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PK DA M 507.34

Known as:PK DA M 507.34; PK Cp 34
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "PK DA M 507.34". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 09 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Material: on paper
Number of lines:31


a1pi¯ ¯ś kṣuṃ nā mśi lā nti śai yye pi ku lne ṣka cce [m]·· – – – – [ne] o ko ntā keṃ jñā na
a2ṇa ra kṣi teṃ nmeṃ ñwe ma ṣṣe o ko ṣe ya¯ ¯p śka ka l·[ā] – ·o ·ä śwā ra 4
a3i kaṃ ṣka sne mo koṃ nmeṃ ke rca pi śke sa ṅka ntse św· s· [ṣ]ṣ· – [¯p] klā te cā¯ ¯k 1
a4ṣu kta ñce i kaṃ ṣka sne ke rca pi śke ku ṣṣai meṃ o ko ·[ai] ·ā ·e klā te śwā ra ca ka nma 4
a5to wä śwā ra 4 blank se ke rca pi śke ntse k· [pc]·
a6me ñe ñu nte śwe¯ ¯r me ña ntse ne ci nau pte wai wä nti śke ku [ṣ]ṣai meṃ ā ka klā nte i kaṃ ta rya –
a7ca ka nma 20 3 se wä nti śke ntse – –
a8pi¯ ¯ś me ña ntse ne pu tte yā ne wai ko ro ñci ku ṣṣai meṃ l[y]e [k]·ai k·[ā] nte śa ṣka¯ ¯s ca ka nma 10 6
a9se klā ṣu kiṃ [pu] ·[e] – – – – [p]·[i]
a10śka ñce i kaṃ ne ke rca pi śke wai su ta ne ku ṣṣai me· ya¯ ¯p klā nte ta rya ca ka nma 3
a11klā ṣu kiṃ ke rca pi ·[e] nt·e ka pci
a12i kaṃ ṣe ne w[ä] nti śke ku ṣṣai meṃ lye kśai klā te ṣu [k]· – – –
a13klā ṣu kiṃ wä nti śk· nts[e] ka pci
a14wä rsa ññe pra ti wa tne ke rca pi śke ku ṣai nmeṃ ya[¯] [¯p] ·ā te wi ca ka nma 2 to wä pi¯ ¯ś
a155 blank ke rca pi śke nt·[e] – –
a16śa kṣe ne e rka ntso le ku ṣṣai meṃ lye kśai klā te wi ca ka nma – to wä śwā ra 4
a17klā ṣu kiṃ e· [ka] – – – – –
a18pi¯ ¯ś me ña ntse ne ca lyī ñi co ki¯ ¯ś mlyo ko tau klā te wi to¯ ¯m 2
a19ca lyī ñi ntse [ka] ·i
a20i kaṃ pi śne w[ä] nti śke kuṃ tsā kmeṃ ke ne kcyai [tā] –
a21w[ä] nti śke ntse ka pci
a22ra pa ñe i kaṃ wi ne w[ä] nti śke ku ṣai meṃ ya¯ [¯p] (– –) ·[o] – pi¯ ¯ś 5
a23«†[i]» «†[kaṃ]» «†[pi]» «†[śne]» «†[ke]» «†[rca]» «†[pi]» «†[śke]» waṃ n[t]i ś[k]e [śke] [n]·[s]·
a24i kaṃ św«†i»«e» rne ke rca pi śke ku ṣai meṃ o ko ṣe mi śśa ka ne klā te śwā ra to¯ ¯m 4
a25ke rca pi śke ntse – ·i
a26śka ñce śa ktrai yne wa ltsa si ntse pi to¯ ¯ś ke rca pi śke lye kśai ri ne wā ya wi ca ka nma 2
a27tau sa nai 1 | co ko ma kka ka pu tte yā [n]e [n]··e ·i – – – ·i [ly]e k·ai w·ā wa ne wi ca ka
a28nma 2 to wä ta rya 3
a29ra pa ñe pa lle tn«†i»«e» ka la ṅka nts[e] /// /// – ·ś· ·s· w· w[i] ca ka nma 2
a30ka la ṅka ntse ka pci
b1pa ccau¯ ¯k


