Work in progress


Known as:THT 8; B 8
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner. "THT 8". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 16 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Expedition code:T III Š 92.48
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānālaṅkāra
Passage:Book 2 (Kāmavarga), strophes 37d-40; Book 3 (Tṛṣṇāvarga), strophes 1-7c
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:554443 (4x); 43434 (4x)


Manuscript:Udānālaṅkāra A
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8


a1– – – ·sk· m[ā] yś[e] [l]my· ·k· [c]c· mā sa¯ ¯k o nwa ññ· – – – – – – [saṃ] [ksa] [ā] [ke] [ra] ///
a2– – – [kli] na s̝s̝aṃ ṣa¯ ¯ñä śā mna ri ntsi mā no [nta] su ce¯ ¯u ri lñe meṃ o ko wro cce ka lpā [s̝s̝aṃ] – ///
a3– – [s̝s̝aṃ] o sta meṃ sū ri lñe meṃ o ko wro [c] – e – – ka lpā s̝s̝aṃ o nwa ññe 30 8 ka rpi [y]ś[e] ///
a4– [ñ]·[e] [r]e [n]e cai [pe] rne ñco kuse tsa lpo ṣo ka rkkā lle meṃ yśe lme ṣṣe : ke¯ ¯t mā ///
a5[pū] [wa]¯ ¯r sa lpaṃ [pa] lsko ne pa lke ta rne po ke ktse ñe a ntā pce ra¯ ¯mt e ṅka ltsa ///
a6[śu] ke meṃ [la] [k]lā mi śkñe meṃ klai ñe ṅwa ññe ṣo trū ni meṃ po tre ṅka lwa wī ka s̝s̝aṃ : ke tno ///
a7[mpo] sta[ṃ] yo kai ṣṣe ce krau pe we ña tū ñke ta ṅsa pa klyau ṣso 40 || dha rmo so ma [ññe] ///
a8– – [ña] kte pu dnä k – e [sai] mwa ste su : śrā va sti s·e ma skī tra o¯ ¯mp ceṃ kā ka a ka – – [ly]·· ///
b1·[ñ]· nta pa lsko meṃ n[ä] [t]kna llo na : pa lsko ṣṣe ce¯ ¯u śau m[o] no pa lska lñe ṣṣi cai [t]ai wi p· ///
b2[tr]· – ṣ· [ntaṃ]¯ ¯ts yai tko rne tne : po tu tsa tkwaṃ ke¯ ¯śä tattā lñe pa lska lñe nta klu tka skeṃ [wno] ///
b3[cwi] spo rto ntra [t]rai pa lska lñi : ṣe yśe lme ṣṣe wa te no mā nta lñe ṣṣe trī te sū mī [ya] ///
b4– – meṃ mā ya kṣa nmeṃ : ma kte ṣa¯ ¯ñä cwi pa lsko ntse pa lska lñe ṣṣe ś[a] kuse sa ///
b5– [na] nma pa lska lñe ntaṃ¯ ¯ts yo lai na toṃ meṃ pā ṣṣa¯ ¯t : 4 tu meṃ we ña pū dnä k – – ///
b6– [l]·o ṣṣe : ra tkwre e ṅka¯ ¯l o no lme a sta r[ñ]e – lkā ṣṣe ñca tā yke ktse ñtse : ṣpa¯ ¯k cwi [y]o ///
b7– – – – tā kaṃ : ykāṃ s̝a lñe ṣe¯ ¯k wa ra stra [ṣ]· ki ma ssu wa wlā wau po ṣka syä lloṃ : ///
b8– – – – [dñ]ä [kt]e 6 ·e [o] – śai kṣi ykā kṣe n[n]o – ai – – – – [lai] na [pa] [lska] lñe – – – ///


