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THT 433

Known as:THT 433; B 433
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "THT 433". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 16 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Kizil Ming-öy
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Material: ink on paper



a2/// – nti śyi kṣye ma sa [o]· t· ma ///
a3pa ñcwa ri ke jñā na caṃ ndre lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re śla caṃ ndre śa – –
a4i kaṃ ñu ne śle tru kā le k[a] nti śyi kṣye o kto¯ ¯m pi śṣa ṅkaṃ kle se [tau]
a5pa ñcwa ri ke jñā na caṃ ndre lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re śla caṃ ndre śa rsa –
a6ñweṃ ne tru kā le su mai śe wa sa ka nti ne yi kṣye o kto¯ ¯m pi śṣa ṅka
a7kle se tau pi śṣa ṅka
a8pa ñcwa ri ke jñā na caṃ ndre lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re śla caṃ ndre ///
a9me ñe o – nte
a10me ñe me [ṅk]i ne ma ssa
a11wi me ña ntse ne tru kā le ci nai yśe wa sa ka nti ne yi kṣye cā kwi to¯ ¯m ÷
a12kle se wi to¯ ¯m
a13pa ñcwa ri ke – sa rwa ña te we lyā ka ¤ blank sa ṅka ste re śla caṃ ndre śa rsa ¤
a14trai yme ña ntse ne tru kā le tu ṣi wa sa blank ka nti ne ynai ke ntā ñe tai ṣṣi śwā le wa sa
a15śwe rme ña ntse ne tru kā le a śa ri sa rwa ra kṣi te wa sa ÷
a16ka nti ne śwā le ne śro ka nt[i]¯ ¯ś yi kṣye śwā ra ca ka nma ṣka sto¯ ¯m ÷
a17pa – – nte¯ ¯ś śwā ra ca ka nma ÷ o pi¯ ¯ś cā kpi śto¯ ¯m
a18ka kwā rne ta rya to¯ ¯m ÷
a19pa ñcwa ri [k]e pra jñā ka ra caṃ ndre lyā ka ¤ blank sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa rsa [¤]
a20– [śm]e ña ntse ne tru kā le caṃ ndre ṣa mā ne wa sa ka nti ne – – pe sa [n]e [nts]e śa no wa [r]··
a21ṣka sme ña ntse ne sā ṅki¯ ¯ś tru kā le ne yi kṣye ta rya to¯ ¯m ka nti ne śwā le ne
a22yi kṣye ma sa cā¯ ¯k wi to¯ ¯m ÷
a23pa ñcwa ri ke ā rya te we lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa – –
a24·[u] kme ña ··se ne sā ṅki¯ ¯ś śle tru kā le ka nti śyi kṣye ṣu kto¯ ¯m ///
a25pa ñcwa ri ke ā rya te we lyā ka ¤ blank sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa r· –
a26o kme ña ntse ne sā ṅki¯ ¯ś śle tru kā le ne ka nti śyi kṣye pi śto – – –
a27pa ñcwa ri ke ā rya te we lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa rme śa rsa ///
a28ñu me ña ntse ne sā ṅki¯ ¯ś śle tru kā le ka nti śyi kṣye ma sa – – «śwā» «ra» ///
a29śṣa ṅka
a30pa ñcwa ri ke ā rya te we lyā ka ¤ sa ṅka ste re ā rya wa ·[m]· ///
a31śa kṣe ne sā ṅki¯ ¯ś śle tru kā le ka nti śyi kṣye [t]au ·i ///
a32– – – ·e sa rwa ña te we lyā ka blank sa ṅ· ·e – ///


a2/// (ka)ntiś yikṣye masa o(k) t(o)m ///
a3pañcwarike jñānacaṃndre lyāka ¤saṅkästere ślacaṃndre śa(rsa)
a4ikäṃ ñune śle trukāle kantiś yikṣye ok tom piś ṣaṅkäṃ klese tau
a5pañcwarike jñānacaṃndre lyāka ¤saṅkästere ślacaṃndre śarsa
a6ñweṃne trukāle sumaiśe wasa kantine yikṣye ok tom piś ṣaṅkäṃ
a7klese tau piś ṣaṅkäṃ
a8pañcwarike jñānacaṃndre lyāka ¤saṅkästere ślacaṃndre ///
a9meñe o(kta)nte
a10meñe meṅkine massa
a11wi meñantsene trukāle cinaiyśen1 wasa kantine yikṣye cāk wi tom ÷
a12klese wi tom
a13pañcwarike sarwañatewe lyāka ¤saṅkästere ślacaṃndre śarsa ¤
a14traiy meñantse °ne trukāle tuṣin2 wasa kantine ynaikentāñe taiṣṣi śwāle wasa
a15śwer meñantse °ne trukāle aśari sarwarakṣite wasa ÷
a16kantine śwālene śro kantiś yikṣye śwāra cakanma ṣkas tom ÷
a17pa – – nteś śwāra cakanma ÷ opiś cāk piś tom
a18kakwārne tarya tom ÷
a19pañcwarike prajñākaracaṃndre lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śarsa ¤
a20(pi)ś meñantse °ne trukāle caṃndre ṣamāne wasa kantine – – pesanentse śano war··
a21ṣkas meñantse °ne sāṅkiś trukālene yikṣye tarya tom kantine śwālene
a22yikṣye masa cāk wi tom ÷
a23pañcwarike āryatewe lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śa(rsa)
a24(ṣ)uk meña(nt)se °ne sāṅkiś śle trukāle kantiś yikṣye ṣuk tom ///
a25pañcwarike āryatewe lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śa(rsa)
a26ok meñantse °ne sāṅkiś śle trukālene kantiś yikṣye piś to(m) – –
a27pañcwarike āryatewe lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawarme śarsa ///
a28ñu meñantsene sāṅkiś śle trukāle kantiś yikṣye masa śwāra /// (pi)¬
a29ś ṣaṅkäṃ
a30pañcwarike āryatewe lyāka ¤saṅkästere āryawa(rme) ///
a31śak ṣene sāṅkiś śle trukāle kantiś yikṣye tau ·i ///
a32(pañcwarik)e sarwañatewe lyāka saṅ(käst)e(re) ///


