Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 8A; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 8A; M 1
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 8A". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-02


Main find spot:Subashi
Specific find spot:Ouest, grande enceinte
Expedition code:M 777.1
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:classical
Add. linguistic characteristics:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Medicine/Magic


Manuscript:PK AS 8
Following fragment:PK AS 8B
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.4 × 36 cm
Number of lines:8 [recto], 9 [verso]
Interline spacing:Varies between 1.3 and 0.4 [recto]. 1.7 and 0.3 [verso] cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1vā – [kā] [śe] na ta s[mā] da pi na pā [ñca] [bh](·) ti ka· śa rī r· (–) [ty]· [va] ga tu ma (–) – [bh]· vā ni tyā ha (– –) – pyo ṣa dha ya – (–) ma pā ha· ti ta (– – – – – – – –)
a2na [v]· r – śa mo sti • a [pr]ā ta mi tya tha ma taṃ pra śa maṃ ka ro ti [•] nai vo [ṣ](·) dhaṃ bha va ti pe ya m(·) hā ca re ṇe ti || ci k(·) tso pā laṃ bhi kaṃ tra [y](·) (– –) m[a] [ma] [dhi] [ka]
a3ra ṇa¯ ¯m || || bra hma da ṇḍaṃ pra va kṣyā mi sa rvva śa tru ni ṣu dha ni¯ ¯m ye na ba ddhya nti vai śa tru ḥ kra pū tpū rū ṣa dhā va na¯ ¯m su mu draṃ pra tha ma(·) va nde hi ma va nde ca pa rvva te : me ru pa (–) [ta] rā jā nāṃ : ta thā ga ndha mā dā na¯ ¯m – śa [s]· – – –
a4śī daṃ vai śra ma ṇa sta thā : vā ru ṇaṃ cai va rā jā nāṃ : u bhau ○ nā ra ta di mbu rā • ā di tyā vā sa vo rū dra ḥ a śvi ṇa ma ru da sta thā : si nthu sā mi ryya te ya trā ga ndha rvo ptsa ra se vi tuṃ : du ṣṭhā nāṃ pu rū ṣaṃ cai va : bra [hma] da ṇḍo vi [kra] – [taṃ] –
a5bra hmā yā ñca na ma ḥ skṛ tvā ye na da ṇḍo pra ka lpi ta¯ ¯m a yaṃ da ṇḍo ma hā gho ra śa trū nāṃ hṛ da yaṃ da ha pi ṅga lo vi śa tho ru dra ḥ ru dra ru po su dā ru ṇāṃ : e hi me pre ṣi to ga ccha : a su ko [va] [śa] [mā] [na] [ya] a tha v(·)
a6hṛ da yaṃ hṛ hya ga ccha ndā ga ndha mā da na¯ ¯m a tha vā sya ma na ḥ gṛ hya ḥ va śa mā ne hi mā da na ma thā vā sta mbha naṃ ku ryā tye na ga cche di śo ddi śa¯ ¯m a tha va śo ṣa y[e] dgā traṃ : sā ri maṃ ṇḍaṃ na – – (– – – – – – –)
a7cai va : sa mu draṃ pa śu pā da te : a thā vā sya pra na śyaṃ tu : pu tra – ra dha nā nī ca a tha vā m[u] ñca ti ma gdhi rhṛ haṃ da hmā tma sa rvva ni tā ya kā to • na ma śu lā ya ha la ma sa la dha nu rdha rā ya : – śu la śa raṃ ja ll· dha rā ya • (– – – – –)
a8ṭā ya • e ka jā ṭā ya • hu jā ṭā ya • [e] ka ca ra ṇā ya • dvi ca ra ṇā ya • tra ca ra ṇā ya • ba hu ca ra ṇā ya • śma śā na cā rā ya •
