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Known as:PK AS 3A; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 3A; P 1
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 3A". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkas3a (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-02


Main find spot:Dunhuang
Expedition code:3510, 49
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:late

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Medicine/Magic


Manuscript:PK AS 3
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.7 × 31.5 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.4 cm


Images from gallica.bnf.fr by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1ño ma ndrā kka ṣa maṃ || ku ñci¯ ¯t wa wā l[ts]au • śā ñca po • ki¯ (–) s[i] ntā¯ ¯p te śā rya ma s̝s̝a lle a mpo ñaṃ tse sā tke || la ksa ña na mi sa lyka śke
a2ke ka rśwa tsa tsā pau wa a mpo ññaṃ tse sā[ṃ] tke || kaṃ nte ka ltsau ṣa lype wa¯ ¯t ma lkwe rsa wa¯ ¯t pi ssau ṣṣe wa rwa¯ ¯t śā rku ṣa lle • pi tta ya
a3sa rtsa mo ppi le ne || kā ○ ko ṭi • kṣi ra kā ko ṭi • ā tma gu pta pha¯ ¯l ku ñci¯ ¯t • u ppā¯ ¯l ṣṣa na pi ltā sa • a ṣi ye
a4ma lkwe rsa te sa mā u ○ pa dra¯ ¯p tsme ta¯ ¯r śa le la kle ṣa maṃ || sā la va rṇi • pra śna va rṇi • bra ha ti • ka ṇḍa kā ri •
a5klyo tai ṣṣa na wi tsa kaṃ • wra ści¯ ¯k pu na rṇa¯ ¯p • i rā¯ ¯ṇḍä ka ṣā ypa kṣa lle wa rsa wa¯ ¯t ma lkwe rsa wa¯ ¯t te śā rku ṣa lle • ṣa lype
a6wa¯ ¯t ku ñci ta ṣṣe ṣa lype wa¯ ¯t śā rku ṣa lle • a mpo ñaṃ tse sā tke || ypi ya yä kṣi ye • pi ssau • o ṅka rño pa kṣa lya • ṣa lype mpa
lf40 8
b1ṣe sa śā rya ma s̝a lle tsa rke lñe tse a lā s̝s̝a lle tse s̝pa sā tke || dvi vra ṇi ne pi le ne a mpo ñaṃ tse sā tke || ña ke no śta rce kau na ṣṣe
b2pi ka pi lle tse sā tke we ñau || we te ne • va tsa ka bi¯ ¯jä • ka ṭu ka ro hi ṇi • co ra¯ ¯k pra ti vä¯ ¯s̝ o ka ro • ka ya¯ ¯stä • ṣe me yä
b3rmtsa wa ltsa na lle klu ṣṣ[e] wa ○ rsa yo ka lle || swāṃ ññe weṃ ṣṣi ye • kra ṅka ñe weṃ ṣi ye • kuñi ye weṃ ṣṣi ye • su mā nä mpa ta
b4ṣa lle ya ṣi • mo ta mpa ○ yo ka lle || śa ḍi • a ri rā¯ ¯k • weṃ tsa yo ka lle || plye ṅwā tse yu¯ ¯s̝ śwa lle || ña ke tri ce kau
b5na ṣṣe ka pi lleṃ tse we ñau || ka ṭu ka ro hi ṇi • va tsa¯ ¯k ve te ni • ka ya¯ ¯stä co ra¯ ¯k wa wā ltsau wa rsa yo ka lle || a ṅkai nsa yā
b6mtsi ai ṣle ta lptsi sa s̝pa || [k]a ṅko • [c]wa ssi [tsa]¯ ¯[k] • ka [p]o (–) – – [l]·[e] || a yā¯ ¯wä • pa ni¯ ¯t • e ma lye wa rsa yo ka lle || tra phā ltse ka ṣā


a1-ño mändrākka ṣamäṃkuñcit wawāltsauśāñcapokisintāp te śār yamaṣṣälle ampoñaṃtse sātkeläksañana misa lykaśke
a2kekarśwa tsatsāpauwa ampoññaṃtse sāṃtkekaṃnte kältsau ṣalype wat malkwersa wat pissauṣṣe war wat śār kuṣallepitta ya-
a3-sarn1 tsamo ppilenekākoṭikṣirakākoṭiātmaguptaphal kuñcituppālṣṣana piltāsaaṣiye
a4malkwersa tesa upadrap tsmetär śale lakle ṣamäṃsālavarṇipräśnavarṇibrähatikaṇḍakāri
a5klyotaiṣṣana witsakaṃwräścik punarṇapirāṇḍ kaṣāy päkṣalle warsa wat malkwersa wat te śār kuṣalleṣalype
a6wat kuñcitäṣṣe ṣalype wat śār kuṣalleampoñaṃtse sātkeypiya yäkṣiyepissauoṅkarño päkṣalyaṣalypempa
b1ṣesa śār yamaṣälle tsärkelñetse alāṣṣälletse ṣpä sātkedvivräṇine pilene ampoñaṃtse sātkeñake no śtarce kaunaṣṣe-
b2-pin2 kapilletse sātke weñauwetenevatsakabijkaṭukarohiṇicorak prativäṣ okarokayastṣeme yä-
b3-rmtsa waltsanalle kluṣṣe warsa yokalleswāṃññe weṃṣṣiyekräṅkañe weṃṣiyekuñiye weṃṣṣiyesumānämpa ta-
b4-ṣallen3 yaṣimotämpa yokalleśaḍiarirākweṃtsa yokalleplyeṅwātse yuṣ śwalleñake trice kau-
b5-naṣṣe kapilleṃtse weñaukaṭukarohiṇivatsak vetenikayast corak wawāltsau warsa yokalleaṅkainsa yā-
b6-mtsin4n5 aiṣle talptsisa ṣpäkaṅkocwassi tsäkkapo(tsa) (yoka)l(l)eayāwpanitemalye warsa yokalleträphāltse kaṣā-


