Work in progress

THT 109

Known as:THT 109; B 109; Bleistiftnummer 2012
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz (translation). "THT 109". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 09 Dec. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz (translation)


Main find spot:Sengim
Specific find spot:Sängimer Schlucht
Expedition code:T II S 33
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Buddha legend
Verse/Prose:prose; verse


Manuscript:THT 107f.
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:10



a2/// ṣṣ· we ña ///
a3/// mtts· skā ya¯ ¯s • sa ntsā ra ṣṣa na – – lwa tre ṅka lwa teṃ ya – –
a4/// ktsa nma e ka ñe nta ā rwe ryā mo rmeṃ ysā ṣṣeṃ ñi ka ñceṃ wme ra wrā ka ññeṃ [no]
a5/// [lo] pā te • prā¯ ¯p ma hu¯ ¯r ā ssa ta ssā te • ha ra nma mu kti hā ra nta wrā ka ñe
a6/// ·pu ra ṣṣa na klai na mpa rā hu leṃ pa lka si ya lñe ṣṣai [ṣ]e wi sa ka pi la
a7/// a ñjā¯ ¯l ṣa rne yā mu sa cā kkä¯ ¯r la kṣā ntsa yai tu wa klyo mñā na la laṃ ṣka
a8/// na e ka ñe nta pa ñi kte ka ṣṣi ntse ṣe sa sā ṅka mpa ca ri tya ma ṣṣa – –
a9/// [t]e ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ po e ṅka lwa yai ka sro tā pa tti ññe pe rne ka lpa ||
a10/// we ña ṣe ka ya tā te ñi¯ ¯ś yā ṅka ssi • śu ke nta sa swa ro
b1/// [n]y· [g]r[o] dhā rā msa ṅkrā mi¯ ¯ś ya tsi o mtsa te ya śo dha rai la ntso –
b2/// [s]· a raṃ śne sa lā te ne • kuca tā kmeṃ ṣa ñe¯ ¯m e tte ṣa llā te • cau [k]ca me lne
b3/// ka ṣṣi ntse a kṣā re sai mwä sta ya śo dha ra lā ntsa śi ka mai yyai ne la rau m(·)e –
b4/// ri ntsa te ñi pe lykiṃ • nau ṣra pre śyai ne ñśa [ṣṣ]e tre ṅka ltsa śau¯ ¯l ri ntsa te tu pklyau ss[o]
b5/// re prā kre kla ntsa ññi • ya śa swi ñi ki nna rña pu wā (·)¯ ¯ś ā ksau sa la mau
b6/// po wa rka ltsa wä nta lyi i te [pa] nnā te ka rṣṣa • sā dhu keṃ ki nna reṃ a ra¯ ¯ñcä
b7/// lya ku¯ ¯r a ka rtte klyo mmo¯ ¯nt pa lsko sā ka ske tu ttu tā rka¯ ¯ñä ko¯ ¯s ṣa
b8/// [o] ta¯ ¯k pā lkau ne ce kca tu le ka nma pi kā ra nta ya – –
b9/// [me]¯ ¯r ma sa ///


a2/// (pañikte) (kä)ṣṣ(i) weña ///
a3/// (yā)mtts(i) skāyassantsāräṣṣana (eṅka)lwa treṅkalwa teṃ ya(knesa)
a4/// (śwatsanma) (yo)ktsanma ekañenta ārwer yāmormeṃ ysāṣṣeṃ ñikañceṃ wmera wrākaññeṃ no¬
a5(myeṣṣeṃ) /// lopāten1prāp-mahur āssa tässāteharanma muktihāränta wrākañe
a6/// (antiṣ)puräṣṣana klainampa rāhuleṃ palkasi yalñeṣṣai ṣewisa kapila¬
a7(vāstumeṃ) /// añjāl ṣarne yāmusa cākkär-lakṣāntsa yaituwa klyomñāna lalaṃṣka¬
a8(na) (paine) /// (swaro)na ekañenta pañikte käṣṣintse ṣesa sāṅkämpa carit yamaṣṣa – –
a9/// te keklyauṣormeṃ po eṅkalwa yaika srotāpattiññe perne kalpa
a10/// weña ṣe ka yatāte ñiś yāṅkässiśukentasa swaro¬
b1(na)n2 /// ny(a)grodhārām saṅkrāmiś yatsi omtsate yaśodharai lantso(y)
b2/// araṃśne salāte-nekucatākmeṃ ṣa= ñem ette ṣallātecau-k camelne
b3/// käṣṣintse akṣāre saim-wästa yaśodhara lāntsa śikamaiyyaine laraum(ñ)e(sa)
b4/// rintsate ñi pelykiṃnauṣ ra preśyaine ñśaṣṣe treṅkältsa śaul rintsate tu pklyausso
b5/// (kinna)re prākre kläntsaññiyaśaswiñi kinnarña puwā(rä)ś āksausa lämau¬
b6(sa) /// po warkṣältsa wäntalyi ite pännāte karṣṣasādhukeṃ kinnareṃ arañc
b7/// lyakur akartte klyommont palsko sākäske tu ttu tārka-ñ kos ṣa
b8/// otak pālkau-ne ce kca tu lekanma pikāränta ya – –
b9/// (ra)mer masa ///


