CEToM | PK AS 16.5

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PK AS 16.5

Known as:PK AS 16.5; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 16.5
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator). "PK AS 16.5". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-pkas165&outputformat=print (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator)
Date of online publication:2012-08


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Expedition code:DA fd
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:classical

Text contents

Title of the work:Supriyanāṭaka
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Drama
Verse/Prose:prose; verse


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):12.2 × 20.0 cm
Number of lines:6
Interline spacing:2.0 cm


a1/// ·[ā] – ·[a] [n]t[a] kr· – ·l· – ·w· rṣe ·m· – [m]n· ·[o] – l[o] [ka] [nma] (–)
a2/// [p]p[ā] rṣṣa sā¯ ¯u ke no ṣe yme rke nma klau tka lya [:] [ṣa¯] [¯]ñä [k]e ktse [ñm]·
a3/// [ṅ]wa lya : ke rkeṃ skre na ka ṣkaiṃ tskā¯ ¯s̝p ka cca lya sa yo ka s[s]o
a4/// (·)[s]a we lñe ke klyau ṣo rmeṃ sa mpā re po la kle sa śa le
a5/// (·)[p](·) mpa ri tta ske nme e nte we [sa]ṃ ṣa ña ñme ya ma s̝s̝a lle na l·a
a6/// l[y]i pā ta rme • tu meṃ bra hma da tteṃ lā n[ta]¯ ¯śä śu ke ts[t](·)e
b1/// [y]l(·) ñ[ä] kte pā kri tā ka [:] wa k[ī] tse n· (–) k(·) tsts(·) pr[e] tri [lo]
b2/// mā [:] ce pkwa lñe sa we sa ñ[n]ai ka rtse pklyau tka sa św(·) nä śä ppyā
b3/// (·)e klyau ṣo rmeṃ tu meṃ ce lā nta śwe s̝s̝aṃ || spā lñe ne || mā
b4/// [s]o mo tka ññe ta ṅwaṃ sū : mā cwī nta ksa ku rpe lle me mī
b5/// klyau ṣo rmeṃ cai su da rśa nai lā ntso¯ ¯yä sva ya m[p]ā rṣṣi l[ā¯] [¯ñcä]
b6/// ca kra [v]ā rttiṃ lā n[ta]¯ ¯śä we ntsi lye we ta¯ ¯[r] || ba hu [p]ā yi [kn]e


a1/// ·ā·anta kr··l··w· rṣe ·m·mn· ·olokanma
a2/// ppārṣṣa u keno ṣey-m= erkenma klautkalya : ṣañ kektseñm(eṃ)
a3/// (tä)ṅwalya : kerkeṃ skrena kaṣkaiṃts ṣp kaccalyasa yokasso-
a4-n3(ñc) /// ·s{†ä} welñe keklyauṣormeṃ sämpāre po laklesa śale
a5/// ·p·mpa rittäsken-me ente wesäṃ ṣañ-añme yamaṣṣälle nal·a
a6/// lyipātär-metumeṃ brahmadatteṃ lāntäś śuketst(s)e
b1/// yl(ai-)ñäkte pākri tāka : wakītse n(o) (śu)k(e)tsts(e=) {m}pre{ṃ} trilo-
b2-n5(kane) /// : ce pkwalñesa wesäñ nai kartse pklyautka säśw(e)näś{†ä} ppyā-
b3-(m) /// (k)eklyauṣormeṃ tumeṃ ce lāntäś weṣṣäṃspālñene
b4/// somotkäññe täṅwaṃ : cwī nta ksa kurpelle memī-
b5-(yoṣ) /// (ke)klyauṣormeṃ cai sudarśanai lāntsoy svayampārṣṣi lāñc
b6/// cakravārttiṃ lāntäś wentsi lyewetärbahupāyikne


a2... this earth characterized by ... would have turned into a cemetery for them. From the own body
a3... it should be loved. Of the ..., the crows, and the ... indeed, because of joy the ... provided with color/hair
a4... after having heard the discourse, they did ... with all suffering
a5... if they bind these together with ..., the self of us ought to be done ...
a6... it will remain for them/us. Thereupon to the king Brahmadatta ... full of nectar
b1... the god Indra became visible. But the excellent truth provided with nectar (in) the three worlds
b2... not ... . With this trust for sure realize (sg.) the good of us! Pay (homage) to the master!
b3... having heard (that), thereupon he says to this king: || In [the tune] spālñe || ...
b4... that one will love likewise ... . Nobody should care about this one [who] (has been) hurt
b5... having heard (that), these kings concerned by the svayaṃvara [= election of a husband by a princess] of the queen Sudarśanā
b6... (this) saying is sent to the cakravartin king. || In [the tune] bahupāyik


Philological commentary

The meter at the beginning seems to consists of seven-syllable cola. Maybe 4 x 14; the one beginning in b3 is unclear.
n1The reading lokanma is certain, one cannot restore ślokanma or sklokanma.
n2kaccalyasa is the perl.sg. of an action noun kaccalya, but the obl.sg. is so far known as kaccalyai. The present form is due to a mistake or to analogy. The next word yokasso has to be a form of an adj. yokassu*, according to a productive pattern in -ssu; the precise case form is uncertain, but if it is true that we have a seven-syllable meter, the nom.pl.masc. yokassoñc or obl.sg.masc. yokassont are to be preferred.
n3sämpāre is a 3.pl. Pt I form of a yet unattested root sämp- or sämpā-.
n4nal is certain; the damaged lower part looks like 〈s〉 at first glance, but the bow is far too much drawn to the left; it is rather part of a 〈ra〉 or 〈ū〉.
n5ppyā starts another ipt. form, which, however, cannot be one made from a root in p-, because those do not have the ipt. particle p(ä)-; the double pp is rather due to sandhi.


Right part with the right margin, recto and verso are uncertain.

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