Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 5B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 5B; S 5
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 5B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2013-08


Expedition code:3510, 43
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Udānastotra
Passage:24c-30b [shorter version] (= 30c-36b [longer version])
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Doctrine
Meter:43434 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.6 × 32.7 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.3 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1– – – – – (–) o ro(·) ñ(·) ·e [meṃ] ṣī ma¯ ¯r ynau ṣa¯ ¯k skā yo ymä : lyka śkeṃ ra no yo lai ñe po pra ṅka ṣṣi¯ ¯m ka rtsau ñe ///
a2– – [vā] [rg](·) pai ykā mai ma kte kro ṅśaṃ¯ ¯ts cä ñca rñe pyā pyai wa rssi : tu sa au ṣa pmai yyā tstse po kre ntau naṃ¯ ¯śä tsa ṅko yñi a kā lka rma mñe ///
a3– – ·e sa yai to ṣto ko po ○ wno lmi ce yā mo rsa : sa pu le mpa me nā¯ ¯k ksa ka rso¯ ¯ymä ke ktse ñkau tā tstsai mā ṣtre ñcī ///
a4– lñe sa a śva vā¯ ¯rg co ○ laṃ ya kweṃ yä llo ṣṣe yā ta ṣṣī ma¯ ¯r : ka lṣa mñe ṣṣai mai yya sa ke ke nu ñi¯ ¯ś ṣe ktā k(·) ///
a5– ne : ai śa mñe ṣṣe sā ra thiṃ ka llo¯ ¯ymä śpā lmeṃ a nai śai yā ta ṣṣī ta¯ ¯rñä : pe lai kne ne wä tkā ltse vi ṣai nta meṃ paṃ no wo [ṣ]a l(·)e ·i [t]e : ///
a6r(·)ä pai y[k]ā mai cwī yā mo rntse o ko sa sā kā lka kñī ta¯ ¯rñä : ko spa spā rtto ymä saṃ sā rn(·) tre mi kle śñi¯ ¯ś e ma ñña mā lko ye [nt]· ///
b1[ye] peṃ swā ṣye ñtsa ai na ki ra : ka lṣa mñe ṣṣe n[i] ṣk[e] su prā kre tā ko[¯] [¯yñä] [a] ra ñce po¯ ¯ś p[au] ta rṣke : 20 7 ta thā ga ta [v](·) ///
b2– – śmī ma¯ ¯r ce yā mo rsa : pe lai kne ṣṣe ke rū cai śtwā re mpre nma ne we ce e nte pyā śyeṃ : yne śpo yśi ntaṃ¯ ¯ts ko yna [meṃ] ka llo [y]¯ – ///
b3– ts(·) kly[o] mñai ytā ri : rṣā ○ keṃ¯ ¯ts lā nte pe ṣpi rttu pe lai kne ṣṣe cā kka rse wa lke sta mo¯ ¯yä 20 8 śru ta vā rgä pai (·)[ā] ///
b4– – p· l[ai] kne o ktmā nā ○ ntseṃ : ṣe ke klyau ṣo¯ ¯r e ñcī ma¯ ¯r snā ñcau a kṣi¯ ¯m a lye ṅkaṃ¯ ¯ts mī ta lye ne : e ne ṅkā [ññ](·) ///
b5– – – [ṣai] [n] (–) ka rso ymau spa : ñi¯ ¯ś ñi ññe ṣṣeṃ wä nta rwa we śe ññai yä¯ ¯rm e ñcī ma¯ ¯r mā tre ñcī ma¯ ¯r : 20 9 ā tma vā rgä pai ykā m[ai] ///
b6– – – – [ss](·) [p]o (·)(·)e [l](·) [n]e : ceṃ tsa we lñe¯ ¯ś ṣe¯ ¯k ñya tsa su kre ntaṃ e tswai ne ssi śco rma mñe e ru : pu tka lyñe [n](·) ///


