Work in progress

THT 1109

Known as:THT 1109; KVāc 17
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner; Theresa Illés (collaborator). "THT 1109". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner; Theresa Illés (collaborator)


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavācanā
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Vinaya


Manuscript:THT 1102-1125
Preceding fragment:THT 1108
Following fragment:THT 1110
Material: ink on wood tablet
Size (h × w):5.6 × 29 cm
Number of lines:5



(continues from THT 1108)

a1ma lkau wa ṣe yeṃ cai pa stä tsä /// /// ·[yā] yeṃ o sta meṃ lna ṣyeṃ a nā sa – ski ye ntra we lyñe e nä ṣä lyñe mā [ka] ///
a2te ki ne spa ktaṃ mā ka lpā ṣyeṃ [t]· – na kṣ· y· ntra a n[ā]¯ ¯s – nt· śa ke ñi ṣa mā ni ce [n]· k· pā ssi tse pe lki¯ ¯ñ pä ñi kte u ///
a3tka ma kte ka tta ka ñe ne pā ce¯ ¯r – [ce]¯ ¯r ma ske t – ·[ai] – – – – ·o lo ·[eṃ] – l· – – r·e [n]e ri tta ṣä ·tu mpa ta se [m]· ///
a4kta ñe pe le kne ne u pa dhyā ye sai¯ ¯m – rma· ·[y]· l[o] meṃ – – – – – – – – ṣṣ· kuse ṅke ta¯ ¯ñ ta ne me ṅki tā – [ṃ] – – – –
a5le ki sā tke sa wa rñai te ki ne ṅke s[p]· – – – – ñ[c]tai [s]· – – – – – – – – kuse ṅke ku lype le tā kaṃ ñca [s]ū ·ra – – – – –
b1[r]m· a rā ñe ṣṣe pa lska lyñe sa wa· ñ· /// /// ·[t]· m· c· mp· m[o] tā kaṃ tu ṅke a le – – – –
b2cä ta¯ ¯ñ no ma kte mā ta¯ ¯r pā ta¯ ¯r ne tai – – – dhy[ā] ye nne – – – – – – – [l]· pe rne ka lpo ṣne tai sa u – – – – – –
b3ya ma ṣä le sta rca pe rne ka lpo ṣne te u pa – – ·e [y]· – – – – – – – – ·e – – dhyā ye we ñco e na sta – – – – –
b4spa rto le u pa dhyā ye tse p[e] – kne ṣṣ[e] wa tka ṣ· ly[ñ]· – ñc[ā] l· u p· dhy[ā] ye tse we lyñe e nä ṣä lyñe ta rne ne wä [r]pa na – – – – –
b5u pā dhyā ye tse spa ktaṃ nne a – – [t]e [ma] [s]·e le ce ñ· ·e – [kau] na we ñau cwe ntsi tu we· ts· p[o]¯ ¯ñ ai śai te pyā mtsa¯ ¯r śau la sū ñ·¯ ¯ś – – –

(continues on THT 1110)


(continues from THT 1108)

a1mälkauwa ṣeyeṃ cai pästä tsä(lpiyenträ) /// /// (upādh)yāyeṃ ostameṃ lnaṣyeṃ anāsä (mä)skiyenträ welyñe enäṣälyñe kä(lpāṣyeṃ)
a2tekine spaktaṃ kälpāṣyeṃ t(irthi) nakṣ(i)y(e)nträ anās (ske)nt(e) śakeñi ṣamāni ce n(ā)k(i) pāssitse pelkiñ päñikte u(pādhyāyeṃ) (yā)-
a3-n4n5n6n7tka mäkte kattakäñene pācer (mā)cer mäsket(rä) (s)ai(m) – – – (y)olo(m)eṃ (a)l(asträ) (ka)r(ts)ene rittaṣä(ṃ) tumpa tasem(ane) (pañi)-
a4-n8n9ktäñe peleknene upadhyāye saim (pä)rma(ṅk) y(o)lomeṃ – – – – – – (ritta)ṣṣ(äṃ) kuse ṅke tañ tane meṅki tā(ka)ṃ – – – –
a5leki sātkesa warñai tekine ṅke sp(aktāṃ) (yamaṣäṃ)ñ-c tais(a) – – – – – – – – kuse ṅke kulypele tākaṃñ-ca sū(t)rä – – (abhidhā)-
b1-n12n13n14rm(ä) arāñeṣṣe palskalyñesa wa(r)ñ(ai) /// /// ·t· m(ā) c(ä)mp(a)mo tākaṃ tu ṅke ale(k)(yamaṣäṃ-)-
b2-n14n15n16tañ no mäkte mātar pātarne tai(sa) (upā)dhyāyenne – – – – – – – perne kälpoṣne taisa u(pādhyāyenne) – –
b3yamaṣäle star-ca perne kälpoṣne te upa(dhyāyenn)e – – – – – – – – ·e (upā)dhyāye weñ-co enasta(r-c) – – – –
b4spartole upadhyāyetse pe(lai)kneṣṣe watkäṣ(ä)lyñ(e) (a)ñcāl(i) up(ā)dhyāyetse welyñe enäṣälyñe tarnene wärpana(le) – – – –
b5upādhyāyetse spaktaṃnne a(lālä)te mäs(k)ele ce ñ(ak)e (re)kauna weñau-c wentsi tu we(k)ts(e) poñ aiśai te pyāmtsar śaulasū ñ(i)ś – – –

