Work in progress


Known as:Kz-213-ZS-L01
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "Kz-213-ZS-L01". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 14 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Kizil
Collection:in situ

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:archaic
Add. linguistic characteristics:classical; late

Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Meter:4343 (4x)


Material: charcoal on wall
Number of lines:5


a1kuse nai ksa ṅke o no lme o [s](·)· (–) [lä] [ca] [s]n[ai] o sta¯ ¯śc : [re] [k]· – ra [ñc]ne [p]o¯ ¯s̝ s̝a¯ ¯ñ [śa] mna re [r]i no rmeṃ śle k[ña] [sa] [:] y[a] yā tau wa wä [nt]ä rwa¯ ¯ts spa rka lyñe m[eṃ] ·r· sk[ai] ysa : la¯ ¯c o sta [m]e[ṃ] tsre [r]me ṣe a ka lka ṣe wä rkṣä lttsa : 1
a2[ṣa] – [ñe] sa k· – nu sn[ai] [o] nmiṃ ṣ·e (–) lsko sa : [s̝a]¯ ¯ñ [pa] [l]sko – – – [s]ä¯ ¯[t] [s]u ·e [n]ä ñca śle pau ·o [a] ka lka [n]tse p[k]· ly[ñ]e ne e ki ta tse pta ka ñi : la la [ña] ṣ[a] pra [t]iṃ nä ma pi ma rsa¯ ¯t śau¯ ¯l wä rñai : 2
a3k[w]ri ñi sta ma t[s]yai tko [r]ne ka ṣi ntse (–) (– –) ·l· : [t]rai ·[ṣ]e (·)t[eṃ] ne e mp[ä] rkre ma [s̝]pa s[pa] – ¯t [e] mpe [l]y· : t[k]a [ra] p[r]e – a [k]· [r]· po kle śa nma kre nta nmpa no śma lyñe sa p[t]tsa mtsa rne te – – s· a ñmā [n]tse :
a4i ·(·)[r]i ·[e] [t]sa ṣ[e] rtwe [nsa] [m]ai w[ä] lka ta¯ ¯[r] ·(·)[o] l[m]e ne : [su] kra ta [tñ]e [pka] rsa me [ce] cme ln[e] ka yne [m]po – [:] ku[s]e [m]· [a] s̝aṃ¯ ¯n [c]me [l]a [n]e [c]·e [t]ra [wa] ·[ai] ṣe¯ ¯[ts] – [mts]· : – pi nta s̝pa [e] rka t[ñ]e [tr]e [ṅke] wä rñai s[pa] rka tsi : 4
a5s· s̝·· ś[ā] ke a – – [nau] [ṣ]·· – [ce]¯ ¯[s] ·[n]· l·e [c]e : [t]rai ·(·)o [l]·· [ts]· ·[o] – ·[o] se se – – śai [ma] [cra] : – [kle] śa nma [sta] [pa] ṣe tuṃ – rta tsa ka śa [r]sa ske[ṃ] : kuse saṃ tsā rsa la la lo¯ ¯s̝ [ta] ne a k[e] ka la l[l]e : 5


aa1 kuse nai ksa ṅke ; onolme ; os(tameṃ) läc{†a} ; snai ostäśc :
brek(i) (a)räñc;ne po ṣäñ ; śamna rerinormeṃ ; śle-k ñasa :
cyayātau wa ; wäntärwats ; spärkalyñemeṃ ; (p)r(o)skaiysa :
dläc ostameṃ ; tsrermeṣe ; akalkäṣe ; wärkṣälttsa : 1
aa2 ṣa(ma)ñesa ; k(eke)nu ; snai onmiṃṣ(ṣ)e ; (pa)lskosa :
bṣäñ palsko – ; – – sät ; su ·e näñca ; śle pau(t)o
cakalkäntse ; pk(e)lyñene ; ekitatse ; ptaka ñi :
dlaläñaṣan1 ; pratiṃnä ; mäpi marsat ; śaul wärñai : 2
aa3 kwri ñi stamatsy ; aitkorne ; käṣintse (–) ; (– –) ·l· :
btrai ·ṣe (·)teṃne ; empärkre ; ma ṣpä spa(rtta)t ; empely(eṃ) :
ctka ra pre(ke) ; a ; po kleśanma ; krentänmpa
dno śmalyñesa ; pttsamtsar-ne ; te – – ; añmāntse :
aa4 i(nd)ri (c)etsä ; ṣertwensa ; mai wälkatärn2 ; (wn)olmene :
bsukrätatñe ; pkarsa-me ; ce cmelne ka ; ynem po – :
ckuse m(ai) aṣäṃn ; cmelane ; c(m)eträ wa (ś)ai;ṣets (sai)mts(a) :
d(mä)pi nta ṣpä ; erkatñe ; treṅke wärñai ; sparkatsi : 4
aa5 s(e) ṣ(pä) śāke ; a – – ; nauṣ··ces ; (w)n(o)l(m)e ce :
btrai ·(·)o l·· ts· ; ·o·o ; se se (ike)ś ; aim-äc ra :
ckleśanma ; stapäṣe tuṃ ; – rta tsa ka ; śarsäskeṃ :
dkuse saṃtsārsa ; lalaloṣ ; täne ake ; kälalle : 5


a1Whoever leaves the home for homelessness, having given up all of his relatives together with desire in word and mind, tamed by the fear of the disappearance of things, he left home by the strength of a fortified (?) wish.
a2Being equipped with monkhood [and] a repentant mind, you own mind... with honor, be you helpful for me in the fulfilment of my wish! Never forget in your life your resolve of leaving.
a3If me... to stand by the order of the teacher... and you are long not conducting yourself in the three terrible behaviors (?)n3 , then time... all Kleśas with the coming together with the good... grow... of yourself (?).
a4The sense remains (?) in the being through their incitement. Know their gratefulness/virtue (?)! We all go to this birth. Whoever leads into births will be born as refuge for the worlds to indeed destroy hostility, attachment, etc.
a5... and this Śākyamuni... before... this being... We will give you... three... to the place... ... Kleśas... they informed... Those who are weary from saṃsāra can find an and here.


Philological commentary

The transliteration has been taken from Ogihara 2018: 161-162.
The transcription has been taken from Ogihara 2018: 162-3.
n1The correction leläñaṣ by the editors can be rejected. Rather, we're probably dealing with laläñ(e)ṣe here. The wall in the photographs provided by the editors is damaged at this part. Thus, it is difficult to make out what it says. However, from a purely grammatical point of view, laläñeṣe is better than the participle, which would mean "the resolve that has left" instead of "the resolve of leaving".
n2wälkatär is a hapax. Maybe it is related to walke "for a long time". Thus, I have translated it as "remain". Of course, this is tentative.
n3Reading spertteṃ for ·[ṣ] (·)te[ṃ] together with the editors.



Ogihara 2018; Zhao and Rong 2020: 147-150


Ogihara 2018

Ogihara, Hirotoshi. 2018. “Two fragments of Tocharian B laissez-passers kept in the Berlin Collection.” In Great Journeys across the Pamir Mountains: A Festschrift in Honor of Zhang Guangda on his Eighty-fifth Birthday, 37:33–45. Brill’s Inner Asian Library. Leiden: Brill.

Zhao and Rong 2020

Zhao, Li, and Xinjiang Rong, eds. 2020. Cave inscriptions in Ancient Kucha. Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company.