Work in progress

THT 1113

Known as:THT 1113; KVāc 21
Cite this page as:Hannes A. Fellner; Theresa Illés (collaborator). "THT 1113". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 09 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Hannes A. Fellner; Theresa Illés (collaborator)


Main find spot:Unknown
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Karmavācanā
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Vinaya


Manuscript:THT 1102-1125
Preceding fragment:THT 1112
Following fragment:THT 1114
Material: ink on wood tablet
Size (h × w):5.6 × 29 cm
Number of lines:5



(continues from THT 1112)

a1a le • ta ṣe me ṣṣe me ṣa mā /// /// [s]· npā tya ṣṣā tai • ña ke no yso mo sa ṅka meṃ wa sa
a2npā tya ska s̝a lle sta[¯] [¯]rc • krui yso mo [s]· ·[k] /// /// ka wa sa npā¯ ¯t yā taṃ¯ ¯ñcä • ṣe ṣa mā ne po sta ññe te
a3ka¯ ¯ñcä wa sa npā¯ ¯t mā yā t· /// /// [c]e re kau na we ñau śwe ntsi tu we ktse po¯ ¯ñä po sa ṅka
a4tse klyau ssa || po ñce ai śai te yā mtra /// /// [ñ]i¯ ¯śä ya śa kā me ya śe ntse wa sa npā¯ ¯t ya ma s̝a
a5lle • su ñi¯ ¯ś sa ṅka meṃ wa sa npā¯ ¯t [y]· /// /// dhyā [yeṃ] ya śe n[t]sa • kau¯ ¯cä ñi¯ ¯ś sā¯ ¯ṅk pa nno¯ ¯yä yā ta ṣṣi
b1ñi sā¯ ¯ṅk wa sa npā¯ ¯t ā ñmā lā s̝a ly[ñ]e /// /// [||] [w]· ·p[ā] te¯ ¯c klyo mo sā¯ ¯ṅk ta ṅwa ñe ñcai pa lsko
b2sa ā¯ ¯m lmo rsa ka wa sa npā¯ ¯t yā mtsi /// /// ·t· saṃ gha ḥ a haṃ ya śa kā ma ya śa syo pa sa·
b3pa tpre kṣī so haṃ saṃ ghā du [p]· – – – – – mi a va laṃ ba tu māṃ saṃ gha ḥ u pa saṃ pā ya tu mā[ṃ]
b4gha ḥ a nu ka mpā mu pā dā ya e vaṃ ·[i] /// /// [v]ya¯ ¯m 3 || ña ke no wa sa npā tya ma lye pi o no
b5lme ntse pka nte ya mi ñña na [w]ä /// /// [tts]i ce pa ñä kte pre ke sa ṣe mi o no lmi • kuse

(continues on THT 1114)


(continues from THT 1112)

a1ṣälen1n2n3ta{ne} ṣeme ṣṣeme ṣamā(nenmeṃ) /// /// (wa)s(a)npāt yaṣṣātaiñake no ysomo saṅkameṃ wasa¬
a2npātn4n5n6 yaskaṣälle star-ckrui ysomo s(āṅ)k /// /// ka wasanpāt yātaṃñ-cṣe ṣamāne postaññe te¬
a3ṅkäñ-cn6n7n8 wasanpāt yāt(aṃñ-c) /// /// ce rekauna weñau-ś wentsi tu wektse poñ po saṅka¬
a4tsen9n10n11n12 klyaussapoñ ce aiśai te yāmträ /// /// ñiś yaśakāme yaśentse wasanpāt yamaṣä¬
a5llen12n13n14n15n16su ñiś saṅkameṃ wasanpāt y(askaskemar) (upā)dhyāyeṃ yaśentsakauc ñiś sāṅk pannoy yātäṣṣi
b1n16n16n17n18n19 ñi sāṅk wasanpāt āñmālāṣälyñe(sa) /// /// ॥ w(är)pāte-c klyomo sāṅk täṅwañeñcai palsko¬
b2san20n21n22 ām lmorsa ka wasanpāt yāmtsi /// ///
*(bhadan)t(a) saṃghaḥ ahaṃ yaśakāma yaśasyopasa(ṃ)¬
*so haṃ saṃghād up(asaṃpadaṃ) (yācā)mi avalaṃbatu māṃ saṃghaḥ upasaṃpāyatu {m→s}āṃ¬
b4ghaḥn24n25 anukampām upādāya evaṃ (dv)i(r)
*3 ॥ ñake no wasanpāt yamalyepi ono¬
b5lmentsen26n27 pkänte-yamiññana wä(ntarwa) /// /// (kā)ttsi ce pañäkte prekesa ṣemi onolmikuse

(continues on THT 1114)


(continues from THT 1112)

a1You have here asked each [and] every monk (down to the youngest(?)) to ordain [you].
a1+But now you shall ask the community as a whole to ordain [you].
a2If the community as a whole (agrees by sitting still), you will be ordained.
a2+[If only] one [single] monk hinders you, you will not be ordained.
a3+What words I give you now [and] here to say, this say loudly, for the hearing of the whole community!
a4Say: Let (the venerable community) pay heed to this!
a4+I, Yaśakāma, Yaśa’s [= abbrev. of Vimalayaśa] [candidate] to be ordained,
a5(ask) the community (to) ordain [me] with Yaśa [as] (upā)dhyāya. May the community lift me up,
a5+may the community enable my ordination (out of) compassion!
b1+(This [must] be spoken three [times].)The noble community, from a loving disposition, has, by sitting still, agreed to ordain you.
b2(Let the venerable) community (hear)!
b2+I, Yaśakāma, Yaśa’s [candidate] wishing to be ordained, (ask) the community (for) [my] ord(ination).
b3May the community lift me up,
b3+may the community ordain me out of compassion.
b4Thus (a second [and] a third time) [it must] be (spoken). 3.
b4+But now the being to be ordained shall (be asked) about obstacles.
b5Why so? Because at the time of the Buddha, some beings, who [were] not worthy, went from the house here [and] (were ordained, [although they]) [were] endowed with (ev)il deeds.