a2/// ... flour for bread was spent: eight pecks. ///
a3The Pañcwarike Jñānacandre saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Ślacandre knew about it.
a4On day twenty nine, flour for bread including apportionment: eight pecks, five pints. klese: a peck.
a5The Pañcwarike Jñānacandre saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Ślacandre knew about it.
a6On the final day of the month, Sumaiśe gave apportionment: flour as bread: eight pecks, five pints.
a7klese: a peck, five pints.
a8The Pañcwarike Jñānacandre saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Ślacandre... ///
a9Eight month.
a10The month went in a lack.
a11On day of the month two, Cinaiyśe gave apportionment: flour as bread: a picul, two pecks.
a12klese: two pecks.
a13The Pañcwarike Sarwañatewe saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Ślacandre knew about it ¤.
a14On day of the month three, the Tukṣi gave apportionment: ynaikentāñe as bread. The great commissionern3 gave food.
a15On day of the month four, the ācārya Sarwarakṣite gave apportionment:
a16Flour as bread, as food, for goat-bread: four piculs, six pecks.n4
a17... for...: four piculs. For opiye
a18In kakwār: three pecks.
a19The Pañcwarike Prajñākaracandre saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it ¤.
a20On day of the month five, the monk Candre gave apportionment: ... as bread. The wive of Pesanentse (?)...
a21On day of the month six, flour as apportionment for the saṅgha: three pecks, flour as bread as food
a22was spent: a picul, two pecks.
a23The Pañcwarike Āryatewe saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it.
a24On day of the month seven, flour for bread including the apportionment to the saṅgha; seven pecks ///
a25The Pañcwarike Āryatewe saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it.
a26On day of the month eight, flour for bread including the apportionment to the saṅgha; five pecks.
a27The Pañcwarike Āryatewe saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme knew about it.
a28On day of the month nine, flour for bread including the apportionment to the saṅgha was spent: four... ///
a29... five pints.
a30The Pañcwarike Āryatewe saw it ¤. The Saṅkastere Āryawarme... ///
a31On day eleven, flour for bread including the apportionment to the saṅgha: a peck... ///
a32The Pañcwarike Sarwañatewe saw it. The Saṅkastere... ///


Philological commentary

n1**vinaiyśe as a reading can be ruled out. There is only one name that contains vinaya as an element (wiynarakṣite/wñiyarakṣite in THT 2685 a2, a4, which uses wa and not va), and plenty of names starting with cina- (cinatewe, cinatyuti, cinamitre, cinaupte, cinasene).
n2Could this be a form of tukṣi?
n3Taiṣṣi = 太史
n4It seems that this passage means that Sarwarakṣite gave flour in the form of ready made bread. This bread further can be made into goat-bread (śro-kanti).


Online access

IDP: THT 433; TITUS: THT 433


Ching 2010: 274-277; Sieg 1950: 208-215; Sieg and Siegling 1953: 287-289; Carling 2000: 4; 6; 275; TEB II: 73; Thomas 1952: 63-65; Thomas 1957: 135-138; Thomas 1967b: 26; Thomas 1969: 241; Thomas 1979d: 152


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Sieg 1950

Sieg, Emil. 1950. “Geschäftliche Aufzeichnungen in Tocharisch B aus der Berliner Sammlung.” Miscellanea Academica Berlinensia II, 2: 208–223 + I.

Sieg and Siegling 1953

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1953. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 2. Fragmente Nr. 71-633. Edited by Werner Thomas. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.


Thomas, Werner, and Wolfgang Krause. 1964. Tocharisches Elementarbuch, Band II. Texte und Glossar. Heidelberg: Winter.

Thomas 1952

Thomas, Werner. 1952. Die tocharischen Verbaladjektive auf -l. Deutsche Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Thomas 1967b

Thomas, Werner. 1967b. “Besteht ein formaler Unterschied zwischen N. und Obl. Sg. m. bei den wtoch. Verbaladjektiven?” Die Sprache 13: 20–30.

Thomas 1969

Thomas, Werner. 1969. “Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch von toch. A ptāñkät [B pañäkte, pudñäkte], A koṃ [B kauṃ]: A koṃñkät [B kauṃñäkte] usw.” Orbis 18: 235–68.

Thomas 1979d

Thomas, Werner. 1979d. “Zur Verwendung von A śla, B śale, śle im Tocharischen.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 93: 150–73.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”