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Cite this page as:"temeṃ". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_B_temeṃ (accessed 27 Jul. 2024).
Meaning:“because of that, consequently”
Word class:uninflected
Word subclass:conjunction
Lexeme variants:temeṃ

Lexeme family

  • temeṃ “because of that, consequently”
    • temeñ “consequently, because of that, therefore”
      • temeñce “consequently, therefore, then”



1IOL Toch 9 b5– k se mai temeṃ ksa āläṃ yaṃ cwi
2IOL Toch 10 b3asaṃkhyainta lalaskemane : 1 temeṃ mante śwāra ce b4
3IOL Toch 209 a4lkāṣṣä(ṃ) /// a4 wratsa temeṃ klau… /// a5 ṣeske
4PK AS 7H a3; yāmornts= okonta ; temeṃ mante kuce no weñau
5PK NS 56 b2śak maiyyaṃ se ṣp temeṃ mante śa b3 ///
6THT 20 a1/// /// (lu)pṣtär ; temeṃ ṣp srauk(aṃ) – – – lt·
7THT 67 b5lab5(ntuññe) /// lle : t(e)m(eṃ) indrintaṣṣi ; tw(e)r(i) paṣṣallyi
8THT 295 a8; tallaw se ; te(meṃ) a9 (lä)ntsi
9THT 339 a7/// a7 /// lle temeṃ tākāṃ ṅke 10-7
10THT 1115 a3tu prekṣallece temeṃ mante ṣaa4māneṃ aśiyaimeṃ kattākeṃnmeṃ
11THT 1119 b1/// /// …nträ katu te(meṃ) /// /// (kä)b2llāllona skente
12THT 1120 a4se ste ce yarpo temeṃ māka mäs(k)eträ ·i… ///
13THT 1403.i a1a1 /// ṣṣä • temeṃ man·e /// a2 ///
14THT 2196 a1a1 /// kuri nta temeṃ /// a2 /// –