37d– – (pal)sk(a) yśelmy· ·k· cc· sak onwaññ(e) – – – – – – saṃ ksa āke ra ///
38ba2 – – – klinaṣṣäṃ ; ṣañ śāmna rintsi ; no nta su ; ceu rilñemeṃ ; oko wrocce ; kälpāṣṣäṃ (:)
38c/// 25σ
38d a3 ; (lna)ṣṣäṃ ostameṃ ; rilñemeṃ ; oko wroc(c)e ; (sak) kälpāṣṣäṃ ; onwaññe 30-8
39akärpi yśe /// 22σ
38b a4ñ·erene ; cai perneñco ; kuse tsälpoṣo ; kärkkāllemeṃ ; yśelmeṣṣe :
38cket /// 23σ
39d a5 pūwar ; salpäṃ palskone ; pälketär-ne ; po kektseñe ; antāpce ramt ; eṅkältsa
40a/// 25σ
40b a6 śukemeṃ ; lakl= āmiśkñemeṃ ; klaiñ= eṅwaññe ; ṣotrūnimeṃ ; po treṅkalwa ; wīkäṣṣäṃ :
40cket no /// 23σ
40d (o)a7mpostäṃ ; yokaiṣṣe ce ; kraupe weña ; ñke taṅsa ; päklyauṣso 40
*dharmosomäññe ///
1a ; a8 – – ñakte ; pudnäk(t)e ; saim waste su :
1bśrāvasti s(p)e ; mäskīträ ; omp ceṃ kāka ; aka(lṣ)ly(eṃ) ; ///
1d b1 ·ñ(e)nta ; pälskomeṃ ; nätknallona :
2apälskoṣṣe ceu ; śaumono ; palskalñeṣṣi ; cai taiwi ; ///
2c10σ b2n2n3 tr· ; (kä)ṣ(ṣi)ntaṃts ; yaitkorne tne :
2dpo tu tsatkwaṃ ; keś tättālñe ; palskalñenta ; klutkäskeṃ ; wno ///
3b (palskone) b3n4 cwi ; sportonträ ; trai palskalñi :
3cṣe yśelmeṣṣe ; wate no ; māntalñeṣṣe ; trīte ; mīya(ṣlneṣṣe) (:)
3d/// 18σ
4a11σ b4 – – meṃ ; yakṣanmeṃ :
4bmäkte ṣañ cwi ; palskontse ; palskalñeṣṣe ; śakusesa ; ///
4d b5nanma ; palskalñentaṃts ; yolaina ; toṃmeṃ pāṣṣat : 4
5atumeṃ weña ; pūdnäk(te) ; /// 11σ
5b13σ (śaumo) ; (su) b6n5n6 (pä)l(sk)oṣṣe :
5crätkwre eṅkäl ; onolme ; astarñe – ; lkāṣṣeñca ; tāy kektseñtse :
5dṣpa-k cwi yo /// 15σ
6a12σ b7 – – – – tākaṃ :
6bykāṃṣälñe ṣek ; warästrä ; ṣ(e)k imassu ; wawlāwau ; po ṣkas yälloṃ :
6c/// 18σ
6d12σ b8n7 – – – (pu)dñäkte 6
7a(kus)e o(mp) śaikṣi ; ykā-k ṣen no ; (c)ai – – – ; (yo)laina ; palskalñe(nta) (:)


a1[37d] ...
a1... (he thought): “the sensual pleasures [are] not permanent ones, nor [is] happiness everlasting ...
a2[38b] ...
a2... (for everybody) must leave his people, but by no means will he obtain great fruit out of such abandonment.
a3(But whosoever) (goes) from the house, from such abandonment he will obtain great fruit [and] eternal happiness. The crude sensual pleasures ...
a4... in their smell those dignified ones, who have gone from the pool of sensual pleasures, [are] not to those ...
a5[39d] ...
a5... the fire (of sensual pleasure) glows in [his] mind, the whole body burns on him like a firebrand with passion ...
a6... from (smell) [and] taste, from suffering and sorrow and from the two [sexual] kinds female and male he drives out all attachment. To whom, however, ...
a6+after (that about the sensual pleasures) he spoke this section about thirst.
a7Hear this now with love! In Dharmasomas (Udānālaṅkāra) ...
a7+the God (of Gods), the Buddha, the shelter and refuge, was staying near Śrāvastī.
a8[1b] ..
a8There he summoned the pupils ...
b1(1). [2a]
b1(The thoughts) [are] to be held from the mind. [To] such minded people this ripe fruit of thought ...
b2[2c] [2d] ...
b2... here at the demand of the (teachers). All this [is] wrong. Into judgments the beings turn the thoughts ...
b2+(In) this one’s (mind) are three thoughts:
b3[3c] ...
b3one of sensual pleasures, the second, however, of malice, the third that of harm ...
b4[4a] [4b]
b4.... not from the Yakṣas. As it [is] the peculiarity of this one’s mind, by the liquor of the thoughts he [is] (intoxicated?)
b5the evil flaws of the thoughts, of these beware. Then the Buddha spoke (two strophes) ...
b5+(When) the thoughtful (human, aroused by the thoughts), a being of violent passion, [is] seeing (only) the purity of this body, [then] his thirst (grows) even more ...
b6[5d] ...
b7If he is (anxious for the smothering of the thoughts, however), constantly practices a disgust [at the body], [is] constantly mindful [and] controlling all six senses in, ...
b8... the Buddha. Who, however, were still beginners, they/who ... the evil thoughts ...


