IOL Toch 3
Known as: | IOL Toch 3; H 149.19; H 149.X.19.; A.19 |
Cite this page as: | Michaël Peyrot. "IOL Toch 3". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 11 Dec. 2024). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Michaël Peyrot |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Unknown |
Collection: | British Library (London) |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Script: | classical |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Caṣṭana-Avadāna |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Jātaka/Avadāna |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Object | |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Size (h × w): | 16.5 × 19.1 cm |
Number of lines: | 8 |
Images from
by courtesy of the International Dunhuang Project and the British Library.
a1 | /// k· mu sa sta rme mā w· – (– –) – lsko ṣṣe la kle |
a2 | /// ·k· sso¯ ¯ñcä tā ka¯ ¯m• kuce se a nta ra dvī pa ṣṣai ytā ri yne |
a3 | /// [s]·[e] 1 || a gni ke śe yā kṣe we s̝s̝aṃ || nau ṣa ññe ta ru ṇa di |
a4 | /// – kau ka ruṃ cwī : ceṃ¯ ¯ts la kle nta ṣṣe tri kau trai ke sa : |
a5 | /// ·[k]· ññe sa we s̝s̝aṃ || nau ṣa ññe nā ṭa ka ṣṣe ne || śu ke |
a6 | /// ·w· nta kca¯ ¯s̝ pru tka s̝s̝aṃ : ra skre nai twe e ṅku co¯ ¯mp ke |
a7 | /// – : ·e ·[ä] – reṃ pi lko sa yo ka nme ra co mla kle : la |
a8 | /// ·e (–) – k[n]e – – – (–) s(·)a cwyā ra |
b1 | /// c· – – – ·s· – ṣ[ai] nne św· |
b2 | /// – ñ· – (–) – kte ya¯ ¯m ceṃ lkā tsi la kle ne tsā rwä |
b3 | /// ro tstsai we śe ññai sa we¯ ¯k cä rkā re au ntsa nte mā |
b4 | /// tswa lo wse cce pre re sa a ra ñcne au nu o ro cce ne |
b5 | /// mā ka : wai ptā rklau tke ntsa e re sla ṅta rpa rre ra : lkā tsi |
b6 | /// [a] y· ma¯ ¯r ceṃ¯ ¯ts la kle ṣṣe pe rpe tte : sta mo¯ ¯ym eṃ |
b7 | /// [l]m· : klyo mñe ai śa mñe e rsna kre nta pe ñī yo : po su |
b8 | /// ·e e tte lyu wa śā mñe śai – – – kre ntau na cce pā |
a1 | /// (ke)k(a)musa star-me mā w· – – – (pä)lskoṣṣe lakle |
a2 | /// (spel)k(e)ssoñc tākam kuce se antaradvīpäṣṣai ytāri yne¬ |
a3 | (mane) /// s·e 1 ॥ agnikeśe yākṣe weṣṣäṃ ॥ nauṣaññe-taruṇadi¬ |
a4 | (vākarne) (॥) /// – kau karuṃ cwī : ceṃts läklentaṣṣe trikau traikesa : |
a5 | n1 /// (takarṣ)k(ä)ññesa weṣṣäṃ ॥ nauṣaññe-nāṭakäṣṣene ॥ śuke |
a6 | n2n3 /// ·w·nta kca ṣ prutkaṣṣäṃ : räskre nai twe eṅku comp ke |
a7 | n4 /// – : ·e (c)ä(ñca)reṃ pilkosa yokan-me ra com lakle : lä° |
a8 | /// ·e – – kne – – – – s·a cwy āra |
b1 | /// c· – – – ·s· – ṣainne św· |
b2 | /// – ñ· – – (mä)kte yam ceṃ lkātsi laklene tsārwä¬ |
b3 | (stsi)n5 /// (o)rotstsai weśeññaisa wek cärkāre auntsante mā |
b4 | n6 /// °ts walo wsecce preresa arañcne aunu orocce ne¬ |
b5 | (wesa) /// māka : waiptār klautkentsa ere slaṅtar parre ra : lkātsi |
b6 | /// ay(ī)mar ceṃts läkleṣṣe perpette : stamoym eṃ¬ |
b7 | (ṣke) /// °lm· : klyomñe aiśamñe ersna krenta peñīyo : po su |
b8 | /// ·e ette lyuwa śāmñe śai(ṣṣene) – krentaunacce pā° |
a1 | ... she has come to us. ... not ... sorrow of the mind ... |
a2 | ... we shall be zealous [so that] he who is going on the road of the antaradvīpa ... |
a3 | ... 1 || The yakṣa Agnikeśa says: || in the [tune] nauṣaññe-taruṇadi(vākarne ||) |
