Work in progress

SI 5875

Known as:SI 5875; B Toch/13; SI B Toch. 13
Cite this page as:Adrian Musitz. "SI 5875". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 20 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Adrian Musitz


Collection:Institute of Oriental Manuscripts (St. Petersburg)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Text genre:Non-literary
Text subgenre:Account


Manuscript:Assemblage VIII
Preceding fragment:SI 1877
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w): × 28.2 cm
Number of lines:5


(continues from SI 1877)

a1wä rsa ñe ta ryā ka ne ccā kka re ntse ṣu rye sa wa ra ṣa la ssi klyi na ṣṣiṃ tu ypa rwe ypa
a2ymo ko ra kta ku le ntse ccā kka re ṣi tai ntse yo śai¯ ¯ś wä sta pku sai ā¯ ¯u wa sa 1
a3wi kṣuṃ ntsa kṣe mā rcu ne lā nti ra paṃ ñe meṃ ne ya pko ntse yai tko rsa śa ntā lya sa
a4ṅka tā se po ylā la rai yśe ntse ai yyā na śā nta wa sa śwā ra tune¯ ¯k wi o ro
a5cce ke me sa a wi 2 sa na wä sta pk· sa 1 ṣe ā¯ ¯u yri ye 1


(continues from SI 1877)

a1wärsañe täryākane ccākkarentse ṣuryesa wara ṣalässi klyinaṣṣiṃ tu-yparwe ypa¬
a2y moko raktakulentse ccākkare ṣitaintse yośaiś wästa-pkusai āu wasa 1
a3wi kṣuṃntsa kṣemārcune lānti rapaṃñe meṃne yapkontse yaitkorsa śantālya sa-
a4ṅkatāse poylā laraiyśentse aiyyāna śānta wasa śwāra tunek wi oro-
a5cce kemesa awi 2 sana wästa-pk(u)sa 1 ṣe āu yriye 1


(continues from SI 1877)

a1(In the) eleventh (moth), on day thirty, the water had to be directed to the ṣurye of Cākkare. In anticipation of this,
a2Cākkare gave the prefect Raktakule for the yośa of ṣitai a four-toothed ewe: 1.
a3In the regnal year two of king Kṣemārcune, in the last month, on the order of the Yapko, the shepherd
a4Saṅkatāse gave ovine ovicaprids to Poylā-Laraiyśe: four. Therein two
a5full-toothed ewes 2, one four toothed 1, one male lamb 1.



Ching 2010: 390, 395; Pinault 1998: 6-8


Ching 2010

Ching, Chao-jung. 2010. “Secular documents in Tocharian: Buddhist economy and society in the Kucha region.” PhD, Paris: École Pratique des Hautes Études.

Pinault 1998

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1998. “Economic and administrative documents in Tocharian B from the Berezovsky and Petrovsky collections.” Manuscripta Orientalia 4/4: 3–20.