Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 3B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 3B; P 2
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 3B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 14 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-02


Main find spot:Dunhuang
Expedition code:3510, 50
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:late

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Medicine/Magic


Manuscript:PK AS 3
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.8 × 27.1 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.4 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1pa sā[ṃ] tke ya mi ne • to meṃ no po kkā ka ṣo ta rnma tā ko kne • se saṃ ni pā ti¯ ¯k ka rsa na lle • dva vra ṇi pi leṃ tse ṣo tri pa – ///
a2ña ke no saṃ tke nta we ñau • i sta kyā mo ṣṣi li la ko¯ ¯yä ku ñci ta ṣṣe ṣa lype e neṃ ya ma s̝s̝a lle ke ne kaṃ ñe śwe le – ///
a3ñci¯ ¯ṣṭä • pi ssau • śa ba ra • ○ lo tra śwa śko • ku rka ma ṣṣi ptsā¯ ¯ñä • ca ndāṃ • śa kkā¯ ¯r mpa ṣe sa wa ltsa na lle [na] ///
a4tsi śpā lmeṃ • || pa tta¯ ¯ṅk • ○ pi ssau śa ba ra lo dra a ñcāṃ • gai ri¯ ¯k ya sa rsa sai tsi śpā lmeṃ • || ka ṭpa¯ – ///
a5śa ba ra lo dra • lyka śke tsa tsā pa rya sa rsa sai tsi • || śa ba ra lo dra • u ppā la ṣṣa na pi ltā sa • dha nya mā¯ ¯s̝[] ///
a6śva ka te • la ksa ña klau tso • ke wi ye me [lte] [ṣṣe] ṣpe¯ ¯l te śā rka tnā lle ka mpā sa ṣṣe śwe le sa śa nmaaṃ lle ya ///
lf[70] 5
b1rw[e] ke tsā kaṃ sāṃ tke we ñau || śa ta pu[¯] [¯]s̝[p][] – [ka] [ro] [ka] [ṣṣu] [pi]¯ ¯l ma lkwe¯ ¯r ṣa lype • ku ñci ta ṣṣe ṣa lype • ṣe me y[ä] ///
b2te po e ṣe pa kṣa lle [lo] pe • te rwe ke tsā kaṃ ne sā tke • || ke wi ye me lte ṣṣe ṣpe¯ ¯l la ksa ññai klau tsai ṣṣe ṣpe¯ ¯[l] ///
b3ṣpe¯ ¯l gai ri ka ṣṣe ṣpe¯ ¯l ○ te śā rka tnā lle e pe no kro śca na to na¯ ¯k śā rlu pṣa llo na • toṃ pra yo ka nta [y]· ///
b4dvi vra ṇi ka¯ ¯lp ya sa ○ rsa sai tsi śpā lmeṃ • || ña ke bhū ta ta ntra we ñau || ka ya¯ ¯stä va ya¯ ¯stä • śā ñca po – ///
b5po¯ ¯s̝p ka ra ñca pi¯ ¯jä • a ṅwa¯ ¯ṣṭä • pi ppā¯ ¯l mra ñco • tvā ṅka ro • ku rka ma ṣṣi ptsā¯ ¯ñä o ka ro • śi ri¯ ¯s̝ toṃ saṃ tke nta – ///
b6ne a sta re na nā ṣṣu sa klyi ye tkā ce rwā ltso¯ ¯yä se cu¯ ¯rṇä kuse sa ltu rna yā mu tā ko yte sa nā ṣṣi i sta ka s[t](·)


