Work in progress

PK NS 37

Known as:PK NS 37; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 37; PK NS 38; DA 2
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator). "PK NS 37". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 19 Feb. 2025).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2014-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Specific find spot:DA angle Ouest de la grande cour
Expedition code:DA, Gr. cour, angle ouest 30,4; M 496,39
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Mahāprabhāsa-Avadāna
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:543 (4x)


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):7.8/7 × 24.4/20.4 cm
Number of lines:4
Interline spacing:1.7 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1/// : 3 po klo ka sta nmeṃ ci [r](·)¯ ¯r swa ñcaiṃ ka ly[m]i· (– –) (·)[p](·) lṣi stā na ysā yo ka ñpo
a2/// ·s· te po se śai ṣṣe : wa lo pra bhā se i [w](·)¯ ¯r kl[au] tka ā kti ke 4 || o mno
a3/// ka¯ ¯s̝ po yśi nta pa ñä kti ka ṣṣī nta [au] ntsa nte po śtwā ra ka lymi nmeṃ pra ti ha ri ṣṣeṃ ya kneṃ
a4/// [¯k] o mpa lskoṃ ñe ṣme ma ne lko ye n (– –) a lyai[¯] [¯k] stā¯ ¯m lkā ske ma ne • a lyai¯ ¯k
b1/// ·y·¯ ¯k piṃ twā¯ ¯t yne ma ne • a lyai¯ ¯ṅk [o] [n](·) lmeṃ tsa (–) (·)[k](·) ma ne a lyai¯ ¯k ra ddhi sa yne ma
b2/// ha rī nta ya ma ske ma ne ñä kteṃ¯ ¯ts pe lai kne a ksa s[k]e ma ne • a lyai kno toṃ ślo ka nma we
b3/// (·)aṃ pau ntsa¯ ¯t pla tstso • yu jya dhvaṃ bu ddhśā sa n(·) pa rī tta¯ ¯t pa ñä kte ntse e nä s̝s̝a lñe
b4/// so sru ka lñe ṣṣe re tke • [n]a [ḍ]ā gā ra i va kuṃ [ja] (– –) rwā ṣ[ṣ]e o stra mno o ṅko lmo •


4aa1n1n2 /// : 3 po klokastanmeṃ ; cir(ā)r swañcaiṃ kälymi(ṃ) (:)
4b(up)p(ā)lṣi stāna ; ysā-yokäñ po
4ca2n2 (lyakānte) /// ; (tsāk)s(a)te po se śaiṣṣe :
4dwalo prabhāse ; iw(ā)r klautka āktike 4
*om no
a3/// (tatā)kaṣ poyśinta pañäkti käṣṣīnta auntsante po śtwāra kälyminmeṃ pratihariṣṣeṃ yakneṃ¬
a4(tsa) /// (alyai)k ompalskoṃñe ṣmemane lkoyen(tär) alyaik stām lkāskemanealyaik
b1n3 /// (al)y(ai)k piṃtwāt ynemanealyaiṅk on(o)lmeṃ tsa(lpäs)k(e)mane alyaik raddhisa ynema¬
b2(ne) /// (prati)harīnta yamaskemane ñäkteṃts pelaikne aksaskemanealyaik no toṃ ślokanma we¬
b3(skemane) /// (niṣkramadhv)aṃ pauntsat platstsoyujyadhvaṃ buddhśāsan(e=) pärīttat pañäktentse enäṣṣälñe¬
b4(ne) /// (ptaksa)so srukalñeṣṣe retkenaḍāgāra iva kuṃja(ra) (kä)rwāṣṣe ost ram no oṅkolmo


a1From all the pores rays crossed the directions, the lotus beds (looked) wholly golden colored.
a2This world was wholly (illum)inated. The king Prabhāsa became amazed in the meantime. Here then
a3... the omniscients, Buddha-lords, teachers, having been ... started (to arrive) from all the four directions in wonderful ways,
a4some were seen sitting in meditation, some others looking at the tree, some others ...
b1some others going for alms, some others freeing the beings, some others going by miraculous power, ...
b2(some others) making wonders [and] teaching the Law to the gods. But others are saying these stanzas:
b3Sanskrit You (pl.) get started! You (pl.) leave! Sanskrit Join yourselves to the teaching of the Buddha-lord!
b4You destroy (pl.) the army of death, Sanskrit as the elephant [destroys] a house made of reeds!


b3Auf! [wtl. fangt an!] Geht hinaus [und] schließt euch der Lehre des Buddha an! (Schmidt 1974: 370)



*Fragments PK NS 34, PK NS 37 (including 38), m-pkns144 and PK NS 398 belong to the same manuscript. In this fragment the right margin is fairly well preserved, with a single vertical line 1,7 cm from the edge; no horizontal ruling is visible. The paper is torn, perforated and crumpled in many places. NS 37 completes NS 38 to the right. The whole fragment makes up the right part of a leaf.
*The lines b3-b4 contain the quotation and pada-like translation of the first of two famous Udānavarga stanzas, Udv. IV 37 and 38. This is a parallel in Tocharian A texts A 258 a4-a5 and A 354 b5-b6.

Philological commentary

n1The form uppālṣi is nom. pl. m. of the adjective uppālṣe, which is metri causa for the expected nom. pl. f. uppālṣana.
n2The metrical part follows a meter of 4x12 syllables with a rhythm of 5/7.
n3The form alyaiṅk stands for the nom. pl. m. alyaik which is found in all other instances. It is analogical from the obl. pl. m. which apparently shows a stem with nasal, cf. alyeṅkäṃ.


Complete edition

Pinault 1988a: 194-200; Lévi 1925: 306-307


Schmidt 1974: b3 (370)


Lévi 1925

Lévi, Sylvain. 1925. “Le Sūtra du Sage et du Fou dans la littérature de l’Asie Centrale.” Journal Asiatique 207/2: 305–32.

Pinault 1988a

Pinault, Georges-Jean. 1988a. “Révision des fragments en tokharien B de la légende de Mahāprabhāsa.” In Studia Indogermanica et Slavica. Festgabe für Werner Thomas zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Peter Kosta, Gabriele Lerch, and Peter Olivier, 175–210. München: Sagner.

Schmidt 1974

Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.