a2... Buddha the teacher said...
a3... try to do...! In this way, the desires and clingings of saṃsāra...
a4+... having prepared food, drink and equipment, golden, silver ornaments consisting of pearls and jewels...
a5... smeared... ... she put the diadem on her head. Necklaces, pearl necklaces...
a6+... with the pretense of going to see Rāhula with the women of the harem, ... from Kapilavāstu...
a7+... having made the añjali-gesture, (worshipping) the noble feet (of the Buddha), adorned with wheel-marks, soft, ... sweet equipment (?)... she made obeisances (?) to the Buddha together with the saṅgha.
a9... having heard that, she cast off all desires, and obtained the rank of srotāpatti.
a10... said:
a10+Only one person (ever) managed to bewitch me with sweet charms.
b1... set out to go to the Nyagrodhārāma-monastery.
b1+... of queen Yaśodharā... (grief) arose in her heart.
b2She threw herself down from a tower. In the birth...
b3... they told (Buddha) the teacher: Refuge, protection, queen Yaśodharā, out of love for the ten-powered one...
b4... renounced... for my sake. In an earlier time, too, she gave up her life out of attachment to me. Hear this:
b5The Kinnara... was sleeping soundly.
b5+The Kinnarā Yaśaswiñi, having awakened to the fire, sitting...
b6... fully stretched the bow with all his might and shot. (He hit) the Kinnara Sādhuke (in) the heart...
b7... time... they keep the noble thought near. Give that up for me! (?) How much...
b8... and then I will see him. ... this one... gestures...
b9... quickly went...


a2/// 仏陀・先生は言った。/// (Masanori 2021: 87 (52))
a3/// 為すために君たちは励みなさい。輪廻にかかわる諸々の激情[と]執着を このように (Masanori 2021: 87 (52))
a4/// 諸々の食物、諸々の飲物、諸々の付属[の飲食]物を用意したのちに、金・銀の宝、真珠の/// を/// (Masanori 2021: 87 (52))
a5/// ヤショーダラーは]塗りつけた (。冠を[自分の]頭の上に[ヤショーダラーは]据え置いた (。諸々の真珠、諸々の真珠の首飾り、真珠の/// を (Masanori 2021: 87 (52))
a5Das Diadem setzte sie [scil. Yaśodharā] sich aufs Haupt (Schmidt 1974: 80, 354)
a6/// 後宮の女性たちをともなってラーフラを見に行くという口実で、カピラヴァストゥ (Masanori 2021: 87 (52))
a7/// ヤショーダラーは]アンジャリを両手に作り、車輪という特長によって飾られた聖なる柔らかい[両足を] (Masanori 2021: 87 (52))
a8/// 諸々の付属[の飲食]物を/// 。[彼女は、]僧団ともども仏陀・先生に行ないを為した ( (Masanori 2021: 87 (52)-86 (53))
a9/// これを聞いたのちに、諸々の激情すべてを[ヤショーダラーは]取り除いた (。預流の位を得た (。 (Masanori 2021: 86 (53))
a10/// 仏陀・先生は]言った。[かつて]一度だけ彼女(ヤショーダラー)が私を諸々の甘味によって魅了する ことができた。 (Masanori 2021: 86 (53))
a10Nur einmal gelang es ihr [scil. Yaśodharā], mich mit süßen Genüssen zu betören. (Schmidt 1974: 40)
b1/// 仏陀は]ニャグローダーラーマ僧院 へ向かって行き始めた ( 。ヤショーダラー王妃の (Masanori 2021: 85 (54))
b2/// 彼女の心の中に生じた ( 。[彼女は]バルコニーからまさに自ら飛び降りた(←まさに自らを飛び落とした (。まさにこの生において (Masanori 2021: 85 (54))
b2... hüpfte in ihrem Herzen, [und] sie stürzte sich vom Söller herab. (Schmidt 1974: 279, 311, 316, fn. 4)
b3/// 比丘たちが仏陀・]先生に告げた (「避難所[と]防護[である者]よ、ヤショーダラー王妃は十力を有する者(仏陀)に対する好意のゆえに (Masanori 2021: 84 (55))
b4/// 私のために[ヤショーダラーは生命を]捨てた (。以前の時にも私への執着ゆえに生命を捨てた。そのことを君たちは聞きなさい。 (Masanori 2021: 84 (55))
b4Schon in früherer Zeit hat sie aus Neigung zu mir [ihr] Leben hingegeben. (Schmidt 1974: 418)
b5/// キンナラは、ぐっすり眠っていた。ヤシャスヴィニ[という名の] キンナラ女は 、火に向かって目覚めて座っていた (Masanori 2021: 84 (55))
b6/// [王は]全力で弓を一杯に張って[矢を]放った (。善良なキンナラを心臓 (Masanori 2021: 84 (55))
b6Mit ganzer Kraft spannte er voll den Bogen [und] schoss. (Schmidt 1974: 354)
b7/// 度(?)、近くに聖なる思考を[それらは]残している/留めている 。君はまさしくその間 私を解放しなさい 、/// 間 (Masanori 2021: 84 (55))
b8/// そして、まさにその時(それをする時)私は彼女を見よう 。まさしく何らかの諸々の手振り・身振り(→振る舞い)を/// (Masanori 2021: 84 (55)-83 (56))
b9/// 迅速に行った ( (Masanori 2021: 83 (56))