(continues on THT 1110)


(continues from THT 1108)

a1... were bound. They (were) releas(ed.) (The others, however, who) went from the house (without a teach)er, [they] were without refuge [anātha]. They rec(eived) neither proclamation [nor] instruction,
a2nor service in sickness. The T(īrthikas) reproached: Without refuge (are) the śākya-monks!
a2+To protect from this reproach the Buddha has appointed the u(pādhyāya).
a3+Just like, in householdership, father [and] (mo)ther are protection [and] refuge, (keep [one] away) from evil [and] attach [one] to the (good), comparable to this the Upādhyāya [is] protection [and] re(fuge) in the law of the (Bud)dha, (keeps [one] away) from evil [and] (attaches one to the good).
a5Whatever deprivation may be [in store] for you here, (he does) you (service) in sickness with (food, drink,) a bed, remedies, and so on.
a5+Thus .... whatever your desire may be, (he removes(?) the doubts that have risen in you [such as]) compunction about the sūtra, (vinaya, abhdharma,) [the existence(?) as] an āraṇyaka [monk]. and so on.
b1+(....) (If he himself) should not be able [to do so], (he will grant(?)) you that (through(?)) another.
b2You, however, (shall love) the upādhyāya like father [and] mother.
b2+(As) one who has gained honour, as such you shall (honour the upādhyāya).
b3[As(?)] with one who has gained honour, so(?) (with a) upā(dhyāya) .....
b4(When the upā)dhyāya speaks to you [or] isntructs (you), [you] shall behave (in this way): A commandment from the upādhyāya [you shall] receive [with] hands folded together, speech [and] instruction from the upādhyāya [you shall receive] with [an inclination of] the head.
b5(Thus) [you] shall be (tire)less in the service of the upādhyāya. The words, that I now give you to say, these say loudly: Pay heed to this, venerable one! I, (N.N.,) solicit you venerable one [as] upādhyāya.

(continues on THT 1110)


a3Wie Vater [und] Mutter ... vom Bösen (fernhalten) [und] an das (Gute) binden, ... (Schmidt 1974: 501, fn. 2)
a4+Whatever need you may have here, in case of illness he serves you with (food, drink), bed, medicine, etc. (cf 49, 82) (Peyrot 2013b: 706)
a5+Whatever you desire, he will (remove your doubts) like thoughts about the sūtra, (vinaya [and] abhidharma), or about the Āraṇya monk etc. (cf 49, 82) (Peyrot 2013b: 706)
b1+If he is not able [to do it] (himself), then he will (let) somebody else (do it) for you. (cf 49, 82) (Peyrot 2013b: 706)
b3+If the upādhyāya speaks to you or instructs you, you are to behave in this way. (cf 50, 82) (Peyrot 2013b: 700)
b5The words which I now tell you to say, say that aloud! (cf 50, 83) (Peyrot 2013b: 659)
b5+Pay attention, reverend! I (of this name) ask you [to be] my upādhyāya. [Please] be, reverend, my upādhyāya! With you, reverend, as upādhyāya I will be ordained. (Peyrot 2013b: 294)


Philological commentary

The supplementation and commentaries follow Schmidt 1986: 15-16, 133-134.
TB: aiśai te pyāmtsar śaulasū ñ(i)ś (te-ñemtsa) ci śaulasontä upādhyāyeṃ yaskaske(mar t)w(e śaulasu ñi upādhyāye ptā)k(a) ci śaulasotsa upadhyāyetsa ñiś wasanpāt yāmu
Skt.: samanvāhara bhadanta aham evaṃnāmā bhadantaṃ upādhyāyaṃ yāce bhadanto me upādhyāyo bhavatu bhadantena upādhyāyena upasaṃpatsye |
The TB text aiśai te pyāmtsar to wasanpāt yāmu (lines THT 1109 a5 – THT 1110 a1) has a quite exact equivalent in Bhu p. 21, 20-22:
n2The gap contains about 9 akṣaras.
n6On (y)olo(m)eṃ (a)l(asträ ka)r(ts)ene rittaṣä(ṃ) cf. A 260 b6 (omä)skenäṣ ālsanträ • || kāswoneyaṃ ritwseñc.
n14The gap contains about 15 akṣaras.


