Work in progress


Known as:YQ III.9; YQ 1.20
Cite this page as:"YQ III.9". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-yqiii9&outputformat=print (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Main find spot:Qigexing
Collection:Xinjiang Museum (Ürümchi)

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka
Passage:Act 3.9
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:554443 (4x)


Preceding fragment:YQ III.8
Following fragment:YQ III.10
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:8



(continues from YQ III.8)

a1/// – tsapa ññi¯ ¯s śä mlu ne pā ka rna slu ne traka¯ ¯m • ku cpra
a2/// [ne] yo sā kro ne yo kla ṣmu ne yo ka knu ñe mi pi ssa ṅkṣi
a3/// – mni sla ñclu ne yu¯ ¯m klyo mpi ssa¯ ¯ṅk : pu kkā swo ne ytu yne
a4/// – ṣṣi¯ ¯s da kṣi na¯ ¯k : ta myā na¯ ¯nt ku sne pi ssa ṅki syä rkya¯ ¯s̝ ptā ñkte
a5/// [1] || tma¯ ¯s̝ gau ta mi lā¯ ¯ts pa ltsa ṅkā¯ ¯s̝ ku¯ ¯s a śśi to¯ ¯m śä¯ ¯k śtwa rpi pu dga
a6/// ·[ñ]· kte e¯ ¯l wa wu pu dga li¯ ¯k e ltra ṅktra • pra tti ka ptā ñkte wa wu pu dga li¯ ¯k
a7/// [s]a a nā gā mu ne ya¯ ¯cä spa ltka su ntā¯ ¯p • sa kra dā gā me¯ ¯s sa kra
a8/// ·[pa] ltka su ntā¯ ¯ppa rne ṣiṃ kā ma vi ta rā ge¯ ¯s ri ṣa kyā¯ ¯p • pā pṣu¯ ¯nt o
b1/// wra sa śśi e¯ ¯l wa wu pu dga li¯ ¯k e¯ ¯l tra ṅkta¯ ¯r || tma¯ ¯s̝ śu ddho daṃ lā
b2/// [p]t[ā] ñka¯ ¯t ka ṣṣi nā ā kā śśo ki sne me¯ ¯m sne ā kwe wñu • pu dga li kwra sa
b3/// ptā ñka tka ṣṣi śā kke śśi pa ltsa kka rso ra ṣtraka¯ ¯s̝ lweṃ cmo laṃ ta tmu ntā¯ ¯p
b4/// ntwaṃ • pu¯ ¯k a kaṃ tsu ne ytwä¯ ¯s̝ sne wä rce ma ska ntra || pu¯ ¯k śä kra¯ ¯nt wra maṃ mā
b5/// [e¯] [¯l] e lu ne yā • wä¯ ¯lts cmo la ntwaṃ pu¯ ¯k a kaṃ tsu ne yä ntwä¯ ¯s̝ sne wä
b6/// [e] lu ne yā • śä¯ ¯k tmāṃ cmo lwaṃ pu¯ ¯k a kaṃ tsu ne ytwä¯ ¯s̝ sne
b7/// [sw]· wi ku ntā¯ ¯p e¯ ¯l wa wu rā ko rśä¯ ¯k tmā na ntu cmo la ntwaṃ pu
b8/// ltka su ntā¯ ¯p e lwa wu rā sne me¯ ¯m sne ka¯ ¯ś cmo la ntwaṃ o

(continues on YQ III.10)


(continues from YQ III.8)

a1-n1(ssaṅkaṃ) (kälko) (el) (träṅkträ) /// (tsopa)tsäṃ päññis śämlune pākär naslune träṅkämkuc pra-
1a /// neyo ; sākroneyo ; kläṣmuneyo ; kaknu ñemi ; pissaṅkṣi a3
1b16σ /// (ṣā)mnis ; läñcluneyum ; klyom pissaṅk :
1cpuk kāswoneytu ; ynea4(ś) (ypanträ) 10σ /// ; (ārkiśo)ṣṣis ; dakṣinak :
1dtämy= ānant kus ne ; pissaṅkis yärk yaṣ ; ptāñkte a5n3 13σ /// 1 ॥
tmäṣ gautami lāts pältsäṅkāṣ kus aśśi tom śäk śtwar pi pudga-
a6-n4n5(lik) /// (ptāñ)ñ(ä)kte el wawu pudgalik el träṅkträprattika-ptāñkte wawu pudgalik
a7/// (anāgāme)s{†ä} anāgāmuneyac spaltkasuntāpsakrädāgāmes sakrädā-
a8-n7n8n9(gāmuneyac) /// (s)paltkasuntāppärneṣiṃ kāmavitarāges riṣakyāppāpṣunt o-
b1-n9n10(sit) /// wrasaśśi el wawu pudgalik el träṅktärtmäṣ śuddhodaṃ lā-
b2-(nt) /// ptāñkät käṣṣinā ākāśś oki sne mem sne āk wewñupudgalik wrasa-
b3-n11(śśi) /// ptāñkät käṣṣi śākkeśśi pältsäk kärsoräṣ träṅkäṣ lweṃ cmolaṃ tatmuntāp
b4/// (cmolä)ntwaṃpuk akäṃtsuneytwäṣ sne wärce mäskanträpuk śäkrant wramäṃ
b5/// el eluneyāwälts cmoläntwaṃ puk akäṃtsuneyäntwäṣ sne wä-
b6-n14(rce) (mäskanträ) /// eluneyāśäk tmāṃ cmolwaṃ puk akäṃtsuneytwäṣ sne
b7(wärce) (mäskanträ) /// (kleśā)s w(a)wikuntāp el wawurā kor śäk tmānäntu cmoläntwaṃ pu-
b8-n16(k) (akäṃtsuneytwäṣ) (sne) (wärce) (mäskanträ) /// (spa)ltkasuntāp el wawurā sne mem sne kaś cmoläntwaṃ o-

