Work in progress

A 70

Known as:A 70; THT 703
Cite this page as:Gerd Carling. "A 70". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 14 Jan. 2025).


Editor:Gerd Carling


Main find spot:Shorchuk
Specific find spot:Stadthöhle
Expedition code:T III Š 79.08
Collection:Berlin Turfan Collection

Language and Script


Text contents

Title of the work:Viśvāntara-Jātaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna
Verse/Prose:prose; verse
Meter:554443 (4x); 43434 (4x)


Manuscript:A 55-88
Material: ink on paper
Number of lines:6



a1/// ṣñi śra lu ne mā ka śto ra¯ ¯s̝ ā ka rlyā smāṃ pa tsa ctraka¯ ¯s̝ nā
a2/// cne tu sa sa kwä rta cka lki¯ ¯tta myo ä ntāṃ ka lyme yaṃ ne tu ka
a3/// mā o ntaṃ ñu¯ ¯k cwā sa rki ymāṃ kā rā śaṃ ṣta re ka śwā lyi • mā pe nu
a4/// ·yn· || sne o ma ske na swra sa sto mwä rta¯ ¯nt mā ke kka tsaṃ
a5/// [v]ai tu ri ṣiṃ ta pa syo ki wā wlu¯ ¯nt ci ñcraṃ wsä ryā syo : ri
a6/// ·m· : se wā sa śśä lñu¯ ¯k cwa śśä lma ska māṃ mā yu tkā lyi ka¯
b1/// sa śśä¯ ¯l wä rta cka lkā lu ne yā krā ṣi ññä¯ ¯l kuya lte ā
b2/// naṃ || pyā ppyā ṣi na spu skā syo ye tu nti nti mpa lkā tā
b3/// llā ntu nyo pyā¯ ¯cä : mka lto rñe ṣiṃ sā le yu¯ ¯nt kaka ntu
b4/// ·tu n[e] – ka rpa raṃ mā pa ltskā lna¯ ¯s̝t : 1 yu sā ryä [p]sa¯ ¯nt ṣme śä rme
b5/// ṣlu ne yntu pa lkā tā rkā ckya rs̝a ntā¯ ¯s : s̝a ññā rā rpu¯ ¯nt ta rpsaṃ wri
b6/// ywā rckā lmo o ki wi ñtā rṣa kka¯ ¯ts : 2 yā mu tstsi śśi ko kā śśi ko


a1n1 /// ṣñi śralune kaś toräṣ ākär lyāsmāṃ patsac träṅkäṣ
a2n2 /// c ne tu sasak wärtac kälkittämyo äntāṃ kälymeyaṃ ne tu ka
a3n3 /// ontaṃ ñuk cwā särki ymāṃ kārāśaṃ ṣtare kaś wālyi penu
a4n4 /// ·yn·
1asne omäskenäs ; wrasas tom wärtant ; ke-kk atsaṃ ; a5n5 11σ
1b10σ /// ; vaituriṣiṃ ; tapäsy oki ; wāwlunt ciñcraṃ ; wsäryāsyo :
1cri a623σ /// ·m· :
1dsewāsaśśäl ñuk ; cwaśśäl mäskamāṃ ; yutkālyi ; kä° b1 10σ
*/// (mā) (penu) (tu) (sewā)saśśäl wärtac kälkāluneyā krāṣiññäl kuyalte ā
b2n6 /// naṃ
1apyāppyāṣinäs ; puskāsyo ; yetun= tintim ; pälkātā ; b3n7
1b13σ /// (klā)l ; lāntuny opyāc :
1cmkältorñeṣiṃ ; sāleyunt ; kärśkäntu b4
1d /// ; (lān)tune(ṣiṃ) ; kär-paräṃ ; pältskāl naṣt : 1
2ayusār yäpsant ; ṣme śärme ; b5n8 11σ
2b /// ṣluneyntu ; pälkātār ; kācky arṣäntās :
2cṣäññā rārpunt ; tarpsaṃ wri ; b6n9 11σ
2d /// ywārckā ; lmo oki ; wiñtār ṣakk ats : 2
*yāmutstsiśśi kokāśśi ko


