Work in progress

Ot 12

Known as:Ot 12; Otani I (); Otani-Klosterrechnung 018 (Couvreur); O. 18 (Mironov); Ot. 018 (Broomhead); Ot. II (Schmidt KT); inventory no. 541
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "Ot 12". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 07 Mar. 2025).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Kizil Ming-öy
Collection:Ryukoku University (Kyoto)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Material: ink on paper



a1me ñye ā ra me ññe śka nte śa kme ñya tse meṃ ma nte śi mprā yai śo pai¯ ¯ś ṣe ke¯ ¯ś ysā
a2re wa ltsā¯ ¯m ta ryā ka ñu ca kaṃ nma o k to¯ ¯m śā ṅke wā ltsa
a3sthe re dha rma ra kṣi te śa rsa sthe re śla wa rme [ś]a rsa
a4wa rwa ltsai tse pa rra ma ñi ne ke wye ṣa lywe ka ryā mte trai ṣa ṅkaṃ pi śśā rto¯ ¯m ysā re wsa¯ ¯[m] cā kpi śto¯ ¯m
a5pa ṣka ro ṣe ṣa lywe ka ryā mte śwe¯ ¯r ṣa ṅkaṃ ysā re sa o kto¯ ¯m
a6tsyā¯ ¯ṅk trai ṣa ṅkaka ryā mte ṣka sto¯ ¯m ysā re sa
a7sthe re dha rma ra kṣi te tse a slyai ma ṣai ysā re pa¯ ¯st wsa¯ ¯m pi śca kaṃ nma wi to¯ ¯m
a8me ññe ā ra me ñye wa rsa ññe ṣka sme ñya tse ne ka pyā re¯ ¯s wä si tse¯ ¯ś
a9ysā re ri ne plya si wā ya to ṅkā ṣa rmi re śa kca kaṃ nma ṣa rmi re tse ka pci
a10pra jñā ka ra so me tse wrä tsai se¯ ¯ś ke wye ṣa lywe [ka] ryā mte trai ṣa ṅkaṃ ysā re sa cā kpi śto¯ ¯m
a11si mā ku rri ṅkā teṃ tse yai tko rsa ywā¯ ¯rś ṣma ñe pau [ś]ye nta a ṣkā¯ ¯r sa sā kau wa ṣe yeṃ yā ywyeṃ yku we¯ ¯ś re
a12cye cā sā mtse ysā re wsa¯ ¯m śa kta rya ca kaṃ nma pi śto¯ ¯m ṣau ne sa
a13wä rsa ññe pa le nti¯ ¯ś mlyo ko tau ṣṣe ṣa lywe ka ryā mte śwe¯ ¯r ṣa ṅkaṃ o kto¯ ¯m ysā re sa
a14pa ta la kṣā ṣṣeṃ¯ ¯s pa ke ñe śwe¯ ¯r ko mtsa laṃ ṣṣā te pi to ysā re ka mā te cā kwi to¯ ¯m
a15mi kka swi ñi tse ynai ke nta hkhai nta [ka] ryā mysā re sa pi śto¯ ¯m


a1meñye āra meññe śkante śak meñyatsemeṃ mante śimprāyai śopaiś ṣe keś ysā¬
a2re waltsām täryāka ñu cakaṃnma ok tom śāṅke wāltsa
a3sthere dharmarakṣite śarsa sthere ślawarme śarsa
a4warwaltsaitse parramañine kewye ṣalywe käryāmte trai ṣaṅkäṃ piśśār tom ysāre wsam cāk piś tom
a5paṣkaroṣe ṣalywe käryāmte śwer ṣaṅkäṃ ysāresa ok tom
a6tsyāṅk trai ṣaṅkäṃ käryāmte ṣkas tom ysāresa
a7sthere dharmarakṣitetse aslyaimaṣai ysāre päst wsam piś cakaṃnma wi tom
a8meññe āra meñye warsaññe ṣkas meñyatsene kapyāres wäsitseś
a9ysāre rine plyasi wāya toṅkā ṣarmire śak cakaṃnma ṣarmiretse kapci
a10prajñākarasometse wrätsaiseś kewye ṣalywe käryāmte trai ṣaṅkäṃ ysāresa cāk piś tom
a11simā kurriṅkāteṃtse yaitkorsa ywārś ṣmañe pauśyenta aṣkār sasākauwa ṣeyeṃ yāywyeṃ ykuweś re¬
a12cye cāsāmtse ysāre wsam śak tärya cakaṃnma piś tom ṣau nesäṃ
a13wärsaññe pälentiś mlyokotauṣṣe ṣalywe käryāmte śwer ṣaṅkäṃ ok tom ysāresa
a14patalakṣāṣṣeṃs pakeñe śwer komtsa laṃṣṣāte pito ysāre kamāte cāk wi tom
a15mikkaswiñitse ynaikenta hkhainta käryām ysāresa piś tom


