Work in progress


Known as:PK AS 13I; Pelliot Koutchéen Ancienne Série 13I
Cite this page as:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator). "PK AS 13I". In A Comprehensive Edition of Tocharian Manuscripts (CEToM). Created and maintained by Melanie Malzahn, Martin Braun, Hannes A. Fellner, and Bernhard Koller. (accessed 01 Sep. 2024).


Editor:Georges-Jean Pinault; Melanie Malzahn (collaborator); Hannes A. Fellner (collaborator)


Main find spot:Duldur-akur
Collection:Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds Pelliot Koutchéen (Paris)

Language and Script

Linguistic stage:late

Text contents

Title of the work:Daśakarmapathāvadānamālā, ch. 1: Supāraga-Avadāna
Text genre:Literary
Text subgenre:Jātaka/Avadāna


Material: ink on paper
Size (h × w):18 × 21.8 cm
Number of lines:8
Interline spacing:2.1 cm


a1/// ¯mt lkā ta rso¯ ¯mp pa tte ma ne su me
a2/// – na pi¯ ¯ś ka nte ka ryo rta ntaṃ tu ka ske
a3/// (·)k· o li n[e] e tte pu ttu we rmeṃ śle a ma rṣra
a4/// ma hā sa mu dta¯ ¯r meṃ śai ṣṣe sa lka tsi ci mpa
a5/// sta klau tko¯ ¯yä || te we we ño rmeṃ s[u] pā ra gi bo
a6/// k(·) a ṣ[k]ā r[kl]au t·a wa ntsa te ka lymi sa sa mu dta rntse pe t[w]e
a7/// m[ai] wa tsi sā ga reṃ ntsa wä rñai o ro ci –
a8/// tka re ra¯ ¯mt i pre ra ntse ā nte ñ[ä] –
b1/// [nts]e spe rtte lkā ske ma ne ṣa ñe mpa (·)k· (–)
b2/// [nta] ṅka rwa maṃ ¯nt pa rska lyi [n]a no [y] –
b3/// kau¯ ¯cä pru tknā ta¯ ¯r lwā sa mā ka yo [ka] nme rra¯ ¯mt pa
b4/// [la] ṣ(·)eṃ pi lko sa su pā ra keṃ bo dhi sa tveṃ lkā ske
b5/// ptsa ra da rśa[ṃ] ne || ka ru ṇī ka po ntaṃ ne pta
b6/// yo lai [n]a tsyā lpa tai me te sa nau¯ ¯s̝ :
b7/// ṣṣa re ki ma lla rṣka kwaṃ¯ ¯s ka lṣa mai yä
b8/// [ṣṣ]· yśe nai klyo mai pū rwa rme se ni¯ ¯k


a1/// (ra)mt lkātär somp pättemane sume(r-ṣlentse)
a2/// (pakā)na piś-känte käryortantäṃ tukäske(mane)
a3/// (eneṅ)k(a) oline ette puttuwermeṃ śle amarṣ ra(mt)
a4/// mahāsamudtärmeṃn1 śaiṣṣe salkatsi cimpa
a5/// (pä)st{†ä} klautkoyte weweñormeṃ supāragi bo(dhisatventse)
a6/// aṣkār klaut(k)a {wa→au}ntsate n2 kalymisa samudtärntse petwe
a7/// maiwatsi sāgareṃntsa wärñai oroci (nāgi) (lāñc)
a8/// (prau)tkare ramt ipreräntse ānte ñä(kcyana) (naumiyentasa)
b1/// ntse spertte lkāskemane ṣañ empa(l)k(attäññe)
b2/// (mä)ntäṅkarwa maṃnt parskalyi nanoy(ntär)
b3/// kauc prutknātär lwāsa māka yokan-me rramtn3 pa
b4/// (añma)laṣ(k)eṃ pilkosa supārakeṃ bodhisatveṃ lkāske(mane)
b5/// (॥) (a)ptsaradarśaṃnekaruṇīka pontäṃne pta(ṅkwäññe)
b6/// (pkantenmameṃ) yolaina tsyālpatai-me tesa nauṣ :
b7/// (skwa)ṣṣa-reki mällarṣka kwaṃs kälṣamai yä(rkessu) (:)
b8/// (arañcä)ṣṣ(u) yśe nai klyomai pūrwar-me senik


a1... this (water) over there (is seen) somehow rushing (from the top) of the Sumeru-mountain...
a2... (for the sake of compassion?) giving refuge (?) to the five hundred merchants...
a3... after having rushed down (inside) the ship, out of anger as it were ...
a4... in order to draw the people from the Mahāsamudra together with you ...
a5... may it (the ship) turn away (from ...) Having said that, (according to the wish) of the Boddhisattva Supāraga
a6... it turned back, it began to (sail) in the direction on the border of the ocean.
a7... (started) to shake. The great (Nāga-kings) beginning with Sāgara ...
a8... they filled up as it were the surface of the sky with divine (jewels?)
b1... seeing the behaviour of (ocean/monster?), (the merchants dicussed ...) their own heedlessness ...
b2... maelstroms (?), so frightening, kept appearing ...
b3... it (the hot water) jumps up high, the numerous animals will swallow us as it were ...
b4... looking at the Boddhisattva Supāraga with sympathetic glance ...
b5... (the merchants say: ||) in the apsaradarśana (tune) || 'O compassionate one, show love to all! ...
b6... you have freed us from bad (obstalces) before this. ...
b7... O you inspiring delightful speech! O constant one! O enduring one! O honourable one!
b8... O dear one! O noble one! Take us under your care!


Parallel texts



Right part of a large leaf of which the upper, the lower, and the right margins are partially preserved. This leaf belongs to the same manuscript as PK AS 13B.

Philological commentary

end of line: mn(ā), mn(o) or mn(au) are possible.
end of line: n(ā), n(o) or n(au) are possible.
n1Note the virama in morpheme boundary! ma hā sa mu dTA¯ ¯R meṃ.
n2One indeed has wantsate for auntsate. This has to be a copyist's error; cf. (Krause 1952: 286; Couvreur 1954: 91).
n3rra¯ ¯mT = sic!



Krause 1952: 159; Couvreur 1954: 87, 91


Couvreur 1954

Couvreur, Walter. 1954. “Review of: Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum.” Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen 208: 79–92.

Krause 1952

Krause, Wolfgang. 1952. Westtocharische Grammatik, Band I. Das Verbum. Heidelberg: Winter.