Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 2B; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 2B; Y 2
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault. "PK AS 2B". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Gerd Carling; Georges-Jean Pinault
Date of online publication:2014-02


Main find spot:Dunhuang
Expedition code:3510, 46
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Language:Skt.; TB
Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Yogaśataka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Medicine/Magic


Manuscript:PK AS 2
Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):8.8 × 31.2 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:1.4 cm


Images from by courtesy of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Pelliot koutchéen.


a1ma thā ya ghnaṃ 90 2 || a ri rā kaṃ mpa pe pa kṣu ka ṣā¯ ¯yä śa¯ ¯k da nthi pa¯ ¯l pi¯ ¯ś ywā rtsa pi ppā laṃ nta vi ra lo¯ ¯m • cu rmpa ri tta ṣle ta lpā lle
a2sa ai ṣle : hi ra ṇḍa ṣṣe ṣa lype mpa te tri wu ne mce kaṃ ñe po te ka nma nä kṣe ñca • ce ya¯ ¯k na stu kā¯ ¯rm ya ma ṣle • pa ñi¯ ¯t tvā ṅka rai mpa • e
a3ṣe si ndhā¯ ¯p pa ñi¯ ¯t pi ○ ppā¯ ¯l mpa : tri wä ṣle me leṃ ne la kle se mu ka pa ṅku • krā ñi wi cū kai ne • po kai ne • ā śne e
a4śa ne ne • ko rne klau tsai ○ ne • sa¯ ¯rk a lā ske ma ne • me leṃ ne pi na ṣle po ne ka rtse 90 2 || tai laṃ ba lā kva tha na ka
a5lka su ga ndha si ddhaṃ yo jyaṃ pa yo da dhi tu ṣo da ka ma stu cu kkrai ta dva¯ ¯t sa hā ca ra sa ra ṇya śa tā va ri bhi ḥ pra tye ka si ddha ma
a6nu vā sa na mī ra ṇa ghnaṃ 90 3 || ku ñci ta ṣṣe ṣa lywe ba¯ ¯l mpa klyau cca si ya ma ṣle • su ga ntä mpe ṣe pa kṣa lle • ri tta ṣle • ma lk(·)e¯ ¯r trai
b1wo mpa cu kkri¯ ¯k ṣṣu mpa • śa tā wa ri mpa • wai ptā¯ ¯r pa kṣa lle • a nu wa sāṃ ya ma ṣle ye nte kau ṣe ñca | 90 3 || rā snā rā ṭha pha la tr[i] k[ā]
b2mṛ ta la tā yu kṣa ñca mu lī ba lā • māṃ sa kvā tha yu ta ḥ sa tai la la va ṇo • kṣo drāṃ śa sa rpi rgu ḍa ḥ pu ṣpā hvā gha na bi lva ku
b3ṣṭha pha li ni kṛ ṣṇā va ○ cā ka lkī to va sti • kāṃ ci ka mu tra du gdha sa hi to vā tā ma ye bhyo hi taṃ 90 4 || kle ṅka
b4ryo • ma da na pha¯ ¯l • tṛ ○ phā¯ ¯l • gu rū ci a nta pi wi tsa kaṃ ba¯ ¯l mi sa pe pa kṣu wa • ku ñci ta ṣṣe ṣṣa lywe • sā lyi mi
b5¯t : pa ñi¯ ¯t : pe ṣke cau tāṃ : pi ssau • pi la mā tti • ka ṣṣu • pi ppā¯ ¯l o ka ro • kā ñci • ke wi ye mi śo sa ma lkwe rsa wa¯ ¯t na stu kā¯ ¯rm
b6ni ryu haṃ ya ma ṣle ye nte ṣṣa na te ka nma ne ka rtse • ṣu wi sa yā maṃ na no ka rtse 90 4 || nā syaṃ vi da dyā¯ ¯t gu ḍa nā ga re ṇa vā