*Cf. also m-tht1575a - THT 1576.h. Lines a1 and b10 are missing.
*The restorations are based on Sieg and Siegling 1953: 46-47 unless otherwise indicated.

Philological commentary

n1Sieg and Siegling 1953: 46-47 transcribe [lo]pāte but suggest reading [lau]pāte instead in a footnote. Similarly, Malzahn 2010: 858 transcribes [l](au)pāte. Peyrot 2008: 53 reads the form with a monophthong, which is in line with his classification of the fragment as linguistically late.
n2This is usually read as being said by the Buddha, with ṣe ka being translated as "(only) once". I understand this line as being said by Yaśodharā - indeed, in the Buddha legend, it is usually Yaśodharā who is obsessed with Siddhārtha, not the other way around. This also fits with Yaśodharā throwing herself off a tower from grief of not being able to be with Siddhārtha.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008L
Tamai 2011C3
Tamai 2011C14


Online access

IDP: THT 109; TITUS: THT 109


Sieg and Siegling 1953: 46-47; Masanori 2021


Carling 2000: a5 (194), b1 (53, 156), b2 b3 (243), b4 (290); Couvreur 1953: a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 (287-288); Hackstein 1995: a5 (56), b6 (78); Krause 1952: b2 (179); Schmidt 1974: a5 (80, 354), a10 (34 n.6), a10 (40), b1 (370 n.2), b2 (279, 311, 316 n.4), b2 (279, 311, 316, fn. 4), b4 (418), b6 (354); Masanori 2021: a2 (87 (52)), a3 (87 (52)), a4 (87 (52)), a5 (87 (52)), a6 (87 (52)), a7 (87 (52)), a8 (87 (52)-86 (53)), a9 (86 (53)), a10 (86 (53)), b1 (85 (54)), b2 (85 (54)), b3 (84 (55)), b4 (84 (55)), b5 (84 (55)), b6 (84 (55)), b7 (84 (55)), b8 (84 (55)-83 (56)), b9 (83 (56)); Sieg and Siegling 1983: a10 (262), b2 (262); Thomas 1954: a4 (760), a10 (723), b1 (718); Thomas 1954a: b4 (79); Thomas 1957: a10 (180), b4 (180); Thomas 1969b: a9 (56); Thomas 1983: a5 (33); Thomas 1990: a7 (39)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Couvreur 1953

Couvreur, Walter. 1953. “Het leven van de Boeddha volgens de Tochaarse bronnen.” In Handelingen van het Twintigste Vlaams Filologencongres, 275–91.

Hackstein 1995

Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.

Malzahn 2010

Malzahn, Melanie. 2010. The Tocharian verbal system. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Masanori 2021

Masanori, Shōno. 2021. “トカラ語 B 断簡の伝える Yaśodharā.” The memoirs of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia 179: 90(49)–64(75).

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Sieg and Siegling 1953

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1953. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633. Edited by Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Sieg and Siegling 1983

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1983. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B. Teil I: Die Texte. Band 1. Fragmente Nr. 1-116 der Berliner Sammlung. Edited by Werner Thomas. Neubearbeitet und mit einem Kommentar nebst Register versehen v. Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.

Thomas 1954

Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1954a

Thomas, Werner. 1954a. “Ein tocharischer Liebesbrief.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 71: 78–80.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1969b

Thomas, Werner. 1969b. “Toch. B pañäkti Gen. Sg.?” Sprache 15: 53–58.

Thomas 1983

Thomas, Werner. 1983. Der tocharische Obliquus im Sinne eines Akkusativs der Richtung. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 6. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.

Thomas 1990

Thomas, Werner. 1990. Tocharische Maitreya-Parallelen aus Hami. Vol. 1. SbWGF, XXVII. Stuttgart: Steiner.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”