b1[bhī] [ma] [da] [rśa] [ṇā] [ya] • ya syā haṃ pre ṣa ye dda ṇḍaṃ • śi ghraṃ mu ñca tu ji vi ta¯ ¯m • ta tra ma ndra ka pra dā bhā va¯ ¯m si ddha sa rvā tha dha ka¯ ¯m • bra hma pra kra ta ye nā ma : kha li mu kha li : vi li ṅga va li • nā ga tu ṇḍe • pa dma [pa] ti • si ddhi da ṇḍā li bhi bra hmā ya svā (·)[a] (– – – –)
b2[svā] [ha] • pi – lā ya svā ha • e ka jā ṭā ya svā ha • dvi jā ṭā ya svā ha • tra jā [ṭa] ya svā ha • ba hu jā ṭā ya svā ha • ma hā jā ṭā ya svā ha • śi vā ya svā ha • śri ga ndha rā ya svā ha • śve tā ya svā ha • śve ta gri vā ya svā ha • ni lā ya svā ha • nī lā ga ndha ya svā ha • ba (·)[u] (– – –)
b3svā ha • a ne ka rū pā ya svā ha • ra tna ha stā ya svā ha • ra tna śi rṣā ya svā ha • ra tna ke śā ya svā ha • ra tna ka rṇā ya svā ha • ra tna a kṣā ya svā ha • ra tno ṣṭā ya svā ha • ra tna na kha dā ya svā • ra tno da rā ya svā ha • ra tno ttrā ya svā ha • ra tno ttrā ya svā ha • (–) tna [m](·) (– –)
b4svā ha • dra vyā yya svā ha • ru dhi ra ṅgā ya svā ha • pra jā ṇḍā ya svā ha • [a] yaṃ bra hma da ṇḍo nā ma pra ti ha to • na mo bra hma cā ri tri yā svā ha : || cwi wi jya tse se u pa cā rra • ke rti¯ ¯k nä kṣā ta rne yä kwe ñña ko lyi lyka śke wa wā ltsau sa • ke rca pa ññe ya sa rsa ṣpa (–)
b5ṣ[l]e • ke te ñe mttsa pwa rne ho myā maṃ su mā wa lke na ṣṭa || ro hi ṇi ○ nä kṣā tä rne knā tra • lāṃ¯ ¯nt • a mā cä nta wa¯ ¯t e ka lmī yā mttsi : kau nya ṣi a na hā rṣma le ta ka a rkwa ña ṣṣa tā no pu wa rne ho mya ma s̝a le cai¯ ¯y e ka lmī ma ske ntra [2] || mra ga ś(·)i r[o]
b6ne pa knā tra e ṅkweṃ e ka lymī yā mtsi • ko¯ ¯s ya¯ ¯p cwi ñe ○ mtsi pwa rne ho mya ma s̝a le e ka lmī ma ske t·· || 3 ā rta rne pa knā tra klai e ka lmī yā mtsi nai ne ysi ssi yo ñye ṣṣe to pwa rne ho mya ma s̝a le s[ā] e ka lmī ma ske tra || [4]
b7pu na rwa su ne pa knā tra e kweṃ klai wa tno e ka lmī yā mtsi mo ro śka ṣṣa pyā pyo pwa rne ho mya ma s̝a le ce e ka lmī ma ske ntra || p[u] s̝a nä kṣā tä rne pa knā tra i ñce wra tsa e lmī yā mtsi su mo p[w]a (–) h[o] mya ma s̝a le –
b8su e ka lmī ma ske tra || a śle ṣñe ·[kre] – pai yye śā ñca po [ṣ]· lype pwa rne ho mya ma – le ke te ñe mtsa yā ma su mā wa l(·)[e] śa wa s̝aṃ 7 || ma ghaṃ ne sa naṃ [t](·)e ma tsi cwi ya¯ ¯k pai yye [ṣe] (·)[e] (– –) rne ho mya ma s̝a [le]
b9[ke] (–) ñe mtsa yā maṃ cwi [śau] la mpa sā¯ ¯m yo lo ma ske tra 8 || pha (–) ṇi ka (–) rpla ṅkā (·)i s(·) ku rka la pwa rne ho [m] (– –) [s̝a] le ka ryo¯ ¯r pla ṅ[k]e (–) t[e] yä kne sā¯ ¯k u tta ra pha (– – – –) ma ṣa le 10 || –