24ca1n1 – – – – – – ; oro(ts)ñ(en)e ; meṃṣīmar ; ynauṣak skāyoym{†ä} :
24dlykaśkeṃ rano ; yolaiñe ; po praṅkäṣṣim ; kärtsauñe ; – – – – (:) (20-4)
25aa2n2 (puṣpa)vārg(ä) ; paiykāmai ; mäkte kroṅśaṃts ; cäñcarñe ; pyāpyai warssi :
25btusa auṣap ; maiyyātstse ; po krentaunaṃś ; tsaṅkoy ñi ; akālk{†ä} rmamñe (:)
25c(śīlaṣṣ=) a3n3n4 (āstreṃ) ; (wer)esa ; yaitoṣ t{o→ā}ko{ṃ} ; po wnolmi ; ce yāmorsa :
25dsapulempa ; menāk ksa ; karsoym kektseñ ; kautātstsai ; treñcī(mar) (20-5)
26a(pai)a4(ka)lñesa ; aśvavārg ; colaṃ yakweṃ ; yälloṣṣe{ṃ} ; yātäṣṣīmar :
26bkälṣamñeṣṣai ; maiyyasa ; kekenu ñiś ; ṣek tāk(oym) ; (po) (cme)a5n4n5(la)ne :
26caiśamñeṣṣe ; sārathiṃ ; källoym śpālmeṃ ; anaiśai ; yātäṣṣītär-ñ :
26dpelaiknene ; wätkāltse ; viṣaintameṃ ; päṃnowo ; ṣal·e ·ite : (20-6)
27a(krodhavā)a6n6r(g)ä ; paiykāmai ; cwī yāmorntse ; okosa ; s= ākālk{†ä} kñītär-ñ :
27bkos ṣpä spārttoym{†ä} ; saṃsārn(e) ; tremi kleś ñiś ; emañña ; lkoyent(rä)
27c(rekaunaṣṣeṃ) ; (ścirenäṃ) ; (kwri) (ra) b1 yepeṃ ; swāṣye-ñ tsa ; ainaki ra :
27dkälṣamñeṣṣe ; niṣke su ; prākre tākoy-ñ ; arañce ; poś pautarṣke : 20-7
28atathāgata;v(ārg) (paikām=) ; (aiśaumyeṃ)b2n7(mpa) ; (ṣe) śmīmar ; ce yāmorsa :
28bpelaikneṣṣe ; kerū cai ; śtwār= emprenma ; newe{nt} ce ; ente pyāśyeṃ :
28cyneś poyśintaṃts ; koynameṃ ; källoy(m) (klyauṣtsi) ; (o)b3(kta)ts(ai) ; klyomñai ytāri :
28drṣākeṃts lānte ; peṣpirttu ; pelaikneṣṣe ; cākkär se ; walke stamoy 20-8
29aśrutavārgä ; pai(yk)ā(mai) ; (śpālmeṃ) b4n8 (klyauṣtsi) ; p(e)laikne ; ok tmān= āntseṃ :
29bṣe keklyauṣor ; eñcīmar ; snāñcau akṣim ; alyeṅkäṃts ; mītalyene :
29ceneṅkāññ(eṃ) ; (indrinta) ; (pärnā)b5(ññana) ; (vi)ṣain(ta) ; karsoym auspa :
29dñiś ñiññeṣṣeṃ ; wäntarwa ; weśeññai-yärm ; eñcīmar ; treñcīmar : 20-9
30aātmavārgä ; paiykāmai ; (ṣañ-añm) b6n9n10 (cämpim) ; (yātä)ss(i) ; po (cm)el(a)ne :
30bceṃts{†ä} welñeś ṣek ; ñyatsasu ; krentäṃ etswai ; nessiśco ; rmamñe eru :
30cputkalyñen(e) ; /// ; 11σ


a1... may I not be sorrowful about the greatness ... may I strive as always. May I reject every evilness, even a small one, ... the goodness! 24.
a2I have written the (Puṣpa)varga: As it is the pleasure of bees to smell flowers, may the wish [and] the inclination towards all virtues be more powerful than that!
a2+May all the beings become decorated with the (pure smell of the good conduct [= śīla]) through this deed!
a3May I understand the body [as being] fragile, somewhat like a pot, and may (I) not cling [to it]! 25.
a3+Through (the writing) of the Aśvavarga may I tame the fierce horses of the sense functions!
a4+May (I) myself always in (all births) be provided with the force of patience!
a5May I obtain the chariot driver of the wisdom, the excellent one, may he tame me accurately, [being] resolute in the Law, harnessed far away from the sensual spheres ... 26.
a5+I have written the Krodhavarga.
a6As the fruit of this deed, may this wish be fulfilled: As long as I would turn in the Saṃsāra, may the anger [and] the passion not see me as [being] enraged.
a6+(Even if) they let rain really [as mean] as villains the swords of (harsh words), may my heart remain firm, [being] this pectoral ornament of patience, [and] respectful to everybody.
b127. (I have written the) Tathāgatav(arga:)
b1+May I come together (with wise ones) through this deed!
b2When these ones will beat the drum of the Law, roaring the four truths, may (I) obtain (to hear) from the mouth of the omniscients in person the (eight)fold noble path!
b3May this wheel of the Law which has been turned by the king of rṣis remain for long! 28.
b3+(I have) written the Śrutavarga, (the excellent one) (in order to hear) the Law consisting of eighty thousand parts.
b4May I seize [it] at the first lecture [lit. hearing] [and] may I teach [it] to others without flaw (?) while going into mission.
b4+May I understand clearly the internal (senses) [and] the (external obj)ects,
b5may I take the thing belonging to my own as [meaningless as] mere sound [and] may I not cling [to it]. 29. I have written the Ātmavarga:
b6(May I) (be able to ta)me (myself) in all (bi)rths, always desirous of the speaking of these ones, having evoked the inclination to be close to the good ones! (In) sharing ...


