Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 18B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 18B; PK 18.2
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 18B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 15 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-02


Expedition code:882; FM 6b
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:late

Text contents

Title of the work:Vinayavibhaṅga
Passage:Pāt. 22-26
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Vinaya


Manuscript:PK AS 18
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.2-7.4 × 42.2 cm
Number of lines:5


a1skī ta¯ ¯r o m[n]o na nd(·) k(·) [k](·) [ñ](·) (–) (·)(·)[s](·) ta ṅtsi a śi ya na[ṃ]¯ ¯ts pe lai [k]n(·) ā kṣa • sū no weṃ tsi e [pa] s[t]ye ṣe[¯] [¯]y[ä] (–) (·)[o] [yä] [a] ś[i] ya na pa rna rī sa pru t[k]ā re • – [c]·
a2kauṃ ye nme¯ ¯u co ti tya ma ṣ[ṣ]· ○ me to¯ ¯yä a śi ya na po la lāṃ ṣu wa sta re • pa ñä kte klyau [ṣa] nā [k]sa te • sā ṅ· [r]au pa ṣṣa ce śi kṣa pā¯ ¯t śā nmya
a3ā rttau ra no ṣa mā ne sa ṅk·[ṃ] ·[s]e ○ kauṃ ya p· [s]i [ta] ṅtsi a śi ya na e nä stra pā yti 20 2 || rā ja gri ne sa(·) [k](·) m[eṃ] ṣa mā ni sa[ṃ] ma ni tyā mo ṣṣe yeṃ pe
a4lai kne ā ksi [•] [tu] meṃ ṣa ḍva rgi nta ○ au ntsa [nte] we ntsi ka llau ntse śwa tsi ntse yo ktsi ntse wä ssi ntse ṣa rmtsa ṣa mā ni a śi ya naṃ¯ ¯t[s] pe lai kne a ksa skeṃ • pa
a5ñä kte klyau ṣa nā ksa te • sā ṅkrau pa [ṣ]·· ce śi kṣa pā¯ ¯t śā nmya • kuse ṣa mā ne • ṣa mā neṃ ma¯ ¯nt we s̝s̝aka llau [n](·) (·)e ṣa [rm]tsa ṣa mā ni a śi ya na e nä ske ntra pā yti 20 3
b1|| pa ñä kte rā ja gri [ne] ma skī ta¯ ¯r [o] [mt]·ṃ de va da tta pa kṣi ki a śi [ya] na [ṣe] yeṃ to na mpa • ṣa ḍva rg[i] nta plā ki [s]· yt· ri mai ta¯ ¯r ymā ne lyka śka na [ś]i kṣa pā ta nta tsa
b2mo śi tkā re • [pa] ñä kte klyau ṣa ○ nā ksa [te] sā ṅkrau pa ṣṣa ce śi kṣa pā¯ ¯t śā nmya • se ṣa mā ne plā ki sa a śi ya na mpa ytā ri yaṃ [p]o staṃ ñe ra no
b3ku[ṣ]ai ymeṃ kwa ṣai ta ṅtsi pā y[t]i 20 ○ 4 || pa ñä kte rā ja gri [ne] ma skī ta¯ ¯r de va da tta pa kṣi keṃ a śi ya na mpa [ṣa] ḍva rgi nta plā ki sa sa [n]ai o lyi ne
b4lymā re wī na sa tu a lye¯ (–) ○ lya kā rme śno na sa co t· tya ma ṣṣa rme • pa ñä kte klyau ṣa nā ksa te • sā ṅkrau pa ṣṣa ce śi kṣa pā¯ ¯t śā nm·· [•] [se] ṣa
b5mā ne plā ki sa a śi ya [n](·) (– –) ly[i] ne ṣa maṃ kau cū wä¯ ¯r o lyi ā śäṃ ño ru wä rwa¯ ¯t [pa] r[na] to tte ka t[ka] lñe sa pā yti 20 5 || pa ñä [k]·· śrā [va] [s]t· ne [ma] [sk]ī