a1piś kṣuṃ nāmśin1 lānti śaiyye pikulne ṣkacce m(eñ)· – – – – ne okontākeṃ jñāna¬
a2{†ṇa}rakṣiteṃnmeṃ ñwemaṣṣe okoṣe yap śka käl(w)ā(wa) (t)o(w)ä śwāra 4
a3ikäṃ ṣkasne mokoṃnmeṃ kercapiśke saṅkantse św(a)s(i)ṣṣ(e) (ya)p klāte cāk 1
a4ṣuktañce ikäṃ ṣkasne kercapiśke kuṣṣaimeṃ oko(ṣ)ai (ys)ā(r)e klāte śwāra cakanma 4
a5towä śwāra 4 se kercapiśkentse k(a)pc(i)
a6meñe ñunte śwer meñantsene cinaupte wai wäntiśke kuṣṣaimeṃ āka klānte ikäṃ tarya
a7cakanma 20-3 se wäntiśkentse (kapci)
a8piś meñantsene putteyāne wai koroñci kuṣṣaimeṃ lyek(ś)ai k(l)ānte śaṣkas cakanma 10-6
a9se klāṣukiṃ pu(tt)e(yānentse) (ka)p(c)i
a10śkañce ikäṃne kercapiśke wai sutane kuṣṣaime(ṃ) yap klānte tarya cakanma 3
a11klāṣukiṃ kercapi(śk)ent(s)e kapci
a12ikäṃ ṣene wäntiśke kuṣṣaimeṃ lyekśai klāte ṣuk (cakanma) (7)
a13klāṣukiṃ wäntiśk(e)ntse kapci
a14wärsaññe pratiwatne kercapiśke kuṣainmeṃ yap (kl)āte wi cakanma 2 towä piś
a155 kercapiśkent(s)e (kapci)
a16śak ṣene erkäntsole kuṣṣaimeṃ lyekśai klāte wi cakanma (2) towä śwāra 4
a17klāṣukiṃ e(r)kä(ntsolentse) (kapci)
a18piś meñantsene calyīñi cokiś mlyokotau klāte wi tom 2
a19calyīñintse ka(pc)i
a20ikäṃ piśne wäntiśke kuṃtsākmeṃ kenekcyai tā(na) ///
a21wäntiśkentse kapci
a22rapañe ikäṃ wine wäntiśke kuṣaimeṃ yap (klāte) (t)o(wä) piś 5
a23waṃntiśke{†śke}n(t)s(e) (kapci)
a24ikäṃ śwernen2 kercapiśke kuṣaimeṃ okoṣe miśśakane klāte śwāra tom 4
a25kercapiśkentse (kapc)i
a26śkañce śak traiyne waltsasintse pitoś kercapiśke lyekśai rine wāya wi cakanma 2
a27tau sanai 1 । co komakkaka putteyānen(ts)e ·i – – – ·i lyek(ś)ai w(s)āwa-ne wi caka¬
a28nma 2 towä tarya 3
a29rapañe pälletnen3 kalaṅkantse /// /// (lyek)ś(ai) (w)s(ā)w(a) wi cakanma 2
a30kalaṅkantse kapci


a1Regnal year five of king Nāśmi, in the year of the sheep, in the sixth month ... from the Okontāke Jñāna-
a2rakṣite I also received the new ripened grain: four pecks 4.
a3On day twenty six, Kercapiśke brought grain for the consumption of the saṅgha from the Moko: a picul.
a4(In the) seventh (month), on day twenty six, Kercapiśke brought ripened grain from the village: four piculs 4,
a5four pecks 4. This (is) Kercapiśke's finger measure.
a6Ninth month, on day of the month four, Cinaupte and Wantiśke brought āka-millet from the village: twenty three
a7piculs 23. This (is) Wantiśke's (finger measure).
a8On day of the month five, Putteyāne and Koroñci brought lyekśiye-millet from the village: sixteen piculs 16.
a9This (is) the finger measure of the conveyor Putteyāne.
a10(In the) tenth (month) on day twenty, Kerrcapiśke and Sutane brought barley from th evillage: three piculs 3.
a11(This is) the finger-measure of the conveyor Kercapiśke.
a12On day twenty one, Wantiśke brought lyekśiye-millet from the village: seven (piculs 7)
a13(This is) the finger-measure of the conveyor Wantiśke.
a14(In the) eleventh (month) on the day of the new moon, Kercapiśke brought barley from the village: two piculs 2, five pecks
a155. (This is) Kercapiśke's finger-measure.
a16On day eleven, Erkantsole brought lyekśiye-millet from the village: two piculs (2) four pecks 4.
a17(This is the finger-measure) of the conveyor Erkantsole.
a18On day of the month five, Calyīñi brought mlyokotau for the lamp: two pecks 2.
a19(This is) Calyīñi's finger-measure.
a20On day twenty five, Wantiśke (brought) cotton seed from kuṃtsākn4 ///
a21(This is) Wantiśke's finger-measure.
a22(In the) last (month), on day twenty two, Wantiśke brought barley from the village: five pecks 5.
a23(This is) Wantiśke's finger-measure.
a24On day twenty four, Kercapiśke brought ripened miśśakanen5
a25(This is) Kercapiśke's finger-measure.
a26(In the) tenth (month), on day thirteen, Kercapiśke conveyed lyekśiye-millet for the price of milling into town: two piculs 2.
a27One peck 1. | On the very same day, to Putteyāne ... I gave him lyekśiye-millet: two piculs
a282, three pecks 3.
a29(In the) last (month), on the day of the full moon, to Kalaṅko ... /// I gave lyekśiye-millet: two piculs 2.
a30(This is) Kalaṅko's finger-measure.
b1Hide (this)!


Philological commentary

n1sic!, although elsewhere nāśmi
n2The scribe has accidently written 'świ', but corrected himself.
n3The scribe first wrote 'tni', but corrected himself.
n4The meaning of this word is unclear.
n5This word also occurs in THT 2897. From the context, it appears to be some sort of grain. Strangely, outside of the secular corpus, the same word appears in the medical manuscripts (W 10, W 11, W 12) as mäśśakene. It is obviously a loan word, which could explain this kind of strange fluctuation in spelling.



Ching 2010: 175-177; 461; 471; Pinault 0000: 48-53; Couvreur 1953a: 93


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Couvreur 1953a

Couvreur, Walter. 1953a. “Tochaarse kloosterrekeningen en karavaanpassen van de Bibliothèque Nationale te Parijs.” In Handelingen van het Twintigste Vlaams Filologencongres, 90–96.

Pinault 0000

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 0000. “Textes économiques koutchéens.”