Work in progress

SI 1877

Known as:SI 1877; B Toch/9; SI B Toch. 9
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "SI 1877". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 01 Dec. 2024).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Main find spot:Kucha
Collection:Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (St. Petersburg)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Manuscript:Assemblage VIII
Following fragment:SI 5875
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):37.6 × 28.8 cm
Number of lines:14


a1wi kṣuṃ ntsa kṣe mā rcu ne lā nti me wyai pi ku lne ñu ñce śwe¯ ¯r me ña ntse ne sā¯ ṅk śā nta ke¯ ¯ś
a2[t]e ssa ke śa po staṃ te yi kne sa mo ko ñwe na kke • ccā kka re • sa ṅka tā se te yi kne
a3sa śā nta pa rra spā wä ṣa¯ ¯r • sa ṅka tā se kwa ñpe śi ṅkro ntse a ṣi cce a laṃ wä sta pku
a4we¯ ¯s̝ śai yye plye ṅksa wi ca kaṃ nma pi śto¯ ¯m ya ptsa
a5sa ṅka tā se le stā ñe ca mi läṃ ntse a ṣi cce a laṃ wä sta pku we¯ ¯s̝ śai yye plye ṅksa wi ca kaṃ nma pi
a6śto¯ ¯m [ya] ptsa • sa ṅka tā se • ccā kka re hwā rppai ypa rwe ca ti le ntse ai yye a laṃ
a7śai yye wsa r[e] ṣe me sa ṅka tā se wäṃ ṣṣi ntse ai yye a laṃ pku we¯ ¯s̝ śai
a8yye wa sa wi ca kaṃ nma śā tre sa ñwe na kke ai yyā na śā nta wā ya wi
a9śka ñce śa¯ ¯k śwe rne ypa ymo ko ra kta ku lle ntse ccā kka
a10re yau yi kṣe ntse pa ka na ai yye a laṃ pku we¯ ¯s̝ śai yye wa sa ṣe me [1]
a11ce na¯ ¯k śa¯ ¯k śwe rne ka pyā ri śrā¯ ¯yä klai yna o ro cce ke me sa a saṃ ntse ṣa¯ ¯ñä ṣā rwai śśa
a12wā¯ ¯r • pa rwe kṣuṃ ntsa kṣe mā rcu ne lā nti pi ṅkce meṃ ne ñwe na kke yi kwe ñe ta rme ypa rwe
a13ki ppā ntse śai yye wa sa «†-» a laṃ a ṣṣi cce ce śai yye ra kta ku le pe ri sa wā ya
a14sa ṅka tā se lyi wā ntse ai yye a laṃ pku we¯ ¯s̝ śai yye wa sa | wä sta pku sai ito mtsai sa |

(continues on SI 5875)


a1wi kṣuṃntsa kṣemārcune lānti mewyai pikulne ñuñce śwer meñantsene sāṅk śānta keś
a2tessa keśa postäṃ te yiknesa moko ñwenakkeccākkaren1saṅkatāse te yikne-
a3sa śānta parra spāwäṣarsaṅkatāse kwañpe śiṅkrontse aṣicce alaṃ wästa pku-
a4weṣ śaiyye plyeṅksa wi cakaṃnma piś tom yaptsa
a5saṅkatāse lestāñe camiläṃntse aṣicce alaṃ wästa pkuweṣ śaiyye plyeṅksa wi cakaṃnma pi-
a6ś tom yaptsasaṅkatāseccākkare hwārppai yparwe catilentse aiyye alaṃ
a7śaiyye wsare ṣemen2 saṅkatāse wäṃṣṣintse aiyye alaṃ pkuweṣ śai-
a8yye wasa wi cakaṃnma śātresan3 ñwenakke aiyyāna śānta wāya wi
a9śkañce śak śwerne ypayn4 moko raktakullentse ccākka-
a10re yauyikṣentse pakana aiyye alaṃ pkuweṣ śaiyye wasa ṣeme 1n5
a11cena-k śak śwerne kapyāri śrāy klaiyna orocce kemesa asaṃntse ṣañ ṣārwai śśa-
a12wārn6 parwe kṣuṃntsa kṣemārcune lānti piṅkce meṃne ñwenakke yikweñe tarme yparwe
a13kippāntse śaiyye wasa {†-}n7 alaṃ aṣṣicce ce śaiyye raktakule perisa wāya
a14saṅkatāse lyiwāntse aiyye alaṃ pkuweṣ śaiyye wasawästa pkusai itomtsaisa

