Work in progress

PK NS 29

Known as:PK NS 29; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 29; PK AS 16.9.3 = PK AS 16.9C , PK AS 16.4.2 = PK AS 16.4B
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK NS 29". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 15 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2015-05-26


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:944; 1279
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:43434 (4x); 4343 (4x); 543 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):11+12.4+12.3 × 11+28.5+13.4 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:between 2.1 and 2.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


lf[100] [60] 6
a1(– – – –) – ra [k](·) ma rtti ke¯ ¯ts wa kī [tse] mā ynā ñma ññe [ś]u ke tse su kro so ta¯ ¯r (– –) sa tne kca (– – – – –) [mā] ·[e] [k]e mta¯ ¯r kuc[e]
a2śwa tno wä ntre ka la¯ ¯r· [:] – [ñ](·)ī ta¯ ¯r ye¯ ¯s klyo mo¯ ¯ñä [we] saṃ śma lñe sa swe nä¯ ¯śä śa rsa ṣṣi ce¯ ¯r o nwa ññe t(·) (– – –) skl[o] ka [nma] ṣṣe tsa rśa lñe
a3wa ksa ṣṣi me : cwī [p]ai ○ yne ṣṣai ski yai ne śa ye ñca¯ ¯ñä we¯ ¯s śau¯ ¯l wa rñai snai ta r·au na 2 || ta ne n(·) (–) [l]y(·)[¯] [¯]k ka – l[ñ](·) [ne]
a4y[o] ni ṣṣeṃ la ntaṃ¯ – ○ we lñe ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ bra hma da tteṃ lā nta¯ ¯ś we skeṃ || kwa [m]a ne || ta[¯] [¯ñä] se (–) [ttre] [ta] ṅwa ñ[ñ]u – – s̝s̝a
a5lle po ykne sa [:] – – ṣṣ· pi n[au] my[e] tse twe kwa pā ce¯ ¯r na na sau : tña kwa ṣā rtai sa sweṃ mpa re ki we (–) m[ā] [w](·) sa[¯] [¯]ñä : te ta [ṅw]a ño¯ ¯s̝ cai [tā]
a6sa (– – –) [c]eṃ¯ ¯ts ś[m]a lñe 1 || te ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ bra h[m]a [d]a(·) (·)e [w]a lo [a] rwā re ke rcī yeṃ ne [y](·) (–) p[l]a kt(·) ka ñai¯ ¯ś we s̝s̝aṃ || kaṃ (– – –)
b1– – – – ·[w](·) ·ñ(·) [s](·) (·)[ā] – [m](·) sta c· kw· ñ· [:] pś· [r]s· sa (–) [n](·)(·) (– – – –) [l]ñ[e] a [r]w(·) r(·) – ·k· ·s· – – k(·) m·¯ ¯r [m](·) ·y(·)¯ ¯k [e] [rsn](·) (– – –)
b2i ndri e k· ṣṣ(·) – sw· tse pā [k]· klu tka s̝s̝a¯ ¯ñä : 1 || tu meṃ pla ktū ka ñña ke rci yeṃ ne yo psa lā¯ ¯nt [l]· lya [k]o rmeṃ śle e mpru kṣai ka ltra· (–)
b3lo we s̝s̝aṃ po¯ ¯ñä (–) pru kṣta¯ ¯r se wä nta re 1 || pla ktū ka ñña we s̝s̝aṃ || kwa ma ne || la ntu ñe ṣṣe [ṣe] [c]a ke [ka] rtse ri [ta] sa sweṃ
b4tse : ka ltä rpa rna sā ○ rri ne ñya sa ss[o] nta ce¯ ¯u pa lsko sa : lkā tsi ña ṣtra ta ṅwaṃ ñe me¯ ¯ñä e rsn[ā] ṣṣe [t]a ñä [s]a [swa] : [e]
b5ka ṣṣe pi i ndri nt[s]e p[lā] [n](·)[o] (–) ṣtra sa swe nmeṃ 1 || ta ne su pri ye ca kra vā rtti wa lo pla ktū ka ña ntse we [lñ]e (–) k[l]yau [ṣo] r[m]eṃ we s̝s̝aṃ || śi mi
b6– [r](·)e (– –) [sn]ai ta ṅ(·) /// ··[ā] ṣ[m](·)ai ne rke ya ma s[ta]¯ ¯r ra me¯ ¯r ce pwā ya rla ntu ñe ṣ[ṣ]e (–) [r](·)e nai : tu – – (·)ñe [s]a [mā] – ·ī [sa] [l]·[ai]