a1... just so the abscess sits down [= goes away]. Crushed sesame, Dalbergia sisu Roxb. [and] … rock salt: this has to be put over [it] as a remedy against abscess. Fish meat finely
a2chopped [and] crushed [is] a remedy against abscess. Oil pressed a hundred [times] or [oil] with milk or aneth water has to be poured over [it], in case of a gall [boil],
a3a blood [boil], or a ulcer [lit. growth] boil. With Roscoea procera, Lilium polyphyllum, fruit of the Mucuna prurita, sesame, lotus leaves [or] goat
a4milk – with this, the sudden [outbreak of an] illness does not grow and together with it the pain sits down [= goes away]. Desmodium gangeticum, Uraria lagopoides, Solanum indicum, Solanum xanthocarpum,
a5roots of Tribulus terrestris, [two varieties of] Boerhaavia diffusa L., ricinus – the infusion is to be cooked either with water or with milk [and] this [is] to be poured over [it]; either oil
a6or sesame oil [is] to be poured over [it] – as a remedy against abscess. Barley flour, aneth and porridge [are] to be cooked, together with oil
b1[it] has to be poured over [it] as a remedy against inflammation and sickness. In case of the [two kinds of] wounds [and in case of a] boil, [this is] a remedy against abscess. But now I will tell the remedy
b2against the fourth day fever. Trigonella foenum graecum L., the grain of Holarrhena antidysenterica, Helleborus niger, Trigonella corniculata, Aconitum heterophyllum, Acorus calamus, cardamoms:
b3by one measure [this is] to be crushed [and] drunk with rice water. Pig excrement, chicken excrement, dog excrement: with jasmine
b4[this is] to be [made] set for the night [and] to be drunk with [fermented] wine. Trigonella foenum graecum, Terminalia chebula: [it is] to be drunk with urine. Plyeṅkwātse broth [is] to be eaten. Now I will tell [the remedy]
b5against the third day fever. Helleborus niger, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Trigonella foenum graecum, cardamoms, Trigonella corniculata: [this is] to be crushed [and] drunk with water.
b6[It is] to be given to cause vomiting and purging. Panic seed (?) ... [is to] be (drunk?), ... syrup is to be drunk with hot water. A decoction of the three myrobalans ...


a4Zugleich vergeht [wtl. setzt sich] das Leiden. (Schmidt 1974: 74)
b1+Now I will state the remedy of a fever of the fourth day. (Peyrot 2013b: 656)
b4+No I will state [the remedy] of a fever of the third day. (Peyrot 2013b: 657)


Linguistic commentary

The text has some late features: sātke for sāṃtke (several times); witsakaṃ (a5); aṅkainsa for aṅkaintsa (b5).
n1uppāl\ṣṣana: Note the virāma stroke separating the adjective suffix.


A complete leaf; the leaf number is written inside the string hole space.

Philological commentary

n2Filliozat read vitsakabij, but the manuscript clearly has vatsakabij, unless one assumes that the vowel had been completely erased (which does not seem very likely given the good preservation of the fragment).
n3One has to read motämpa not mautämpa (the blotch above the sign is not a correction mark).
n4The correct reading is [k]aṅko, because the third blotch upon the sign cannot belong to an 〈au〉 to be judged by other clear instances of 〈au〉 in the same manuscript.
n5In the lacuna the last akṣara l·e is quite certain; before one may see a trace of an e-vowel, so that a restoration (y)[o](ka)l(l)[e] is possible. If this is correct, we expect a perlative before the gerund. One can read kapo, kaṣo, or kapho. A kapo(tsa) may be a borrowing of Skt. kāpota- 'antimony, natron'. As for [tsak]\, the first sign is very unclear while the k is quite certain.


Edition and translation

Filliozat 1948: 49-51; Sieg and Thomas 1954: 67-68


Peyrot 2013b: b1 b2 (656), b4 b5 (657); Schmidt 1974: a4 (74)


Filliozat 1948

Filliozat, Jean. 1948. Fragments de textes koutchéens de médecine et de magie. Texte, parallèles sanskrits et tibétains, traduction et glossaire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg and Thomas 1954

Sieg, Emil, and Werner Thomas. 1954. “Die medizinischen und tantrischen Texte der Pariser Sammlung in Tocharisch B.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 72: 63–83.