(continues on SI 5875)


a1In regnal year two of king Kṣemārcune, in the year of the tiger, (in the) ninth (month) on day of the month four, the saṅgha counted the ovicaprids.
a2The count is as follows: The Moko Ñwenakke • Cākare • Saṅkatāse used up
a3the sheep thus: Saṅkatāse gave Śinkro of the post station a caprine male, four-toothed.
a4He sold the goat for two piculs, five pecks barley.
a5Saṅkatāse sold a caprine male to Camil of Lestā, four-toothed. He sold the goat for two piculs,
a6five pecks barley. Saṅkatāse (and) Cākkare for hwārppai gave an ovine male ovicaprid to Catile.
a7Saṅkatāse gave one ovine male, two-toothed ovicaprid
a8for two piculs grain. Ñwenakke conveyed ovine ovicaprids: two.
a9(In the) tenth (month) on day fourteen, Cākkare gave the prefect Raktakulle
a10an ovine, male, two toothed ovicaprid for the sake of the patrolling officern9 : one.
a11On that very day fourteen, the kapyāri, elders and women ate the own meat of a full mouthed doe.
a12In the first year of king Kṣemārcune, in the fifth month, Ñwenakke, following the equestrian law (?),
a13gave Kippā an ovicaprid: male, caprine. This ovicaprid Rakakule has conveyed (back) as (repayment for his) debt.
a14Saṅkatāse gave Lyiwā an ovine, male, two-toothed ovicaprid. | For a four-toothed Itomtsa (?) |

(continues on SI 5875)


a1In the year two of the reign of king Kṣemārjuna, in the year of the Tiger, on the fourth day of the ninth month, the Community (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a2took into account the [mass of] small domestic animals. The results of the count are as follows: The elder Ñwenakke, CCākare and Saṅghadāsa (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a3have diminished as follows [the amount of] the small domestic animals. Saṅghadāsa sold to the Kwañpe Śiṅkro ann8 caprine animal, male, twice combed (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a4for 250 pounds of barley (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a5Saṅghadāsa sold to Camil Lestāñe (?) a caprine animmal, male, twice combed for (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a6250 pounds of barley. Saṅghadāse [and] CCākare ... first gave to Catile an ovine (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a7animal, male, one. Saṅghadāsa gave to Wäṃṣṣi an ovine animal, male, combed, (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a8for 200 pounds of grain. Ñwenakke brought two ovine animals. (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a9On the fourteenth day of the tenth month, CCākare gave to the country elder Raktakule (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a10... an ovine animal, male, combed, one. (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a11On the same fourteenth day, the workers, old men [and] women, have consumed their own wool, of one goat with large teeth. (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a12In the year one of the reign of king Kṣemārjuna, in the fifth month, Ñwenakke ... first (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a13gave an animal to Kippā, a male, caprine; Raktakule brought this animal [as compensation] for a debt. (Pinault 1998: 4ff)
a14Saṅghadāsa gave to Lyiwā an ovine animal, male, combed, for a pregnant [ewe](?), twice combed. (Pinault 1998: 4ff)


Philological commentary

*The transliteration has been taken from Pinault 1998: 4ff.
*The transcription has been taken from Pinault 1998: 4ff.
n1This term is likely Sogdian *Čākar, described by de la Vaissiére 2006 as 'personal soldier-retainer'.
n2blank space, 6 cm
n3blank space, 3 cm
n5or •. Blank space of 3.5 cm
n6Blank space of 1 akṣara
n7akṣara 'ṣe' has been erased
n9For yauyekṣi = 游奕使, cf. Ching 2017: 105.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008C
Tamai 2011C14



Takata et al. 2009: 27


Ching 2010: 139, 141-142, 314-316, 399, 420; de la Vaissiére 2006; Pinault 1998; Takata et al. 2009: 27; Ching 2017: 171, 174, 135


Pinault 1998: a1 (4ff), a2 (4ff), a3 (4ff), a4 (4ff), a5 (4ff), a6 (4ff), a7 (4ff), a8 (4ff), a9 (4ff), a10 (4ff), a11 (4ff), a12 (4ff), a13 (4ff), a14 (4ff)


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Ching 2017

Ching, Chao-jung. 2017. 吐火罗语世俗文献与古代龟兹历史 – Tocharian secular texts and the history of Ancient Kucha. Beijing: Peking University Press.

de la Vaissiére 2006

de la Vaissiére, Etienne. 2006. “ČĀKAR.” In Encyclopedia Iranica, online. New York.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Pinault 1998

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1998. “Economic and administrative documents in Tocharian B from the Berezovsky and Petrovsky collections.” Manuscripta Orientalia 4/4: 3–20.

Takata et al. 2009

Takata, Tokio, Kyoto National Museum, and The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, eds. 2009. シルクロード文字を辿って : ロシア探検隊収集の文物 – On the trail of texts along the Silk Road: Russian expeditions discoveries of manuscripts in Central Asia. Kyoto: Kyōto-Kokuritsu-Hakubutsukan.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.