1c– – – – – r{†ä}
1dk(a)marttikets ; wakītse ; ynāñmäññe ; śuketse ; su krosotär (1)
2a(we)s{†ä} tne kca – ; – – – ; (pr)ek{s}emtär ; kucea2śn1 wat no ; wäntre kalar(-ñ) :
2b(e)ñ(c)ītär yes ; klyomoñ ; wesäṃ śmalñe ; säswenäś ; śarsäṣṣicer
2conwaññet(se) ; (naumiye) ; sklokanmaṣṣe ; tsärśalñe a3n1 ; waksäṣṣi-me :
*cwī paiyneṣṣai skiyaine śayeñcañ wes śaul warñai snai tar(ś)auna 2 ॥ tane n(o) (a)ly(ai)k ka(cca)lñ(e)ne
a4n2n3 yoniṣṣeṃ lantaṃ(ts) welñe keklyauṣormeṃ brahmadatteṃ lāntäś weskeṃkwamane
1atañ se (kṣā)ttre täṅwaññu ; (spārttä)ṣṣäa5llen3 po-yknesa :
1b(soya)ṣṣ(e)pi naumye{ṃ}tse ; twek wa pācer nanasau :
1ctñak wa ṣārtai säsweṃmpa ; reki we(wñu) w(e)säñ :
1dtetaṅwañoṣ cai a6(koṃ)n3n4 ; sä(sweṃmp=) (eṣe) ceṃts śmalñe 1 ॥
*te keklyauṣormeṃ brahmada(tt)e walo arwāre kercīyeṃne y(opsa) plakt(ū)käñaiś weṣṣäṃkaṃ(tsakarṣaṃne) (॥)
1a– – – (täṅ)w(añ)ñ(e) ; s(pakt)ā(ṃ) (ya)m(a)st{†ä} ; c(e-)k w(ar)ñ(ai) :
1bpś(ā)rs(a) sä(swe)n(tse) ; (ceṃmpa) (śma)lñe arw(ā)r(e)
1c(ṣec)k(e) (mä)sk(e)m(a)r ; m(ant-)y(o)k ersn(a) ; – – – – b2n5
1dindri ek(a)ṣṣ(e) ; (sä)sw(e){ṃ}tse pāk(e) klutkäṣṣä-ñ : 1 ॥
*tumeṃ plaktūkäñña kerciyeṃne yopsa lānt l(ye)lyakormeṃ śle emprukṣai kalträ (•) (wa)¬
b3lon5n6 weṣṣäṃ poñ (mā) prukṣtar se wäntare 1 ॥ plaktūkäñña weṣṣäṃkwamane
1alantuñeṣṣe ; ṣecake ; kärtse-rita ; säsweṃb4tsen6n7 :
1bkaltär parna ; sārrine ; ñyasassont{†ä} ; ceu palskosa :
1clkātsi ñaṣträ ; täṅwaṃñe ; meñ ersnāṣṣe ; tañ{†ä} saswa :
1deb5kaṣṣepin7n8 ; indrintse ; plān(t)o (ña)ṣträ ; säswenmeṃ 1 ॥
*tane supriye cakravārtti walo plaktūkañantse welñe (ke)klyauṣormeṃ weṣṣäṃśimi°
b6n8r(n)e (॥)
1a(kāttsi) (pi) snai täṅ(k) ; (twe) (w)āṣm()ai nerke ; yamastär ramer ; ce pwāyar ; lantuñeṣṣe ; (pe)r(n)e nai :
1btu (yamal)ñesa ; (ra) (ñ)ī sal(y)ai ;


a1... The most excellent of the rulers, this one, the sweet [one], is not angry about honor. 1.
a1+We here, we do not (ask) any ... nor to anyone (else): "Bring this thing (to me)!" [2a]
a2May you (pl.) understand, oh noble ones, may you announce to the lord [Supriya] our coming! [2b]
a2+May the (jewel) of immortality turn away the pain of hesitations! [2c]
a3[May] we [remain] living under the shadow of his two feet lifelong without deception! 2.
a3+But here other ones, while (rejoic)ing after having heard the speech of the kings of destiny, say to the king Brahmadatta:
a4In [the tune] k.:
a4+"This (para)sol of yours, oh lovely one, ought to be made (turned) in every way. [1a].
a5You (sg.) indeed have been the father of the jewel of (a son?). [1b]. There was no word spoken by us [telling] an incitation of yours indeed [together] with the lord [1c].
a5+May these ones love their coming together with the lord!"
a6[1d]. Having heard that the king Brahmadatta readily entered the palace [and] says to the [female] doorkeeper: In [the tune] k.:
b1" ... you (do) a pleasant (ser)vice, etc. [1a]. Let (know to) the lord (my) arrival! I am the lion;
b1+the figure of [precisely] such a color (I want to see?) [1c].
b2My eye sense will allow me [lit. make me turn] [to see] the [visible] part of the lord." [1d]. Thereupon the [female] doorkeeper entered into the palace, having seen the king she [remains] standing with negligence.
b2+The king says:
b3"Speak! Do not neglect [to tell me] what [is] the matter!" 1. The [female] doorkeeper says: In [the tune] k.:
b3+“The lion of royal dignity [is] desiring the favor of the lord. [1a]
b4He is outside in the assembly with this eager thought: [1b] he desires to see the loveable moon of your aspect, oh lord; [1c]
b4+he (desire)s the satisfaction of the sense of the eye from the lord".
b5[1d] Then the Cakravartin king Supriya after having heard the speech of the [female] doorkeeper says:
b5+In [the tune] ś.:
b6"(Why then) without lo(ve), oh friend, do you show hesitation? Lead this royal dignity quickly [inside] indeed! [1a] By (doing) that, (you will) not (break?) my rule at all ...



*There are two very small fragments belonging to the main leaf PK NS 29, one of them fits the beginning of the first line. PK NS 29 is completed to the right by PK AS 16.4.2 with the right margin (script very blurred or sometimes signs from another manuscript are superposed) and to the left by PK AS 16.9.3 with the left margin (a complete joint, the fragment is very blurred).

Philological commentary

n1The tune has 4x18 syllables (4-3/4-3/4).
n2täṅwaññu is a vocative.
n3The tune has 4x14 syllables (4-3/4-3).
n4The tune has 12|12|13|13 syllables (rhythm a and b: 5/4-3, c and d: 5/8).
n5Seven syllables are missing at the beginning of the pāda, approx. 9 akṣaras.
n6The tune has 4x14 (4-3/4-3) syllables.
n7Note kaltär instead of kalträ (as is usual in this manuscript).
n8The tune name is not yet recorded, but it seems to have 25 syllables with a rhythm (5/5/8/7).