A 96
Known as: | A 96; THT 729 |
Cite this page as: | Gerd Carling; Melanie Malzahn; Hannes A. Fellner; Adrian Musitz (translation). "A 96". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?m-a96 (accessed 12 Sep. 2024). |
Edition | |
Editor: | Gerd Carling; Melanie Malzahn; Hannes A. Fellner; Adrian Musitz (translation) |
Provenience | |
Main find spot: | Shorchuk |
Specific find spot: | Stadthöhle |
Expedition code: | T III Š 69.03 |
Collection: | Berlin Turfan Collection |
Language and Script | |
Language: | TA |
Script: | late |
Text contents | |
Title of the work: | Nanda-carita I |
Text genre: | Literary |
Object | |
Manuscript: | A 89-143 |
Material: | ink on paper |
Form: | Poṭhī |
Number of lines: | 6 |
a1 | /// ·y· ṣme ñci śka· – – – – – lke ya¯ ¯l • ta mne pa tnu |
a2 | /// ca¯ ¯r sa rki¯ ¯k pra ca¯ ¯r sa rki¯ ¯k ṣña ṣṣe sa rki¯ ¯k ṣñi wa |
a3 | /// ma lṣe¯ ¯s̝ ca myo ta lke ypa māṃ ko smāṃ pa snā māṃ ta myo |
a4 | /// tu pe nu ca¯ ¯m yo ka[¯] [¯t] ptso¯ ¯k ca¯ ¯s̝ wä¯ ¯r || ta myo tā¯ ¯s̝ |
a5 | /// [ka]¯ ¯s̝ ya¯ ¯s brā mnā¯ ¯ñä ve da pi ne plā ci¯ ¯s a rtha mā ka rsnā¯ |
a6 | /// [n]e yu¯ ¯m tra ṅ[ta]¯ ¯r ku sne to¯ ¯m ṣtā ma ntu o ko ntu śä ktā |
b1 | /// [n]ā¯ ¯ñä t[o] mta mve dä ntwaṃ a jā we wñu¯ ¯nt to sa myo |
b2 | /// śtwa¯ ¯r puku¯ ¯l toṃ tyo śä ktā lyu ntyo ta lke yā mi¯ ¯s̝ ta |
b3 | /// ka rso¯ ¯s̝ śe ma lyo ta lke ya tsi wä tkse¯ ¯ñcä ā nā ntā |
b4 | /// yo ri ṣa ksā ve [d]ä ntwaṃ ta lke ya tsi wo tku mā śe ma |
b5 | /// ma rtā lo ntā¯ ¯m śe mli¯ ¯s śo lsu mnā tā¯ ¯r śla¯ ¯k śkaṃ |
b6 | /// mā plā c·ā s[s]i – – – – – pe nu ka kmu tā¯ ¯s̝ |
a1 | /// ·y· ṣmeñci śka(ṃ) – – – – – lke yal • tämne pat nu |
a2 | /// car särki-k pracar särki-k ṣñaṣṣe särki-k ṣñi wa |
a3 | /// mäl ṣeṣ camyo talke ypamāṃ kosmāṃ päsnāmāṃ tämyo |
a4 | /// tu penu cam yokat ptsok caṣ wär ॥ tämyo tāṣ |
a5 | /// käṣ yas brāmnāñ veda{p→ṣ}ine plācis artha mā kärsnā- |
a6 | -(c) /// neyum träṅtär kus ne tom ṣtāmäntu okontu śäktā |
b1 | /// nāñ tom täm vedäntwaṃ ajā wewñunt tosämyo |
b2 | /// śtwar pukul toṃtyo śäktālyuntyo talke yāmiṣ ta |
b3 | /// kärsoṣ śemälyo talke yatsi wätkseñc ānāntā |
b4 | /// yo riṣaksā vedäntwaṃ talke yatsi wotku mā śemä |
b5 | /// mar tālontām śemlis śol sumnātār śla-k śkaṃ |
b6 | /// mā plāc·āssi – – – – – penu kakmu tāṣ |
a1 | ... of summer... ... a (sacrifice?) is to be made. |
a1+ | This way... |
a2+ | ... then the father, then a relative, then his own... |
a3 | ... was... sacrificing with him, killing, slaughtering (?)... |
a3+ | Therefore... |
a4 | if you conquer that too, drink this water. |
a4+ | Therefore, if... is... |
a5+ | ... you brahmins do not know the meaning of the vedic word... |
a6+ | ... he is called... who... the trees, fruit, seeds... |
b1+ | ... through the... mentioned in large number in the Vedas... |
b2+ | ... may/would perform a sacrifice with seeds planted for four years... |
b3+ | ... having recognized ... they order to make a sacrifice with a goat ... |
b4+ | ... ordered to make a sacrifice with... by the sages in the Vedas, not (with cattle/a goat)... |
b5 | Do not deprive the poor cattle/goat of its life! |
b5+ | And additionally.. |
b6 | Not... the word... will also have come... |
a4 | if you conquer that too, drink this water. (Peyrot 2013b: 647) |
b5 | Nimm dem armen Tier nicht das Leben! (Schmidt 1974: 408) |
Transcription and translation are based on Carling et al. 2009. | |
Transcription and references have been transferred from the "Text and Reference Database of the Tocharian A Language" (Gerd Carling Lund University) (funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and SCAS). |
Online access
Sieg and Siegling 1921: 55; Sieg and Siegling 1921 p. 55
Carling 2000: b2 (308); Hackstein 1995: a4 (144); Peyrot 2013b: a4 (647); Schmidt 1974: b5 (408); Thomas 1954: b3 (732); Thomas 1957: b1 (262); Thomas 1958: b5 (301)
Carling, Gerd. 2000. Die Funktion der lokalen Kasus im Tocharischen. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Carling, Gerd, Georges-Jean Pinault, and Werner Winter. 2009. A dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Volume 1: Letters a-j. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Hackstein, Olav. 1995. Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des Tocharischen. HS Erg.-Heft 38. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
“The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online.” n.d. http://idp.bl.uk.
Peyrot, Michaël. 2013b. The Tocharian subjunctive. A study in syntax and verbal stem formation. Vol. 8. Brill’s Studies in Indo-European Languages & Linguistics. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
Schmidt, Klaus T. 1974. “Die Gebrauchsweisen des Mediums im Tocharischen.” PhD, Universität Göttingen.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.
Sieg, Emil, and Wilhelm Siegling. 1921. Tocharische Sprachreste, I. Band. Die Texte. A. Transcription. Personal annotated copy of Wilhelm Siegling. Scanned by Douglas Q. Adams with the technical assistance of Michael Tarabulski and Kevin Dobbins. Berlin/Leipzig: de Gruyter.
Thomas, Werner. 1954. “Die Infinitive im Tocharischen.” In Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller. Zum 65. Geburtstag, gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, edited by Johannes Schubert and Ulrich Schneider, 701–64. Leipzig: Harrassowitz.
Thomas, Werner. 1957. Der Gebrauch der Vergangenheitstempora im Tocharischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Thomas, Werner. 1958. “Zum Gebrauch des prohibitiven mar bzw. mā im Tocharischen.” Central Asiatic Journal 3: 289–308.
Gippert, Jost, Katharina Kupfer, Christiane Schaefer, and Tatsushi Tamai. n.d. “Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien (TITUS): Tocharian Manuscripts from the Berlin Turfan Collection.” http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/texte/tocharic/thtframe.htm.