Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 17G; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 17G
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator). "PK AS 17G". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Michaël Peyrot (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-02


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:M 497.7
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama


Manuscript:Supriyanāṭaka PK AS 17
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):11.6 × 26 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2.0 cm


a1/// (·)[r](·)¯ ¯r lkā sk(·) m(·) n(·) śe¯ ¯m sw(·) s(·) i [p]r(·) (·)m(·) [p]r(·) ści ye [n]au (–) ye ṣṣ(·) kus[e] [r](·) tsa o no ///
a2/// [n](·) na geṃ[¯] [¯ts] lā¯ ¯ñcä o ro cci ra ska re mai yyā tse ā lyau ce a [m]a [rṣe] ro¯ ¯s̝ wa wā ska ///
a3/// (·)e [s]e swe se i pre rmeṃ śe¯ ¯m kus(·) ra tsa ñe¯ ¯m o no lmeṃ¯ ¯ts ku r[p]e l[l]e [v]ai ru (·)i ///
a4/// [ñ]e [nt]a ye twi a la ṅkā rnta ya kwi ko ka lyi o ṅko l[m]a(·) a sā nta k[e] [ś](·) ///
a5/// – [v]ā sa ṣṣi ña kti i pre rne stmo¯ ¯s̝ su pri yeṃ tse ā(·) [ti] ke ya ma lñe sa k[a] [k](·) ///
a6/// l(·)e (·)e¯ ¯m ā lyau ce plā¯ ¯cä a k(·)a s(·)eṃ ci n[t]ā ma ṇi [wa] me ra [ka] rs[k]se ma [ne] [bo] ///
b1/// – (·)(·)[k](·) – [k]t(·) pa lyk(·) r(·) ś(·) mñ[e] [ś](·) [ṣ]ṣ(·) – lya kā [r](·) su(·) r(·) [y](·) – – s(·) ll(·)¯ ¯s̝ ///
b2/// (·)[w](·) – – – ā rwe rta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ ṣe preṃ tse śu ddha vā sa ṣ(·)eṃ ña kteṃ tsa a kā śa(·) [tse] ///
b3/// [dh]i [p]ā [k]eṃ¯ ¯ts ya ma lñe [n]ta sa ā kti ke ta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ [ṣa] li tai sa o ro(·) (·)ai ///
b4/// [tw]ā ṅka¯ ¯s̝ a lyai kno tse ññā na ṣe mi ra [t]r[o] [na] [yw]· r[c]no a r[kw]i (–) (·)e (·)e – ///
b5/// i [p]r(·) rne su ppri yeṃ tse ya rke śä ā rwe¯ ¯r ta tā ka¯ ¯s̝ [y]k(·)¯ ¯s̝ ñä kci yeṃ śai [ṣ](·)e ///
b6/// [nt]e kā rpa tsi ma kte o ro tsa na [p]a rśaiṃ i pre rmeṃ klo yo m(·) ne pa l[l]e nta ṣṣi [me] ///


a1/// (ip)r(e)r lkāsk(e)m(a)n(e) śem sw(e)s(e) ipr(er)m(eṃ) pr(a)ściye nau(mi)yeṣṣ(e) kuse r(a) tsa ono(lmeṃts) ///
a2/// …n· nageṃts lāñc orocci räskare maiyyā{ṃ}tse ālyauce amarṣ eroṣ wawāska(ṣ) ///
a3/// …·e se swese iprermeṃ śem kus(e) ra tsa ñem onolmeṃts kurpelle vairu(ḍ)i ///
a4/// (tsai)ñenta yetwi alaṅkārnta yakwi kokalyi oṅkolma(ṃ) asānta keś(ne) ///
a5/// (śuddha)vāsäṣṣi ñakti iprerne stmoṣ supriyeṃtse ā(k)tike yamalñesa kak(āccoṣ) ///
a6/// l·e (ś)em ālyauce plāc ak(s)as(k)eṃ cintāmaṇi wamer{†ä} kärsksemane bo(dhisatventse) ///
b1/// – ··k· (ña)kt(i) pälyk(ā)r(e) ś(ā)mñe ś(ai)ṣṣ(ene) lyakār(e) su(p)r(i)y(entse) (sa)s(ā)ll(a)ṣ ///
b2/// ·w· – – – ārwer tatākaṣ ṣe preṃtse śuddhavāsäṣ(ṣ)eṃ ñakteṃtsa akāśä(ṃ)tse ///
b3/// (bo)dhipāk{ṣ}eṃts yamalñentasa āktike tatākaṣ ṣali taisa oro(ts)ai ///
b4/// (ta)twāṅkaṣ alyaik no tseññāna ṣemi rätrona yw(ā)rc no arkwi(na) ·e·e – ///
b5/// ipr(e)rne suppriyeṃtse yarkeś{†ä} ārwer tatākaṣ yk(o)ṣ ñäkciyeṃ śaiṣ(ṣ)e(nne) ///
b6/// (auntsa)nte kārpatsi mäkte orotsana parśaiṃ iprermeṃ kloyom(a)ne pällentaṣṣi me(ñi) ///


a1... looking at the sky. Rain came from the height of the sky, a shower of pearls. Whoever (of) the living beings ...
a2... the great kings of the Nāgas, having violently evoked mutually the anger of [their] power [and] having been agitated ...
a3... This rain came from the top of the sky. Whichever [gem, having a] name, (beginning with) the Vaiḍūrya [lit. cat's eye], [is] desireable by the living beings, (rained down) ...
a4... jewelries, ornaments [and] decorations, horses, chariots [and] elephants, seats (in) [large] number ...
a5... the Śuddhavāsa gods, dwelling in heaven, (have been) rejoiced by the marvel done by Supriya ...
a6... came. To each other they told word about the Cintāmaṇi jewel [that has been] sent (by) the Bo(dhisattva) ...
b1... the god(s) saw ... . (In) the human world they have seen the (glory?) (of) Supriya having arisen ...
b2... having been ready in the wink of an eye, by the Śuddhavāsa gods (the surface?) of the heaven (is filled?) ...
b3... the mountains have been amazed by the accomplishment of the perfect intelligences, in that way big ...
b4... having been worn, others [are] blue, some [are] red, [and] amidst white ones ...
b5... in the sky having been ready to [pay] homage to Supriya, they have come (to) the divine worlds ...
b6... they (started?) to descend, like large lightning bolts falling from the sky, [like] full moons ...



Large fragment from the middle of a leaf.

Philological commentary

n1Ca. 10 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n2Ca. 20 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n3Ca. 15 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n4Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n5Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n6Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n7Ca. 13 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n8Ca. 12 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n9Ca. 18 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.
n10Ca. 17 akṣaras are missing at the end of this line.