Work in progress

PK NS 24

Known as:PK NS 24; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 24; PK AS 5E
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Adrian Musitz (translation). "PK NS 24". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 17 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Adrian Musitz (translation)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Expedition code:882.2
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānastotra
Passage:28c-31d [shorter version]
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:53436 (2x), 4545 (1x), 436 (1x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.2 × 18.3 cm
Number of lines:4
Interline spacing:1.6 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// ss(·) o kta tsai klyo mñai ytā ri : rṣā keṃ¯ ¯ts lā nte pe ṣpi rttu pe lai kn(·) ṣṣ(·)
a2/// (·)ai kā mai śpā lmeṃ klyau ssi pe lai kne o ktma nā ntseṃ : ṣe ke klyau ṣo¯ ¯r e
a3/// e ne ṅkā meṃ i ndri nta pa rnāṃ ña na vi ṣai nta ka rso¯ ¯ymä au
a4/// [c](·) ma¯ ¯r : 20 9 ā tma vā¯ ¯rgä pai kā mai ṣa ña¯ ¯ñmä cä mpi¯ ¯m
b1/// [e] tswai ne ssi śco rma mñe rī ma¯ ¯r : pu tka lyñe ne cä ñca rñe ṣe¯ ¯k
b2/// [t](·) kle śa ṣṣai srū ka lñe ṣṣai a ntse ṣṣai ma raṃ ṣṣai s̝pa : 30 pe
b3/// [w](·) lñe nta : mā ā rto yma¯ ¯r mā we ñi¯ ¯m bu ddha va caṃ śa sta rma¯ ¯ś ya
b4/// me kauṃ sū śau¯ ¯l śpā lmeṃ : mā no ka nte pi kwa la snai pe le mpa [r]i [t]to¯ ¯s̝


28ca1 /// (klyau)ss(i) oktatsai ; klyomñai ytāri :
28drṣākeṃts lānte peṣpirttu ; pelaikn(e)ṣṣ(e) a2
29a/// (p)aikāmai ; śpālmeṃ klyaussi pelaikne ; ok tman= āntseṃ :
29bṣe keklyauṣor ea3n1(ñcīmar) ///
29ceneṅkāmeṃ indrinta ; pärnāṃñana viṣainta ; karsoym aua4(spa)
29d/// (treñ)c(ī)mar : 20-9
30aātmavārg paikāmai ; ṣañ-añm cämpim b1n2(tässi)
30b/// etswai nessiśco ; rmamñ= erīmar :
30dputkalyñene cäñcarñe ; ṣek b2 /// (we)t(a) kleśaṣṣai ; srūkalñeṣṣai antseṣṣai ; maraṃṣṣai ṣpä : 30
31apeb3(yālavārg) /// w(e)lñenta :
31c ārtoymar weñim ; buddhavacaṃ śastarmaś ; yab4n3(mim) /// (ṣe)me kauṃ ; śaul śpālmeṃ :
31d no kante pikwala ; snai pelempa rittoṣ


a1... to hear the noble eightfold path.
a1+The (wheel) of the law turned by the king of sages...
a2... I wrote the law, excellent to hear, eighty thousand elements/skandhas (?)...
a2+May I once seize the hearing (of the law).
a3+May I truly knnow the internal senses and the external sense-objects.
a4I wrote the ātmavarga.
a4+May I be able to tame myself.
b1... may I evoke the tendency to be... towards... Always sweet in division...
b2the struggle with Kleśas, death, Skandhas, Māras...
b2+Peyālavarga... sayings...
b3May I not approve, may I not say,
b3+may I strive for the word of the Buddha and the śāstras...
b4One day, the best life. Not... a hundred years connected with lawlessness...


Parallel texts

PK AS 5B, PK AS 5C, PK NS 25 and 26


The fragment has two press marks PK AS 5E and PK NS 24, i.e. there is no joint of two different fragments. The right part of a leaf without trace of the string hole. This leaf belongs to a different manuscript than the other Udānastotra fragments of the series PK NS 23, 25-26, 27, 28.
See the complete translation in PK AS 5B from b3 and PK AS 5C until a3.

Philological commentary

n1eneṅkāmeṃ is an adverb based on the adverb eneṅka. In the parallel PK NS 25 and 26 we have an adjective eneṅkāññeṃ, which is actually problematic because it has a masculine instead of the expected feminine. The expected form eneṅkāññana would be parallel to the antonym pärnāṃñana. But it would entail a sandhi with indrinta in order to fit the metre. Apparently, the two copyists had alternative strategies for avoiding a problem with this passage in the archetype. The original text ought to have had eneṅkāññana= ndrinta with a sandhi form of indrinta. The text alteration then seems to have started by reintroduction of the i-vowel.
n2The two other parallel texts PK NS 25 and 26 a 3-a4 and PK AS 5B b 6 have the wording rmamñe eru with hiatus. As a matter of fact, rmamñ= erīmar is more consistent with the repetitive use of optative forms in this text and it shows regular sandhi. Since the sequence with hiatus is odd for a metrical passage, one would assume that the present formulation is more original.
n3The PPt rittoṣ is the grammatically expected form agreeing with the oblique śaul. However, a syllable is missing in this colon. The parallel version PK AS 5C a 3 has rittowo, which is problematic. Therefore the original version most likely had rittoṣo, and this poetic form was replaced by prosaic rittoṣ here at the expense of the metre. On the other hand, the copyist of PK AS 5C did not recognize the form rittoṣo and replaced it by the metrically similar rittowo, making the syntax more complicated.



Lévi 1933: 61-2


Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.