a1... not caring about their being separated, wiping away the tears, she says to her husband:
a1+Oh lord, ...
a2... (It would not be right) for you to go to the forest alone.
a2+Therefore, in whichever direction you will go (there I will go too).
a3... in no way will I pay attention to the exertion in the forest, not even ...
a4... || In the ?-tune:|| The forests [are] free from evil beings,
a4+not by anyone (are its creeks and rivers appreciated) ...
a5as if covered with a carpet of beryl, with lovely spaces of grass
a6+... If I am together with the children [and] yourself, I will not be worried about... (?)
b2... (even you) will not be annoyed by going to the forest (together with the sons), because ... ... || In the ?.-tune: ||
b2+When you see the two, adorned with ribbons of flowers, ... [you] will (not) be able to remember [your] kingship.
b3+(When you see (?)) the two childish ones (playing) in the salty bushes...
b4... you will not think of [your] (royal) dignity [and] status. 1.
b4+When you see the ever changing seasons (?), rains [and] heat (?) ... the ... which cause longing, (when you) ... in the rivulets of water dug by nature ... you will ... like being between ... certainly delight [in].
b62. (The screeching (?)) of the flamingos, peacocks, koels (?) ...


a3Not in any way will I care about the hardship in the wilds if I follow you. (Peyrot 2013b: 275)
b2+If you see the two ornamented with flower strings … you cannot remember kinghood; (if you see) the two childish ones (playing) in the salty bushes … you cannot think about the royal rank and worth. (If you) … the [appropriate] season …, the good and the bad season … if you see the … that cause joys; the courses (?) of the water dug by nature … as if sitting among … you will certainly enjoy yourself. (cf 135a) (Peyrot 2013b: 644)



*Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009.
*Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS).

Philological commentary

*The translation is largely based on Sieg 1952: 43-44, and Carling et al. 2009.
*The Tocharian version is remarkably close to the Sanskrit text in Āryaśūra's Jātakamālā (cf. Kern 1981: 51ff., esp. 57).
n1Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 6.
n2Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 8-9.
n3Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 12.
n4The tune of unknown denomination has 4x25 syllables, rhythm5/5/8/7.
n5Cf. Kern 1981: 57, lines 13 and 15.
n6Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 18. The tune mentioned at the beginning of this line has 4x18 syllables, rhythm 7/7/4.
n7Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 19.
n8Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 21.
n9Cf. Kern 1981: 57, line 21-25.


Online access

IDP: THT 703; TITUS: THT 703


Sieg and Siegling 1921: 41; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 41


Carling 2000: a2 (107, 115), a3 (111), b5 (134); Kölver 1965: a2 (80), a5 (22); Peyrot 2013b: a3 (275), b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (644); Sieg 1952: a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 (43ff); Thomas 1952: a3 (41), a6 (41), b1 (41), b4 (41); Thomas 1983: a1 (19), a2 (23), a2 (40), a3 (20); Thomas 1989: a1 (18), a1 (33), a2 (19), a3 (19), a3 (33), a4 (19), a5 (19), a6 (19), b1 (19), b2 (20), b3 (20), b3 (25), b4 (20), b5 (21), b6 (21); Thomas 1991: b4 (32)


Carling 2000

Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

Carling et al. 2009

Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.


“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d.

Kern 1981

Kern, Hendrik. 1981. The Jātaka-Mālā. Stories of Buddha’s former incarnations. Boston: Harvard University Press.

Kölver 1965

Kölver, Bernhard. 1965. “Der Gebrauch der sekundären Kasus im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Peyrot 2013b

Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Sieg 1952

Sieg, Emil. 1952. Übersetzungen aus dem Tocharischen II, aus dem Nachlass hg. v. Werner Thomas. Abhandl. d. Deutschen Akad. d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Kl. f. Sprachen, Literatur und Kunst 1. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Sieg and Siegling 1921

Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.

Thomas 1952

Thomas, Werner. 1952. Die tocharischen Verbaladjektive auf -l. Deutsche Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut für Orientforschung 9. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.

Thomas 1983

Thomas, Werner. 1983. Der tocharische Obliquus im Sinne eines Akkusativs der Richtung. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 6. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.

Thomas 1989

Thomas, Werner. 1989. Probleme der Übertragung buddhistischer Texte ins Tocharische. Abhandlungen d. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse 10. Mainz: Verlag d. Akad. d. Wissenschaften und d. Literatur.

Thomas 1991

Thomas, Werner. 1991. Zwei weitere Maitreya-Fragmente in Tocharisch A. Vol. 1. SbWGF, XXVIII. Stuttgart: Steiner.


Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.”