Work in progress
PK NS 35
Known as: | PK NS 35; Pelliot Koutchéen Nouvelle Série 35 |
Cite this page as: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK NS 35". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 08 Feb. 2025). |
Edition |
Editor: | Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator) |
Date of online publication: | 2012-08 |
Provenience |
Main find spot: | Duldur-akur |
Expedition code: | DA cour |
Collection: | Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris) |
Language and Script |
Language: | TB |
Linguistic stage: | classical |
Script: | classical |
Text contents |
Title of the work: | Araṇemijātaka |
Text genre: | Literary |
Text subgenre: | Jātaka/Avadāna |
Verse/Prose: | prose; verse |
Object |
Material: |
on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Size (h × w): | 6.1 × 11 cm |
Number of lines: | 4 |
Interline spacing: | 1.4 cm |
a1 | /// ñ(·) ske ntra || (– – –) s̝s̝aṃ ra me¯ ¯r e /// |
a2 | /// [m](·) [s]k(·) [||] ta ne a ra ṇ(·) mi wa lo brā hma ṇeṃ [w]r(·) /// |
a3 | /// ·ka ne kre ñce śa ne [sa] brā hma ṇeṃ pa lko rmeṃ [w]e /// |
a4 | /// ly[w]e ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ ta ne k[m]e¯ ¯m || wa lo we /// |
b1 | /// kt(·) ksa lk[ā] (–) t(·)¯ ¯ñä mai¯ ¯[m] klyo mo l(·) l(·)[ṃ] [ṣke] /// |
b2 | /// [l]yp(·) tse : ma pi ṅk[e] ña ṣta[¯] [¯]r twe pū dñä ktaṃ ñe /// |
b3 | /// [l]i¯ ¯t pa¯ ¯st 2 || ta ne wa lo pa ñä ktaṃ ñe pi pe(·) [n](·) /// |
b4 | /// – pa ñä [k]taṃ (– – –) rn[e] ntse ñe¯ ¯m kā /// |
a1 | "... [the Brahmins] request.” The king speaks: “(Lead them) in here quickly!" ... |
a2 | [The Brahmins] pay homage ... Thereupon the king Araṇemi (after having risen tow)ards the Brahmins ... |
a3 | ... with (tend)er, pleasant eyes having looked at the Brahmins he s(ays): ... |
a4 | [The Brahmins say:] ... After we have heard (of your good fa)me [as] (one who gives away all), we have come here." The king sa(ys): ... |
b1 | [The Brahmins say:] ... “In some way your noble gen(tle) thinking will be seen. |
b2 | (... a second,) exceedingly (gentle) [1.] Is it not that you desire the (rank) of Buddhahood? ... |
b3 | ... away. [2.] Thereupon the king (because of the wish) for the rank of Buddhahood ... |
b4 | ... the renown of the rank of Buddhahood ... |
b2 | For you desire the Buddha (rank), don't you? (cf 239) (Peyrot 2013b: 364) |
Parallel texts
Philological commentary
n1 | The parallel THT 81 b 5 gives the whole sentence. |
n2 | The parallel THT 81 b 6 gives the whole sentence. |
n3 | It is not likely (pace Schmidt 2001: 311) that the end of THT 81 b 6 and our line a 3 belong to the same sentence. The lacuna contains at least 10 syllables (not "höchstens ... vier"). In addition, the restoration (naumi)käne "gleaming" proposed by Couvreur 1964: 238 in line a 3 is excluded for two reasons: there is a trace of an upper sign above the 〈kä〉, and, what is more, the parallel expression in THT 33 b 1 is spelled naumikkane. A more fitting restoration would be (lalaṃṣ)käne. One can try to restore the whole sentence from the end of THT 81 b 6 to line a 3 like this: tumeṃ (tse)ññai uppāl(-yokäṃ āśc ñeñormeṃ walo lalaṃṣ)käne kreñc eśanesa brāhmaṇeṃ pälkormeṃ. "Thereupon (the king having bowed) his blue, lotus-(colored head) [and] having looked at the Brahmins with his (ten)der, pleasant eyes." This would at least fill the lacuna. Of course, one could also immagine other attributive adjectives missing such as kartsai āśc. |
n4 | Cf. the parallel THT 82 a 2. |
n5 | Cf. the parallel THT 82 a 3. The meter has 4 x 12 syllables (5/7). |
n6 | Cf. the parallel THT 82 a 4; there the end of the strophe is marked by the number 1. |
n7 | Couvreur 1964: 239 proposed the read lät or lat here (apparently followed by Schmidt, l.c.), i.e. a Pt of länt- "to go out", but this form is lac with palatalisation. The reading lit is quite certain (there is no ligatura) according to an autopsy of the original. lit is certainly the end of a word, most likely one borrowed from Sanskrit of the type deśit. |
Couvreur 1964: 238-239
Couvreur 1964: a1 a2 a3 a4 b1 b2 b3 b4 (238-239); Peyrot 2013b: b2 (364)
Couvreur 1964
Couvreur, Walter. 1964. “Nieuwe Koetsjische fragmenten van het Araṇemijātaka.” Orientalia Gandensia 1: 237–249 + I.
Peyrot 2013b
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Schmidt 2001
Schmidt, Klaus T. 2001. “Die westtocharische Version des Araṇemi-Jātakas in deutscher Übersetzung.” In De Dunhuang à Istanbul. Hommage à James Russell Hamilton, edited by Louis Bazin and Peter Zieme, 299–327. Silk Road Studies 5. Turnhout: Brepols.