
Cite this page as:"eṣäk". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. https://cetom.univie.ac.at/?F_A_eṣäk (accessed 06 Oct. 2024).
Meaning:Carling and Pinault 2023: “over (+ perl.)”; “over, above (+ loc.)”
Word class:uninflected
Word subclass:postposition
Equivalent in TB:eṃṣke
Lexeme variants:eṣäk

Lexeme family



1A 12 b1(ne)sset yāmtsāt cesäm āyäntwā eṣäk papärs tm-äk cem āyäntu
2A 12 b6śtärt kulmäṃtsyo wär camā eṣäk paṃpärs tm-äk säm potäk
3A 124 b2– r ·kä /// (e)b3ṣäk wruṃts tmā eṣäk{†ä} tspok
4A 124 b3/// (e)b3ṣäk wruṃts tmā eṣäk{†ä} tspok kälytär /// b4
5A 144 and THT 2485 b1lāṃś ; tsopatsäṃ wrā eṣäk ; kṣāly kṣālyac
6A 222 b5 (:) (k)ñāsyo yṣaṃ wā;laṃ eṣäk ; wäs rarittwā-ṃ ;
7A 280 b816σ b8 13σ /// (e)ṣäk ; (spā)rtwseñc wätsyās :
8A 284 b3/// b3 /// ·k·m eṣäk ye /// b4 ///
9A 301 b5: 1 ॥ pukaṃ eṣäk śkaṃ tām pyākṣaṃ viṣṇu
10A 301 b6indres b6 /// (w)l(ā)ññäktā eṣäk śkaṃ aptsaräṃtu ñemiṣinās wätsyās
11A 375 a1päñ känt kālpā eṣuṃṣ eṣäk ś(ä)k we (pi) tmāṃ
12A 445.d a2– r tmäṣ tāmā eṣäk ku /// a3 ///
13IOL Toch 297 b2/// (ptā)b2(ñ)ñ(ä)ktā kṣai wraske eṣäk ·ä /// b3 – –
14THT 1147 a2cap· /// a2 /// eṣäk yä(ṣ) /// a3


Carling and Pinault 2023

Carling, Gerd, and Georges-Jean Pinault. 2023. Dictionary and thesaurus of Tocharian A. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.