(continues on PK AS 8B)


a1kāśena tasmād api na pāñcabh(au)tika(ṃ) śarīr(m) (i)ty (a)vagatum a – – bh(a)vān ity āha – – – pyoṣadha ya – – m apāha(ṃ)ti ta – – – – – – – –
a2nav(a)r(ujā) śamo stiaprātam ity atha mataṃ praśamaṃ karotinaivoṣ(a)dhaṃ bhavati peyam (i)hācareṇe ticik(i)tsopālaṃbhikaṃ tray(odaśa)mam adhika-
a3-raṇam ॥ ॥ brähmadaṇḍaṃ pravakṣyāmi sarvvaśatruniṣudhanim yena baddhyanti vai śatruḥ krapūt pūrūṣadhāvanam sumudraṃ prathama(ṃ) vande himavande ca parvvate : merupa(rva) tarājānāṃ : tathā gandhamādānamśa – – –
a4śīdaṃ vaiśramaṇas tathā : vāruṇaṃ caiva rājānāṃ : ubhau nāratadimburāādityā vāsavo rūdraḥ aśviṇa marudas tathā : sinthu sāmiryyate yatrā gandharvoptsarasevituṃ : duṣṭhānāṃ purūṣaṃ caiva : brähmadaṇḍovikrataṃ
a5brähmāyāñ ca namaḥskṛtvā yena daṇḍo prakalpitam ayaṃ daṇḍo mahāghora śatrūnāṃ hṛdayaṃ daha piṅgalo viśatho rudraḥ rudrarupo sudāruṇāṃ : ehi me preṣito gaccha : asuko vaśam ānaya athav(ā)
a6hṛdayaṃ hṛhya gacchandā gandhamādanam athavāsya manaḥ gṛhyaḥ vaśam ānehi mādanam athāvā stambhanaṃ kuryāt yena gacche diśoddiśam athava śoṣayed gātraṃ : sārimaṃṇḍaṃ na – – – – – – – – –
a7caiva : samudraṃ paśu pādate : athāvāsya pranaśyaṃtu : putra(da) radhanānī ca athavā muñcati magdhir hṛhaṃ dahmātma sarvvanitāyakātonama śulāya halamasaladhanurdharāya : – śulaśaraṃjal dharāya • – – (yatiyā)-
b1bhīmadarśaṇāyayasyāhaṃ preṣayed daṇḍaṃśighräṃ muñcatu jivitamtatra mandrakapradā bhāvam siddhasarvāthadhakambrahmaprakrataye nāma : khali mukhali : viliṅgavalināgatuṇḍepadmapatisiddhi daṇḍālibhi brahmāya svā(h)a (•) (rudrāya)
b2svāhapi(ṅg)lāya svāhaekajāṭāya svāhadvijāṭāya svāhatrajāṭaya svāhabahujāṭāya svāhamahājāṭāya svāhaśivāya svāhaśrigandharāya svāhaśvetāya svāhaśvetagrivāya svāhanilāya svāhanīlāgandhaya svāhaba(h)u(rūpāya)
b3svāhaanekarūpāya svāharatnahastāya svāharatnaśirṣāya svāharatnakeśāya svāharatnakarṇāya svāharatna akṣāya svāharatnoṣṭāya svāharatnanakhadāya svā{ha}ratnodarāya svāharatnottrāya svāharatnottrāya svāha(ra)tnam(edhāya)
b4svāhadravyāyya svāharudhiraṅgāya svāhaprajāṇḍāya svāhaayaṃ brahmadaṇḍo nāma pratihatonamo brahmacāritriyā svāha : ॥ cwi wijyatse se upacār rakertik näkṣātärne yäkweñña kolyi lykaśke wawāltsausakercapaññe yasarsa ṣpä(rka)-
b5-ṣlekete ñemttsa pwarne hom yāmäṃ su walke naṣṭarohiṇi näkṣātärne {pä}knāträlāṃntamācänta wat ekalmī yāmttsi : kaun yaṣi anahār ṣmale taka arkwañaṣṣa tāno puwarne hom yamaṣäle caiy ekalmī mäskenträ 2 ॥ mrägaś(i)iro-
b6-n3n4n5n6ne päknāträ eṅkweṃ ekalymī yāmtsikos yap cwi ñemts{i→a} pwarne hom yamaṣäle ekalmī mäsket(rä) ॥ 3 ārtärne päknāträ klai ekalmī yāmtsi naine ysissi yoñyeṣṣe to pwarne hom yamaṣäle ekalmī mäsketrä ॥ 4
b7punarwasune päknāträ e{ṅ}kweṃ klai wat no ekalmī yāmtsi morośkaṣṣa pyāpyo pwarne hom yamaṣäle ce ekalmī mäskenträ {5} ॥ puṣ{†ä} näkṣātärne päknāträ iñcew ra tsa e{ka}lmī yāmtsi sumo pwa(rne) hom yamaṣäle
b8su ekalmī mäsketrä {6} ॥ aśleṣñe (s)kre(nṣe) paiyye śāñcapo ṣ(a)lype pwarne hom yama(ṣä)le kete ñemtsa yāmä{ṃ} su wal(k)e śawaṣäṃ 7 ॥ maghaṃne sanaṃt(s)e matsi cwiyak paiyyeṣe (m)e(ku) (pwa)rne hom yamaṣäle
b9ke(te) ñemtsa yāmäṃ cwi śaulampa sām yolo mäsketrä 8 ॥ pha(lgo)ṇi ka(ryo)r pläṅkā(ts)is(a) kurkalä pwarne hom (yama)ṣäle karyor pläṅke(trä) {9} te-yäknesā-k uttarapha(lgoṇine) (ya)maṣale 10 ॥ –