a1m athā{ma}yaghnaṃ 90-2 ॥ arirākäṃmpa pepakṣu kaṣāy śak danthipal piś ywārtsa pippāläṃnta viralomcurmpa rittäṣle tälpālle-
a2-sa aiṣle : hiraṇḍaṣṣe ṣalypempa tetriwu nemcekaṃñe po tekanma näkṣeñcaceya-k nastukārm yamaṣlepañit tvāṅkaraimpae-
a3-ṣe sindhāp pañit pippālmpa : triwäṣle meleṃne lakle se muka paṅkukrāñi wicūkainepokaineāśne e-
a4-śanenekorne klautsainesark alāskemanemeleṃne pinaṣle pone kartse 90-2 ॥ tailaṃ balākvathana ka-
a5-lkasugandhasiddhaṃ yojyaṃ payodadhituṣodakamastucukkrai tadvat sahācarasaraṇyaśatāvaribhiḥ pratyekasiddham a-
a6-nuvāsanam īraṇaghnaṃ 90-3 ॥ kuñcitäṣṣe ṣalywe balmpa klyauccasi yamaṣlesugantämp= eṣe päkṣallerittäṣlemalk(w)er trai-
b1-wompa cukkrikṣṣumpaśatāwarimpawaiptār päkṣalleanuwasāṃ yamaṣle yente kauṣeñca । 90-3 ॥ rāsnārāṭhaphalatrikā-
b2-n1mṛtalatāyuk{ṣ→p}añcamulī balāmāṃsakvāthayutaḥ satailalavaṇokṣodrāṃśasarpirguḍaḥ puṣpāhvāghanabilvaku-
b3-ṣṭhaphalinikṛṣṇāvacākalkīto vastikāṃcikamutradugdhasahito vātāmayebhyo hitaṃ 90-4 ॥ kleṅka-
b4-ryomadanaphaltṛphālgurūci antapi witsakaṃ bal misa pepakṣuwakuñcitäṣṣe ṣṣalywesālyi mi-
b5-t : pañit : peṣke cautāṃ : pissaupilamāttikaṣṣupippāl okarokāñcikewiye miśosa malkwersa wat nastukārm
b6niryuhaṃ yamaṣle yenteṣṣana tekanmane kartseṣuwisa yāmäṃ nano kartse 90-4 ॥ nāsyaṃ vidadyāt guḍanāgareṇa vā…


a1Sanskrit 92. A decoction cooked with Terminalia chebula has to be combined with the [following] powder: ten grains of Croton polyandrum [and] five half grains of Piper longum [and] salt. It has to be given
a2as a purgative. Mixed with ricinus oil [it is] a infallible destroyer of all diseases. These [following ingredients] precisely have to be made into nasal injection: syrup [has to be mixed] with ginger,
a3rock salt has to be mixed with syrup [and] Piper longum in the nostrils. The pain [is] as follows: [one is] mute, paralyzed; [it is] in the neck [and] in the jaw, in the arm, in the head,
a4in both eyes, in the throat, in the ear; the back [is] sick. [It] has to be blown into the nostrils. [It is] good for everything. 92. Sanskrit
a6Sanskrit 93. Sesame oil has to be cooked together with Sida cordifolia [and] with sandal, which has to be made into a paste [first]. [It] has to be mixed with milk
b1[and] with the three milk products [and] with fermented vinegar. [It] has to be cooked separetly together with Asparagus racemosus. [This] has to be made into an oily enema. [It is] a killer of wind [disease]. 93. Sanskrit
b3Sanskrit 94. With
b4Vanda roxburghii, the fruit of Randia dumetorum, the three myrobalan, Tinospora cordifolia, twice [the five] roots, Sida cordifolia, meat broth, sesame oil, salt,
b5honey, syrup, sugar lump, aneth, the heart of the fruit of Aegle marmelos, Saussurea lappa, Piper longum, Acorus calamus, sour gruel, cow urine or milk, a nasal injection
b6[or] an enema has to be made. In case [of all] diseases of wind [it is] good. [If] one takes [it] with broth, [it is] good as well. Sanskrit


Parallel texts

Schmidt 1978, Filliozat 1979: no. 85-84

Philological commentary

For a detailed commentary and discussion of Sanskrit parallels, see in general Carling 2003a.
n1The ligatura ‹kṣa› is mistaken for ‹kpa›.


The leaf number is written inside the string hole space.

Alternative linguistic/paleographic classifications

Peyrot 2008CL
Tamai 2011C14


Corrections of Filliozat's edition

Sieg and Thomas 1954: 64-67

Edition and complete translation

Lévi 1911a: 121-122; Filliozat 1948: 35-36, 40-42, 46-47; Carling 2003a


Carling 2003a

Carling, Gerd. 2003a. “Fragments bilingues du Yogaśataka. Révision commentée de l’édition de Jean Filliozat.” Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 10: 37–68.

Filliozat 1948

Filliozat, Jean. 1948. Fragments de textes koutchéens de médecine et de magie. Texte, parallèles sanskrits et tibétains, traduction et glossaire. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve.

Filliozat 1979

Filliozat, Jean. 1979. Yogaśataka. Texte médical attribué à Nāgārjuna. Pondichéry: Institut Français d’Indologie.

Lévi 1911a

Lévi, Sylvain. 1911a. “Étude des documents tokhariens de la mission Pelliot.” Journal Asiatique 10ème série, 18: 119–50.

Peyrot 2008

Peyrot, Michaël. 2008. Variation and change in Tocharian B. Vol. 15. Leiden Studies in Indo-European. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.

Schmidt 1978

Schmidt, Heinz H. 1978. “Das Yogaśataka: ein Zeugnis altindischer Medizin in Sanskrit und Tibetetisch, hrsg. u. übers. mit Anm. u. Indices.” PhD, Universität Bonn.

Sieg and Thomas 1954

Sieg, Emil, and Werner Thomas. 1954. “Die medizinischen und tantrischen Texte der Pariser Sammlung in Tocharisch B.” Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 72: 63–83.

Tamai 2011

Tamai, Tatsushi. 2011. Paläographische Untersuchungen zum B-Tocharischen. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 138. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachen und Literaturen.