Work in progress


Known as:PK NS 1; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 1
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator). "PK NS 1". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-08


Main find spot:Subashi
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script


Text contents

Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Medicine/Magic
Meter:46 (1x), 443 (1x), 46 (1x), 443 (1x); 5555 (1x), 444343 (1x), 55 (1x), 4443 (1x)


Manuscript:PK NS 1-6
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):5.4 × 16.3 cm
Number of lines:4
Interline spacing:1.4 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


lf10 9
a1[nā] ntā pā sne o ko : ā kcaṃ ppa ltsa¯ ¯k sa rki ā ñu ka lpā tā¯ ¯r : 1 || 2 4 4 ||
a2je va [da]· : wu ne¯ ¯s̝ ○ tma¯ ¯s̝ śtwa rśtwa rvra¯ ¯s̝ kla we klā ci tma¯ ¯k ṣñi tma¯ ¯k ā
a3lu yśa¯ ¯l msaṃ ○ ta ttra ṅku : kule yā sa rki ymāṃ tñi lkā ta¯ ¯r wla lu ne tṣaṃ yne
a4[ś]ś[o] [r]ki ppā ṣā r[ā] ñcä¯ ¯m ñā tse ya¯ ¯ṣ : ma rkule yi smo saṃ kā pñe śo lna ka
b1¯t : kā kma rti kā swra ssa śśä ltñi wa¯ ¯cä kuña¯ ¯śä lkā ta¯ ¯r kule ṣu rma¯ ¯s̝ : 1 ṣo tre
b2ā kṣña mci s̝paṃ ○ lyā ka¯ ¯s̝t ā msiṃ ta rpa¯ ¯s ṣtā ma ntu ā su¯ ¯nt sne
b3o ko : e pre ○ raṃ śkaṃ se na ssa lmāṃ su krā nā stu s̝paṃ lyā ka¯ ¯s̝t ta mnu
b4ṣo kyo krā ma¯ ¯rts wra¯ ¯m : la pa ṣi ske taṃ ywā rckaṃ mā ṣe śśi : pka nta lya ma ṣmā


1c ; (ā)a1n1nāntāpā ; sne oko :
1dāk caṃ ppältsäk ; särki āñu ; kälpātār : 1
॥ 2 4 4 ॥
a2jevada(ṃ) :
1awu neṣ tmäṣ śtwar śtwar ; vräṣ klawe klā-ci ; tm-äk ṣñi tm-äk āa3lu ; yśalmsaṃ tatträṅku :
1bkuleyā särki ; ymāṃ tñi lkātär ; wlalune tṣaṃ ; ynea4n2ś śorki ; ppāṣār āñcäm ; ñātse yäṣ :
1cmar kuleyis mosaṃ ; kāpñe śol nakäb1n3t :
1dkākmärtikās ; wrassaśśäl tñi ; wac kuñaś lkātär ; kule ṣurmaṣ : 1
2aṣotre b2n4 ākṣñam-ci ; ṣpäṃ lyākaṣt āmsiṃ ; tarpas ṣtāmäntu ; āsunt sne b3 oko :
2bepreraṃ śkaṃ ; senas sälmāṃ ; sukrānās tu ; ṣpäṃ lyākaṣt ; täm nu b4n5 ṣokyo ; krāmärts wram :
2clapaṣi ske taṃ ; ywārckaṃ ṣeś-śi :
2dpkänta lyamäṣ ; ;


a1... forever without fruit. Think about this goal, you will obtain peace. 1 | 2, 4, 4.
a2Life-cutter. The two before. Then four, four. The “Bull’s throw” has fallen for you.
a2+Of oneself as well as of others to the desires it has been attached.
a3Coming after the woman the death appears to you.
a3+At this place anguish [is] obvious.
a4Watch yourself! Danger comes.
a4+You may not destroy your life for the sake of the woman.
b1Together with the beings that are rulers fight [and] quarrel is seen by you because of the woman. 1
b1+The sign I will teach you.
b2+In a dream you saw ..., grass, [and] trees dried out [and] without fruit.
b3And, in the sky eagles (are) flying over vultures: that you saw in dream.
b3+Then this is a very serious thing.
b4There was no effort of the head for you in the middle of that. Separated from the lake (?), not (?) ...


a1Finally, think about this, so that afterwards you will obtain cessation. (Peyrot 2013b: 652)



This leaf belongs to a series of six apparently non-successive leafs. This is a complete leaf with string hole. The string hole which interrupts line 2 and 3 is bit damaged. The leaf shows horizontal and vertical ruling. The script is less formal than in the average TA manuscripts. On the recto side there are some imprints of another leaf.

Philological commentary

n1Before the double daṇda apparently there is a dot after the double-dot that normally marks the end of pāda. Therefore it seems better to understand that as the number one referring to the number of the stanza. Between the double daṇdas there are three signs for numbers, but not the number 244. This series of numbers can be understood in the light of the next line. This line is the last pāda of a stanza. This pāda has 11 syllables with a rhythm of 4/4/3. Concerning the first akṣara of the line, it is almost completely covered by an imprint of another leaf.
n2The beginning of the line is partly obscured by imprints of another leaf.
n3The number 1 marks the end of a stanza in the meter 20 (5/5/5/5)|22 (8/7/7)|10 (5/5)|15 (8/7). Afterwards there is a second stanza in the same meter, but it is interrupted in the middle of the pāda 2d. Before the stanza at the beginning of line a2 one may restore jevadaṃ which would be a locative singular. It could be the name of a type of stanza, but it would not be placed as usual between double daṇda. In addition, jevadaṃ could be a mistake for jetavaṃ which is known in Tocharian A and B as the loan of Skt. jetavana-. It is the name of a monastery and furthermore is recorded as the name of the author of a treatise of divination. On the other hand, it is possible that jevada is in some way related to Skt. jīvada- 'giver/cutter of life'.
n4In the middle of the line after 〈ā〉 there is a cross between the lines 1 and 2. Usually, this sign marks an addition made by a corrector of a manuscript, but here there is no sign added. Furthermore, according to the metrical pattern there should no akṣara be missing. Alternatively, this may point to a form that has been shortened metri causa. In any case, speculatively, one could assume a variant or a mistaken spelling of the noun Tocharian AB yāmutsi 'goose'. The first akṣara of ṣtāmäntu looks like a totally unknown ligature. It is safe to assume that this is due to a correction of initial 〈a-〉 made by the scribe himself.

Linguistic commentary

n5lyamäṣ cannot be a form of the verb root läm- 'to sit'. The alternative would be to take it a abl. sg. of lyäm corresponding to TB lyam 'lake'. The expected form would have been lymäṣ. If it is the same word one has to assume influence from Tocharian B, maybe to in order to have a two syllable word.


Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.