a5Das Feuer (der Sinneslust) glüht in [seinem] Geist, der ganze Körper brennt ihm wie ein Feuerbrand(?) vor Leidenschaft. (Schmidt 1974: 108)
a8Der Gott der (Götter), der Buddha, der Schutz [und] die Zuflucht, befand sich bei Śrāvastī. Dort rief er die Schüler ... (Schmidt 1974: 379)
b3(In) diesem (Geist) wirken drei Vorstellungen: eine der Sinneslust, die zweite aber des Übelwollens, die dritte die des Leidzufügens. (Schmidt 1974: 280)
b5... die üblen Fehler der Vorstellungen, vor denen hütet euch! (Schmidt 1974: 84, 306)
b7[Wenn] er ... ständig das Abscheu-Empfinden [gegenüber dem Körper] übt, ständig bedachtsam [und] alle sechs Sinnesfunktionen im Zaum haltend[wtl. gezügelt habend] [ist], ... (Schmidt 1974: 351)


Parallel texts

*Uv 2 colophon-3.2

Philological commentary

*On the recto side down to line 7 this contains the ending of part 2 of the Kāmavarga (II), i.e. strophes 37d-40 in a 4x25 syllable-metre (rhythm: 5/5/8/7). In line 8 the Tṛṣṇāvarga (III) begins, strophes 1-7c, in a 4x18 metre (rhythm: 7/7/4).
n1Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 152.
n3Emendation according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 153.
n4Emendations according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 153.
n6Emendations according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 153.
n7Emendations according to Sieg and Siegling 1983: 153.


*The original manuscript is missing, but was a piece of leaf patched together from various fragments, about the left half of leaf 41. In places the writing was attrited strongly, particularly in the top part.

Linguistic commentary

n2tsatkwaṃ for tsatkuṃ.
n5astarñe for astaräññe.


Online access



Sieg and Siegling 1949: I, 16-17; Sieg and Siegling 1983: 31-32 notes 154


Hackstein 1995: a5 (111), b5 (174); Krause 1952: a5 (205); Schmidt 1974: a5 (108), a8 (379), b3 (280), b5 (84, 306), b7 (351); Sieg and Siegling 1949: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (II, 12-14); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a1 (152), a4 (152), b3 (153); Thomas 1954: a2 (725); Thomas 1957: a4 (270), a8 (26), b8 (76); Thomas 1969a: b7 (320); Thomas 1972: a6 (434), a6 (451); Thomas 1977: a4 (112), a7 (112); Thomas 1979b: a7 (54); Thomas 1981: a2 (493); Thomas 1987: b6 (187); Thomas 1997: b2 (71)


Hackstein 1995

Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg and Siegling 1949

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1949. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 1. Die Udānālaṅkāra-Fragmente. Text, Übersetzung und Glossar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Thomas 1954

Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1969a

Thomas, Werner. 1969a. “Zur tocharischen Wiedergabe der Sanskrit-Verba des Udānavarga.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 83: 290–322.

Thomas 1972

Thomas, Werner. 1972. “Zweigliedrige Wortverbindungen im Tocharischen.” Orbis 21: 429–70.

Thomas 1977

Thomas, Werner. 1977. “Ein weiteres tocharisches Udānavarga-Fragment.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 90: 104–13.

Thomas 1979b

Thomas, Werner. 1979b. Formale Besonderheiten in metrischen Texten des Tocharischen: Zur Verteilung von B tane/tne “hier” und B ñake/ñke “jetzt”. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 15. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.

Thomas 1981

Thomas, Werner. 1981. “Indogermanisches in der Syntax des Tocharischen: Zum Ausdruck eines Gebotes und Verbotes.” In Festschrift der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 481–97.

Thomas 1987

Thomas, Werner. 1987. “Ein neues Pātayantika-Fragment in Toch. B.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 1: 169–91.

Thomas 1997

Thomas, Werner. 1997. Interpretationsprobleme im Tocharischen. Unflektiertes A puk, B po “ganz, all, jeder”. Vol. 3. SbWGF, XXXV. Stuttgart: Steiner.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”