a1The month ended. Tenth month. From day of the month ten onward to śimprāyai śopain1 , in sum:
a1+We ground wheat:
a2thirty nine piculs, eight pecks. Śāṅke ground it.
a3The Sthere Dharmarakṣite knew about it. The Sthere Ślawarme knew about it.
a4On the parramañi of the warwaltsain2 , we bought bovine oil: three pints, we gave three pecks wheat for each: a picul, five pecks.
a5We bought paṣkaro-oil: four pints, for wheat: eight pecks.
a6We bought three pints of sauce for six pecks wheat.
a7We gave the aslyaimaṣai-wheat to the Sthere Dharmarakṣite: five piculs, two pecks.
a8The month ended. Eleventh month.
a8+On day of the month six, for the clothing of the kapyāri, the Toṅkān3 Ṣarmire conveyed wheat to sell in the city:
a9ten piculs. The novice's finger-measure.
a10For the receptionn4 of Prajñākarasome, we bought bovine oil: three pints, with wheat: a picul, five pecks.
a11On the order of the adjutant kurriṅkāte, the mid summer leviesn5 had been apportioned (?) back.
a11+We gave the wheat to Cāsām, a soldier going to yāwyeṃ:
a12thirteen piculs, five pecks. There is a receipt.
a13We bought mlyokotau-oil for the day of the full moon in the eleventh month: four pints, eight pecks, for wheat.
a14Pakeñe worked for four days for patalakṣāṣṣes (?). As a wage, he took wheat: a picul, two pecks.
a15We bought ynaikenta-shoesn6 for Mikkaswiñi, for wheat: five pecks.


Philological commentary

n1śimprāyai almost certainly has something to do with śimpraye in THT 1574 a6
n2For a tentative explanation of these two terms, see Ching and Ogihara 2012: 90-91 and Ching 2017: 371.
n3For the name, cf THT 289 a2 tᵤṅā. Ching and Ogihara 2012: 92 connect it to Niya Prakrit toṃga, Runic Turkic Toŋa and Uyghur Toŋa. In Gāndhārī, toṃga- is used as a title.
n4For wrätsaise, cf. THT 2712 a7, Kucha 0190 a2.
n5One would expect ṣmañana.
n6For hkhai as a loan from Chinese 鞋, see Ching and Ogihara 2012: 94 and Ching 2017: 183.


Online access

IDP: MS00541


Sieg and Siegling 1949: 63; Couvreur 1954: 90; Thomas 1957: 145-146, 208, 213, 306; Ching 2010: 142; Ching and Ogihara 2012


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching 2017

Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Ching and Ogihara 2012

Ching, Chao-jung, and Hirotoshi Ogihara. 2012. “On a Tocharian B monastic account kept in the Otani Collection.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 13: 77–115.

Couvreur 1954

Couvreur, Walter. 1954. “Review of: Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum.” Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 208: 79–92.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Sieg and Siegling 1949

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1949. Tocharische Sprachreste. Sprache B, Heft 1. Die Udānālaṅkāra-Fragmente. Text, Übersetzung und Glossar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Thomas 1957

Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.