(continues on PK AS 8B)


b4The practice of the magic of that one [= the Brahmadaṇḍa] [is] somehow the following:
b4+in the lunar mansion Kṛttikā [= the Pleiades], a horse hoof [has to be] finely ground [and] to be dissolved with ass blood.
b5In whosever name one makes an oblation in the fire, that one before long [will be] "lost" [= Skt. naṣṭaḥ]. In the lunar mansion Rohiṇī [if] one intends to make subject the king or [his] ministers, one should remain a day [and] a night without food [= Skt. anāhāraḥ], but nevertheless a grain of Clerodendron siphonantus [is] to be put [lit. made] as an oblation into the fire, [and] these ones will become subject. 2.
b5+In [the lunar mansion] Mṛgaśiras [if] one intends to bring a man under one’s control, as much barley in his name [is] to be put [lit. made] as an oblation into the fire, [and] he will become subject.
b63. In [the lunar mansion] Ārdrā [if] one intends to bring a woman under one’s control, to make [her] nipples excited, a hair (?) of [her] domain (?) [is] to be put [lit. made] into the fire as an oblation, [and] she will become subject.
b7In [the lunar mansion] Punarvasu [if] one intends to bring a man or a woman under one’s control, a morośka flower [is] to be put [lit. made] into the fire as an oblation, [and] these ones will be subject. In the lunar mansion Puṣya [if] one intends to bring whomever under one’s control, a sumo [flower?] [is] to be put [lit. made] into the fire as an oblation
b8[and] this one will become subject. In [the lunar mansion] Aśleṣa, a foot of a pigeon, Dalbergia sisu [and] oil, [all that is] to be put [lit. made] in the fire as an oblation. In whose name one does [it], this one will not live long. 7. In [the lunar mansion] Maghā, head hair of an enemy [and] from the very same one a (nail) of his foot [is] to be put into the fire as an oblation.
b9In whose name one makes [the oblation], this one has equally trouble for the rest of his life. 8. In [the lunar mansion] Phalguṇī, for the sake of selling the bought [goods] bdellium [is] to be put [lit. made] into the fire as an oblation, [and] the bought [goods] are sold. In exactly the same way [it] should be done in [the lunar mansion] Uttaraphalguṇī. 10.

(continues on PK AS 8B)


b5In whosever name one makes an oblation in the fire, he perishes within long. (cf 97) (Peyrot 2013b: 707)
b5+If one intends to bring a man under one’s control in Mṛgaśiras, as much millet in his name [is] to be made as an oblation in the fire. (cf 98; 79) (Peyrot 2013b: 705)
b7Wenn einer im [Sternbild] Punarvasu beabsichtigt, einen Mann oder aber eine Frau sich zu Willen zu machen, [dann ist] eine Morośka-Blume im Feuer als Spende darzubringen. (Schmidt 1974: 148)
b8In whosever name one makes [the oblation], he does not live long. (cf 98; 79) (Peyrot 2013b: 708)
b9In whosever name one makes [the oblation], he has evil for the rest of his life. (cf 98; 79) (Peyrot 2013b: 708)
b9+[Im Mondhaus] Phalgunī [ist] zum Verkauftwerden des Eingekauften Kurkal im Feuer als Spende darzubringen: Das Eingekaufte wird verkauft. Auf eben diese Weise [ist] (im) [Mondhaus] Uttarapha(lgunī) zu verfahren. Eine ...-Blume [ist] im Feuer als Spende darzubringen: Das Eingekaufte wird verkauft. (Schmidt 1974: 249-50)


Linguistic commentary

There are some late/colloquial spellings showing monopthongization (e.g., ce for cai), geminate simplification and on the other hand double tt-spelling in yāmttsi and ñemttsa. Note the constant spelling yamaṣäle for standard yamaṣṣälle and late yamaṣle. There are also several mistakes in the Sanskrit part; both parts also show careless spellings including missing akṣaras or wrong vowels (e.g., ñemtsi for ñemtsa).

