a1 | /// (·)[r](·)¯ ¯r lkā sk(·) m(·) n(·) śe¯ ¯m sw(·) s(·) i [p]r(·) (·)m(·) [p]r(·) ści ye [n]au (–) ye ṣṣ(·) kus[e] [r](·) tsa o no /// |
a2 | /// [n](·) na geṃ[¯] [¯ts] lā¯ ¯ñcä o ro cci ra ska re mai yyā tse ā lyau ce a [m]a [rṣe] ro¯ ¯s̝ wa wā ska /// |
a3 | /// (·)e [s]e swe se i pre rmeṃ śe¯ ¯m kus(·) ra tsa ñe¯ ¯m o no lmeṃ¯ ¯ts ku r[p]e l[l]e [v]ai ru (·)i /// |
a4 | /// [ñ]e [nt]a ye twi a la ṅkā rnta ya kwi ko ka lyi o ṅko l[m]a(·) a sā nta k[e] [ś](·) /// |
a5 | /// – [v]ā sa ṣṣi ña kti i pre rne stmo¯ ¯s̝ su pri yeṃ tse ā(·) [ti] ke ya ma lñe sa k[a] [k](·) /// |
a6 | /// l(·)e (·)e¯ ¯m ā lyau ce plā¯ ¯cä a k(·)a s(·)eṃ ci n[t]ā ma ṇi [wa] me ra [ka] rs[k]se ma [ne] [bo] /// |
b1 | /// – (·)(·)[k](·) – [k]t(·) pa lyk(·) r(·) ś(·) mñ[e] [ś](·) [ṣ]ṣ(·) – lya kā [r](·) su(·) r(·) [y](·) – – s(·) ll(·)¯ ¯s̝ /// |
b2 | /// (·)[w](·) – – – ā rwe rta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ ṣe preṃ tse śu ddha vā sa ṣ(·)eṃ ña kteṃ tsa a kā śa(·) [tse] /// |
b3 | /// [dh]i [p]ā [k]eṃ¯ ¯ts ya ma lñe [n]ta sa ā kti ke ta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ [ṣa] li tai sa o ro(·) (·)ai /// |
b4 | /// [tw]ā ṅka¯ ¯s̝ a lyai kno tse ññā na ṣe mi ra [t]r[o] [na] [yw]· r[c]no a r[kw]i (–) (·)e (·)e – /// |
b5 | /// i [p]r(·) rne su ppri yeṃ tse ya rke śä ā rwe¯ ¯r ta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ [y]k(·)¯ ¯s̝ ñä kci yeṃ śai [ṣ](·)e /// |
b6 | /// [nt]e kā rpa tsi ma kte o ro tsa na [p]a rśaiṃ i pre rmeṃ klo yo m(·) ne pa l[l]e nta ṣṣi [me] /// |
a1 | ... looking at the sky. Rain came from the height of the sky, a shower of pearls. Whoever (of) the living beings ... |
a2 | ... the great kings of the Nāgas, having violently evoked mutually the anger of [their] power [and] having been agitated ... |
a3 | ... This rain came from the top of the sky. Whichever [gem, having a] name, (beginning with) the Vaiḍūrya [lit. cat's eye], [is] desireable by the living beings, (rained down) ... |
a4 | ... jewelries, ornaments [and] decorations, horses, chariots [and] elephants, seats (in) [large] number ... |
a5 | ... the Śuddhavāsa gods, dwelling in heaven, (have been) rejoiced by the marvel done by Supriya ... |
a6 | ... came. To each other they told word about the Cintāmaṇi jewel [that has been] sent (by) the Bo(dhisattva) ... |
b1 | ... the god(s) saw ... . (In) the human world they have seen the (glory?) (of) Supriya having arisen ... |
b2 | ... having been ready in the wink of an eye, by the Śuddhavāsa gods (the surface?) of the heaven (is filled?) ... |
b3 | ... the mountains have been amazed by the accomplishment of the perfect intelligences, in that way big ... |
b4 | ... having been worn, others [are] blue, some [are] red, [and] amidst white ones ... |
b5 | ... in the sky having been ready to [pay] homage to Supriya, they have come (to) the divine worlds ... |
b6 | ... they (started?) to descend, like large lightning bolts falling from the sky, [like] full moons ... |
n1 | Ca. 10 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n2 | Ca. 20 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n3 | Ca. 15 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n4 | Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n5 | Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n6 | Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n7 | Ca. 13 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n8 | Ca. 12 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n9 | Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |
n10 | Ca. 17 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line. |