a2Den (Puṣpa)varga habe ich geschrieben [in dem Wunsche]: Wie [es] das Verlangen der Bienen [ist], Blumen zu riechen, [so] möchte[n] mir stärker als das Wunsch [und] Neigung zu allen Tugenden entstehen. (Schmidt 1974: 453)
a4Durch das (Schreib)en des Aśvavarga möchte ich die wilden Āyatana-Pferde bändigen. (Schmidt 1974: 336)
a5+Den (Krodhavava)rga habe ich geschrieben. Durch die Frucht dieser Tat möge mir dieser Wunsch zustande kommen: Solange ich mich auch im Saṃsāra befinden sollte, möchte nicht die Trübung Zorn mich betreffend(?) gesehen werden; [und] (wenn auch) selbst Gemeine mir die (harten) Schwerter (der Worte) regnen lassen sollten, [so] möge mir das Herz [als] der Brustschmuck der Geduld fest sein, ehrerbietig gegen jeder[mann]. (Schmidt 1974: 453-4)
a6(Den Krodhava)rga habe ich geschrieben: Durch die Frucht d[ies]er Tat möge mir dieser Wunsch in Erfüllung gehen: ... (Schmidt 1974: 102)
b5Möchte ich meine eigenen Dinge nur als Wort erfassen [und] nicht [daran] haften! (Schmidt 1974: 108)
b6Nach dem Wort [wtl. Sagen] derer stets verlangend, möcht ich die Neigung, bei Guten [wtl. zu den Guten hin] zu sein, hervorrufen. (Schmidt 1974: 332)


Parallel texts

PK NS 24, PK NS 25 and 26, PK NS 27, THT 313


An almost complete leaf.

Philological commentary

n1The parallel fragments THT 313 a 1 and PK NS 27 b 3 both have the expected form ynauṣkak instead of ynauṣak. In general, this mansucript has more recent spellings and bears traces of late and erouneous forms, while the other two are written in standard orthography. Note further that PK NS 27 b 3 has an allative kärtsauñeś.
n3The reading toko is warranted, but it must be due to a writing error for tākoṃ; the scribe apparently has copied the vowel ‹o› of the neighboring akṣaras and in addition forgot the anusvāra (as he did in the following line). This is another confirmation for copying from mansucripts instead of oral dictation.
n4karsoym (a3) and källoym (a5) have double virāma writing of the akālk-type.
n5As for the last colon, the reading is uncertain, we may have ṣ/pal(·)e (·)it/ke; since the metaphor is unclear (and may come from hippology), any restoration would be speculative.
n6emañña seems to be an adverb, according to the second attestation in PK AS 5A b 6; accordingly, ñiś ought to be the direct object of lkoyentär. Judging from the context it should refer to the state of rage or folly resulting from passions, esp. anger.
n7The parallel THT 313 b 4 has the reading newent ce, which is more correct.
n9The parallel text PK NS 25 and 26 a 3 has a slightly different wording; in this version the demonstrative ceṃts refers to the good ones (= krentäṃ) which are mentioned in the next colon.
n10Here we have rmamñe eru – the parallel text PK NS 25 and 26 a 3-a4 confirms this – instead of rmamñ= erīmar with regular sandhi in the parallel text PK NS 24 b1. As a matter of fact, rmamñ= erīmar is more consistent with the repetitive use of optative forms in this text and it shows regular sandhi. Since the sequence with hiatus is odd for a metrical passage, one would assume that rmamñ= erīmar is more original.

Linguistic commentary

n2krentaunaṃś is not a correct form, which would be krentaunaś(c); it seems that the scribe has extended the mark of oblique plural to the plurale tantum.
n8The grammatically incorrect restoration eneṅkāññ(eṃ) is warranted by the parallel PK NS 25 and 26 a2. It is most likely due to a copyist error. See the commentary there.



Lévi 1933: 61-63; Thomas 1966a: 171-174


Peyrot 2013b: a2 (821); Schmidt 1974: a2 (453), a4 (336), a5 a6 b1 (453-4), a6 (102), b5 (108), b6 (332)


Lévi 1933

Lévi, Sylvain. 1933. Fragments de textes koutchéens. Udānavarga, Udānastotra, Udānālaṁkāra et Karmavibhaṅga, publiés et traduits avec un vocabulaire et une introduction sur le «tokharien». Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.

Thomas 1966a

Thomas, Werner. 1966a. “Tocharische Udānastotras der Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 80: 163–81.