(continues on YQ III.10)


(continues from YQ III.8)

a1... I speak about the manifestation of the coming of great merit.
a1+What is the problem?
a2+... having materialized by ..., blissfulness [and] patience, the jewel of a Community ...
a3... the noble Community which profits from a monk’s leaving (the house), ...
a3+all virtues ....
a4... receiver of gifts ... of the (world?).
a4+Therefore, o Ānanda, whoever pays homage to the Community, (also) to the Buddha ...
a5... ||
a5Then, queen Gautamī thinks:
a5+What then are these fourteen Pudgalika (gifts)?
a6... a gift given to the Buddha-god is called a Pudgalika gift.
a6+A gift given to a Pratyekabuddha (is called) a Pudgalika (gift);
a7+... to (an Anāgāmin); to someone striving for the status of Anāgāmin; to a Sakṛdāgāmin; to (someone striving for the) status of Sakṛdāgāmin; ... ... to someone striving for (the status of Srotaāpanna); to the ... ascetic unconcerned with desire; to someone who has observed (the proper behavior); ... ... a gift given to living beings is called a Pudgalika gift.
b1+|| Then, ... to the king Śuddhodana ...
b2... said by the Buddha-god the teacher (to be) like the sky without measure [and] without end.
b2+The Pudgalika (gift) ... to beings ....
b3The Buddha-god the teacher, having understood the thought of the Śākyas, says:
b4To one born in the existence of the animals ... ... in (a hundred) births they are without privation from all possessions.
b4+|| To one who has not (observed) all ten good things, ...
b5+... by giving a gift ..., (they are) without privation from all possessions in a thousand births.
b6+... by giving ..., (they are) without (privation) from all possessions in hundred thousand births.
b7+... having made a gift to someone who has driven away (the Kleśas), (they are without privation from) all (possessions) in a trillion births.
b8... by giving a gift to someone who is striving ..., in births without measure [and] without number ... the (fruit) ...

(continues on YQ III.10)


Linguistic commentary

The commentary is adapted from Ji et al. 1998: 186.
n4TA pudgalik is a borrowing of the Buddhist term Skt. pudgalika-, Pali puggalika- ‘particular, individual’.
n15TA kor is used to multiply śäk tmānäntu, hence the translation ‘a trillion’, compare MaitrHami 3, 9 b17.

Parallel texts

MaitrHami 3, 8-9

Philological commentary

This text is continued from YQ III.8 and continues on YQ III.10.
n1In the Uyghur text, the end of the verso of the 8th leaf is partly destroyed, with complete loss of about 5 lines.
n2Cf. MaitrHami 3, 8 b24.
n3The lines 3-5 contain remnants of a stanza of the type 4 x 25 (5/5/8/7).
n5The 1st kind of Pudgalika gift, cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 a1-3; at the end of this line, the 2nd kind, cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 a3-4.
n6The 5th. 6th and 7th kind, cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 a7-8, a8-10 and a11-12 respectively.
n7The 8th kind, cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 a13-14.
n8The 10th and 11th kind, cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 a16 and the mutilated text in MaitrHami 3, 9 a16-18 respectively.
n9The 12th kind, cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 a19-20.
n10The 14th kind, cf. the mutilated text in MaitrHami 3, 9 a22ff. The end of the recto of the 9th leaf of the Uyghur text is lost, and the lacuna covers about five lines. The Tocharian text reports the thoughts of the Śākya noblemen, beginning with the king Śuddhodana.
n11Cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 b2ff.
n12Cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 b7ff.
n13Cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 b9-10.
n14Cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 b13.
n16Cf. MaitrHami 3, 9 b21.


This fragment contains part of the third act of the Maitreyasamitināṭaka; an Uy. parallel is MaitrHami III, 8b20-9b20. See also Pinault 1999: 196-7.
The translation and the following commentary are adapted from Ji et al. 1998: 186.


Ji et al. 1998

Ji, Xianlin, Werner Winter, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 1998. Fragments of the Tocharian A Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka of the Xinjiang Museum, China. Transliterated, translated and annotated by Ji Xianlin in collaboration with Werner Winter, Georges-Jean Pinault. TLSM 113. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Pinault 1999

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1999. “Restitution du Maitreyasamiti-Nāṭaka en tokharien A: Bilan provisoire et recherches complémentaires sur l’acte XXVI.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 8: 189–240.

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