a1n1n2 ṣpä sāṃtke yami-net{o→u}meṃ no pokkāka ṣotarnma koknese saṃnipātik kärsanalledvavraṇi pileṃtse ṣotri pä(lyakas) ///
a2n3 ñake no saṃtkenta weñauista-k yāmoṣ {ṣ→p}ili lakoy kuñcitäṣṣe ṣalype eneṃ yamaṣṣälle kenekäṃñe śwele(sa) (śanmäṣṣälle) (ma)¬
a3ñciṣṭn4n5pissau • śabara{†•}loträ śwaśkokurkamäṣṣi ptsāñcandāṃśakkārmpa ṣesa waltsanalle na° /// (sai)¬
a4tsin6 śpālmeṃ • ॥ pattaṅkpissau śabaralodrä añcāṃgairik yasarsa saitsi śpālmeṃ • ॥ kaṭpa° – ///
a5n7 śabaralodrälykaśke tsatsāpar yasarsa saitsi • ॥ śabaralodräuppāläṣṣana piltāsadhanyamāṣ /// (a)¬
a6śvakaten8läksaña klautsokewiye melteṣṣe ṣpel te śār kätnālle kampāsäṣṣe śwelesa śanmäṣä{†ṃ}lle ya° /// (lope) (te)¬
b1rwen9n10 ke= tsākaṃ sāṃtke weñauśatapuṣp (o)karo kaṣṣu pil malkwer ṣalypekuñcitäṣṣe ṣalypeṣeme yä(rmtsa) (waltsanalle)
b2te po eṣe päkṣalle lopeterwe ke= tsākaṃ-ne sātke • ॥ kewiye melteṣṣe ṣpel läksaññai klautsaiṣṣe ṣpel ///
b3ṣpel gairikäṣṣe ṣpel te śār kätnālle epe no kroścana tona-k śār lupṣallonatoṃ prayokänta y(amaṣṣällona) ///
b4dvivräṇikalp yasarsa saitsi śpālmeṃ • ॥ ñake bhūtatanträ weñaukayast vayastśāñcapo – ///
b5n11 °po ṣp karañcapijaṅwaṣṭpippāl mrañcotvāṅkarokurkamäṣṣi ptsāñ okarośiriṣ toṃ saṃtkenta – ///
b6n12n13 °ne astare nanāṣṣusa klyiye tkācer wāltsoy se curṇ kuse salturna yāmu tākoy tesa nāṣṣi ista-k ast(are)


a1and ... one should make the remedy of that. And thereupon call the symptoms with respect to the gangrene (?)! This [= boil] [is] to be known [as] Sāṃnipātika [= caused by a combination of disorders]. L(ook) at the symptom of the Dvivraṇīya [= caused by the two kinds of wounds] boil! ...
a2And now I will tell the remedies. As soon as boils emerge, one should immediately examine [them]; Sesame oil is to be put on [them], [and it is] (to be bound with) a cotton bandage.
a3Hedyotis umbellata, aneth, Symplocos racemosa, Berberis aristata, saffron stigmas, sandalwood: [this is] to be crushed together with sugar ...
a4to (staunch) [it] perfectly. Caesalpina sappan, aneth, Symplocos racemosa, collyrium, yellow arsenic: [this is to be used] with blood to staunch [it] perfectly. Bandages (??) (have to be made) ...
a5Symplocos racemosa: [once] finely crushed, [this is to be used] with blood to staunch [it]. Symplocos racemosa, lotus leaves, [a measure of the size of] Dhānyamāṣa ...
a6Withania somnifera (??), gill [lit. fish ear], cow dung pellet: this [is] to be strewn over [it and] to be bound with a ... bandage ...
b1[If] (the wound?) would bite the terwe of someone, I will tell the remedy [for that]. Anethum sowa, Acorus calamus, Costus speciosus, the fruit of Aegle marmelos (?), milk, oil, sesame oil: by one (measure this is to be crushed).
b2All this [is] to be cooked together. [If] the wound (?) bites the terwe of someone, [this is] the remedy. Cow dung pellet, gill [lit. fish ear] pellet,
b3... pellet, saffron pellet: this is to be strewn over [it], otherwise these very same [ingredients] are to be smeared cold over [it]. These treatments have (to be made as)
b4a Dvivraṇīya cure [= related to the two kinds of wounds]. [It is to be used] with blood to staunch [it] perfectly. Now I will tell the Treatise about demons [= Bhūtatantra]. Cardamoms, small cardamoms, Dalbergia sisu, ...
b5and ..., seed of Pongamia glabra, Ferula asa foetida, Piper longum, Piper nigrum, ginger, saffron stigmas, Acorus calamus, Acacia Lebbek: these remedies ...
b6pure; [only] a cleaned woman [or] daughter should crush [them]. This [is] the powder. If somebody has been made salturna [= bewitched??], he should bathe with it. Immediately (he will become) pure ...


a2Now I will state the remedies. (Peyrot 2013b: 657)
b1I will now state the remedy, a salve for whom the terwe bites. (cf 306) (Peyrot 2013b: 704)
b2[This is] the remedy, a salve for whom the terwe bites. (cf 306) (Peyrot 2013b: 704)
b4Now I will speak of the Bhūtatantra [book of (demoniac) beings]. (52) (Peyrot 2013b: 657)



*An almost complete leaf, about 5 to 6 akṣaras are missing on the right margin. The leaf number is written inside the string hole space, which is rather [7]5 and not 55 (as per Filliozat). This may be a typo in Filliozat 1948: 51.