a1skītärn1 om no nand(a)k(e) k(au)ñ() (yapt)s(i) täṅtsi aśiyanaṃts pelaikn(e) ākṣa no weṃtsi epastye ṣey (•) (t)oy{†ä} aśiyana parna rīsa prutkāre(wa)c(e)
a2kauṃ yenmeu cotit yamaṣṣ(a)-me toy aśiyana po lalāṃṣuwa starepañäkte klyauṣa nāksatesāṅ= (k)raupäṣṣa ce śikṣapāt śānmya
a3n2 ārttau rano ṣamāne saṅk(a)ṃ(t)se kauṃ yap(t)si täṅtsi aśiyana enästrä pāyti 20-2 ॥ rājagrine sa(ṅ)k(a)meṃ ṣamāni saṃmanit yāmoṣ ṣeyeṃ pe¬
a4laikne āksitumeṃ ṣaḍvarginta auntsante wentsi källauntse śwatsintse yoktsintse wässintse ṣarmtsa ṣamāni aśiyanaṃts pelaikne aksaskeṃpa¬
a5ñäkte klyauṣa nāksatesāṅ= kraupäṣ(ṣa) ce śikṣapāt śānmyakuse ṣamāneṣamāneṃ mant weṣṣäṃ källaun(ts)e ṣarmtsa ṣamāni aśiyana enäskenträ pāyti 20-3
b1pañäkte rājagrine mäskītär omt(e)ṃ devadattapakṣiki aśiyana ṣeyeṃ tonampaṣaḍvarginta plākis(a) yt(ā)ri maitar ymāne lykaśkana śikṣapātänta tsa¬
b2mo śitkārepañäkte klyauṣa nāksate sāṅ= kraupäṣṣa ce śikṣapāt śānmyase ṣamāne plākisa aśiyanampa ytāri yaṃ postäṃñe rano
b3kuṣaiymeṃ kwaṣai täṅtsi pāyti 20-4 ॥ pañäkte rājagrine mäskītär devadattapakṣikeṃ aśiyanampa ṣaḍvarginta plākisa sanai olyine
b4n3 lymāre wīnasa tu alye(k) lyakār-me śnonasa cot(i)t yamaṣṣar-mepañäkte klyauṣa nāksatesāṅ= kraupäṣṣa ce śikṣapāt śānm(ya)se ṣa¬
b5māne plākisa aśiyan(ampa) (o)lyine ṣamäṃ kaucū-wär olyi āśäṃ ñoru-wär wat parna totte katkalñesa pāyti 20-5 ॥ pañäk(te) śrāvast(i)ne mäskī¬


a1(The Buddha lord) was (staying near Śrāvastī in the Jetavana). There then Nandaka (?) preached the Law to the nuns until the end of sunset. This one was indeed gifted for speaking. These nuns were shut out from the city.
a1+On the next day the gatekeeper accused them:
a2"These nuns had arranged all this [by themselves]!" The Buddha lord heard [it and] blamed [it]; he had gathered the community [and] he established the [following] prescription:
a3[Even though] a monk is approved by the community, [if] he instructs nuns until the end of sunset there is an offense [Pāt.] 22.
a3+In Rājagṛha [some] monks had been sent together to preach the Law outside the community.
a4Thereupon the monks of the Group of Six started to say: "The monks preach the Law to the nuns for the sake of gaining food, drink, [and] clothes".
a4+The Buddha lord heard [it
a5and] blamed [it]; he had gathered the community [and] he established the [following] prescription: If a monk speaks in the following way about [other] monks: "The monks instruct nuns for the sake of gain", there is an offense [Pāt.] 23.
b1The Buddha lord was staying in Rājagṛha. Around that place were nuns of the Devadatta party. In company with them [= these nuns], the [monks] of the Group of Six went on the [same] way by [mutual] agreement.
b1+On the way they much violated the minor prescriptions.
b2The Buddha lord heard [it and] blamed [it]; he had gathered the community [and] he established the [following] prescription:
b2+If a monk goes on the [same] way by agreement in company with nuns, even if only from a village to the next village, there is an offense [Pāt.] 24.
b3The Buddha lord was staying in Rājagṛha.
b3+In company with nuns of the Devadatta party the [monks] of the Group of Six by [mutual] agreement sat on the same boat.
b4The [lay people] regarded their [action] as an outrage [lit. out of place] because of the pleasure making and they accused them because of the women. The Buddha lord heard [it and] blamed [it]; he had gathered the community [and] he established the [following] prescription:
b4+If a monk sits in a boat by agreement in company with nuns [and] leads the boat up the stream or down the stream, except for merely getting across [the water], there is an offense [Pāt.] 25.
b5The Buddha lord was (staying) in Śrāvastī.