According to Schmidt 1986 iv-v the ms. comes either from Qizil or from Tumšuq.
From this leaf 4 fragments are preserved: one from the left side reaching up to the string hole, about 7-8 cm wide; to the right of the string hole and connecting to the first a smaller fragment from the centre of the leaf, 4 cm wide and containing remnants of 3 lines; a small fragment from the centre of the leaf, about 2 cm wide and containing remnants of 2 lines; and a large fragment from the right side, consisting of 4 pieces, about 13 cm wide and connecting to the second fragment at a distance of about 1 cm. The right corner is missing.
The original ms. was 29 cm wide and 5.6 cm high, with the string hole 6.5 cm from the left margin. It was written by at least three hands: scribe 1, a beautiful, delicate script, from leaf 1 to 11 a1; scribe 2, distinguished by a number of orthographical idiosyncrasies/errors, from leaf 11 a1 to and including 19; scribe 3 from leaf 20 to end. The final leaves A and B THT 1123 and THT 1124 may have been written either by scribe 2 or a fourth hand. Cf. Schmidt 1986: v, 2, 4
This leaf is in hand 2.

Linguistic commentary

n1pästä for päst; welyñe for welñe; lnaṣyeṃ for lännaṣyeṃ; anāsä for anās; mäskiyenträ for mäskīyentär; enäṣälyñe for enäṣṣälñe.
n3spaktaṃ for spaktāṃ; nakṣiyenträ for nakṣīyentär; śakeñi for śakkeññi; pāssitse for pāssintse; päñikte for pañäkte.
n4kattakäñene for kattākäññene; rittaṣäṃ for rittäṣṣäṃ; pañiktäñe for pañäktäññe.
n5mäsket(rä) sic! Following rittaṣä(ṃ) at the end of this line a singular form must be supplemented here. The supplementation to (s)ai(m) is prompted by line a4. For (a)l(asträ) cf. TA āläṣträ.
n7In this ms. the term ‘parents’ is rendered four times by pācer mācer (this leaf, line a3, as well as THT 1111 b4, THT 1115 a1 and THT 1123 a1) and once as mācer pācer (this leaf, line b2).
n8peleknene for pelaiknene; upadhyāye for upādhyāye; rittaṣṣäṃ for rittäṣṣäṃ.
n9peleknene sic! and should be corrected to pelaiknene. upadhyāye sic! for upādhyāye. For the supplementation to (ritta)ṣṣ(äṃ) cf. line a3.
n10sātkesa for sāṃtkesa; kulypele for kwälypelle; tākaṃñca for tākañ-c; abhidhārmä for abhidhārm; yamaṣäṃ-cä for yamaṣṣäṃ-c.
n11tākaṃñca sic! for tākaṃñcä (= tākaṃñc).
n12arāñeṣṣe for arāññeṣṣe; alek for allek.
n13The form c·mp(a)mo is more likely to be supplemented to cimpamo than to cämpamo, since ä in this ms. always appears as i in the vicinity of palatals, such as in repeatedly attested pañikte (for pañäkte) and ñiś (for ñäś). Cf. also TEB I: §15,1.
n15mātar for mātär.
n16The first word in this line is probably (yamaṣäṃ)cä.
n17yamaṣäle for yamaṣṣälle; star-c for star-ca; upadhyāyenne for upādhyāyenne; weñ-co for weñ-c.
n18starca sic! for starcä (= starc); upadhyāyenne sic! for upādhyāyenne; upadhyāye sic! for upādhyāye.
n19upādhyāyetse for upādhyāyentse; spartole for sporttolle; watkäṣälyñe for watkäṣṣälñe; añcāli for añcali; welyñe for welñe; enäṣälyñe for enäṣṣälñe; wärpanale for wärpanalle.
n20spartole sic! scribal error for sportole.
n21upadhyāyetse for upādhyāyentse; spaktaṃnne for spaktāṃne; mäskele for mäskelle; śaulasū for śaulassu.


Complete Translation

Tamai 2014: 374-375; Schmidt 1986: 81-83

Online access

IDP: THT 1109; TITUS: THT 1109


Tamai 2014: 374-375; Tamai 2007a: №1109; Schmidt 1986: 15-16, 49-50


Peyrot 2013b: a4 a5 (706), a5 b1 (706), b1 b2 (706), b3 b4 (700), b5 (659), b5 THT 1110 a1 (294); Schmidt 1974: a3 (501, fn. 2)



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Schmidt 1986

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1986. “Fragmente eines buddhistischen Ordinationsrituals in westtocharischer Sprache. Aus der Schule der Sarvāstivādins. Text, Übersetzung, Anmerkungen und Indizes.” Habilitation.

Tamai 2007a

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2007a. “A preliminary edition of unpublished texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” Thesaurus indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan collection. 2007.

Tamai 2014

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2014. “The Tocharian Karmavācanā.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology (ARIRIAB) at Soka University for the Academic Year 2013 17: 365–94.


Krause, Wolfgang, and Werner Thomas. 1960. Tocharisches Elementarbuch. Band I. Grammatik. Heidelberg: Winter.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”