Linguistic commentary

*Note saitsi for saintsi.
n1ṣotarnma seems to be a late plural form of ṣotri 'mark' (instead of ṣotruna).
n4Note the virāma sign separating the case suffix in śakkār\mpa.

Philological commentary

n2A separation tāk okne is also possible, but not very likely. Both forms would be hapax; to be sure, kok may be interpreted as a wrong Sanskritization of a Prakrit form from Skt. kotha- ‘sore, gangrene' or 'affliction of the eye' (cf. Monier-Williams 1899: 313a).
n3One has to read ṣili, which ought to be a mistake for pili. Sieg's correction of pili into pile is speculative; one can accept pili as nom. plural and construct it with yāmoṣ in a subordinate clause.
n5śabaraloträ is a single word, which has been wrongly separated by a dot.
n6The remains of the last akṣara permit a reading kaṭpa(l)\ or kaṭpa(ñ)\. The closest Sanskrit word would be khaṭvā- 'kind of bandage', the borrowing of which would give the
n7The reading śvakate is superior to ścakate and allows a restoration (a)śvakate to be connected with Skt. aśvagandha- 'Withania somnifera' (otherwise attested by the form TB aśvakānt).
n8kampāsäṣṣe cannot simply mean 'cotton'; the form kampās in THT 337 a 4 is a mistake for kampāl warranted by the parallel text PK AS 18A and note that TA kappās (via Middle Indic kappāsa- from Skt. karpāsa ‘cotton' refers to the cotton plant rather that the material. On the other hand, the woven cotton is called kenek, TA kanak.
n9lope is rather a borrowing from Skt. lopa-, which can have the meaning 'hurting, breaking, violation' than a late form of a Tocharian abstract laupe from lup- 'to smear'. Consequently, terwe is rather the direct object (and not an adverb, as supposed by Sieg), whis is proven by the object construction with -ne in the parallel passage in b2. It may refer to a part of the skin (?). Adams 2013a: 324 interprets the form as 'kind of snake' and translates b2 "I will speak now of a salve, a medicine for whom the terwe bites", but this does not work syntactically.
n10Instead of naṣṣū one has to read kaṣṣu. The following akṣara before the l\ is hardly a ‹ba›, and it cannot be ‹bā› in the first place, because the long ā-vowel would be written to the right and not on top of the sign. pil can be Skt. bilva- 'Aegle marmelos fruit'.
n11po is rather the end of an ingredient, and not the word po 'all'.
n12The process of crushing has apparently to be done by a young girl before her maturation, and if an adult woman has to do it, one has to make sure that she is devoid of menstrual blood.
n13The reading sal [ṣa]rn[e] by Sieg is impossible, the manuscript has salturna of unknown meaning.


Edition and translation

Filliozat 1948: 51-53; Sieg and Thomas 1954: 68-69


Peyrot 2013b: a2 (657), b1 (704), b2 (704), b4 (657)


Adams 2013a

Adams, Douglas Q. 2013a. A dictionary of Tocharian B. Revised and greatly enlarged. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Filliozat 1948

Filliozat, Jean. 1948. Fragments de textes koutchéens de médecine et de magie. Texte, parallèles sanskrits et tibétains, traduction et glossaire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve.

Monier-Williams 1899

Monier-Williams, Monier. 1899. A Sanskrit-English dictionary. Etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages. new edition, greatly enlarged and improved, London: Clarendon Press (several reprints).

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Sieg and Thomas 1954

Sieg, Emil, and Werner Thomas. 1954. “Die medizinischen und tantrischen Texte der Pariser Sammlung in Tocharisch B.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 72: 63–83.