Linguistic commentary

*There are at least two late forms: stare (a2), śitkāre (b2) for śätkāre. stare is used in direct speech, and it is combined with a preterite participle that may reflect colloquial usage.
*The compounds kaucū-wär 'upstream' and ñoru-wär 'downstream' contain a prop vowel before the second member beginning with w-, which has to be accented. This recalls the case of 'life long', which is likewise attested in two late manuscripts (for the date see Peyrot 2008: 221 and 222).
*The borrowed adjective devadattapakṣike shows masculine agreement with the feminine pl. substantive aśiyana in all instances; this is usually a characteristic of verse due to metrical constraints. It may be a syntactic behavior of colloquial styles.


*An almost complete leaf, the right margin is lost, damaged above the string hole.
*Even though this leaf belongs to the same manuscript as PK AS 18A, the scribe must have been different. The ductus is just slighly different, but there are some deviating characteristics: the use of the virāma dot after -r and the consonant sandhi sāṅ= kraupäṣṣa, where the other scribe spells sāṅk kraupäṣṣa.

Philological commentary

n1Instead of nand(a)k(e) one may as well restore nand(e) and the particle k(a). Actually, the Chinese parallels cannot help to decide this issue because the monk in question is named Nanda in the Sarvāstivādin version and Nandaka in the Mūlasarvāstivādin version.
n2sa[ṃ]manit The anusvāra is far from being certain since the paper is damaged.
n3One may hesitate about the interpretation of the perlative wīnasa. According to Pinault 2008: 84, it is constructed with alyek as complement of comparision, hence a translation "their action different from mere distraction". But it is more likely that we have a perlative of cause referring to the fun enjoyed by the monks and nuns, which is regarded as a scandal by the local population. This seems to be confirmed by the Chinese parallel as translated by Rosen 1959: 147. As a consequence, alyek 'other, different' here means 'outside of proper behavior, outrageous'.



Couvreur 1955: 115-116; Pinault 1984; Schmidt 1985b: 279, 283-284; Thomas 1987a; Ogihara 2009: 96f; Pinault 2008: 77-88


Meunier 2013: a2 (155), a3 a4 (157), b4 (155)


Couvreur 1955

Couvreur, Walter. 1955. “Nieuwe Koetsjische fragmenten van de Bibliothèque Nationale te Parijs.” In Handelingen van het Eenentwintigste Vlaams Filologencongres, 110–16.

Meunier 2013

Meunier, Fanny. 2013. “Typologie des locutions en yām- du tokharien.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 14: 123–85.

Ogihara 2009

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2009. “Researches about Vinaya-texts in Tocharian A and B [Recherches sur le Vinaya en tokharien A et B].” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Pinault 1984

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1984. “Un fragment du Vinayavibhaṅga en Koutchéen.” Journal Asiatique 272: 369–93.

Pinault 2008

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 2008. Chrestomathie tokharienne. Textes et Grammaire. Leuven/Paris: Peeters.

Rosen 1959

Rosen, Valentina. 1959. Der Vinayavibhaṅga zum Bikṣuprātimokṣa der Sarvāstivādins. Sanskritfragmente nebst einer Analyse der chinesischen Übersetzung. Vol. II. Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Schmidt 1985b

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1985b. “Zur Frage der Schulzugehörigkeit des in tocharischer Sprache überlieferten buddhistischen Schrifttums.” In Zur Schulzugehörigkeit von Werken der Hīnayāna-Literatur. Erster Teil (Symposium zur Buddhismusforschung, III, 1), edited by Heinz Bechert, 275–84. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Philol.-hist. Kl., 3. Folge, Nr. 149. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Thomas 1987a

Thomas, Werner. 1987a. “Bemerkungen zu dem Pariser Blatt AS 18 B in toch. B.” Indogermanische Forschungen 92: 85–94.