Philological commentary

The Sanskrit and the Tocharian text were written by the same scribe, but the Tocharian text is not a translation of the preceding Sanskrit one. The Sanskrit text contains a charm named brahmadaṇḍa- (b4), lit. 'Brahman's rod'. The Tocharian text teaches the practical aspect of the magical procedure of this charm. For a translation and commentary of the Sanskrit text, see Filliozat 1948: 95-97. Since the Sanskrit charm was apparently regarded as very powerful (and hence not recommended to be used), the Tocharian version gives more practical advice (as a consequence, the Sanskrit text does not help with the interpretation of the Tocharian one).
n1For the meaning of kolyi 'hoof', see Adams 1987.
n2Filliozat and Sieg read upacārr\, but there is no virāma and in addition the geminate rr would be unexpected. Note, however, that in kurkal (b9) virāma is also missing.
n3The manuscript has the reading ypa for yap 'barley', maybe due to a miscopying from a(n older?) manuscript where yap\ was written with virāma of the akalk-type.
n4This manuscript differentiates 〈na〉 and 〈ta〉 very slightly. Therefore, one may hesitate between reading taine or naine. naine was read by Schmidt 1997: 256 and interpreted as dual form '(female) bottom' with further examples; but note that TA neyaṃ in A 414 a4 cannot mean 'bottom' either and in the unclear passage m-pkas12l a 2 it is uncertain whether one can read and separate naine at all. A more straightforward possibility is to compare Chinese 奶 năi 'women's breast, nipple'. yoñyeṣṣe can be interpreted as a late form for yoñyaiṣṣe 'pertaining to the passage, domain', compare ce for cai in b7. Differently, Adams 2013a: 554 sets up yoñiye* ‘± groin, pubis’ also said to be attested in yoñiyene in PK AS 8B a4. As for to, the only certain related form is tonta in W 2 a6, where it corresponds to ratre krāke 'menstrual blood'.
n5One has to read klai, not klaiṃ (pace Filliozat), because the alleged dot on top of the sign is a blotch (one would expect an anusvāra dot to the right not to the left of the ai-vowel).
n6One can actually read the feminine pronoun , because the traces of the alleged u-vowel below it belong to the next line (and the sign would be far too short for a ‹u›, which is written with a long stoke in this manuscript). There is a trace of the ā-vowel visible to the right of the sign.
n7sumo recurs in Or 6402A 1.3 = W 15 a 4, as per Sieg (pace Filliozat); it is a medical ingredient, maybe a flower and to be connected with Skt. suma- 'moon', n. 'kind of flower'.


An almost complete leaf with several damages on top of the recto side and the right margin; the paper is almost erased there. The script size and line distance are not uniform, starting with large script in the first two lines until the beginning of line 3; afterwards, the script becomes smaller and uneven. Apparently, the paper has not been ruled before writing, which also explains why there is no string hole space. The script itself is, however, not the so-called cursive of business documents, but rather a less diligent kind of the formal script, and it was written with a calamus (not with a brush).
By the time the picture for the edition by Filliozat was taken, some passages were still better preserved than they are now.
This leaf is immediately continued by PK AS 8B.


Edition and translation

Filliozat 1948: 89-91, 95-98; Sieg and Thomas 1954: 78-80


Peyrot 2013b: b5 (707), b5 b6 (705), b6 (705), b7 (705), b8 (708), b9 (708); Schmidt 1974: b7 (148), b9 PK AS 8B a1 (249-50)


Adams 1987

Adams, Douglas Q. 1987. “Marginalia to the Tocharian lexicon.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 1: 1–9.

Adams 2013a

Adams, Douglas Q. 2013a. A dictionary of Tocharian B. Revised and greatly enlarged. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Filliozat 1948

Filliozat, Jean. 1948. Fragments de textes koutchéens de médecine et de magie. Texte, parallèles sanskrits et tibétains, traduction et glossaire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Schmidt 1997

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1997. “Liebe und Sexualität im Spiegel der tocharischen Sprachzeugnisse.” In Eros, Liebe und Zuneigung in der Indogermania. Akten des Symposiums zur indogermanischen Kultur- und Altertumskunde in Graz (29. – 30. September 1994), edited by Michaela Ofitsch, 227–62. Arbeiten aus der Abteilung “Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft” in Graz 11. Graz: Leykam.

Sieg and Thomas 1954

Sieg, Emil, and Werner Thomas. 1954. “Die medizinischen und tantrischen Texte der Pariser Sammlung in Tocharisch B.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 72: 63–83.