(continues on THT 1114)


a2+If the whole saṃgha (agrees), [even if] only (through remaining silent), you will be ordained. If only one monk stops you, you cannot be ordained. (Peyrot 2013b: 311)
a3The words which I tell you to say, say that aloud! (Peyrot 2013b: 659)
a4May the worthy saṃgha pay attention! (Peyrot 2013b: 296)


Philological commentary

*The supplementation and commentaries follow Schmidt 1986: 20, 138-139.
*TB: aiśai te yāmträ (aṣanīke sāṅk) ñiś yaśakāme yaśentse wasanpāt yamaṣälle • su ñiś saṅkameṃ wasanpāt y(askaskemar upā)dhyāyeṃ yaśentsa • kauc ñiś sāṅk pannoy yātäṣṣi ñi sāṅk wasanpāt āñmālāśälyñe(sa)
*Skt.: (samanvāharatu bhadan)t(a) saṃghaḥ ahaṃ yaśakāma yaśasy=opasa(ṃ)patprekṣī so ‘haṃ saṃghād up(asaṃpadaṃ yācā)mi --------------------- avalaṃbatu māṃ saṃghaḥ upasaṃpā〈da〉yatu māṃ 〈saṃ〉ghaḥ anukampām upādāya
n3The gap contains about 10 akṣaras.
n5The gap contains about 6 akṣaras.
n8The gap contains about 3-4 akṣaras.
n11The gap contains about 6 akṣaras.
n12The Tocharian text from aiśai te yāmträ to āñmālāṣäly(ñ)e(sa) is the translation of the Sanskrit text following in lines b2-4 (for a further parallel cf. also the Bhī 19 a2-4):
n15The gap contains 4 akṣaras.
n19The gap contains about 7 akṣaras.
n22The gap contains 6 akṣaras.
n25The gap contains 7 akṣaras.
n27The gap contains about 6 akṣaras.


*According to Schmidt 1986: iv-v this ms. comes either from Qizil or from Tumšuq.
*From this leaf 2 large fragments are preserved: one from the left side, about 10 cm wide, and the right half of the leaf, about 13 cm wide. In between about 6 cm are missing.
*The original ms. was 29 cm wide and 5.6 cm high, with the string hole 6.5 cm from the left margin. It was written by at least three hands: scribe 1, a beautiful, delicate script, from leaf 1 to 11 a1; scribe 2, distinguished by a number of orthographical idiosyncrasies/errors, from leaf 11 a1 to and including 19; scribe 3 from leaf 20 to end. The final leaves A and B THT 1123 and THT 1124 may have been written either by scribe 2 or a fourth hand. Cf. Schmidt 1986: v, 2, 4
*The leaf is in hand 3.

Linguistic commentary

n1yamaṣäle for yamaṣṣälle; ta for tane; ṣṣeme for ṣeme; wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt.
n2na sic! Perhaps one should read ta, as a scribal error for tane? ṣṣeme sic!
n4yaskaṣälle for yaskaṣṣälle; krui for kwri; wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt; yātaṃñ-c for yātaṃ-c; teṅkäñ-c for teṅkäṃ-c.
n6teṅkäṃ is the initially accented 3rdSub.Sg. II of täṅk- ‘hinder’.
n7wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt; yātaṃñ-c for yātaṃ-c; weñau-ś for weñau-c.-
n9klyaussa for klyauṣtsisa; wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt; yamaṣälle for yamaṣṣälle.
n10klyaussa sic! scribal error for klyaussisa.
n13wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt.
n14kauc pannoy corresponds to Skt. avalaṃbatu; as a Skt. equivalent, however, one would rather expect ulluṃpatu ‘shall lift’, which, indeed, is attested in Bhī 133, 17 (= THT 1111 a3) and the Vinayapiṭaka II, p. 277 in the same context.
n16yātäṣṣi wasanpāt translates Skt. upasaṃpā〈da〉yatu.
n17wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt; āñmālāśälyñesa for añmalāṣṣälñese.
n18āñmālāṣälyñe sic!
n20wasanpāt for wasaṃpāt.
n21saṃghaḥ ahaṃ yaśakāma sic! Class.Skt. saṃgho 'haṃ yaśakāmo.
n23Below up(a-) the akṣara śa seems to have been inserted - where this is supposed to belong remains unclear. upasaṃpāyatu sic! scribal error for upasaṃpādayatu.
n24māṃghaḥ: scribal error for māṃ sāṃghaḥ.
n26pkänte for pkante.


Complete Translation

Tamai 2014: 379-381; Schmidt 1986: 88-89

Online access

IDP: THT 1113; TITUS: THT 1113


Tamai 2014: 379-380; Tamai 2007a: №1113; Schmidt 1986: 20, 54-55


Peyrot 2013b: a2 a3 (311), a3 (659), a4 (296)



“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1986

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1986. “Fragmente eines buddhistischen Ordinationsrituals in westtocharischer Sprache. Aus der Schule der Sarvāstivādins. Text, Übersetzung, Anmerkungen und Indizes.” Habilitation.

Tamai 2007a

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2007a. “A preliminary edition of unpublished texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” Thesaurus indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan collection. 2007.

Tamai 2014

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2014. “The Tocharian Karmavācanā.” Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology (ARIRIAB) at Soka University for the Academic Year 2013 17: 365–94.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”