a4 | ... his compassion. He is confused by the delusion of their sorrows. |
a5 | ... with faith (/ compassion?) he says: || in the [tune] nauṣaññe-nāṭakäṣṣene || «Taste ... |
a6 | ... he blocks (/ fills up?) some mixtures/applications. In a harsh way you are holding him ... |
a7 | ... With a lovely gaze he drinks as it were that sorrow of theirs. ... |
a8 | ... his heart (?) ... |
b1 | ... |
b2 | ... so that (?) I go to see him [and] yo console [him] in his sorrow ... |
b3 | ... they cried out with loud voice and began to ... |
b4 | ... the king of ... is hit by a poisonous arrow in the heart. With a great roar ... |
b5 | ... very much. In separate ways you show [your] form like a parre. To be seen ... |
b6 | ... may I take [this] burden of sorrow of theirs. May I even stay ... |
b7 | ...beings (?). Noble wisdom, good forms [and] splendour. All ... |
b8 | ... he sent down into the human world. Virtuous ... |
Philological commentary
nauṣaññe taruṇadi(vākar) in line a3 will have the same metre as taruṇadivākar, that is a, b, d: 7 ¦ 7 ¦ 5 and c: 5 ¦ 5 (Adams 1999: 281). Indeed, : ceṃts läklentaṣṣe trikau traikesa : in line a4 is 5 ¦ 5 and must therefore be pāda c. | |
– pāda missing completely – [1a] (19 syllables missing) [a4] /// (la)kau karuṃ cwī : [1b] (15 syllables missing) ceṃts läklentaṣṣe ¦ trikau traikesa : [1c] – pāda missing completely – [1d] (19 syllables missing) cf. the metre in a5 is also found in IOL Toch 36 a5. Beginning and end of the strophes in b5-7 cannot be established, but the metre may be 4 x 5 ¦ 7: [b5] /// māka : waiptār klautkentsa ¦ ere slaṅtar parre ra : lkātsi [b6] /// ·u yāmar ¦ ceṃts läkleṣṣe perpette : stamoym eṃ [b7] (ṣke) /// -lm· : klyomñe aiśamñe ¦ ersna krenta peñīyo : po su | |
n1 | (takarṣ)käññesa, (añmālaṣ)käññesa |
n2 | raitwenta, pwenta |
n3 | naitwe: temple, mud?? NO: nai twe |
n4 | cf. IOL Toch 1 b3 ts(e)naṃ pilkosa yokamane ram no āñmalāṣṣälñesa – /// |
n5 | mā = māka 'very'/ māntsatsi 'be sad'? |
n6 | parre: probably a mistake for prere 'arrow' (see preresa b3). |
a4: on the left, 4 akṣaras for vākar || are missing, and 34 more syllables according to the metre. Thus, approximately 40 akṣaras are in total missing on the left. Probably, the string hole space covered this line, so that in lines 1-3 and 6-8 even more akṣaras may be missing. | |
According to Broomhead 1962: 168 "[w]ritten in very large ductus, and clearly preserved, it is the right edge of an eight line manuscript." |
Broomhead 1962: 169
Online access
Broomhead 1962: 168-169; Peyrot 2007: №3
Broomhead 1962: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 (169)
Adams, Douglas Q. 1999. A dictionary of Tocharian B. Leiden Studies in Indo-European 10. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
Broomhead, J.W. 1962. “A textual edition of the British Hoernle, Stein and Weber Kuchean manuscripts. With transliteration, translation, grammatical commentary and vocabulary. I = Edition.” PhD, Cambridge: Trinity College.
“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2007. “An edition of the Tocharian fragments IOL Toch 1 – IOL Toch 822 in the India Office Library.” International Dunhuang Project. 2007.