [k]o rmeṃ śle e mpru kṣai ka ltra· (–) |
b3 | lo we s̝s̝aṃ po¯ ¯ñä (–) pru kṣta¯ ¯r se wä nta re 1 || pla ktū ka ñña we s̝s̝aṃ || kwa ma ne || la ntu ñe ṣṣe [ṣe] [c]a ke [ka] rtse ri [ta] sa sweṃ |
b4 | tse : ka ltä rpa rna sā ○ rri ne ñya sa ss[o] nta ce¯ ¯u pa lsko sa : lkā tsi ña ṣtra ta ṅwaṃ ñe me¯ ¯ñä e rsn[ā] ṣṣe [t]a ñä [s]a [swa] : [e] |
b5 | ka ṣṣe pi i ndri nt[s]e p[lā] [n](·)[o] (–) ṣtra sa swe nmeṃ 1 || ta ne su pri ye ca kra vā rtti wa lo pla ktū ka ña ntse we [lñ]e (–) k[l]yau [ṣo] r[m]eṃ we s̝s̝aṃ || śi mi |
b6 | – [r](·)e (– –) [sn]ai ta ṅ(·) /// ··[ā] ṣ[m](·)ai ne rke ya ma s[ta]¯ ¯r ra me¯ ¯r ce pwā ya rla ntu ñe ṣ[ṣ]e (–) [r](·)e nai : tu – – (·)ñe [s]a [mā] – ·ī [sa] [l]·[ai] |
a1 | ... The most excellent of the rulers, this one, the sweet [one], is not angry about honor. 1. |
a1+ | We here, we do not (ask) any ... nor to anyone (else): "Bring this thing (to me)!" [2a] |
a2 | May you (pl.) understand, oh noble ones, may you announce to the lord [Supriya] our coming! [2b] |
a2+ | May the (jewel) of immortality turn away the pain of hesitations! [2c] |
a3 | [May] we [remain] living under the shadow of his two feet lifelong without deception! 2. |
a3+ | But here other ones, while (rejoic)ing after having heard the speech of the kings of destiny, say to the king Brahmadatta: |
a4 | In [the tune] k.: |
a4+ | "This (para)sol of yours, oh lovely one, ought to be made (turned) in every way. [1a]. |
a5 | You (sg.) indeed have been the father of the jewel of (a son?). [1b]. There was no word spoken by us [telling] an incitation of yours indeed [together] with the lord [1c]. |
a5+ | May these ones love their coming together with the lord!" |
a6 | [1d]. Having heard that the king Brahmadatta readily entered the palace [and] says to the [female] doorkeeper: In [the tune] k.: |
b1 | " ... you (do) a pleasant (ser)vice, etc. [1a]. Let (know to) the lord (my) arrival! I am the lion; |
b1+ | the figure of [precisely] such a color (I want to see?) [1c]. |
b2 | My eye sense will allow me [lit. make me turn] [to see] the [visible] part of the lord." [1d]. Thereupon the [female] doorkeeper entered into the palace, having seen the king she [remains] standing with negligence. |
b2+ | The king says: |
b3 | "Speak! Do not neglect [to tell me] what [is] the matter!" 1. The [female] doorkeeper says: In [the tune] k.: |
b3+ | “The lion of royal dignity [is] desiring the favor of the lord. [1a] |
b4 | He is outside in the assembly with this eager thought: [1b] he desires to see the loveable moon of your aspect, oh lord; [1c] |
b4+ | he (desire)s the satisfaction of the sense of the eye from the lord". |
b5 | [1d] Then the Cakravartin king Supriya after having heard the speech of the [female] doorkeeper says: |
b5+ | In [the tune] ś.: |
b6 | "(Why then) without lo(ve), oh friend, do you show hesitation? Lead this royal dignity quickly [inside] indeed! [1a] By (doing) that, (you will) not (break?) my rule at all ... |
n1 | The tune has 4x18 syllables (4-3/4-3/4). |
n2 | täṅwaññu is a vocative. |
n3 | The tune has 4x14 syllables (4-3/4-3). |
n4 | The tune has 12|12|13|13 syllables (rhythm a and b: 5/4-3, c and d: 5/8). |
n5 | Seven syllables are missing at the beginning of the pāda, approx. 9 akṣaras. |
n6 | The tune has 4x14 (4-3/4-3) syllables. |
n7 | Note kaltär instead of kalträ (as is usual in this manuscript). |
n8 | The tune name is not yet recorded, but it seems to have 25 syllables with a rhythm (5/5/8/7). |